(* This AppleScript customizes the appearance of the disk image in which Inkscape is bundled on MacOS X Author: Jean-Olivier Irisson Copyright 2006 Licensed under GNU General Public License *) tell application "Finder" tell disk "@PKG_NAME@" open tell container window set current view to icon view set toolbar visible to false set statusbar visible to false set the bounds to {222, 233, 845, 530} end tell close set opts to the icon view options of container window tell opts set icon size to 90 set arrangement to not arranged end tell set background picture of opts to file ".background:background.png" set position of application file "Inkscape.app" to {490, 150} set position of alias file "Applications" to {130, 150} update without registering applications tell container window set the bounds to {223, 233, 845, 530} set the bounds to {222, 233, 845, 530} end tell update without registering applications end tell --give the finder some time to write the .DS_Store file delay 7 end tell