// Copyright (c) 2006, Rodrigo Braz Monteiro // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors // may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software // without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Aegisub Project http://www.aegisub.org/ // // $Id$ /// @file subs_grid.cpp /// @brief Subtitles grid control in main window /// @ingroup main_ui /// #include "config.h" #ifndef AGI_PRE #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif #include "command/command.h" #include "include/aegisub/context.h" #include "include/aegisub/audio_provider.h" #include "ass_file.h" #include "ass_karaoke.h" #include "ass_override.h" #include "ass_style.h" #include "audio_box.h" #include "audio_controller.h" #include "charset_conv.h" #include "dialog_paste_over.h" #include "frame_main.h" #include "include/aegisub/audio_provider.h" #include "main.h" #include "subs_edit_box.h" #include "subs_grid.h" #include "utils.h" #include "video_context.h" BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(SubtitlesGrid, BaseGrid) EVT_MENU_RANGE(MENU_SHOW_COL,MENU_SHOW_COL+15,SubtitlesGrid::OnShowColMenu) END_EVENT_TABLE() /// @brief Constructor /// @param parentFr /// @param parent /// @param id /// @param pos /// @param size /// @param style /// @param name SubtitlesGrid::SubtitlesGrid(wxWindow *parent, agi::Context *context, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name) : BaseGrid(parent,context,size,style,name) , seekListener(context->videoController->AddSeekListener(&SubtitlesGrid::Refresh, this, false, (const wxRect *)NULL)) { OnHighlightVisibleChange(*OPT_GET("Subtitle/Grid/Highlight Subtitles in Frame")); OPT_SUB("Subtitle/Grid/Highlight Subtitles in Frame", &SubtitlesGrid::OnHighlightVisibleChange, this); OPT_SUB("Subtitle/Grid/Hide Overrides", std::tr1::bind(&SubtitlesGrid::Refresh, this, false, (const wxRect*)0)); context->ass->AddCommitListener(&SubtitlesGrid::OnSubtitlesCommit, this); context->ass->AddFileOpenListener(&SubtitlesGrid::OnSubtitlesOpen, this); Bind(wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, &SubtitlesGrid::OnCommand, this); } /// @brief Destructor SubtitlesGrid::~SubtitlesGrid() { } void SubtitlesGrid::OnSubtitlesCommit(int type) { if (type == AssFile::COMMIT_FULL) UpdateMaps(); else if (type == AssFile::COMMIT_UNDO) UpdateMaps(true); if (type == AssFile::COMMIT_TIMES) { // Refresh just the audio times columns RefreshRect(wxRect(colWidth[0] + colWidth[1], 0, colWidth[2] + colWidth[3], GetClientSize().GetHeight()), false); } else { SetColumnWidths(); Refresh(false); } } void SubtitlesGrid::OnSubtitlesOpen() { BeginBatch(); ClearMaps(); UpdateMaps(); if (GetRows()) { SetActiveLine(GetDialogue(0)); SelectRow(0); } EndBatch(); SetColumnWidths(); } void SubtitlesGrid::OnCommand(wxCommandEvent& event) { int id = event.GetId(); if (id < MENU_SHOW_COL) cmd::call(context, id); else event.Skip(); } static inline void append_command(wxMenu &menu, const char *name, const agi::Context *context) { cmd::Command *c = cmd::get(name); menu.Append(cmd::id(name), c->StrMenu(), c->StrHelp())->Enable(c->Validate(context)); } /// @brief Popup menu /// @param alternate void SubtitlesGrid::OnPopupMenu(bool alternate) { // Alternate if (alternate) { const wxString strings[] = { _("Line Number"), _("Layer"), _("Start"), _("End"), _("Style"), _("Actor"), _("Effect"), _("Left"), _("Right"), _("Vert"), }; // Create Menu wxMenu menu; for (size_t i=0;iCheck(showCol[i]); } PopupMenu(&menu); return; } wxMenu menu; // Insert append_command(menu, "subtitle/insert/before", context); append_command(menu, "subtitle/insert/after", context); append_command(menu, "subtitle/insert/before/videotime", context); append_command(menu, "subtitle/insert/after/videotime", context); menu.AppendSeparator(); // Duplicate selection append_command(menu, "edit/line/duplicate", context); append_command(menu, "edit/line/duplicate/shift", context); // Swaps selection append_command(menu, "edit/line/swap", context); // Join selection append_command(menu, "edit/line/join/concatenate", context); append_command(menu, "edit/line/join/keep_first", context); append_command(menu, "edit/line/join/as_karaoke", context); menu.AppendSeparator(); // Adjoin