// Copyright (c) 2013, Thomas Goyne // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES // WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR // ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES // WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF // OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. // // Aegisub Project http://www.aegisub.org/ #include "config.h" #include "subs_controller.h" #include "ass_dialogue.h" #include "ass_file.h" #include "ass_style.h" #include "charset_detect.h" #include "compat.h" #include "command/command.h" #include "include/aegisub/context.h" #include "options.h" #include "subtitle_format.h" #include "text_file_reader.h" #include "utils.h" #include "video_context.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { void autosave_timer_changed(wxTimer *timer) { int freq = OPT_GET("App/Auto/Save Every Seconds")->GetInt(); if (freq > 0 && OPT_GET("App/Auto/Save")->GetBool()) timer->Start(freq * 1000); else timer->Stop(); } } struct SubsController::UndoInfo { AssFile file; wxString undo_description; int commit_id; UndoInfo(AssFile const& f, wxString const& d, int c) : file(f), undo_description(d), commit_id(c) { } }; SubsController::SubsController(agi::Context *context) : context(context) , undo_connection(context->ass->AddUndoManager(&SubsController::OnCommit, this)) , commit_id(0) , saved_commit_id(0) , autosaved_commit_id(0) { autosave_timer_changed(&autosave_timer); OPT_SUB("App/Auto/Save", autosave_timer_changed, &autosave_timer); OPT_SUB("App/Auto/Save Every Seconds", autosave_timer_changed, &autosave_timer); autosave_timer.Bind(wxEVT_TIMER, [=](wxTimerEvent&) { try { auto fn = AutoSave(); if (!fn.empty()) StatusTimeout(wxString::Format(_("File backup saved as \"%s\"."), fn.wstring())); } catch (const agi::Exception& err) { StatusTimeout(to_wx("Exception when attempting to autosave file: " + err.GetMessage())); } catch (...) { StatusTimeout("Unhandled exception when attempting to autosave file."); } }); } void SubsController::Load(agi::fs::path const& filename, std::string charset) { // TextFileReader does this automatically, but relying on that results in // the user being prompted twice if it can't be auto-detected, since we // open the file twice below. try { if (charset.empty()) charset = CharSetDetect::GetEncoding(filename); } catch (agi::UserCancelException const&) { return; } // Make sure that file isn't actually a timecode file if (charset != "binary") { try { TextFileReader testSubs(filename, charset); std::string cur = testSubs.ReadLineFromFile(); if (boost::starts_with(cur, "# timecode")) { context->videoController->LoadTimecodes(filename); return; } } catch (...) { // if trying to load the file as timecodes fails it's fairly // safe to assume that it is in fact not a timecode file } } const SubtitleFormat *reader = SubtitleFormat::GetReader(filename); try { AssFile temp; reader->ReadFile(&temp, filename, charset); bool found_style = false; bool found_dialogue = false; // Check if the file has at least one style and at least one dialogue line for (auto const& line : temp.Line) { AssEntryGroup type = line.Group(); if (type == ENTRY_STYLE) found_style = true; if (type == ENTRY_DIALOGUE) found_dialogue = true; if (found_style && found_dialogue) break; } // And if it doesn't add defaults for each if (!found_style) temp.InsertLine(new AssStyle); if (!found_dialogue) temp.InsertLine(new AssDialogue); context->ass->swap(temp); } catch (agi::UserCancelException const&) { return; } catch (agi::fs::FileNotFound const&) { wxMessageBox(filename.wstring() + " not found.", "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR | wxCENTER, context->parent); config::mru->Remove("Subtitle", filename); return; } catch (agi::Exception const& err) { wxMessageBox(to_wx(err.GetChainedMessage()), "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR | wxCENTER, context->parent); return; } catch (std::exception const& err) { wxMessageBox(to_wx(err.what()), "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR | wxCENTER, context->parent); return; } catch (...) { wxMessageBox("Unknown error", "Error", wxOK | wxICON_ERROR | wxCENTER, context->parent); return; } SetFileName(filename); // Push the initial state of the file onto the undo stack undo_stack.clear(); redo_stack.clear(); autosaved_commit_id = saved_commit_id = commit_id + 1; context->ass->Commit("", AssFile::COMMIT_NEW); // Save backup of file if (CanSave() && OPT_GET("App/Auto/Backup")->GetBool()) { auto path_str = OPT_GET("Path/Auto/Backup")->GetString(); agi::fs::path path; if (path_str.empty()) path = filename.parent_path(); else path = config::path->Decode(path_str); agi::fs::CreateDirectory(path); agi::fs::Copy(filename, path/(filename.stem().string() + ".ORIGINAL" + filename.extension().string())); } FileOpen(filename); } void