Automation 4 Basic Interface This document described the basic functions needed to define an Automation 4 script. This covers Feature registration and the prototypes of functions used to implement the various features. --- Macro Registation Function This is a function called from top-level of an Automation script to register a new Macro Feature. function aegisub.register_macro( name, description, menu, processing_function, validation_function) @name (string) The displayed name of the menu item this macro will generate. @description (string) A longer description of the function of this macro. This will appear on the status bar when hovering over the menu item. @menu (string) The menu this macro will appear in. Can be one of: o "edit" o "video" o "audio" o "tools" o "right" (the subtitles grid right-click menu) The menu chosen should be relevant to the function of the macro. @processing_function (function) The actual function called for the macro execution. This function must be an instance of the Macro Processing Function described below. @validation_function (function) Optional. A function called when it is to be determined whether the macro can act on the current subtitles. This function, if provided, must execute very quickly to avoid lag in the GUI. This function must be an instance of the Macro Validation Function described below. Returns: nothing. --- Filter Registration Function This is a function called from top level of an Automation script to register a new Export Filter Feature. function aegisub.register_filter( name, description, priority, processing_function, options_window_provider) @name (string) The name of the filter, as presented to the user. @description (string) A longer description of the filter presented to the user. @priority (number) A number determining the default order the enabled filters will be processed. The order can be overridden by the user. Priorities of some built-in filters: o Clean Script Info = 0 o Fix Styles = -5000 o Transform Framerate = 1000 Filters with higher priority will be executed earlier by default. @processing_function (function) The function called to do the actual filter processing. This function must be an instance of the Filter Processing Function described below. @options_window_provider (function) Optional. A function providing a dialog template for setting options prior to filter processing. This function must be an instance of the Filter Options Window Provider function described below. Returns: nothing. --- Format Reader Registration This is a function called from top level in an Automation script to register a new File Format Reader Feature. function aegisub.register_reader( name, extension, processing_function) @name (string) The name of the file format. @extension (string) The file extension usually given to this file format. This must not include any wildcards. (Ie. extension could be "srt", "sub", "ssa" and so on.) @processing_function (function) The function called to do the actual file import. This function must be an instance of the Format Reader Function described below. Returns: nothing. --- Format Writer Registration This is a function called from top level in an Automation script to register a new File Format Writer Feature. function aegisub.register_writer( name, extension, processing_function) @name (string) Name of the file format, as presented to the user. @extension (string) The usual file extension given to this file format. This is automatically be attached to the file name on export, unless the user chooses to override it. @processing_function (function) The function doing the actual file export. This function must be an instance of the Format Writer Function described below. Returns: nothing. --- Macro Processing Function This function is called by Aegisub to execute a macro. function process_macro( subtitles, selected_lines, active_line) The name of the function is script-defined. (It doesn't have to be process_macro.) @subtitles (user data) A Subtitles Object, that can be used to retrieve information about the subtitle file the macro is being applied on. @selected_lines (table) An Array Table of numbers, each entry being an index into the file represented by @subtitles. Each of the entries in this table describe that a line is marked as selected by the user. @active_line (number) Index of the currently active line in the subtitle file. Returns: nothing. --- Macro Validation Function This function is called by Aegisub to determine whether a macro can be applied to the current state of the subtitles and selection. This function needs to execute very fast, since it may be called for several macros whenever a menu is opened. It is suggested not to use @subtitles at all in this function. This function does not have to be defined. If it's undefined, it's taken as if it always returned true. function validate_macro( subtitles, selected_lines, active_line) The name of the function is script-defined. (It doesn't have to be validate_macro.) @subtitles (user data) A Subtitles Object, that can be used to retrieve information about the subtitle file the macro is to be be applied on. @selected_lines (table) An Array Table of numbers, each entry being an index into the file represented by @subtitles. Each of the entries in this table describe that a line is marked as selected by the user. @active_line (number) Index of the currently active line in the subtitle file. Returns: Boolean. true is the macro can be applied to the current state of the subtitles, false if not. --- Filter Processing Function This function is called by Aegisub to filter the subtitles during an export operation. function process_filter( subtitles, config) The name of the function is script-defined. (It doesn't have to be process_filter.) @subtitles (user data) A Subtitles Object, that can be used to retrieve information about the subtitle file the filter is being applied on. @config (table) A Dialog Result table representing the options the user selected for the filter before starting the export operation. The fields present in this table are defined by the dialog provided by the Filter Options Window Provider function. Returns: nothing. --- Filter Options Window Provider function This function is called by Aegisub to get a Dialog Window definition to prompt the user for input before an export operation. The data input into the dialog returned by this function are automatically stored into the original subtitle file when an export operation is started. function filter_options_dialog( subtitles, stored_options) The name of the function is script-defined. (It doesn't have to be filter_options_dialog.) @subtitles (user data) A Subtitles Object, that can be used to retrieve information about the subtitle file the filter is to be applied on. @stored_options (table) The currently stored options for this export filter. The keys in this table are the option names, and the values are the values stored for those options. Returns: A Dialog Window table. --- Format Reader Function This function is called by Aegisub to import a file from a foreign file format. function read_format( input_file, output_subs) The name of the function is script-defined. (It doesn't have to be read_format.) @input_file (user data) An Input File Stream, representing the file selected for import. @output_subs (user data) An empty Subtitles Object the imported data should be added to. Returns: Boolean. True if the import succeeded, false if it failed. --- Format Writer Function This function is called by Aegisub to export a file to a foreign file format. function write_format( input_subs, output_file) The name of the function is script-defined. (It doesn't have to be write_format.) @input_subs (user data) A Subtitles Object representing the subtitles to be exported. @output_file (user data) An Ouput File Stream, representing the file the exported data should be written to. Returns: Boolean. True if the export succeeded, false if it failed. If this function returns false, the output file is deleted from disk. ---