selection append_command(menu, "time/continuous/start", context); append_command(menu, "time/continuous/end", context); // Recombine selection append_command(menu, "edit/line/recombine", context); menu.AppendSeparator(); //Make audio clip append_command(menu, "audio/save/clip", context); menu.AppendSeparator(); // Copy/cut/paste append_command(menu, "edit/line/copy", context); append_command(menu, "edit/line/cut", context); append_command(menu, "edit/line/paste", context); menu.AppendSeparator(); // Delete append_command(menu, "edit/line/delete", context); PopupMenu(&menu); } /// @brief Process a show/hide column event /// @param event void SubtitlesGrid::OnShowColMenu(wxCommandEvent &event) { int item = event.GetId()-MENU_SHOW_COL; showCol[item] = !showCol[item]; std::vector map(showCol, showCol + columns); OPT_SET("Subtitle/Grid/Column")->SetListBool(map); // Update SetColumnWidths(); Refresh(false); } static void trim_text(AssDialogue *diag) { static wxRegEx start(L"^( |\\t|\\\\[nNh])+"); static wxRegEx end(L"( |\\t|\\\\[nNh])+$"); start.ReplaceFirst(&diag->Text, ""); end.ReplaceFirst(&diag->Text, ""); } static void expand_times(AssDialogue *src, AssDialogue *dst) { dst->Start.SetMS(std::min(dst->Start.GetMS(), src->Start.GetMS())); dst->End.SetMS(std::max(dst->End.GetMS(), src->End.GetMS())); } /// @brief Recombine void SubtitlesGrid::RecombineLines() { using namespace std; Selection selectedSet = GetSelectedSet(); if (selectedSet.size() < 2) return; AssDialogue *activeLine = GetActiveLine(); vector sel; sel.reserve(selectedSet.size()); copy(selectedSet.begin(), selectedSet.end(), back_inserter(sel)); for_each(sel.begin(), sel.end(), trim_text); sort(sel.begin(), sel.end(), &AssFile::CompStart); typedef vector::iterator diag_iter; diag_iter end = sel.end() - 1; for (diag_iter cur = sel.begin(); cur != end; ++cur) { AssDialogue *d1 = *cur; diag_iter d2 = cur + 1; // 1, 1+2 (or 2+1), 2 gets turned into 1, 2, 2 so kill the duplicate if (d1->Text == (*d2)->Text) { expand_times(d1, *d2); delete d1; context->ass->Line.remove(d1); continue; } // 1, 1+2, 1 turns into 1, 2, [empty] if (d1->Text.empty()) { delete d1; context->ass->Line.remove(d1); continue; } // 1, 1+2 while (d2 <= end && (*d2)->Text.StartsWith(d1->Text, &(*d2)->Text)) { expand_times(*d2, d1); trim_text(*d2); ++d2; } // 1, 2+1 while (d2 <= end && (*d2)->Text.EndsWith(d1->Text, &(*d2)->Text)) { expand_times(*d2, d1); trim_text(*d2); ++d2; } // 1+2, 2 while (d2 <= end && d1->Text.EndsWith((*d2)->Text, &d1->Text)) { expand_times(d1, *d2); trim_text(d1); ++d2; } // 2+1, 2 while (d2 <= end && d1->Text.StartsWith((*d2)->Text, &d1->Text)) { expand_times(d1, *d2); trim_text(d1); ++d2; } } context->ass->Commit(_("combining")); // Remove now non-existent lines from the selection Selection lines; transform(context->ass->Line.begin(), context->ass->Line.end(), inserter(lines, lines.begin()), cast()); Selection newSel; set_intersection(lines.begin(), lines.end(), selectedSet.begin(), selectedSet.end(), inserter(newSel, newSel.begin())); if (newSel.empty()) return; // Restore selection SetSelectedSet(newSel); if (find(newSel.begin(), newSel.end(), activeLine) == newSel.end()) { activeLine = *newSel.begin(); } SetActiveLine(activeLine); } /// @brief Insert a line /// @param line /// @param n /// @param after /// @param update void SubtitlesGrid::InsertLine(AssDialogue *line,int n,bool after,bool update) { AssDialogue *rel_line = GetDialogue(n); entryIter pos = std::find(context->ass->Line.begin(), context->ass->Line.end(), rel_line); if (after) ++pos; entryIter newIter = context->ass->Line.insert(pos,line); // Update if (update) { context->ass->Commit(_("line insertion")); } else { UpdateMaps(); } } void SubtitlesGrid::CopyLines(wxArrayInt target) { // Prepare text wxString data = _T(""); AssDialogue *cur; int nrows = target.Count(); bool first = true; for (int i=0;iGetEntryData(); } // Send to clipboard if (wxTheClipboard->Open()) { wxTheClipboard->SetData(new wxTextDataObject(data)); wxTheClipboard->Close(); } } void SubtitlesGrid::CutLines(wxArrayInt