From 95d773ebc984776c629161333302316f93da0a66 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Thomas Goyne Date: Sun, 5 May 2013 20:55:10 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] Don't use the custom renders in the hotkeys editor on OS X The standard controls aren't particularly usable, but the OS X implementation of wxDVC doesn't actually support custom renderers and not very usable is mildly better than entirely nonfunctional. Updates #1589. --- aegisub/src/preferences.cpp | 5 +++++ 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+) diff --git a/aegisub/src/preferences.cpp b/aegisub/src/preferences.cpp index 1727c3ed9..5a78ff8e0 100644 --- a/aegisub/src/preferences.cpp +++ b/aegisub/src/preferences.cpp @@ -392,8 +392,13 @@ Interface_Hotkeys::Interface_Hotkeys(wxTreebook *book, Preferences *parent) dvc = new wxDataViewCtrl(this, -1); dvc->AssociateModel(model.get()); +#ifndef __APPLE__ dvc->AppendColumn(new wxDataViewColumn("Hotkey", new HotkeyRenderer, 0, 125, wxALIGN_LEFT, wxCOL_SORTABLE | wxCOL_RESIZABLE)); dvc->AppendColumn(new wxDataViewColumn("Command", new CommandRenderer, 1, 250, wxALIGN_LEFT, wxCOL_SORTABLE | wxCOL_RESIZABLE)); +#else + dvc->AppendColumn(new wxDataViewColumn("Hotkey", new wxDataViewTextRenderer("string", wxDATAVIEW_CELL_EDITABLE), 0, 125, wxALIGN_LEFT, wxCOL_SORTABLE | wxCOL_RESIZABLE)); + dvc->AppendColumn(new wxDataViewColumn("Command", new wxDataViewIconTextRenderer("wxDataViewIconText", wxDATAVIEW_CELL_EDITABLE), 1, 250, wxALIGN_LEFT, wxCOL_SORTABLE | wxCOL_RESIZABLE)); +#endif dvc->AppendTextColumn("Description", 2, wxDATAVIEW_CELL_INERT, 300, wxALIGN_LEFT, wxCOL_SORTABLE | wxCOL_RESIZABLE); wxSizer *buttons = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);