// -*- c-basic-offset: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*- // Copyright (c) 2006, David Lamparter // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors // may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software // without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // AEGISUB // // Website: http://aegisub.cellosoft.com // Contact: mailto:zeratul@cellosoft.com // /////////// // Headers #ifdef HAVE_LIBASS #include #include #include "subtitle_provider.h" #include "video_provider.h" #include "ass_file.h" extern "C" { #include } class SubtitleProviderLibASS : public SubtitleProvider, SubtitleProvider::Overlay { private: class MyClass : public Class { public: MyClass() : Class(L"libass") { ass_library = ass_library_init(); if (!ass_library) throw _T("ass_library_init failed"); ass_set_fonts_dir(ass_library, ""); ass_set_extract_fonts(ass_library, 0); ass_set_style_overrides(ass_library, NULL); }; virtual SubtitleProvider *Get(AssFile *subs) { return new SubtitleProviderLibASS(subs); }; }; static MyClass me; static ass_library_t* ass_library; ass_renderer_t* ass_renderer; ass_track_t* ass_track; wxString last_sub; AssFile *subs; VideoProvider *vpro; public: SubtitleProviderLibASS(AssFile *_subs); virtual ~SubtitleProviderLibASS(); virtual void Bind(VideoProvider *_vpro); virtual void SetParams(int width, int height); virtual void Render(wxImage &frame, int ms); virtual void Unbind(); }; SubtitleProviderLibASS::MyClass SubtitleProviderLibASS::me; ass_library_t* SubtitleProviderLibASS::ass_library; SubtitleProviderLibASS::SubtitleProviderLibASS(AssFile *_subs) : ass_track(NULL) { subs = _subs; wxString text = subs->GetString(); ass_renderer = ass_renderer_init(ass_library); if (!ass_renderer) throw _T("ass_renderer_init failed"); //ass_set_margins(ass_renderer, 0, 0, 0, 0); //ass_set_use_margins(ass_renderer, 0); ass_set_font_scale(ass_renderer, 1.); ass_set_fonts(ass_renderer, NULL, "Sans"); }; SubtitleProviderLibASS::~SubtitleProviderLibASS() { Unbind(); //asa_close(inst); }; void SubtitleProviderLibASS::Bind(VideoProvider *_vpro) { vpro = _vpro; vpro->AttachOverlay(this); } void SubtitleProviderLibASS::SetParams(int width, int height) { ass_set_frame_size(ass_renderer, width, height); } #define _r(c) ((c)>>24) #define _g(c) (((c)>>16)&0xFF) #define _b(c) (((c)>>8)&0xFF) #define _a(c) ((c)&0xFF) static void blend_single(wxImage &frame, ass_image_t* img) { unsigned char opacity = 255 - _a(img->color); unsigned char r = _r(img->color); unsigned char g = _g(img->color); unsigned char b = _b(img->color); int dst_stride = frame.GetWidth() * 3; unsigned char* src; unsigned char* dst; src = img->bitmap; dst = frame.GetData() + img->dst_y * dst_stride + img->dst_x * 3; for (int y = 0; y < img->h; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < img->w; ++x) { unsigned k = ((unsigned)src[x]) * opacity / 255; // possible endianness problems dst[x*3] = (k*r + (255-k)*dst[x*3]) / 255; dst[x*3+1] = (k*g + (255-k)*dst[x*3+1]) / 255; dst[x*3+2] = (k*b + (255-k)*dst[x*3+2]) / 255; } src += img->stride; dst += dst_stride; } } static void blend(wxImage &frame, ass_image_t* img) { int cnt = 0; while (img) { blend_single(frame, img); ++cnt; img = img->next; } } void SubtitleProviderLibASS::Render(wxImage &frame, int ms) { wxString text = subs->GetString(); if (text != last_sub) { // almost always true because of "Video Position" header if (ass_track) ass_free_track(ass_track); ass_track = ass_read_memory(ass_library, ((char*)text.GetData()) + 4, sizeof(wchar_t) * text.Length() - 4, "UCS-4LE"); } if (!ass_track) throw _T("libass parse error"); ass_image_t* img = ass_render_frame(ass_renderer, ass_track, ms); blend(frame, img); } void SubtitleProviderLibASS::Unbind() { if (vpro) vpro->AttachOverlay(NULL); vpro = NULL; } #endif /* HAVE_LIBASS */