script_name = "Raytracer" script_description = "Reads subtitles as a scene description and raytraces the scene" script_author = "jfs" script_version = tostring(math.pi) include("utils.lua") max_iter = 3 function raytrace(subs) aegisub.progress.task("Reading scene...") local lights, tris, camera, xres, yres = read_scene(subs) aegisub.progress.task("Raytracing...") local curp, totalp = 0, xres*yres for y = 0, yres-1 do aegisub.progress.task(string.format("Raytracing, line %d/%d...", y+1, yres)) for x = 0, xres-1 do aegisub.progress.set(curp/totalp*100) local l = trace_point(x, y, (x+0.5)/xres, (y+0.5)/yres, lights, tris, camera) if l then subs.append(l) end curp = curp + 1 end end aegisub.progress.task("Done.") aegisub.progress.set(100) end function trace_point(px, py, x, y, lights, tris, camera) -- fixme, assume a camera here ignoring defined one local vec = vector.norm( { 2*x-1, 1-2*y, -1 } ) local r, g, b = trace_vec({0,0,-1}, vec, lights, tris, 0) if not r then return nil end r, g, b = clamp(r, 0, 255), clamp(g, 0, 255), clamp(b, 0, 255) -- todo, make line local l = { class = "dialogue", section = "Events", comment = false, layer = 0, start_time = 0, end_time = 3600*1000, -- one hour style = "p", actor = "", margin_l = 0, margin_r = 0, margin_t = 0, margin_b = 0, effect = "", text = string.format("{\\pos(%d,%d)\\1c&H%02x%02x%02x&\\p1}m 0 0 l 1 0 1 1 0 1", px, py, r, g, b) } return l end function trace_vec(org, vec, lights, tris, iter) if iter > max_iter then return 0, 0, 0 end local hit = find_intersect(org, vec, tris) if not hit then return nil end -- got intersection, calculate lighting local r, g, b = hit.t.c.r*10, hit.t.c.g*10, hit.t.c.b*10 local ray_cos_theta =, vec) hit.p = hit.t.p[1] hit.p = vector.add(hit.p, vector.scale(vector.sub(hit.t.p[2], hit.t.p[1]), hit.u)) hit.p = vector.add(hit.p, vector.scale(vector.sub(hit.t.p[3], hit.t.p[1]), hit.v)) for i, l in pairs(lights) do -- shadow ray local lvec = vector.sub(l.p, hit.p) local shadow = find_intersect(hit.p, lvec, tris) if not shadow or (shadow and (shadow.dist < 0 or shadow.dist > 1)) then -- not in shadow local lvecs = vector.len(lvec) -- diffuse component local light_cos_theta = math.abs(, lvec)) -- specular component local cos_alpha =, 2*light_cos_theta), lvec), vec) local cos_n_alpha = cos_alpha^3 -- arbitrary constant for now -- add up r = r + l.c.r*hit.t.c.r * (light_cos_theta*0.6 + cos_n_alpha*0.4) / math.max(lvecs,1) g = g + l.c.g*hit.t.c.g * (light_cos_theta*0.6 + cos_n_alpha*0.4) / math.max(lvecs,1) b = b + l.c.b*hit.t.c.b * (light_cos_theta*0.6 + cos_n_alpha*0.4) / math.max(lvecs,1) end end -- reflection local rvec = vector.sub(vector.scale(hit.t.n, 2*, vec)), vec) local rr, rg, rb = trace_vec(hit.p, rvec, lights, tris, iter+1) if not rr then rr, rg, rb = 0, 0, 0 end r = r*0.75 + rr*0.25 g = g*0.75 + rg*0.25 b = b*0.75 + rb*0.25 return r, g, b end function find_intersect(org, vec, tris) local intersec = nil -- find closest intersection for i, t in pairs(tris) do local dist, u, v = intersect_triangle(org, vec, t) if dist and dist > 0 then if not intersec or intersec.dist > dist then intersec = {dist=dist, u=u, v=v, t=t} end end end return intersec end function intersect_triangle(org, vec, triangle) -- taken from -- find vectors for two edges sharing point 1 local edge1, edge2 = vector.sub(triangle.p[2], triangle.p[1]), vector.sub(triangle.p[3], triangle.p[1]) -- begin calculating determinant - also used to calculate U parameter local pvec = vector.cross(vec, edge2) -- if determinant is near zero, ray lies in plane of triangle local det =, pvec) if det > -0.00001 and det < 0.00001 then -- parallel to plane return nil end local inv_det = 1 / det -- calculate distance from point 1 to ray origin local tvec = vector.sub(org, triangle.p[1]) -- calculate U parameter and test bounds local u =, pvec) * inv_det if u < 0 or u > 1 then -- crosses plane but outside triangle return nil end -- prepare to test V parameter local qvec = vector.cross(tvec, edge1) -- calculate V parameter and test bounds local v =, qvec) * inv_det if v < 0 or (u+v) > 1 then -- crosses plane but outside triangle return nil end -- calculate distance, ray intersects triangle local dist =[3], qvec) return dist, u, v end function read_scene(subs) local lights = {} local tris = {} local camera = { pos = {0,0,-1}, up = {0,1,0}, plane } -- fixme local xres, yres = 384, 288 local style = { class = "style", section = "V4+ Styles", name = "p", fontname = "Arial", fontsize = "20", color1 = "&H00000000&", color2 = "&H00000000&", color3 = "&H00000000&", color4 = "&H00000000&", bold = false, italic = false, underline = false, strikeout = false, scale_x = 100, scale_y = 100, spacing = 0, angle = 0, borderstyle = 0, outline = 0, shadow = 0, align = 5, margin_l = 0, margin_r = 0, margin_t = 0, margin_b = 0, encoding = 0 } local i, maxi = 1, #subs local replaced_style = false while i < maxi do aegisub.progress.set(i / maxi * 100) local l = subs[i] if l.class == "dialogue" then parse_line(l, lights, tris, camera) subs.delete(i) maxi = maxi - 1 elseif l.class == "style" then if replaced_style then subs.delete(i) maxi = maxi - 1 else style.section = l.section subs[i] = style replaced_style = true i = i + 1 end elseif l.class == "info" then local k = l.key:lower() if k == "playresx" then xres = math.floor(l.value) elseif k == "playresy" then yres = math.floor(l.value) end i = i + 1 else i = i + 1 end end return lights, tris, camera, xres, yres end function parse_line(line, lights, tris, camera) local val, rest = string.headtail(line.text) if val == "light" then local pos, color = {}, {} val, rest = string.headtail(rest) pos[1] = tonumber(val) val, rest = string.headtail(rest) pos[2] = tonumber(val) val, rest = string.headtail(rest) pos[3] = tonumber(val) -- these work as intensity values so they should probably be high val, rest = string.headtail(rest) color.r = tonumber(val) or 0 val, rest = string.headtail(rest) color.g = tonumber(val) or 0 val, rest = string.headtail(rest) color.b = tonumber(val) or 0 local light = { p = pos, c = color } table.insert(lights, light) elseif val == "tri" then local coord1, coord2, coord3, color = {}, {}, {}, {} val, rest = string.headtail(rest) coord1[1] = tonumber(val) val, rest = string.headtail(rest) coord1[2] = tonumber(val) val, rest = string.headtail(rest) coord1[3] = tonumber(val) val, rest = string.headtail(rest) coord2[1] = tonumber(val) val, rest = string.headtail(rest) coord2[2] = tonumber(val) val, rest = string.headtail(rest) coord2[3] = tonumber(val) val, rest = string.headtail(rest) coord3[1] = tonumber(val) val, rest = string.headtail(rest) coord3[2] = tonumber(val) val, rest = string.headtail(rest) coord3[3] = tonumber(val) -- these work as reflectivity values so they should be in range 0..1 val, rest = string.headtail(rest) color.r = tonumber(val) or 0 val, rest = string.headtail(rest) color.g = tonumber(val) or 0 val, rest = string.headtail(rest) color.b = tonumber(val) or 0 local t = { p = {coord1, coord2, coord3}, n = vector.norm(vector.normal(coord1, coord2, coord3)), c = color } table.insert(tris, t) elseif val == "camera" then -- fixme, redefine val, rest = string.headtail(rest) camera.pos[1] = tonumber(val) val, rest = string.headtail(rest) camera.pos[2] = tonumber(val) val, rest = string.headtail(rest) camera.pos[3] = tonumber(val) val, rest = string.headtail(rest) camera.plane[1][1] = tonumber(val) val, rest = string.headtail(rest) camera.plane[1][2] = tonumber(val) val, rest = string.headtail(rest) camera.plane[1][3] = tonumber(val) val, rest = string.headtail(rest) camera.plane[2][1] = tonumber(val) val, rest = string.headtail(rest) camera.plane[2][2] = tonumber(val) val, rest = string.headtail(rest) camera.plane[2][3] = tonumber(val) camera.start_time = line.start_time camera.end_time = line.end_time else -- unknown, ignore end end vector = {} vector.null = {0,0,0} function vector.add(v1, v2) local r = {} r[1] = v1[1] + v2[1] r[2] = v1[2] + v2[2] r[3] = v1[3] + v2[3] return r end function vector.sub(v1, v2) -- v1 minus v2 local r = {} r[1] = v1[1] - v2[1] r[2] = v1[2] - v2[2] r[3] = v1[3] - v2[3] return r end function vector.scale(v, s) local r = {} r[1] = v[1] * s r[2] = v[2] * s r[3] = v[3] * s return r end function vector.len(v) return math.sqrt(v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2] + v[3]*v[3]) end function vector.norm(v) local r, il = {}, 1/vector.len(v) r[1] = v[1]*il r[2] = v[2]*il r[3] = v[3]*il return r end function, v2) return v1[1]*v2[1] + v1[2]*v2[2] + v1[3]*v2[3] end function vector.cross(v1, v2) local r = {} r[1] = v1[2]*v2[3] - v1[3]*v2[2] r[2] = v1[1]*v2[3] - v1[3]*v2[1] r[3] = v1[1]*v2[2] - v1[2]*v2[1] return r end function vector.normal(p1, p2, p3) return vector.cross(vector.sub(p2, p1), vector.sub(p3, p1)) end function raytrace_macro(subs) raytrace(subs) aegisub.set_undo_point("raytracing") end aegisub.register_macro("Raytrace!", "Raytrace the scene", raytrace_macro) aegisub.register_filter("Raytrace", "Raytrace the scene", 2000, raytrace)