// Copyright (c) 2009, Amar Takhar // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES // WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR // ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES // WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF // OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. // // $Id$ /// @file report.cpp /// @brief Generation and manipulation of reports. /// @ingroup base #ifndef R_PRECOMP #include #include #endif #include "report.h" #include "platform.h" #include "aegisub.h" /// @brief Contstructor Report::Report() { ReportCreate(); } /// @brief Create report layout and add contents. /// @return Document. Report::XMLReport Report::ReportCreate() { // So we can use GetString() below. locale = new wxLocale(); doc.doc = new wxXmlDocument(); doc.report = new wxXmlNode(wxXML_ELEMENT_NODE, "report"); doc.doc->SetRoot(doc.report); Platform *p = Platform::GetPlatform(); doc.general = new wxXmlNode(doc.report, wxXML_ELEMENT_NODE, "general"); Add(doc.general, "signature", p->Signature()); Add(doc.general, "date", p->Date()); Add(doc.general, "arch", p->ArchName()); Add(doc.general, "osfamily", p->OSFamily()); Add(doc.general, "osname", p->OSName()); Add(doc.general, "osendian", p->Endian()); Add(doc.general, "osversion", p->OSVersion()); Add(doc.general, "wxversion", p->wxVersion()); Add(doc.general, "locale", p->Locale()); Add(doc.general, "lang", p->Language()); Add(doc.general, "syslang", p->SystemLanguage()); doc.aegisub = new wxXmlNode(wxXML_ELEMENT_NODE, "aegisub"); doc.report->AddChild(doc.aegisub); Aegisub *config = new Aegisub::Aegisub(); Add(doc.aegisub, "lastversion", config->Read("Config/last version")); Add(doc.aegisub, "spelllang", config->Read("Config/spell checker language")); Add(doc.aegisub, "thesauruslang", config->Read("Config/thesaurus language")); Add(doc.aegisub, "audioplayer", config->Read("Config/audio player")); Add(doc.aegisub, "audioprovider", config->Read("Config/audio provider")); Add(doc.aegisub, "videoprovider", config->Read("Config/video provider")); Add(doc.aegisub, "subtitleprovider", config->Read("Config/subtitles provider")); Add(doc.aegisub, "savecharset", config->Read("Config/save charset")); Add(doc.aegisub, "gridfontsize", config->Read("Config/grid font size")); Add(doc.aegisub, "editfontsize", config->Read("Config/edit font size")); Add(doc.aegisub, "spectrum", config->Read("Config/audio spectrum")); Add(doc.aegisub, "spectrumqual", config->Read("Config/audio spectrum quality")); Add(doc.aegisub, "calltips", config->Read("Config/call tips enabled")); Add(doc.aegisub, "medusakeys", config->Read("Config/audio medusa timing hotkeys")); doc.hardware = new wxXmlNode(wxXML_ELEMENT_NODE, "hardware"); doc.report->AddChild(doc.hardware); Add(doc.hardware, "memory", p->Memory()); Add(doc.hardware, "video", p->Video()); wxXmlNode *cpu = new wxXmlNode(wxXML_ELEMENT_NODE, "cpu"); doc.hardware->AddChild(cpu); Add(cpu, "id", p->CPUId()); Add(cpu, "speed", p->CPUSpeed()); Add(cpu, "count", p->CPUCount()); Add(cpu, "cores", p->CPUCores()); Add(cpu, "features", p->CPUFeatures()); Add(cpu, "features2", p->CPUFeatures2()); wxXmlNode *display = new wxXmlNode(wxXML_ELEMENT_NODE, "display"); doc.hardware->AddChild(display); Add(display, "depth", p->DisplayDepth()); Add(display, "colour", p->DisplayColour()); Add(display, "size", p->DisplaySize()); Add(display, "ppi", p->DisplayPPI()); Add(doc.hardware, "videovendor", p->VideoVendor()); Add(doc.hardware, "videorenderer", p->VideoRenderer()); Add(doc.hardware, "videoversion", p->VideoVersion()); #ifdef __WINDOWS__ doc.windows = new wxXmlNode(wxXML_ELEMENT_NODE, "windows"); doc.report->AddChild(doc.windows); Add(doc.windows, "sp", p->ServicePack()); Add(doc.windows, "graphicsver", p->DriverGraphicsVersion()); Add(doc.windows, "dshowfilter", p->DirectShowFilters()); Add(doc.windows, "antivirus", p->()); Add(doc.windows, "firewall", p->()); Add(doc.windows, "dll", p->DLLVersions()); #endif #ifdef __UNIX__ doc.unixx = new wxXmlNode(wxXML_ELEMENT_NODE, "unix"); doc.report->AddChild(doc.unixx); Add(doc.unixx, "desktopenv", p->DesktopEnvironment()); Add(doc.unixx, "lib", p->UnixLibraries()); #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ doc.osx = new wxXmlNode(wxXML_ELEMENT_NODE, "osx"); doc.report->AddChild(doc.osx); Add(doc.osx, "patch", p->PatchLevel()); Add(doc.osx, "quicktimeext", p->QuickTimeExt()); Add(doc.osx, "model", p->HardwareModel()); #endif return doc; } /// @brief Add a new XML node. /// @param parent Parent nodee /// @param node Name of the new node /// @param text Contents void Report::Add(wxXmlNode *parent, wxString node, wxString text) { // Using AddChild() keeps the nodes in their natural order. It's slower but our // document is pretty small. Doing it the faster way results in reverse-ordered nodes. wxXmlNode *tmp = new wxXmlNode(wxXML_ELEMENT_NODE, node); tmp->AddChild(new wxXmlNode(wxXML_TEXT_NODE, node, text)); parent->AddChild(tmp); } /// @brief Recursive function to populate listView and text-based for Clipboard. /// @param node Node to parse. /// @param listView wxListView to populate. void Report::ProcessNode(wxXmlNode *node, wxString *text, wxListView *listView) { wxString node_name; nameMap::iterator names; nameMap nMap = HumanNames(); wxXmlNode *child = node->GetChildren(); while (child) { wxString name = child->GetName(); if ((names = nMap.find(name)) != nMap.end()) { node_name = locale->GetString(names->second); } else { wxLogDebug("Report::ProcessNode Unknown node found: \"%s\" (add it to nMap)\n", name); node_name = name; } wxListItem column; int row = listView->GetItemCount(); int depth = child->GetDepth(); if (child->GetChildren()->GetType() == wxXML_ELEMENT_NODE) { int font_size = 15 - (round(depth * 2.5)); int bgcolour = 185 + (depth * 25); listView->InsertItem(row,node_name); listView->SetItemFont(row, wxFont(font_size, wxFONTFAMILY_SWISS, wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, wxFONTWEIGHT_BOLD)); listView->SetItemBackgroundColour(row, wxColour(bgcolour,bgcolour,bgcolour, wxALPHA_OPAQUE)); if (depth == 1) text->Append("\n"); text->Append(wxString::Format("%s\n", node_name.Pad((depth*2)-2, ' ', 0))); ProcessNode(child, text, listView); } else { wxString content = child->GetNodeContent(); listView->InsertItem(row,node_name); listView->SetItem(row,1, content); text->Append(wxString::Format("%-22s: %s\n", node_name.Pad((depth*2)-2, ' ', 0), content)); } child = child->GetNext(); } } /// @brief Fill wxListView with report contents. /// @param listview wxListview to fill. void Report::Fill(wxString *text, wxListView *listView) { listView->InsertColumn(0, _("Entry"), wxLIST_FORMAT_RIGHT); listView->InsertColumn(1, _("Text"), wxLIST_FORMAT_LEFT, 100); //wxString *text = new wxString(); ProcessNode(doc.report, text, listView); listView->SetColumnWidth(0, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE); listView->SetColumnWidth(1, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE); } /// @brief Return Report as Text for the Clipboard. wxString Report::AsText() { return "not implimented."; }