// Copyright (c) 2005, Rodrigo Braz Monteiro // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors // may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software // without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Aegisub Project http://www.aegisub.org/ // // $Id$ /// @file subs_edit_ctrl.cpp /// @brief Main subtitle editing text control /// @ingroup main_ui /// #include "config.h" #ifndef AGI_PRE #ifdef _WIN32 #include #else #include #endif #include #include #endif #include "ass_dialogue.h" #include "compat.h" #include "main.h" #include "include/aegisub/spellchecker.h" #include "selection_controller.h" #include "subs_edit_box.h" #include "subs_edit_ctrl.h" #include "subs_grid.h" #include "thesaurus.h" #include "utils.h" /// Event ids enum { EDIT_MENU_SPLIT_PRESERVE = 1400, EDIT_MENU_SPLIT_ESTIMATE, EDIT_MENU_CUT, EDIT_MENU_COPY, EDIT_MENU_PASTE, EDIT_MENU_SELECT_ALL, EDIT_MENU_ADD_TO_DICT, EDIT_MENU_SUGGESTION, EDIT_MENU_SUGGESTIONS, EDIT_MENU_THESAURUS = 1450, EDIT_MENU_THESAURUS_SUGS, EDIT_MENU_DIC_LANGUAGE = 1600, EDIT_MENU_DIC_LANGS, EDIT_MENU_THES_LANGUAGE = 1700, EDIT_MENU_THES_LANGS }; SubsTextEditCtrl::SubsTextEditCtrl(wxWindow* parent, wxSize wsize, long style, SubtitlesGrid *grid) : ScintillaTextCtrl(parent, -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wsize, style) , spellchecker(SpellCheckerFactory::GetSpellChecker()) , thesaurus(new Thesaurus) , grid(grid) { // Set properties SetWrapMode(wxSTC_WRAP_WORD); SetMarginWidth(1,0); UsePopUp(false); SetStyles(); // Set hotkeys CmdKeyClear(wxSTC_KEY_RETURN,wxSTC_SCMOD_CTRL); CmdKeyClear(wxSTC_KEY_RETURN,wxSTC_SCMOD_NORM); CmdKeyClear(wxSTC_KEY_TAB,wxSTC_SCMOD_NORM); CmdKeyClear(wxSTC_KEY_TAB,wxSTC_SCMOD_SHIFT); CmdKeyClear('D',wxSTC_SCMOD_CTRL); CmdKeyClear('L',wxSTC_SCMOD_CTRL); CmdKeyClear('L',wxSTC_SCMOD_CTRL | wxSTC_SCMOD_SHIFT); CmdKeyClear('T',wxSTC_SCMOD_CTRL); CmdKeyClear('T',wxSTC_SCMOD_CTRL | wxSTC_SCMOD_SHIFT); CmdKeyClear('U',wxSTC_SCMOD_CTRL); // Prototypes for call tips tipProtoN = -1; proto.Add("move(x1,y1,x2,y2)"); proto.Add("move(x1,y1,x2,y2,startTime,endTime)"); proto.Add("fn;FontName"); proto.Add("bord;Width"); proto.Add("xbord;Width"); proto.Add("ybord;Width"); proto.Add("shad;Depth"); proto.Add("xshad;Depth"); proto.Add("yshad;Depth"); proto.Add("be;Strength"); proto.Add("blur;Strength"); proto.Add("fscx;Scale"); proto.Add("fscy;Scale"); proto.Add("fsp;Spacing"); proto.Add("fs;FontSize"); proto.Add("fe;Encoding"); proto.Add("frx;Angle"); proto.Add("fry;Angle"); proto.Add("frz;Angle"); proto.Add("fr;Angle"); proto.Add("pbo;Offset"); proto.Add("clip(command)"); proto.Add("clip(scale,command)"); proto.Add("clip(x1,y1,x2,y2)"); proto.Add("iclip(command)"); proto.Add("iclip(scale,command)"); proto.Add("iclip(x1,y1,x2,y2)"); proto.Add("t(acceleration,tags)"); proto.Add("t(startTime,endTime,tags)"); proto.Add("t(startTime,endTime,acceleration,tags)"); proto.Add("pos(x,y)"); proto.Add("p;Exponent"); proto.Add("org(x,y)"); proto.Add("fade(startAlpha,middleAlpha,endAlpha,startIn,endIn,startOut,endOut)"); proto.Add("fad(startTime,endTime)"); proto.Add("c;Colour"); proto.Add("1c;Colour"); proto.Add("2c;Colour"); proto.Add("3c;Colour"); proto.Add("4c;Colour"); proto.Add("alpha;Alpha"); proto.Add("1a;Alpha"); proto.Add("2a;Alpha"); proto.Add("3a;Alpha"); proto.Add("4a;Alpha"); proto.Add("an;Alignment"); proto.Add("a;Alignment"); proto.Add("b;Weight"); proto.Add("i;1/0"); proto.Add("u;1/0"); proto.Add("s;1/0"); proto.Add("kf;Duration"); proto.Add("ko;Duration"); proto.Add("k;Duration"); proto.Add("K;Duration"); proto.Add("q;WrapStyle"); proto.Add("r;Style"); proto.Add("fax;Factor"); proto.Add("fay;Factor"); using