2006-12-28 21:18:35 +00:00
-- Automation 4 test file
-- Create a Filter feature that does some kara stuff
script_name = "Automation 4 test 7"
script_description = "Test config dialogs"
script_author = "Niels Martin Hansen"
script_version = "1"
function test7(subtitles, selected_lines, active_line)
local a, b = aegisub.dialog.display({{class="label", label="Test..."}}, {})
report_dialog_result(a, b)
2009-05-12 15:24:07 +00:00
a, b = aegisub.dialog.display(
{class="edit", name="foo", text="", x=0, y=0},
{class="intedit", name="e1", value=20, x=0, y=1},
{class="intedit", name="e2", value=30, min=10, max=50, x=1, y=1},
{class="floatedit", name="e3", value=19.95, x=0, y=2},
{class="floatedit", name="e4", value=123.63423, min=-4.3, max=2091, x=1, y=2},
{class="floatedit", name="e5", value=-4, step=0.21, x=2, y=2},
{class="floatedit", name="e6", value=22, min=0, max=100, step=1.4, x=3, y=2},
{class="textbox", name="e7", text="hmm wuzzis say?", x=0, y=3, width=4},
{class="dropdown", name="l1", items={"abc", "def", "ghi"}, value="def", x=0, y=4},
{class="dropdown", name="l2", items={"abc", "def", "ghi"}, value="doesnotexist", x=1, y=4},
{class="checkbox", name="b1", value=true, label='checked', x=0, y=5},
{class="checkbox", name="b2", value=false, label='cleared', x=1, y=5},
{class="color", name="c1", value="#00ff11", x=0, y=6},
{class="color", name="c2", value="&H0011ff00", x=1, y=6},
{class="coloralpha", name="c3", value="#aabbccdd", x=0, y=7},
{class="coloralpha", name="c4", value="&Hddccbbaa&", x=1, y=7},
{class="alpha", name="c5", value="#12", x=0, y=8},
{class="alpha", name="c6", value="&H12&", x=1, y=8}
{"foo", "bar"})
2006-12-28 21:18:35 +00:00
report_dialog_result(a, b)
function report_dialog_result(button, controls)
aegisub.debug.out("Dialog closed: ")
if button == false then
elseif button == true then
aegisub.debug.out("clicked Ok\n")
aegisub.debug.out("clicked '" .. button .. "'\n")
for key, val in pairs(controls) do
2009-05-12 15:24:07 +00:00
local printable = (val == true and "true") or (val == false and "false") or tostring(val)
aegisub.debug.out("%s: %s\n", key, printable)
2006-12-28 21:18:35 +00:00
aegisub.debug.out(" - - - - -\n")
function exporter(subs, config)
for i = 1, #subs do
local l = subs[i]
if l.class == "dialogue" and not l.comment then
if config.style == "" or l.style == config.style then
l.text = config.text .. l.text
subs[i] = l
function export_config_dialog(subs, store)
local styles = {""}
for i = 1, #subs do
local l = subs[i]
if l.class == "style" then
table.insert(styles, l.name)
return {
class = "label",
label = "This will insert a given text in\n" ..
"front of all dialogue lines of\n" ..
"the given style, or every line\n" ..
"if no specific style is selected.",
x = 0, y = 0, width = 2, height = 1
class = "label",
label = "Text to insert:",
x = 0, y = 1, width = 1, height = 1
class = "edit",
name = "text",
x = 1, y = 1, width = 1, height = 1
class = "label",
label = "Style to apply on:",
x = 0, y = 2, width = 1, height = 1
class = "dropdown",
name = "style",
value = "",
items = styles,
x = 1, y = 2, width = 1, height = 1
2007-01-03 04:31:17 +00:00
aegisub.register_macro("Config Dialog 1", "Show a stupid config dialog", test7, nil)
2006-12-28 21:18:35 +00:00
aegisub.register_filter("Export Config", "Test export filter config dialog stuff", 500, exporter, export_config_dialog)