Kara-templater seems to be feature-complete by current specs, but it'll need lots and lots of testing!

Originally committed to SVN as r1220.
This commit is contained in:
Niels Martin Hansen 2007-06-15 21:42:03 +00:00
parent ac662477b9
commit 9b00ecf2ed

View file

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
script_name = "Karaoke Templater"
script_description = "Macro and export filter to apply karaoke effects using the template language"
script_author = "Niels Martin Hansen"
script_version = "0.9 beta 1"
@ -130,7 +131,9 @@ function parse_template(meta, styles, line, templates, mods)
keeptags = false,
inline_fx = nil,
multi = false,
isline = false
isline = false,
perchar = false,
noblank = false
local inserted = false
@ -174,11 +177,7 @@ function parse_template(meta, styles, line, templates, mods)
elseif m == "syl" and not template.isline then
table.insert(templates.syl, template)
inserted = true
elseif m == "char" and not template.isline then
table.insert(templates.char, template)
inserted = true
elseif m == "furi" and not template.isline then
aegisub.debug.out(3, "Warning, furi template class used but furigana support isn't implemented yet\n\n")
table.insert(templates.furi, template)
inserted = true
elseif (m == "pre-line" or m == "line") and inserted then
@ -202,6 +201,10 @@ function parse_template(meta, styles, line, templates, mods)
template.keeptags = true
elseif m == "multi" then
template.multi = true
elseif m == "char" then
template.perchar = true
elseif m == "noblank" then
template.noblank = true
elseif m == "fx" then
local fx, t = string.headtail(rest)
if fx ~= "" then
@ -279,47 +282,7 @@ function apply_templates(meta, styles, subs, templates)
function apply_line(meta, styles, subs, line, templates, tenv)
-- Tell whether any templates were applied to this line, needed to know whether the original line should be removed from input
local applied_templates = false
-- General variable replacement context
local varctx = {
layer = line.layer,
lstart = line.start_time,
lend = line.end_time,
ldur = line.duration,
lmid = line.start_time + line.duration/2,
style = line.style,
actor = line.actor,
margin_l = ((line.margin_l > 0) and line.margin_l) or line.styleref.margin_l,
margin_r = ((line.margin_r > 0) and line.margin_r) or line.styleref.margin_r,
margin_t = ((line.margin_t > 0) and line.margin_t) or line.styleref.margin_t,
margin_b = ((line.margin_b > 0) and line.margin_b) or line.styleref.margin_b,
margin_v = ((line.margin_t > 0) and line.margin_t) or line.styleref.margin_t,
syln = line.kara.n,
li = line.i,
lleft = math.floor(line.left+0.5),
lcenter = math.floor(line.left + line.width/2 + 0.5),
lright = math.floor(line.left + line.width + 0.5),
lx = math.floor(line.x+0.5),
ly = math.floor(line.y+0.5)
-- TODO: more positioning vars
-- Specific for whole-line processing
varctx["start"] = varctx.lstart
varctx["end"] = varctx.lend
varctx.dur = varctx.ldur
varctx.mid = varctx.lmid
varctx.i = varctx.li
varctx.left = varctx.lleft
varctx.center = varctx.lcenter
varctx.right = varctx.lright
varctx.x = varctx.lx
varctx.y = varctx.ly
local function set_ctx_syl(syl)
function set_ctx_syl(varctx, line, syl)
varctx.sstart = syl.start_time
varctx.send = syl.end_time
varctx.sdur = syl.duration
@ -350,6 +313,46 @@ function apply_line(meta, styles, subs, line, templates, tenv)
varctx.y = varctx.sy
function apply_line(meta, styles, subs, line, templates, tenv)
-- Tell whether any templates were applied to this line, needed to know whether the original line should be removed from input
local applied_templates = false
-- General variable replacement context
local varctx = {
layer = line.layer,
lstart = line.start_time,
lend = line.end_time,
ldur = line.duration,
lmid = line.start_time + line.duration/2,
style = line.style,
actor = line.actor,
margin_l = ((line.margin_l > 0) and line.margin_l) or line.styleref.margin_l,
margin_r = ((line.margin_r > 0) and line.margin_r) or line.styleref.margin_r,
margin_t = ((line.margin_t > 0) and line.margin_t) or line.styleref.margin_t,
margin_b = ((line.margin_b > 0) and line.margin_b) or line.styleref.margin_b,
margin_v = ((line.margin_t > 0) and line.margin_t) or line.styleref.margin_t,
syln = line.kara.n,
li = line.i,
lleft = math.floor(line.left+0.5),
lcenter = math.floor(line.left + line.width/2 + 0.5),
lright = math.floor(line.left + line.width + 0.5),
lx = math.floor(line.x+0.5),
ly = math.floor(line.y+0.5)
-- TODO? more positioning vars
-- Specific for whole-line processing
varctx["start"] = varctx.lstart
varctx["end"] = varctx.lend
varctx.dur = varctx.ldur
varctx.mid = varctx.lmid
varctx.i = varctx.li
varctx.left = varctx.lleft
varctx.center = varctx.lcenter
varctx.right = varctx.lright
varctx.x = varctx.lx
varctx.y = varctx.ly
tenv.orgline = line
tenv.line = nil
tenv.syl = nil
@ -375,7 +378,7 @@ function apply_line(meta, styles, subs, line, templates, tenv)
for i = 1, line.kara.n do
local syl = line.kara[i]
tenv.syl = syl
set_ctx_syl(varctx, line, syl)