namespace std::tr1; Bind(wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, function(bind(&SubsTextEditCtrl::Cut, this)), EDIT_MENU_CUT); Bind(wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, function(bind(&SubsTextEditCtrl::Copy, this)), EDIT_MENU_COPY); Bind(wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, function(bind(&SubsTextEditCtrl::Paste, this)), EDIT_MENU_PASTE); Bind(wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, function(bind(&SubsTextEditCtrl::SelectAll, this)), EDIT_MENU_SELECT_ALL); Bind(wxEVT_STC_STYLENEEDED, &SubsTextEditCtrl::UpdateCallTip, this); Bind(wxEVT_CONTEXT_MENU, &SubsTextEditCtrl::OnContextMenu, this); OPT_SUB("Subtitle/Edit Box/Font Face", &SubsTextEditCtrl::SetStyles, this); OPT_SUB("Subtitle/Edit Box/Font Size", &SubsTextEditCtrl::SetStyles, this); Subscribe("Normal"); Subscribe("Comment"); Subscribe("Drawing"); Subscribe("Brackets"); Subscribe("Slashes"); Subscribe("Tags"); Subscribe("Error"); Subscribe("Parameters"); Subscribe("Line Break"); Subscribe("Karaoke Template"); Subscribe("Karaoke Variable"); OPT_SUB("Subtitle/Highlight/Syntax", &SubsTextEditCtrl::UpdateStyle, this); static wxStyledTextEvent evt; OPT_SUB("App/Call Tips", &SubsTextEditCtrl::UpdateCallTip, this, ref(evt)); } SubsTextEditCtrl::~SubsTextEditCtrl() { } void SubsTextEditCtrl::Subscribe(std::string const& name) { OPT_SUB("Colour/Subtitle/Syntax/" + name, &SubsTextEditCtrl::SetStyles, this); OPT_SUB("Colour/Subtitle/Syntax/Background/" + name, &SubsTextEditCtrl::SetStyles, this); OPT_SUB("Colour/Subtitle/Syntax/Bold/" + name, &SubsTextEditCtrl::SetStyles, this); } BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(SubsTextEditCtrl,wxStyledTextCtrl) EVT_KILL_FOCUS(SubsTextEditCtrl::OnLoseFocus) EVT_MENU(EDIT_MENU_SPLIT_PRESERVE,SubsTextEditCtrl::OnSplitLinePreserve) EVT_MENU(EDIT_MENU_SPLIT_ESTIMATE,SubsTextEditCtrl::OnSplitLineEstimate) EVT_MENU(EDIT_MENU_ADD_TO_DICT,SubsTextEditCtrl::OnAddToDictionary) EVT_MENU_RANGE(EDIT_MENU_SUGGESTIONS,EDIT_MENU_THESAURUS-1,SubsTextEditCtrl::OnUseSuggestion) EVT_MENU_RANGE(EDIT_MENU_THESAURUS_SUGS,EDIT_MENU_DIC_LANGUAGE-1,SubsTextEditCtrl::OnUseSuggestion) EVT_MENU_RANGE(EDIT_MENU_DIC_LANGS,EDIT_MENU_THES_LANGUAGE-1,SubsTextEditCtrl::OnSetDicLanguage) EVT_MENU_RANGE(EDIT_MENU_THES_LANGS,EDIT_MENU_THES_LANGS+100,SubsTextEditCtrl::OnSetThesLanguage) END_EVENT_TABLE() void SubsTextEditCtrl::OnLoseFocus(wxFocusEvent &event) { CallTipCancel(); event.Skip(); } enum { STYLE_NORMAL = 0, STYLE_COMMENT, STYLE_DRAWING, STYLE_OVERRIDE, STYLE_PUNCTUATION, STYLE_TAG, STYLE_ERROR, STYLE_PARAMETER, STYLE_LINE_BREAK, STYLE_KARAOKE_TEMPLATE, STYLE_KARAOKE_VARIABLE }; void SubsTextEditCtrl::SetSyntaxStyle(int id, wxFont &font, std::string const& name) { StyleSetFont(id, font); StyleSetBold(id, OPT_GET("Colour/Subtitle/Syntax/Bold/" + name)->GetBool()); StyleSetForeground(id, lagi_wxColour(OPT_GET("Colour/Subtitle/Syntax/" + name)->GetColour())); const agi::OptionValue *background = OPT_GET("Colour/Subtitle/Syntax/Background/" + name); if (background->GetType() == agi::OptionValue::Type_Colour) StyleSetBackground(id, lagi_wxColour(background->GetColour())); } void SubsTextEditCtrl::SetStyles() { wxFont font = wxSystemSettings::GetFont(wxSYS_DEFAULT_GUI_FONT); font.SetEncoding(wxFONTENCODING_DEFAULT); // this