// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Fredrik Mellbin // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. #ifndef FFMS_H #define FFMS_H #include #ifdef __cplusplus # define EXTERN_C extern "C" #else # define EXTERN_C #endif #ifdef _WIN32 # define FFMS_CC __stdcall # ifdef FFMS_EXPORTS # define FFMS_API(ret) EXTERN_C __declspec(dllexport) ret FFMS_CC # else # define FFMS_API(ret) EXTERN_C __declspec(dllimport) ret FFMS_CC # endif #else # define FFMS_CC # define FFMS_API(ret) EXTERN_C ret FFMS_CC #endif class VideoBase; class AudioBase; class FrameIndex; class FrameInfoVector; typedef int (FFMS_CC *IndexCallback)(int State, int64_t Current, int64_t Total, void *Private); typedef int (FFMS_CC *IndexCallback)(int State, int64_t Current, int64_t Total, void *Private); enum FFMS_SeekMode { FFMS_SEEK_LINEAR_NO_RW = -1, FFMS_SEEK_LINEAR = 0, FFMS_SEEK_NORMAL = 1, FFMS_SEEK_UNSAFE = 2, FFMS_SEEK_AGGRESSIVE = 3, }; enum FFMS_TrackType { FFMS_TYPE_VIDEO = 0, FFMS_TYPE_AUDIO = 1, }; // This is a subset of the original AVFrame only containing the most used parts. // Even if it might seem like a good idea to cast it back to a full AVFrame to // access a few more values you really shouldn't do that. Only the values present // in AVFrameLite are actually updated when postprocessing is used. struct AVFrameLite { uint8_t *Data[4]; int Linesize[4]; uint8_t *Base[4]; int KeyFrame; int PictType; }; struct TrackTimeBase { int64_t Num; int64_t Den; }; class FrameInfo { public: int64_t DTS; int64_t SampleStart; int64_t FilePos; unsigned int FrameSize; bool KeyFrame; FrameInfo(int64_t DTS, bool KeyFrame); FrameInfo(int64_t DTS, int64_t SampleStart, bool KeyFrame); FrameInfo(int64_t SampleStart, int64_t FilePos, unsigned int FrameSize, bool KeyFrame); }; struct VideoProperties { int Width; int Height; int FPSDenominator; int FPSNumerator; int NumFrames; int VPixelFormat; int SARNum; int SARDen; int CropTop; int CropBottom; int CropLeft; int CropRight; double FirstTime; double LastTime; }; struct AudioProperties { int SampleRate; int Channels; int BitsPerSample; int Delay; bool Float; int64_t NumSamples; }; // Most functions return 0 on success // Functions without error message output can be assumed to never fail FFMS_API(void) FFMS_Init(); FFMS_API(int) FFMS_GetLogLevel(); FFMS_API(void) FFMS_SetLogLevel(int Level); FFMS_API(VideoBase *) FFMS_CreateVideoSource(const char *SourceFile, int Track, FrameIndex *TrackIndices, const char *PP, int Threads, int SeekMode, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize); FFMS_API(AudioBase *) FFMS_CreateAudioSource(const char *SourceFile, int Track, FrameIndex *TrackIndices, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize); FFMS_API(void) FFMS_DestroyVideoSource(VideoBase *VB); FFMS_API(void) FFMS_DestroyAudioSource(AudioBase *AB); FFMS_API(const VideoProperties *) FFMS_GetVideoProperties(VideoBase *VB); FFMS_API(const AudioProperties *) FFMS_GetAudioProperties(AudioBase *AB); FFMS_API(const AVFrameLite *) FFMS_GetFrame(VideoBase *VB, int n, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize); FFMS_API(const AVFrameLite *) FFMS_GetFrameByTime(VideoBase *VB, double Time, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize); FFMS_API(int) FFMS_GetAudio(AudioBase *AB, void *Buf, int64_t Start, int64_t Count, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize); FFMS_API(int) FFMS_SetOutputFormat(VideoBase *VB, int TargetFormat, int Width, int Height, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize); FFMS_API(void) FFMS_ResetOutputFormat(VideoBase *VB); FFMS_API(void) FFMS_DestroyFrameIndex(FrameIndex *FI); FFMS_API(int) FFMS_GetFirstTrackOfType(FrameIndex *TrackIndices, int TrackType, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize); FFMS_API(int) FFMS_GetNumTracks(FrameIndex *TrackIndices); FFMS_API(int) FFMS_GetTrackType(FrameInfoVector *FIV); FFMS_API(int) FFMS_GetNumFrames(FrameInfoVector *FIV); FFMS_API(const FrameInfo *) FFMS_GetFrameInfo(FrameInfoVector *FIV, int Frame, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize); FFMS_API(FrameInfoVector *) FFMS_GetTITrackIndex(FrameIndex *TrackIndices, int Track, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize); FFMS_API(FrameInfoVector *) FFMS_GetVSTrackIndex(VideoBase *VB); FFMS_API(FrameInfoVector *) FFMS_GetASTrackIndex(AudioBase *AB); FFMS_API(int) FFMS_FindClosestKeyFrame(FrameInfoVector *FIV, int Frame, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize); FFMS_API(const TrackTimeBase *) FFMS_GetTimeBase(FrameInfoVector *FIV); FFMS_API(int) FFMS_WriteTimecodes(FrameInfoVector *FIV, const char *TimecodeFile, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize); FFMS_API(FrameIndex *) FFMS_MakeIndex(const char *SourceFile, int IndexMask, int DumpMask, const char *AudioFile, bool IgnoreDecodeErrors, IndexCallback IP, void *Private, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize); FFMS_API(FrameIndex *) FFMS_ReadIndex(const char *IndexFile, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize); FFMS_API(int) FFMS_WriteIndex(const char *IndexFile, FrameIndex *TrackIndices, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize); FFMS_API(int) FFMS_GetPixFmt(const char *Name); //FFMS_API(int) FFMS_DefaultAudioName(const char *SourceFile, int Track, const AudioProperties *AP, char *FileName, unsigned FNSize); #endif