import pytest import tempfile import os from flask_migrate import upgrade as db_upgrade from io import BytesIO from fhost import app, db, url_for, File, URL @pytest.fixture def client(): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: app.config["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"] = f"sqlite:///{tmpdir}/db.sqlite" app.config["FHOST_STORAGE_PATH"] = os.path.join(tmpdir, "up") app.config["TESTING"] = True with app.test_client() as client: with app.app_context(): db_upgrade() yield client def test_client(client): payloads = [ ({ "file" : (BytesIO(b"hello"), "hello.txt") }, 200, b"https://localhost/E.txt\n"), ({ "file" : (BytesIO(b"hello"), "hello.ignorethis") }, 200, b"https://localhost/E.txt\n"), ({ "file" : (BytesIO(b"bye"), "bye.truncatethis") }, 200, b"https://localhost/Q.truncate\n"), ({ "file" : (BytesIO(b"hi"), "hi.tar.gz") }, 200, b"https://localhost/h.tar.gz\n"), ({ "file" : (BytesIO(b"lea!"), "lea!") }, 200, b"https://localhost/d.txt\n"), ({ "file" : (BytesIO(b"why?"), "balls", "application/x-dosexec") }, 415, None), ({ "shorten" : "" }, 200, b"https://localhost/E\n"), ({ "shorten" : "https://localhost" }, 400, None), ({}, 400, None), ] for p, s, r in payloads: rv ="/", buffered=True, content_type="multipart/form-data", data=p) assert rv.status_code == s if r: assert == r f = File.query.get(2) f.removed = True db.session.add(f) db.session.commit() rq = [ (200, [ "/", "robots.txt", "E.txt", "E.txt/test", "E.txt/", "d.txt", "h.tar.gz", ]), (302, [ "E", ]), (404, [ "test.bin", "test.bin/test", "test.bin/", "test", "test/test", "test.bin/", "E.bin", "E/test", "E/test.bin", ]), (451, [ "Q.truncate", ]), ] for code, paths in rq: for p in paths:"GET {p}") rv = client.get(p) assert rv.status_code == code