newline.text = newline.text .. run_text_template(t.t, tenv, varctx)
if t.addtext then
if t.keeptags then
@ -399,66 +402,16 @@ function apply_line(meta, styles, subs, line, templates, tenv)
for i = 0, line.kara.n do
local syl = line.kara[i]
-- Apply syllable templates
for t in matching_templates(templates.syl, line) do
tenv.syl = syl
if not t.inline_fx or t.inline_fx == syl.inline_fx then
if t.code then
if t.multi then
-- TODO: apply for each highlight
run_code_template(t, tenv)
elseif t.multi then
applied_templates = true
for hl = 1, syl.highlights.n do
local hldata = syl.highlights[hl]
local hlsyl = table.copy(syl)
hlsyl.start_time = hldata.start_time
hlsyl.end_time = hldata.end_time
hlsyl.duration = hldata.duration
tenv.basesyl = syl
tenv.syl = hlsyl
for j = 1, t.loops do
tenv.j = j
local newline = table.copy(line)
tenv.line = newline
newline.text = run_text_template(t.t, tenv, varctx)
if t.addtext then
newline.text = newline.text .. syl.text_stripped
newline.effect = "fx"
applied_templates = true
for j = 1, t.loops do
tenv.j = j
local newline = table.copy(line)
tenv.line = newline
newline.text = run_text_template(t.t, tenv, varctx)
if t.addtext then
newline.text = newline.text .. syl.text_stripped
newline.effect = "fx"
-- Apply character templates
applied_templates = applied_templates or
apply_syllable_templates(syl, line, templates.syl, tenv, varctx, subs)
-- Loop over furigana
for i = 1, line.furi.n do
local furi = line.furi[i]
applied_templates = applied_templates or
apply_syllable_templates(furi, line, templates.furi, tenv, varctx, subs)
return applied_templates
@ -469,6 +422,7 @@ function run_code_template(template, tenv)
if not f then
aegisub.debug.out(2, "Failed to parse Lua code: %s\nCode that failed to parse: %s\n\n", err, template.code)
local pcall = pcall
setfenv(f, tenv)
for j = 1, template.loops do
tenv.j = j
@ -528,6 +482,113 @@ function run_text_template(template, tenv, varctx)
return res
function apply_syllable_templates(syl, line, templates, tenv, varctx, subs)
local applied_templates = false
-- Loop over all templates matching the line style
for t in matching_templates(templates.syl, line) do
tenv.syl = syl
set_ctx_syl(varctx, line, syl)
applied_templates = applied_templates or
apply_one_syllable_template(syl, line, t, tenv, varctx, subs, false, false)
return applied_templates
function is_syl_blank(syl)
if syl.duration <= 0 then
return true
-- try to remove common spacing characters
local t = syl.text_stripped
if t:len() <= 0 then return true end
t = t:gsub("[ \t\n\r]", "") -- regular ASCII space characters
t = t:gsub(" ", "") -- fullwidth space
return t:len() <= 0
function apply_one_syllable_template(syl, line, template, tenv, varctx, subs, skip_perchar, skip_multi)
local t = template
-- Check for right inline_fx
if t.inline_fx and t.inline_fx ~= syl.inline_fx then
return false
if t.noblank and is_syl_blank(syl) then
return false
-- Recurse to per-char if required
if not skip_perchar and t.perchar then
local charsyl = table.copy(syl)
tenv.basesyl = tenv.basesyl or syl
tenv.syl = charsyl
set_ctx_syl(varctx, line, charsyl)
local left, width = syl.left, 0
for c in unicode.chars(syl.text_stripped) do
charsyl.text = c
charsyl.text_stripped = c
charsyl.text_spacestripped = c
charsyl.prespace, charsyl.postspace = "", "" -- for whatever anyone might use these for
width = aegisub.text_extents(syl.style, c)
charsyl.left = left
charsyl.center = left + width/2
charsyl.right = left + width
charsyl.prespacewidth, charsyl.postspacewidth = 0, 0 -- whatever...
left = left + width
apply_one_syllable_template(charsyl, line, t, tenv, varctx, subs, true, false)
return true
-- Recurse to multi-hl if required
if not skip_multi and t.multi then
local hlsyl = table.copy(syl)
tenv.basesyl = tenv.basesyl or syl
tenv.syl = hlsyl
set_ctx_syl(varctx, line, hlsyl)
for hl = 1, syl.highlights.n do
local hldata = syl.highlights[hl]
hlsyl.start_time = hldata.start_time
hlsyl.end_time = hldata.end_time
hlsyl.duration = hldata.duration
apply_one_syllable_template(hlsyl, line, t, tenv, varctx, subs, true, true)
return true
-- Regular processing
if not t.inline_fx or t.inline_fx == syl.inline_fx then
if t.code then
run_code_template(t, tenv)
for j = 1, t.loops do
tenv.j = j
local newline = table.copy(line)
tenv.line = newline
newline.text = run_text_template(t.t, tenv, varctx)
if t.addtext then
newline.text = newline.text .. syl.text_stripped
newline.effect = "fx"
return true
-- Main function to do the templating
function filter_apply_templates(subs, config)
@ -567,4 +628,4 @@ function macro_can_template(subs)
aegisub.register_macro("Apply karaoke template", "Applies karaoke effects from templates", macro_apply_templates, macro_can_template)
aegisub.register_filter("Karaoke template", "Apply karaoke effect templates to the subtitles", 2000, filter_apply_templates)
aegisub.register_filter("Karaoke template", "Apply karaoke effect templates to the subtitles.\n\nSee the help file for information on how to use this.", 2000, filter_apply_templates)