2006-03-04 15:26:09 +00:00
// This file is part of FexTracker and (C) 2006 by Hajo Krabbenh<6E>ft (tentacle)
// All rights reserved but the aegisub project is allowed to use it.
2006-03-03 19:00:47 +00:00
// FexTrackerMovement.cpp
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "stdio.h"
void FexTracker::InfluenceFeatures( int Frame, float x, float y, float off )
for( int i=0;i<nFeatures;i++ )
if( Frame < lFeatures[i].StartTime ) continue;
int FeatureFrame = Frame - lFeatures[i].StartTime;
if( lFeatures[i].Pos.size() < FeatureFrame ) continue; //feature was lost
vec2 p = lFeatures[i].Pos[ FeatureFrame ];
float dist = sqrtf( (p.x-x)*(p.x-x)+(p.y-y)*(p.y-y) );
float infl = 1/(dist+1);
if( infl < 0.1 ) continue;
lFeatures[i].Influence += infl * off;
if( lFeatures[i].Influence<0 ) lFeatures[i].Influence = 0;
if( lFeatures[i].Influence>1 ) lFeatures[i].Influence = 1;
#define VEC2LEN(a) sqrtf( (a).x*(a).x+(a).y*(a).y )
FexMovement* FexTracker::GetMovement()
FILE *log = fopen( "movementlog.txt", "wt" );
int i;
for( i=0;i<nFeatures;i++ )
if( lFeatures[i].Influence>0.01 )
fprintf( log, "Feature(%.2f): %d - %d\n", lFeatures[i].Influence, lFeatures[i].StartTime, lFeatures[i].StartTime+lFeatures[i].Pos.size() );
FexMovement *m = new FexMovement();
FexMovementFrame f;
float FirstInfluenceSum = 0;
vec2 FirstPos;
FirstPos.x = FirstPos.y = 0;
for( i=0;i<nFeatures;i++ )
if( 0 < lFeatures[i].StartTime ) continue;
if( lFeatures[i].Pos.size() <= 0 ) continue;
vec2 p = lFeatures[i].Pos[ 0 ];
FirstPos.x += p.x * lFeatures[i].Influence;
FirstPos.y += p.y * lFeatures[i].Influence;
FirstInfluenceSum += lFeatures[i].Influence;
FirstPos.x /= FirstInfluenceSum;
FirstPos.y /= FirstInfluenceSum;
float FirstLen = 1;
vec2* MidOffset = (vec2*) new vec2[nFeatures];
float* MidOffsetLen = (float*) new float[nFeatures];
for( int Frame = 0; Frame < CurFrame; Frame ++ )
//set feature offset
for( i=0;i<nFeatures;i++ )
if( Frame == lFeatures[i].StartTime )
MidOffset[i].x = FirstPos.x - lFeatures[i].Pos[0].x;
MidOffset[i].y = FirstPos.y - lFeatures[i].Pos[0].y;
//realOffLen / MidOffLen = FirstLen
// => MidOffLen /= FirstLen;
MidOffset[i].x /= FirstLen;
MidOffset[i].y /= FirstLen;
MidOffsetLen[i] = VEC2LEN( MidOffset[i] );
//accumulate position
float NextLen = 0;
float NextInfluenceSum = 0;
vec2 NextPos;
NextPos.x = NextPos.y = 0;
for( i=0;i<nFeatures;i++ )
if( Frame < lFeatures[i].StartTime ) continue;
int FeatureFrame = Frame - lFeatures[i].StartTime;
if( lFeatures[i].Pos.size() <= FeatureFrame ) continue; //feature was lost
vec2 p = lFeatures[i].Pos[ FeatureFrame ];
NextPos.x += (p.x+MidOffset[i].x*FirstLen) * lFeatures[i].Influence;
NextPos.y += (p.y+MidOffset[i].y*FirstLen) * lFeatures[i].Influence;
NextInfluenceSum += lFeatures[i].Influence;
if( NextInfluenceSum > 0.01 )
NextPos.x /= NextInfluenceSum;
NextPos.y /= NextInfluenceSum;
NextPos = FirstPos; //take over last one
for( i=0;i<nFeatures;i++ )
if( Frame < lFeatures[i].StartTime ) continue;
int FeatureFrame = Frame - lFeatures[i].StartTime;
if( lFeatures[i].Pos.size() <= FeatureFrame ) continue; //feature was lost
vec2 p = lFeatures[i].Pos[ FeatureFrame ];
vec2 realMidOff;
realMidOff.x = NextPos.x-p.x;
realMidOff.y = NextPos.y-p.y;
float realMidOffLen = VEC2LEN( realMidOff );
NextLen += realMidOffLen/MidOffsetLen[i] *lFeatures[i].Influence;
if( NextInfluenceSum > 0.01 )
NextLen /= NextInfluenceSum;
NextLen = FirstLen; //take over last one
f.Pos = NextPos;
f.Rot.x = 0;
f.Rot.y = 0;
f.Rot.z = 0;
f.Scale.x = NextLen;
f.Scale.y = NextLen;
m->Frames.Add( f );
FirstPos = NextPos;
FirstLen = NextLen;
delete []MidOffset;
delete []MidOffsetLen;
fclose( log );
return m;