#!/usr/bin/env python # This file is used to automatically extract the SVN revision number and # create a C include file. # In MSVS, you can add the following Pre-Build Step to use this script: # cd $(InputDir)core\build # c:\Python24\python.exe make-svn-rev-header.py # This is intended for use with a custom version.cpp, # as described in version.cpp from xml.dom.minidom import parse entries_file = parse('../.svn/entries') def getRevision(entries): for entry in entries: if entry.getAttribute("name") == "": return entry.getAttribute("revision") revision = getRevision(entries_file.getElementsByTagName("entry")) outfile = file("svn-revision.h", "w+") outfile.write("// This file is automatically generated by make-svn-rev-header.py\n") outfile.write("// Do not modify or add to revision control\n\n") outfile.write("#define BUILD_SVN_REVISION " + revision + "\n") outfile.close()