target) { BeginBatch(); CopyLines(target); DeleteLines(target); EndBatch(); } /// @brief Paste lines from clipboard /// @param n /// @param pasteOver void SubtitlesGrid::PasteLines(int n,bool pasteOver) { BeginBatch(); // Prepare text wxString data; // Read from clipboard if (wxTheClipboard->Open()) { if (wxTheClipboard->IsSupported(wxDF_TEXT)) { wxTextDataObject rawdata; wxTheClipboard->GetData(rawdata); data = rawdata.GetText(); } wxTheClipboard->Close(); } // Check if it actually got anything if (!data.empty()) { // Insert data int inserted = 0; std::vector pasteOverOptions; wxStringTokenizer token (data,_T("\r\n"),wxTOKEN_STRTOK); while (token.HasMoreTokens()) { // Convert data into an AssDialogue wxString curdata = token.GetNextToken(); curdata.Trim(true); curdata.Trim(false); AssDialogue *curdiag; try { // Try to interpret the line as an ASS line curdiag = new AssDialogue(curdata); } catch (...) { // Line didn't parse correctly, assume it's plain text that // should be pasted in the Text field only curdiag = new AssDialogue(); curdiag->Text = curdata; // Make sure pasted plain-text lines always are blank-timed curdiag->Start.SetMS(0); curdiag->End.SetMS(0); } // Paste over if (pasteOver) { if (n+inserted < GetRows()) { // Get list of options to paste over, if not asked yet if (pasteOverOptions.empty()) { DialogPasteOver diag(NULL, pasteOverOptions); if (!diag.ShowModal()) { delete curdiag; return; } } // Paste over AssDialogue *target = GetDialogue(n+inserted); if (pasteOverOptions[0]) target->Layer = curdiag->Layer; if (pasteOverOptions[1]) target->Start = curdiag->Start; if (pasteOverOptions[2]) target->End = curdiag->End; if (pasteOverOptions[3]) target->Style = curdiag->Style; if (pasteOverOptions[4]) target->Actor = curdiag->Actor; if (pasteOverOptions[5]) target->Margin[0] = curdiag->Margin[0]; if (pasteOverOptions[6]) target->Margin[1] = curdiag->Margin[1]; if (pasteOverOptions[7]) target->Margin[2] = curdiag->Margin[2]; if (pasteOverOptions[8]) target->Effect = curdiag->Effect; if (pasteOverOptions[9]) target->Text = curdiag->Text; } delete curdiag; } // Paste normally else InsertLine(curdiag,n+inserted,false,false); // Increment insertion inserted++; } // Update data post-insertion if (inserted > 0) { context->ass->Commit(_("paste"), pasteOver ? AssFile::COMMIT_TEXT : AssFile::COMMIT_FULL); // Set selection if (!pasteOver) { Selection newsel; for (int i=n;iass->Line.begin(), context->ass->Line.end(), cast()); --before_first; int old_active_line_index = GetDialogueIndex(GetActiveLine()); int row = -1; int deleted = 0; for (entryIter cur = context->ass->Line.begin(); cur != context->ass->Line.end();) { if (dynamic_cast(*cur) && ++row == target[deleted]) { cur = context->ass->Line.erase(cur); ++deleted; if (deleted == target.size()) break; } else { ++cur; } } // Add default line if file was wiped if (GetRows() == deleted) { AssDialogue *def = new AssDialogue; ++before_first; context->ass->Line.insert(before_first, def); old_active_line_index = 0; } if (flagModified) { context->ass->Commit(_("delete")); } else { UpdateMaps(); } } void SubtitlesGrid::AdjoinLines(int n1,int n2,bool setStart) { if (n1 == n2) { if (setStart) { --n1; } else { ++n2; } } // Set start if (setStart) { AssDialogue *prev = GetDialogue(n1); AssDialogue *cur; for (int i=n1+1;i<=n2;i++) { cur = GetDialogue(i); if (!cur) return; cur->Start = prev->End; prev = cur; } } // Set end else { AssDialogue *next; AssDialogue *cur = GetDialogue(n1); for (int i=n1;iEnd = next->Start; cur = next; } } context->ass->Commit(_("adjoin")); } void SubtitlesGrid::DuplicateLines(int n1,int n2,bool nextFrame) { AssDialogue *cur; bool update = false; int step=0; for (int i=n1;i<=n2;i++) { // Create if (i == n2) update = true; cur = new AssDialogue(GetDialogue(i)->GetEntryData()); // Shift to next frame if (nextFrame) { int posFrame = context->videoController->FrameAtTime(cur->End.GetMS(),agi::vfr::END) + 1; cur->Start.SetMS(context->videoController->TimeAtFrame(posFrame,agi::vfr::START)); cur->End.SetMS(context->videoController->TimeAtFrame(posFrame,agi::vfr::END)); } // Insert InsertLine(cur,n2+step,true,update); step++; } // Select