diff --git a/aegisub/build/Aegisub/Aegisub.vcxproj b/aegisub/build/Aegisub/Aegisub.vcxproj
index 1107f90bd..106bf530b 100644
--- a/aegisub/build/Aegisub/Aegisub.vcxproj
+++ b/aegisub/build/Aegisub/Aegisub.vcxproj
@@ -45,9 +45,12 @@
diff --git a/aegisub/build/BuildTasks/BuildTasks.fs b/aegisub/build/BuildTasks/BuildTasks.fs
index 7d9ebfbd3..0b14a2ce1 100644
--- a/aegisub/build/BuildTasks/BuildTasks.fs
+++ b/aegisub/build/BuildTasks/BuildTasks.fs
@@ -34,36 +34,26 @@ let propertyMap (be : IBuildEngine) =
|> Seq.map (fun x -> (x.Name, x.EvaluatedValue))
|> Map.ofSeq
-/// Convert a windows path possibly relative to the Aegisub project file to an
-/// absolute msys path
-let mungePath projectDir path =
+/// Convert an absolute windows path to an msys path
+let mungePath path =
let matchre pat str =
let m = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match(str, pat)
if m.Success
then List.tail [ for g in m.Groups -> g.Value ]
else []
- match IO.Path.Combine(projectDir, path) |> matchre "([A-Za-z]):\\\\(.*)" with
+ match matchre "([A-Za-z]):\\\\(.*)" path with
| drive :: path :: [] -> sprintf "/%s/%s" drive (path.Replace('\\', '/'))
- | _ -> failwith <| sprintf "Bad path: '%s' '%s'" projectDir path
+ | _ -> path
-type ShellWrapper(props : Map) =
+type ShellWrapper(conf : ITaskItem) =
inherit ToolTask()
- let cwd = function
- | null | "" -> props.["AegisubSourceBase"]
- | x -> if not <| IO.Directory.Exists x then ignore <| IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(x)
- x
member val Arguments = "" with get, set
member val WorkingDirectory = "" with get, set
- member this.callScript scriptName args =
- this.Arguments <- sprintf "%s %s" (mungePath props.["ProjectDir"] scriptName) args
- this.Execute()
// ToolTask overrides
override val ToolName = "sh.exe" with get
- override this.GenerateFullPathToTool() = sprintf "%s\\bin\\sh.exe" props.["MsysBasePath"]
+ override this.GenerateFullPathToTool() = conf.GetMetadata "Sh"
override this.GenerateCommandLineCommands() = this.Arguments
override this.GetWorkingDirectory() = this.WorkingDirectory
@@ -71,43 +61,33 @@ type ShellWrapper(props : Map) =
if this.GenerateFullPathToTool() |> IO.File.Exists |> not then
failwith "sh.exe not found. Make sure the MSYS root is set to a correct location."
- this.WorkingDirectory <- cwd this.WorkingDirectory
+ if not <| IO.Directory.Exists this.WorkingDirectory then ignore <| IO.Directory.CreateDirectory this.WorkingDirectory
this.UseCommandProcessor <- false
this.StandardOutputImportance <- "High"
- this.EnvironmentVariables <- [|
- "CC=cl";
- "CPP=cl -E";
- "CFLAGS=-nologo"
- "PATH=" + props.["MsysBasePath"] + "\\bin;" + props.["NativeExecutablePath"];
- "INCLUDE=" + props.["AegisubSourceBase"] + "//include;" + props.["IncludePath"];
- "LIB=" + props.["AegisubLibraryDir"] + ";" + props.["LibraryPath"];
- "PKG_CONFIG_PATH=" + (mungePath props.["ProjectDir"] props.["AegisubLibraryDir"]) + "/pkgconfig"
- |]
+ this.EnvironmentVariables <- [| for x in ["CC"; "CPP"; "CFLAGS"; "PATH"; "INCLUDE"; "LIB"]
+ -> sprintf "%s=%s" <| x <| conf.GetMetadata x |]
type ExecShellScript() =
inherit Task()
// Task arguments
- member val WorkingDirectory = "" with get, set
- member val Command = "" with get, set
- member val Script = "" with get, set
+ [] member val WorkingDirectory = "" with get, set
+ [] member val Command = "" with get, set
+ [] member val Configuration : ITaskItem = null with get, set
member val Arguments = "" with get, set
- member private this.realArgs (props : Map) =
+ member private this.realArgs () =
let cleanArgs = this.Arguments.Replace("\r", "").Replace('\n', ' ')
- if this.Script.Length > 0
- then sprintf "%s %s" (mungePath props.["ProjectDir"] this.Script) cleanArgs
- else sprintf "-c '%s %s'" this.Command cleanArgs
+ sprintf "-c '%s %s'" (mungePath this.Command) cleanArgs
override this.Execute() =
- let props = propertyMap this.BuildEngine
- let sw = ShellWrapper(props,
+ let sw = ShellWrapper(this.Configuration,
BuildEngine = this.BuildEngine,
HostObject = this.HostObject,
- Arguments = this.realArgs props,
+ Arguments = this.realArgs(),
WorkingDirectory = this.WorkingDirectory)
@@ -118,15 +98,12 @@ type ExecShellScript() =
type MsysPath() =
inherit Task()
- member val ProjectDir = "" with get, set
member val Path = "" with get, set
- [