Removed now superseded precalc code and made it call the new code instead.

Originally committed to SVN as r1186.
This commit is contained in:
Niels Martin Hansen 2007-05-15 22:49:28 +00:00
parent fb659e2d63
commit 4aac1658ba

View file

@ -506,175 +506,10 @@ end
-- Precalc some info on a line -- Precalc some info on a line
-- Modifies the line parameter -- Modifies the line parameter
function karaskel.preproc_line(subs, meta, styles, line) function karaskel.preproc_line(subs, meta, styles, line)
-- Assume line is class=dialogue -- subs parameter is never used and probably won't ever be
local kara = aegisub.parse_karaoke_data(line) -- (it wouldn't be fun if some lines suddenly changed index here)
line.kara = { n = 0 } -- pass whatever you want, but be careful calling preproc_line_pos directly, that interface might change
line.furi = { n = 0 } karaskel.preproc_line_pos(meta, styles, line)
if styles[] then
line.styleref = styles[]
aegisub.debug.out(2, "WARNING: Style not found: " .. .. "\n")
line.styleref = styles[1]
line.text_stripped = ""
line.duration = line.end_time - line.start_time
local curx = 0
local worksyl = { }
for i = 0, #kara do
local syl = kara[i]
-- Spaces at the start and end of the syllable are best ignored
local prespace, syltext, postspace = syl.text_stripped:match("^([ \t]*)(.-)([ \t]*)$")
local prefix = syltext:sub(1,unicode.charwidth(syltext,1))
if prefix ~= "#" and prefix ~= "" and i > 0 then
line.kara[line.kara.n] = worksyl
line.kara.n = line.kara.n + 1
worksyl = { }
-- Check if there is a chance of furigana
-- FIXME: multi-highlights aren't being generated, are they? At least not with syllables with a lone # in
if syltext:find("|") or syltext:find("") then
syltext = syltext:gsub("", "|")
local maintext, furitext = syl:match("^(.-)|(.-)$")
syltext = maintext
local furi = { }
furi.syl = worksyl
local prefix = furitext:sub(1,unicode.charwidth(furitext,1))
if prefix == "!" or prefix == "" then
furi.isbreak = true
furi.spillback = false
elseif prefix == "<" or prefix == "" then
furi.isbreak = true
furi.spillback = true
furi.isbreak = false
furi.spillback = false
if furi.isbreak then
furitext = furitext:sub(unicode.charwidth(furitext,1)+1)
furi.start_time = syl.start_time
furi.end_time = syl.end_time
furi.duration = syl.duration
furi.text = furitext
line.furi.n = line.furi.n + 1
line.furi[line.furi.n] = furi
-- If this is the start of a highlight group, do regular processing
if prefix ~= "#" and prefix ~= "" then
-- Update stripped line-text
line.text_stripped = line.text_stripped .. syl.text_stripped
-- Copy data from syl to worksyl
worksyl.text = syl.text
worksyl.duration = syl.duration
worksyl.kdur = syl.duration / 10
worksyl.start_time = syl.start_time
worksyl.end_time = syl.end_time
worksyl.tag = syl.tag
worksyl.line = line = line.styleref
-- And add new data to worksyl
worksyl.i = line.kara.n
worksyl.text_stripped = syltext
worksyl.width = aegisub.text_extents(line.styleref, syltext)
curx = curx + aegisub.text_extents(line.styleref, prespace)
worksyl.left = curx = curx + worksyl.width/2
worksyl.right = curx + worksyl.width
curx = curx + worksyl.width + aegisub.text_extents(line.styleref, postspace)
-- TODO: inlinefx here
-- And in either case, add highlight data
local hl = {
start_time = worksyl.start_time,
end_time = worksyl.end_time,
duration = worksyl.duration
worksyl.highlights = { n = 1, [1] = hl }
-- Add last syllable
line.kara[line.kara.n] = worksyl
-- Full line sizes
line.width, line.height, line.descent, line.extlead = aegisub.text_extents(line.styleref, line.text_stripped)
-- Effective margins
line.margin_v = line.margin_t
line.eff_margin_l = ((line.margin_l > 0) and line.margin_l) or line.styleref.margin_l
line.eff_margin_r = ((line.margin_r > 0) and line.margin_r) or line.styleref.margin_r
line.eff_margin_t = ((line.margin_t > 0) and line.margin_t) or line.styleref.margin_t
line.eff_margin_b = ((line.margin_b > 0) and line.margin_b) or line.styleref.margin_b
line.eff_margin_v = ((line.margin_v > 0) and line.margin_v) or line.styleref.margin_v
-- And positioning
if line.styleref.align == 1 or line.styleref.align == 4 or line.styleref.align == 7 then
-- Left aligned
line.left = line.eff_margin_l = line.left + line.width / 2
line.right = line.left + line.width
line.x = line.left
line.halign = "left"
elseif line.styleref.align == 2 or line.styleref.align == 5 or line.styleref.align == 8 then
-- Centered
line.left = (meta.res_x - line.eff_margin_l - line.eff_margin_r - line.width) / 2 + line.eff_margin_l = line.left + line.width / 2
line.right = line.left + line.width
line.x =
line.halign = "center"
elseif line.styleref.align == 3 or line.styleref.align == 6 or line.styleref.align == 9 then
-- Right aligned
line.left = meta.res_x - line.eff_margin_r - line.width = line.left + line.width / 2
line.right = line.left + line.width
line.x = line.right
line.halign = "right"
line.hcenter =
if line.styleref.align >=1 and line.styleref.align <= 3 then
-- Bottom aligned
line.bottom = meta.res_y - line.eff_margin_b
line.middle = line.bottom - line.height / 2 = line.bottom - line.height
line.y = line.bottom
line.valign = "bottom"
elseif line.styleref.align >= 4 and line.styleref.align <= 6 then
-- Mid aligned = (meta.res_y - line.eff_margin_t - line.eff_margin_b) / 2 + line.eff_margin_t
line.middle = + line.height / 2
line.bottom = + line.height
line.y = line.middle
line.valign = "middle"
elseif line.styleref.align >= 7 and line.styleref.align <= 9 then
-- Top aligned = line.eff_margin_t
line.middle = + line.height / 2
line.bottom = + line.height
line.y =
line.valign = "top"
line.vcenter = line.middle
-- Generate furigana style
local furistyle = table.copy(line.styleref)
furistyle.fontsize = furistyle.fontsize / 2
furistyle.outline = furistyle.outline / 2
-- Layout furigana
for i = 1, line.furi.n do
end end