2. Disable autocrlf for ffmpeg, as its build system manages to not support Windows newlines: `cd aegisub/deps/ffmpeg && git config --local core.autocrlf && git rm --cached -r . && git reset --hard`
5. Open the properties for the Aegisub project and set the location of MSYS in Configuration Properties > Aegisub > Library paths
6. Build Aegisub
7. Copy the contents of an existing Aegisub install into the aegisub/aegisub/bin directory (not strictly required, but you'll be missing a lot of functionality otherwise).
There's a pile of other files such as dictionaries, VSFilter and avisynth
For actual development work you will probably want to mostly use the
"Debug-MinDep" configuration (which disables building most of the projects), as
the dependency checking is pretty slow.
## License
All source files in this repository are licensed under either 3-clause BSD or
ISC licenses. In practice, Aegisub binaries are usually GPL licensed due to the