-- Copyright (c) 2012, Thomas Goyne -- -- Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any -- purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above -- copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. -- -- THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES -- WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF -- MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR -- ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES -- WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN -- ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF -- OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. -- -- $Id$ -- Get the wxRegex binding local regex = aegisub.__init_regex() -- Compiled regular expression type protoype local re_proto = {} local re_proto_mt = { __index = re_proto } -- Convert an iterator to an array local function to_table(...) local arr = {} local i = 1 for v in ... do arr[i] = v i = i + 1 end return arr end -- Return the first n elements from ... local function select_first(n, a, ...) if n == 0 then return end return a, select_first(n - 1, ...) end -- Extract the flags from ..., bitwise OR them together, and move them to the -- front of ... local function unpack_args(...) local n = select('#', ...) local userdata_start = nil for i = 1, n do local v = select(i, ...) if type(v) == "userdata" then userdata_start = i break end end if not userdata_start then return 0, ... end flags = regex.process_flags(select(userdata_start, ...)) if type(flags) == "string" then error(flags, 3) end return flags, select_first(userdata_start - 1, ...) end -- Verify that a valid value was passed for self local function check_self(self) if getmetatable(self) ~= re_proto_mt then error("re method called with invalid self. You probably used . when : is needed.", 3) end end -- Typecheck a variable and throw an error if it fails local function check_arg(arg, expected_type, argn, func_name, level) if type(arg) ~= expected_type then error( string.format("Argument %d to %s should be a '%s', is '%s' (%s)", argn, func_name, expected_type, type(arg), tostring(arg)), level + 1) end end function re_proto.gsplit(self, str, skip_empty, max_split) check_self(self) check_arg(str, "string", 2, "gsplit", self._level) if not max_split or max_split <= 0 then max_split = str:len() end local function do_split() if not str or str:len() == 0 then return nil end if max_split == 0 or not regex.matches(self._regex, str) then local ret = str str = nil return ret end local first, last = regex.get_match(self._regex, str, 0) local ret = str:sub(1, first - 1) str = str:sub(last + 1) if skip_empty and ret:len() == 0 then return do_split() else max_split = max_split - 1 return ret end end return do_split end function re_proto.split(self, str, skip_empty, max_split) check_self(self) check_arg(str, "string", 2, "split", self._level) return to_table(self:gsplit(str, skip_empty, max_split)) end function re_proto.gfind(self, str) check_self(self) check_arg(str, "string", 2, "gfind", self._level) local offset = 0 return function() local has_matches = regex.matches(self._regex, str) if not has_matches then return end local first, last = regex.get_match(self._regex, str, 0) local ret = str:sub(first, last) str = str:sub(last + 1) last = last + offset offset = offset + first return ret, offset, last end end function re_proto.find(self, str) check_self(self) check_arg(str, "string", 2, "find", self._level) local i = 1 local ret = {} for s, f, l in self:gfind(str) do ret[i] = { str = s, first = f, last = l } i = i + 1 end return ret end -- Replace a match with the value returned from func when passed the match local function replace_match(match, func, str, last, acc) if last < match.last then acc[#acc + 1] = str:sub(last, match.first - 1) end local ret = func(match.str, match.first, match.last) if type(ret) == "string" then acc[#acc + 1] = ret else -- If it didn't return a string just leave the old value acc[#acc + 1] = match.str end return match.last + 1 end -- Replace all matches from a single iteration of the regexp local function do_single_replace_fun(re, func, str, acc) local matches = re:match(str) -- No more matches so just return what we have so far if not matches then return str end -- One match means no capturing groups, so pass the entire thing to -- the replace function if #matches == 1 then local rest = replace_match(matches[1], func, str, 1, acc) return str:sub(rest), true end -- Multiple matches means there were capture groups, so skip the first one -- and pass the rest to the replace function local last = 1 for i = 2, #matches do last = replace_match(matches[i], func, str, last, acc) end return str:sub(last), true end local function do_replace_fun(re, func, str, max) local acc = {} local i for i = 1, max do str, continue = do_single_replace_fun(re, func, str, acc) if not continue then max = i end end return table.concat(acc, "") .. str, max end function re_proto.sub(self, str, repl, count) check_self(self) check_arg(str, "string", 2, "sub", self._level) if count ~= nil then check_arg(count, "number", 4, "sub", self._level) end if not count or count == 0 then count = str:len() end if type(repl) == "function" then return do_replace_fun(self, repl, str, count) elseif type(repl) == "string" then return regex.replace(self._regex, repl, str, count) else error( string.format("Argument 2 to sub should be a string or function, is '%s' (%s)", type(repl), tostring(repl)), self._level) end end function re_proto.gmatch(self, str) check_self(self) check_arg(str, "string", 2, "gmatch", self._level) local match_count = regex.match_count(self._regex, str) local i = 0 return function() if i == match_count then return end i = i + 1 local first, last = regex.get_match(self._regex, str, i - 1) return { str = str:sub(first, last), first = first, last = last } end end function re_proto.match(self, str) check_self(self) check_arg(str, "string", 2, "match", self._level) local ret = to_table(self:gmatch(str)) -- Return nil rather than a empty table so that if re.match(...) works if next(ret) == nil then return end return ret end -- Create a wxRegExp object from a pattern, flags, and error depth local function real_compile(pattern, level, flags, stored_level) local regex = regex.compile(pattern, flags) if not regex then error("Bad syntax in regular expression", level + 1) end return setmetatable({ _regex = regex, _level = stored_level or level + 1 }, re_proto_mt) end -- Compile a pattern then invoke a method on it local function invoke(str, pattern, fn, flags, ...) local comp = real_compile(pattern, 3, flags) return comp[fn](comp, str, ...) end -- Generate a static version of a method with arg type checking local function gen_wrapper(impl_name) return function(str, pattern, ...) check_arg(str, "string", 1, impl_name, 2) check_arg(pattern, "string", 2, impl_name, 2) return invoke(str, pattern, impl_name, unpack_args(...)) end end -- And now at last the actual public API local re = regex.init_flags(re) function re.compile(pattern, ...) check_arg(pattern, "string", 1, "compile", 2) return real_compile(pattern, 2, regex.process_flags(...), 2) end re.split = gen_wrapper("split") re.gsplit = gen_wrapper("gsplit") re.find = gen_wrapper("find") re.gfind = gen_wrapper("gfind") re.match = gen_wrapper("match") re.gmatch = gen_wrapper("gmatch") re.sub = gen_wrapper("sub") _G.re = re return _G.re