// Copyright (c) 2006, Fredrik Mellbin // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors // may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software // without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // AEGISUB // // Website: http://aegisub.cellosoft.com // Contact: mailto:zeratul@cellosoft.com // #include #include #include "video_provider_avs.h" #include "options.h" #include "main.h" #ifdef __WINDOWS__ AvisynthVideoProvider::AvisynthVideoProvider(wxString _filename, wxString _subfilename) { AVSTRACE(wxString::Format(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider: Creating new AvisynthVideoProvider: \"%s\", \"%s\""), _filename, _subfilename)); bool mpeg2dec3_priority = true; RGB32Video = NULL; SubtitledVideo = NULL; ResizedVideo = NULL; data = NULL; depth = 0; last_fnum = -1; subfilename = _subfilename; zoom = 1.0; AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider: Loading VSFilter")); LoadVSFilter(); AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider: VSFilter loaded")); AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider: Opening video")); RGB32Video = OpenVideo(_filename,mpeg2dec3_priority); AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider: Video opened")); dar = GetSourceWidth()/(double)GetSourceHeight(); AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider: Calculated aspect ratio")); if( _subfilename.IsEmpty() ) SubtitledVideo = RGB32Video; else SubtitledVideo = ApplySubtitles(subfilename, RGB32Video); AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider: Applied subtitles")); ResizedVideo = ApplyDARZoom(zoom, dar, SubtitledVideo); AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider: Applied zoom")); vi = ResizedVideo->GetVideoInfo(); AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider: Got video info")); AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider: Done creating AvisynthVideoProvider")); } AvisynthVideoProvider::~AvisynthVideoProvider() { AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider: Destroying AvisynthVideoProvider")); RGB32Video = NULL; SubtitledVideo = NULL; ResizedVideo = NULL; if( data ) delete data; AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider: AvisynthVideoProvider destroyed")); } void AvisynthVideoProvider::RefreshSubtitles() { AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::RefreshSubtitles: Refreshing subtitles")); ResizedVideo = NULL; SubtitledVideo = NULL; SubtitledVideo = ApplySubtitles(subfilename, RGB32Video); ResizedVideo = ApplyDARZoom(zoom,dar,SubtitledVideo); GetFrame(last_fnum,true); AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::RefreshSubtitles: Subtitles refreshed")); } void AvisynthVideoProvider::SetDAR(double _dar) { AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::SetDAR: Setting DAR")); dar = _dar; ResizedVideo = NULL; delete data; data = NULL; ResizedVideo = ApplyDARZoom(zoom,dar,SubtitledVideo); GetFrame(last_fnum,true); AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::SetDAR: DAR set")); } void AvisynthVideoProvider::SetZoom(double _zoom) { AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::SetZoom: Setting zoom")); zoom = _zoom; ResizedVideo = NULL; delete data; data = NULL; ResizedVideo = ApplyDARZoom(zoom,dar,SubtitledVideo); GetFrame(last_fnum,true); AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::SetZoom: Zoom set")); } PClip AvisynthVideoProvider::OpenVideo(wxString _filename, bool mpeg2dec3_priority) { AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::OpenVideo: Opening video")); wxMutexLocker lock(AviSynthMutex); AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::OpenVideo: Got AVS mutex")); AVSValue script; bool usedDirectshow = false; wxString extension = _filename.Right(4); extension.LowerCase(); try { // Prepare filename char *videoFilename = env->SaveString(_filename.mb_str(wxConvLocal)); // Load depending on extension if (extension == _T(".avs")) { AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::OpenVideo: Opening .avs file with Import")); script = env->Invoke("Import", videoFilename); AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::OpenVideo: Finished")); } else if (extension == _T(".avi")) { AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::OpenVideo: Opening .avi file with AviSource")); try { const char *argnames[2] = { 0, "audio" }; AVSValue args[2] = { videoFilename, false }; script = env->Invoke("AviSource", AVSValue(args,2), argnames); AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::OpenVideo: Successfully opened .avi file without audio")); } catch (AvisynthError &) { AVSTRACE(_T("Failed to open .avi file with AviSource, switching to DirectShowSource")); goto directshowOpen; } } else if (extension == _T(".d2v") && env->FunctionExists("mpeg2dec3_Mpeg2Source") && mpeg2dec3_priority) { //prefer mpeg2dec3 AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::OpenVideo: Opening .d2v file with mpeg2dec3_Mpeg2Source")); script = env->Invoke("mpeg2dec3_Mpeg2Source", videoFilename); } else if (extension == _T(".d2v") && env->FunctionExists("Mpeg2Source")) { //try other mpeg2source AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::OpenVideo: Opening .d2v file with other Mpeg2Source")); script = env->Invoke("Mpeg2Source", videoFilename); } else { directshowOpen: AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::OpenVideo: Opening file with DirectShowSource")); if (env->FunctionExists("DirectShowSource")) { const char *argnames[3] = { 0, "video", "audio" }; AVSValue args[3] = { videoFilename, true, false }; script = env->Invoke("DirectShowSource", AVSValue(args,3), argnames); AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::OpenVideo: Successfully opened file with DSS without audio")); usedDirectshow = true; } else { AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::OpenVideo: DSS function not found")); throw AvisynthError("No function suitable for opening the video found"); } } } catch (AvisynthError &err) { AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::OpenVideo: Avisynth error: ") + wxString(err.msg,wxConvLocal)); throw _T("AviSynth error: ") + wxString(err.msg,wxConvLocal); } if (!script.AsClip()->GetVideoInfo().HasVideo()) { AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::OpenVideo: No suitable video found")); throw _T("No usable video found in ") + _filename; } // Convert to RGB32 script = env->Invoke("ConvertToRGB32", script); AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::OpenVideo: Converted to RGB32")); // Directshow //if (usedDirectshow) wxMessageBox(_T("Warning! The file is being opened using Avisynth's DirectShowSource, which has unreliable seeking. Frame numbers might not match the real number. PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK!"),_T("DirectShowSource warning"),wxICON_EXCLAMATION); // Cache AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::OpenVideo: Finished opening video, AVS mutex will be released now")); return (env->Invoke("Cache", script)).AsClip(); } PClip AvisynthVideoProvider::ApplySubtitles(wxString _filename, PClip videosource) { AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::ApplySutitles: Applying subtitles")); wxMutexLocker lock(AviSynthMutex); AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::ApplySutitles: Got AVS mutex")); // Insert subs AVSValue script; char temp[512]; strcpy(temp,_filename.mb_str(wxConvLocal)); AVSValue args[2] = { videosource, temp }; try { AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::ApplySutitles: Now invoking TextSub")); script = env->Invoke("TextSub", AVSValue(args,2)); AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::ApplySutitles: TextSub invoked successfully")); } catch (AvisynthError &err) { AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::ApplySutitles: Avisynth error: ") + wxString(err.msg,wxConvLocal)); throw _T("AviSynth error: ") + wxString(err.msg,wxConvLocal); } // Cache AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::ApplySutitles: Subtitles applied, AVS mutex will be released now")); return (env->Invoke("Cache", script)).AsClip(); } PClip AvisynthVideoProvider::ApplyDARZoom(double _zoom, double _dar, PClip videosource) { AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::ApplyDARZoom: Applying DAR zoom")); wxMutexLocker lock(AviSynthMutex); AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::ApplyDARZoom: Got AVS mutex")); AVSValue script; VideoInfo vil = videosource->GetVideoInfo(); int w = vil.height * _zoom * _dar; int h = vil.height * _zoom; try { // Resize if (!env->FunctionExists(Options.AsText(_T("Video resizer")).mb_str(wxConvLocal))) throw AvisynthError("Selected resizer doesn't exist"); AVSValue args[3] = { videosource, w, h }; AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::ApplyDARZoom: Invoking resizing function")); script = env->Invoke(Options.AsText(_T("Video resizer")).mb_str(wxConvLocal), AVSValue(args,3)); AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::ApplyDARZoom: Resizer invoked successfully")); } catch (AvisynthError &err) { AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::ApplyDARZoom: Avisynth error: ") + wxString(err.msg,wxConvLocal)); throw _T("AviSynth error: ") + wxString(err.msg,wxConvLocal); } vi = script.AsClip()->GetVideoInfo(); AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::ApplyDARZoom: DAR zoom applied successfully, AVS mutex will be released now")); return (env->Invoke("Cache",script)).AsClip(); } wxBitmap AvisynthVideoProvider::GetFrame(int n, bool force) { AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::GetFrame")); if (n != last_fnum || force) { wxMutexLocker lock(AviSynthMutex); PVideoFrame frame = ResizedVideo->GetFrame(n,env); int ndepth = wxDisplayDepth(); if (depth != ndepth) { depth = ndepth; delete data; data = NULL; } if (!data) data = new unsigned char[vi.width*vi.height*depth/8]; unsigned char* dst = data+(vi.width*(vi.height-1)*depth/8); if (depth == 32) { int rs = vi.RowSize(); const unsigned char* src = frame->GetReadPtr(); int srcpitch = frame->GetPitch(); for (int y = 0; y < vi.height; y++) { memcpy(dst,src,rs); src+=srcpitch; dst-=rs; } } else if (depth == 24) { //fail } else if (depth == 16) { const unsigned char *read_ptr = frame->GetReadPtr(); unsigned short *write_ptr = (unsigned short*) dst; unsigned char r,g,b; int srcpitch = frame->GetPitch(); int rs = vi.RowSize(); for (int y = 0; y < vi.height; y++) { for (int x=0,dx=0;x>3)<<11) | ((g>>2)<<5) | b>>3; } write_ptr -= vi.width; read_ptr += srcpitch; } } else { //fail } last_frame = wxBitmap((const char*)data, vi.width, vi.height, depth); last_fnum = n; } return wxBitmap(last_frame); } void AvisynthVideoProvider::GetFloatFrame(float* Buffer, int n) { AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::GetFloatFrame")); wxMutexLocker lock(AviSynthMutex); PVideoFrame frame = ResizedVideo->GetFrame(n,env); int rs = vi.RowSize(); const unsigned char* src = frame->GetReadPtr(); int srcpitch = frame->GetPitch(); for( int i = 0; i < vi.height; i++ ) { for( int x=0; xInvoke("LoadPlugin",env->SaveString(vsfilterPath.GetFullPath().mb_str(wxConvLocal))); AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::LoadVSFilter: Loaded")); } else { AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::LoadVSFilter: VSFilter.dll not found in Aegisub dir, trying to locate registered DShow filter")); wxRegKey reg(_T("HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\CLSID\\{9852A670-F845-491B-9BE6-EBD841B8A613}\\InprocServer32")); if (reg.Exists()) { wxString fn; reg.QueryValue(_T(""),fn); vsfilterPath = fn; if (vsfilterPath.FileExists()) { AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::LoadVSFilter: Found as DShow filter, loading")); env->Invoke("LoadPlugin",env->SaveString(vsfilterPath.GetFullPath().mb_str(wxConvLocal))); AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::LoadVSFilter: Loaded")); return; } vsfilterPath = _T("vsfilter.dll"); } else if (vsfilterPath.FileExists()) env->Invoke("LoadPlugin",env->SaveString(vsfilterPath.GetFullPath().mb_str(wxConvLocal))); else if (!env->FunctionExists("TextSub")) { AVSTRACE(_T("AvisynthVideoProvider::LoadVSFilter: Couldn't locate VSFilter")); throw _T("Couldn't locate VSFilter"); } } } #endif