FFmpegSource version 1.1

Originally committed to SVN as r1236.
This commit is contained in:
Fredrik Mellbin 2007-06-17 16:35:16 +00:00
parent 339f9fe8bb
commit f8770b2999
3 changed files with 79 additions and 42 deletions

View file

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ extern "C" {
#include "MatroskaParser.h"
#include "avisynth.h"
#include "stdiostream.cpp"
#include "stdiostream.c"
class FFBase : public IClip {
@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ private:
FFMKVSource(const char *Source, int Track, IScriptEnvironment* Env) {
FFMKVSource(const char *Source, int Track, FILE *Timecodes, IScriptEnvironment* Env) {
BufferSize = 0;
Buffer = NULL;
Frame = NULL;
@ -344,14 +344,14 @@ public:
ST.fp = fopen(Source ,"rb");
if (ST.fp == NULL)
Env->ThrowError("Can't open '%s': %s\n", Source, strerror(errno));
Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Can't open '%s': %s\n", Source, strerror(errno));
setvbuf(ST.fp, NULL, _IOFBF, CACHESIZE);
MF = mkv_OpenEx(&ST.base, 0, 0, ErrorMessage, sizeof(ErrorMessage));
if (MF == NULL) {
Env->ThrowError("Can't parse Matroska file: %s\n", ErrorMessage);
Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Can't parse Matroska file: %s\n", ErrorMessage);
if (Track < 0)
@ -362,22 +362,22 @@ public:
if (Track < 0)
Env->ThrowError("No video track found");
Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: No video track found");
if ((unsigned)Track >= mkv_GetNumTracks(MF))
Env->ThrowError("Invalid track number: %d\n", Track);
Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Invalid track number: %d\n", Track);
TrackInfo *TI = mkv_GetTrackInfo(MF, Track);
if (TI->Type != TT_VIDEO)
Env->ThrowError("Selected track is not video");
Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Selected track is not video");
mkv_SetTrackMask(MF, ~(1 << Track));
if (TI->CompEnabled) {
CS = cs_Create(MF, Track, ErrorMessage, sizeof(ErrorMessage));
if (CS == NULL)
Env->ThrowError("Can't create decompressor: %s\n", ErrorMessage);
Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Can't create decompressor: %s\n", ErrorMessage);
@ -386,10 +386,10 @@ public:
Codec = avcodec_find_decoder(MatroskaToFFCodecID(TI));
if(Codec == NULL)
Env->ThrowError("Codec not found");
Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Codec not found");
if(avcodec_open(&CodecContext, Codec) < 0)
Env->ThrowError("Could not open codec");
Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Could not open codec");
VI.image_type = VideoInfo::IT_TFF;
VI.width = TI->AV.Video.PixelWidth;
@ -409,6 +409,8 @@ public:
DTSToFrame[StartTime] = VI.num_frames;
if (Timecodes)
fprintf(Timecodes, "%f\n", (StartTime * mkv_TruncFloat(TI->TimecodeScale)) / (double)(1000000));
@ -445,7 +447,7 @@ int FFMKVSource::ReadNextFrame(AVFrame *Frame, ulonglong *StartTime, IScriptEnvi
for (;;) {
int ReadBytes = cs_ReadData(CS, CSBuffer, sizeof(CSBuffer));
if (ReadBytes < 0)
Env->ThrowError("Error decompressing data: %s\n", cs_GetLastError(CS));
Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Error decompressing data: %s\n", cs_GetLastError(CS));
if (ReadBytes == 0)
Ret = avcodec_decode_video(&CodecContext, Frame, &FrameFinished, (uint8_t *)CSBuffer, ReadBytes);
@ -456,24 +458,24 @@ int FFMKVSource::ReadNextFrame(AVFrame *Frame, ulonglong *StartTime, IScriptEnvi
size_t ReadBytes;
if (fseek(ST.fp, FilePos, SEEK_SET))
Env->ThrowError("fseek(): %s\n", strerror(errno));
Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: fseek(): %s\n", strerror(errno));
if (BufferSize < FrameSize) {
BufferSize = FrameSize;
Buffer = realloc(Buffer, BufferSize);
if (Buffer == NULL)
Env->ThrowError("Out of memory\n");
Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Out of memory\n");
ReadBytes = fread(Buffer, 1, FrameSize, ST.fp);
if (ReadBytes != FrameSize) {
if (ReadBytes == 0) {
if (feof(ST.fp))
fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected EOF while reading frame\n");
fprintf(stderr, "FFmpegSource: Unexpected EOF while reading frame\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Error reading frame: %s\n", strerror(errno));
fprintf(stderr, "FFmpegSource: Error reading frame: %s\n", strerror(errno));
} else
fprintf(stderr,"Short read while reading frame\n");
fprintf(stderr,"FFmpegSource: Short read while reading frame\n");
goto Done;
@ -533,17 +535,17 @@ private:
int ReadNextFrame(AVFrame *Frame, int64_t *DTS);
FFmpegSource(const char *Source, int _Track, bool _ForceSeek, IScriptEnvironment* Env) : Track(_Track), ForceSeek(_ForceSeek) {
FFmpegSource(const char *Source, int _Track, bool _ForceSeek, FILE *Timecodes, IScriptEnvironment* Env) : Track(_Track), ForceSeek(_ForceSeek) {
CurrentFrame = 0;
if(av_open_input_file(&FormatContext, Source, NULL, 0, NULL) != 0)
Env->ThrowError("Couldn't open \"%s\"", Source);
Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Couldn't open \"%s\"", Source);
if(av_find_stream_info(FormatContext) < 0)