new lines Selection newsel; for (int i=n1;i<=n2;i++) { newsel.insert(GetDialogue(i+step)); } SetSelectedSet(newsel); SetActiveLine(GetDialogue(n1+step)); } void SubtitlesGrid::ShiftLineByTime(int n,int len,int type) { assert(type >= 0 && type <= 2); AssDialogue *cur = GetDialogue(n); if (type != 2) cur->Start.SetMS(cur->Start.GetMS() + len); if (type != 1) cur->End.SetMS(cur->End.GetMS() + len); } void SubtitlesGrid::ShiftLineByFrames(int n,int len,int type) { assert(type >= 0 && type <= 2); AssDialogue *cur = GetDialogue(n); if (type != 2) cur->Start.SetMS(context->videoController->TimeAtFrame(len + context->videoController->FrameAtTime(cur->Start.GetMS(),agi::vfr::START),agi::vfr::START)); if (type != 1) cur->End.SetMS(context->videoController->TimeAtFrame(len + context->videoController->FrameAtTime(cur->End.GetMS(),agi::vfr::END),agi::vfr::END)); } void SubtitlesGrid::SplitLine(AssDialogue *n1,int pos,bool estimateTimes) { AssDialogue *n2 = new AssDialogue(*n1); InsertLine(n2,GetDialogueIndex(n1),true,false); wxString orig = n1->Text; n1->Text = orig.Left(pos).Trim(true); // Trim off trailing whitespace n2->Text = orig.Mid(pos).Trim(false); // Trim off leading whitespace if (estimateTimes) { double splitPos = double(pos)/orig.Length(); int splitTime = (int)((n1->End.GetMS() - n1->Start.GetMS())*splitPos) + n1->Start.GetMS(); n1->End.SetMS(splitTime); n2->Start.SetMS(splitTime); } context->ass->Commit(_("split")); } bool SubtitlesGrid::SplitLineByKaraoke(int lineNumber) { AssDialogue *line = GetDialogue(lineNumber); line->ParseASSTags(); AssKaraokeVector syls; ParseAssKaraokeTags(line, syls); line->ClearBlocks(); // If there's only 1 or 0 syllables, splitting would be counter-productive. // 1 syllable means there's no karaoke tags in the line at all and that is // the case that triggers bug #929. if (syls.size() < 2) return false; // Insert a new line for each syllable int start_ms = line->Start.GetMS(); int nextpos = lineNumber; for (AssKaraokeVector::iterator syl = syls.begin(); syl != syls.end(); ++syl) { // Skip blank lines if (syl->unstripped_text.IsEmpty()) continue; AssDialogue *nl = new AssDialogue(line->GetEntryData()); nl->Start.SetMS(start_ms); start_ms += syl->duration * 10; nl->End.SetMS(start_ms); nl->Text = syl->unstripped_text; InsertLine(nl, nextpos++, true, false); } // Remove the source line { wxArrayInt oia; oia.Add(lineNumber); DeleteLines(oia, false); } return true; } void SubtitlesGrid::SetSubsToVideo(bool start) { if (!context->videoController->IsLoaded()) return; // Get new time int ms = context->videoController->TimeAtFrame(context->videoController->GetFrameN(),start ? agi::vfr::START : agi::vfr::END); // Update selection wxArrayInt sel = GetSelection(); bool modified = false; for (size_t i=0;iStart.SetMS(ms); else cur->End.SetMS(ms); } } if (modified) { context->ass->Commit(_("timing"), AssFile::COMMIT_TIMES); } } /// @brief Retrieve a list of selected lines in the actual ASS file (ie. not as displayed in the grid but as represented in the file) /// @return /// std::vector SubtitlesGrid::GetAbsoluteSelection() { Selection sel = GetSelectedSet(); std::vector result; result.reserve(sel.size()); int line_index = 0; for (entryIter it = context->ass->Line.begin(); it != context->ass->Line.end(); ++it, ++line_index) { if (sel.find(dynamic_cast(*it)) != sel.end()) result.push_back(line_index); } return result; } /// @brief Update list of selected lines from absolute selection /// @param selection /// void SubtitlesGrid::SetSelectionFromAbsolute(std::vector &selection) { Selection newsel; std::sort(selection.begin(), selection.end()); int i = 0; std::list::iterator j = context->ass->Line.begin(); for (size_t selveci = 0; selveci < selection.size(); ++selveci) { while (i != selection[selveci] && j != context->ass->Line.end()) ++i, ++j; if (j == context->ass->Line.end()) break; /// @todo Report error somehow AssDialogue *dlg = dynamic_cast(*j); if (dlg) newsel.insert(dlg); } SetSelectedSet(newsel); } void SubtitlesGrid::OnHighlightVisibleChange(agi::OptionValue const& opt) { if (opt.GetBool()) { seekListener.Unblock(); } else { seekListener.Block(); } }