v0.3 ==== Format unification for x86 and x86_64. Bug fixes. WARNING: Format is not compatible with 0.2 and below. Only data saved on x86_64 is affected, though. Data, saved on x86, should load fine. New features: -- Format change: unified save format for x86 vs. x86_64. -- API to save data to FILE * stream without Lua (see fwrite.h). Bug fixes: -- Load: fixed bug in readbyte, now it checks if we have data before read. -- Load: fixed Lua C stack overflow bug on large data. Misc: -- Better module information. Replaced luabins.VERSION with _VERSION, _DESCRIPTION and _COPYRIGHT. -- Added some CLI tools, useful for Luabins development (see etc/). -- Some code cleanup. v0.2 ==== Lua-less saving. -- New, 2x faster luabins.save() (see BENCHMARK). -- API to save data manually, without Lua (see write.h). -- Added Luarocks rockspecs (see rockspec/). -- Fixed Makefile for Ubuntu. v0.1.1 ====== Bugfix release. -- Fixed handling of array holes in Lua tables. v0.1 ==== Initial release.