Env->ThrowError("Couldn't find stream information");
Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Couldn't find stream information");
if (Track >= (int)FormatContext->nb_streams)
Env->ThrowError("Invalid track number");
Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Invalid track number");
if (Track < 0)
for(unsigned int i = 0; i < FormatContext->nb_streams; i++)
@ -553,43 +555,54 @@ public:
if(Track < -1)
Env->ThrowError("Couldn't find a video stream");
Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Couldn't find a video stream");
if (FormatContext->streams[Track]->codec->codec_type != CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO)
Env->ThrowError("Selected stream doesn't contain video");
Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Selected stream doesn't contain video");
CodecContext = FormatContext->streams[Track]->codec;
Codec = avcodec_find_decoder(CodecContext->codec_id);
if(Codec == NULL)
Env->ThrowError("Codec not found");
Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Codec not found");
if(avcodec_open(CodecContext, Codec) < 0)
Env->ThrowError("Could not open codec");
Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Could not open codec");
VI.image_type = VideoInfo::IT_TFF;
VI.width = CodecContext->width;
VI.height = CodecContext->height;
VI.fps_denominator = CodecContext->time_base.num * 1000;
VI.fps_numerator = CodecContext->time_base.den;
VI.fps_denominator = FormatContext->streams[Track]->time_base.num;
VI.fps_numerator = FormatContext->streams[Track]->time_base.den;
VI.num_frames = FormatContext->streams[Track]->duration;
// sanity check framerate
if (VI.fps_numerator < VI.fps_denominator || CodecContext->time_base.num <= 0 || CodecContext->time_base.den <= 0) {
if (VI.fps_denominator > VI.fps_numerator || VI.fps_denominator <= 0 || VI.fps_numerator <= 0) {
VI.fps_denominator = 1;
VI.fps_numerator = 30;
SetOutputFormat(CodecContext->pix_fmt, Env);
AVPacket Packet;
while (av_read_frame(FormatContext, &Packet) >= 0) {
if (Packet.stream_index == Track) {
DTSToFrame[Packet.dts] = VI.num_frames;
// skip indexing for avi
if (!strcmp(FormatContext->iformat->name, "avi") && !Timecodes) {
for (int i = 0; i < VI.num_frames; i++) {
DTSToFrame[i] = i;
} else {
AVPacket Packet;
VI.num_frames = 0;
while (av_read_frame(FormatContext, &Packet) >= 0) {
if (Packet.stream_index == Track) {
DTSToFrame[Packet.dts] = VI.num_frames;
if (Timecodes)
fprintf(Timecodes, "%f\n", (Packet.dts * FormatContext->streams[Track]->time_base.num * 1000) / (double)(FormatContext->streams[Track]->time_base.den));
Frame = avcodec_alloc_frame();
@ -661,27 +674,43 @@ PVideoFrame __stdcall FFmpegSource::GetFrame(int n, IScriptEnvironment* Env) {
AVSValue __cdecl CreateFFmpegSource(AVSValue Args, void* UserData, IScriptEnvironment* Env) {
if (!Args[0].Defined())
Env->ThrowError("No source specified");
Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: No source specified");
AVFormatContext *FormatContext;
if (av_open_input_file(&FormatContext, Args[0].AsString(), NULL, 0, NULL) != 0)
Env->ThrowError("Couldn't open \"%s\"", Args[0].AsString());
Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Couldn't open \"%s\"", Args[0].AsString());
bool IsMatroska = !strcmp(FormatContext->iformat->name, "matroska");
const char *Timecodes = Args[3].AsString("");
if (strcmp(Timecodes, "")) {
TCFile = fopen(Timecodes, "w");
if (!TCFile)
Env->ThrowError("FFmpegSource: Failed to open timecode output file for writing");
fprintf(TCFile, "# timecode format v2\n");
FFBase *Ret;
if (IsMatroska)
return new FFMKVSource(Args[0].AsString(), Args[1].AsInt(-1), Env);
Ret = new FFMKVSource(Args[0].AsString(), Args[1].AsInt(-1), TCFile, Env);
return new FFmpegSource(Args[0].AsString(), Args[1].AsInt(-1), Args[2].AsBool(false), Env);
Ret = new FFmpegSource(Args[0].AsString(), Args[1].AsInt(-1), Args[2].AsBool(false), TCFile, Env);
if (TCFile)
return Ret;
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) const char* __stdcall AvisynthPluginInit2(IScriptEnvironment* Env) {
Env->AddFunction("FFmpegSource", "[source]s[track]i[forceseek]b", CreateFFmpegSource, 0);
Env->AddFunction("FFmpegSource", "[source]s[track]i[forceseek]b[timecodes]s", CreateFFmpegSource, 0);
return "FFmpegSource";

View file

@ -1,9 +1,17 @@
Skip indexing for avi
Prefix all error messages with the plugin name
Can write v2 timecodes to a file
Fixed reported framerate
FFmpegSource(string source, int track = -1, bool forceseek = false)
FFmpegSource(string source, int track = -1, bool forceseek = false, string timecodes = "")
source: source file
track: video track nubmer as seen by the relevant demuxer, must be a video track
negative values means the first found video track
forceseek: seek even if the format has no registered index, only useful for containers with limited avformat support
timecodes: file to output timecodes to, implies indexing the file no matter what type
AVI, MKV, MP4: Frame accurate