SubsController::Save(agi::fs::path const& filename, std::string const& encoding) { const SubtitleFormat *writer = SubtitleFormat::GetWriter(filename); if (!writer) throw "Unknown file type."; int old_autosaved_commit_id = autosaved_commit_id, old_saved_commit_id = saved_commit_id; try { autosaved_commit_id = saved_commit_id = commit_id; // Have to set this now for the sake of things that want to save paths // relative to the script in the header this->filename = filename; config::path->SetToken("?script", filename.parent_path()); FileSave(); writer->WriteFile(context->ass, filename, encoding); } catch (...) { autosaved_commit_id = old_autosaved_commit_id; saved_commit_id = old_saved_commit_id; throw; } SetFileName(filename); } void SubsController::Close() { undo_stack.clear(); redo_stack.clear(); autosaved_commit_id = saved_commit_id = commit_id + 1; filename.clear(); context->ass->Line.clear(); context->ass->LoadDefault(); context->ass->Commit("", AssFile::COMMIT_NEW); } int SubsController::TryToClose(bool allow_cancel) const { if (!IsModified()) return wxYES; int flags = wxYES_NO; if (allow_cancel) flags |= wxCANCEL; int result = wxMessageBox(wxString::Format(_("Do you want to save changes to %s?"), Filename().wstring()), _("Unsaved changes"), flags, context->parent); if (result == wxYES) { cmd::call("subtitle/save", context); // If it fails saving, return cancel anyway return IsModified() ? wxCANCEL : wxYES; } return result; } agi::fs::path SubsController::AutoSave() { if (commit_id == autosaved_commit_id) return ""; auto path = config::path->Decode(OPT_GET("Path/Auto/Save")->GetString()); if (path.empty()) path = filename.parent_path(); agi::fs::CreateDirectory(path); auto name = filename.filename(); if (name.empty()) name = "Untitled"; path /= str(boost::format("%s.%s.AUTOSAVE.ass") % name.string() % agi::util::strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S")); SubtitleFormat::GetWriter(path)->WriteFile(context->ass, path); autosaved_commit_id = commit_id; return path; } bool SubsController::CanSave() const { try { return SubtitleFormat::GetWriter(filename)->CanSave(context->ass); } catch (...) { return false; } } void SubsController::SetFileName(agi::fs::path const& path) { filename = path; config::path->SetToken("?script", path.parent_path()); config::mru->Add("Subtitle", path); OPT_SET("Path/Last/Subtitles")->SetString(filename.parent_path().string()); } void SubsController::OnCommit(AssFileCommit c) { if (c.message.empty() && !undo_stack.empty()) return; ++commit_id; // Allow coalescing only if it's the last change and the file has not been // saved since the last change if (commit_id == *c.commit_id+1 && redo_stack.empty() && saved_commit_id+1 != commit_id && autosaved_commit_id+1 != commit_id) { // If only one line changed just modify it instead of copying the file if (c.single_line) { entryIter this_it = context->ass->Line.begin(), undo_it = undo_stack.back().file.Line.begin(); while (&*this_it != c.single_line) { ++this_it; ++undo_it; } undo_stack.back().file.Line.insert(undo_it, *c.single_line->Clone()); delete &*undo_it; } else undo_stack.back().file = *context->ass; *c.commit_id = commit_id; return; } redo_stack.clear(); undo_stack.emplace_back(*context->ass, c.message, commit_id); int depth = std::max(OPT_GET("Limits/Undo Levels")->GetInt(), 2); while ((int)undo_stack.size() > depth) undo_stack.pop_front(); if (undo_stack.size() > 1 && OPT_GET("App/Auto/Save on Every Change")->GetBool() && !filename.empty() && CanSave()) Save(filename); *c.commit_id = commit_id; } void SubsController::Undo() { if (undo_stack.size() <= 1) return; redo_stack.emplace_back(AssFile(), undo_stack.back().undo_description, commit_id); context->ass->swap(redo_stack.back().file); undo_stack.pop_back(); *context->ass = undo_stack.back().file; commit_id = undo_stack.back().commit_id; context->ass->Commit("", AssFile::COMMIT_NEW); } void SubsController::Redo() { if (redo_stack.empty()) return; context->ass->swap(redo_stack.back().file); commit_id = redo_stack.back().commit_id; undo_stack.emplace_back(*context->ass, redo_stack.back().undo_description, commit_id); redo_stack.pop_back(); context->ass->Commit("", AssFile::COMMIT_NEW); } wxString SubsController::GetUndoDescription() const { return IsUndoStackEmpty() ? "" : undo_stack.back().undo_description; } wxString SubsController::GetRedoDescription() const { return IsRedoStackEmpty() ? "" : redo_stack.back().undo_description; } agi::fs::path SubsController::Filename() const { if (!filename.empty()) return filename; // Apple HIG says "untitled" should not be capitalised #ifndef __WXMAC__ return _("Untitled").wx_str(); #else return _("untitled").wx_str(); #endif }