solves problems with some fonts not working properly wxString fontname = lagi_wxString(OPT_GET("Subtitle/Edit Box/Font Face")->GetString()); if (!fontname.empty()) font.SetFaceName(fontname); font.SetPointSize(OPT_GET("Subtitle/Edit Box/Font Size")->GetInt()); SetSyntaxStyle(STYLE_NORMAL, font, "Normal"); SetSyntaxStyle(STYLE_COMMENT, font, "Comment"); SetSyntaxStyle(STYLE_DRAWING, font, "Drawing"); SetSyntaxStyle(STYLE_OVERRIDE, font, "Brackets"); SetSyntaxStyle(STYLE_PUNCTUATION, font, "Slashes"); SetSyntaxStyle(STYLE_TAG, font, "Tags"); SetSyntaxStyle(STYLE_ERROR, font, "Error"); SetSyntaxStyle(STYLE_PARAMETER, font, "Parameters"); SetSyntaxStyle(STYLE_LINE_BREAK, font, "Line Break"); SetSyntaxStyle(STYLE_KARAOKE_TEMPLATE, font, "Karaoke Template"); SetSyntaxStyle(STYLE_KARAOKE_VARIABLE, font, "Karaoke Variable"); // Misspelling indicator IndicatorSetStyle(0,wxSTC_INDIC_SQUIGGLE); IndicatorSetForeground(0,wxColour(255,0,0)); } void SubsTextEditCtrl::UpdateStyle() { StartStyling(0,255); std::string text = STD_STR(GetText()); if (!OPT_GET("Subtitle/Highlight/Syntax")->GetBool()) { SetStyling(text.size(), 0); return; } if (text.empty()) return; // Check if it's a template line AssDialogue *diag = grid->GetActiveLine(); bool templateLine = diag && diag->Comment && diag->Effect.Lower().StartsWith("template"); bool in_parens = false; bool in_unparened_arg = false; bool in_draw_mode = false; bool in_ovr = false; bool in_karaoke_template = false; int range_len = 0; int style = STYLE_NORMAL; char cur_char = 0; char next_char = text[0]; size_t eat_chars = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < text.size(); ++i) { // Current/previous characters char prev_char = cur_char; cur_char = next_char; next_char = i + 1 < text.size() ? text[i + 1] : 0; if (eat_chars > 0) { ++range_len; --eat_chars; continue; } int new_style = style; // Start override block if (cur_char == '{') { new_style = in_ovr ? STYLE_ERROR : STYLE_OVERRIDE; in_ovr = true; in_parens = false; } // End override block else if (cur_char == '}') { new_style = in_ovr ? STYLE_OVERRIDE : STYLE_ERROR; in_ovr = false; } // Start karaoke template else if (templateLine && style != STYLE_KARAOKE_TEMPLATE && cur_char == '!') { new_style = STYLE_KARAOKE_TEMPLATE; in_karaoke_template = true; } // End karaoke template else if (style == STYLE_KARAOKE_TEMPLATE && cur_char == '!') { in_karaoke_template = false; } // Continue karaoke template else if (in_karaoke_template) { // Do nothing and just continue the karaoke template style } // Start karaoke template variable else if (templateLine && style != STYLE_KARAOKE_TEMPLATE && cur_char == '$') { new_style = STYLE_KARAOKE_VARIABLE; } // Continue karaoke template variable else if (style == STYLE_KARAOKE_VARIABLE && ((cur_char >= 'A' && cur_char <= 'Z') || (cur_char >= 'a' && cur_char <= 'z') || cur_char == '_')) { // Do nothing and just continue the karaoke variable style } // Plain text else if (!in_ovr) { // Is \n, \N or \h? if (cur_char == '\\' && (next_char == 'n' || next_char == 'N' || next_char == 'h')) { new_style = STYLE_LINE_BREAK; eat_chars = 1; } else if (in_draw_mode) new_style = STYLE_DRAWING; else new_style = STYLE_NORMAL; } // Inside override tag else { // Special character if (cur_char == '\\' || cur_char == '(' || cur_char == ')' || cur_char == ',') { new_style = STYLE_PUNCTUATION; in_unparened_arg = false; if (style == STYLE_TAG && cur_char == '(') in_parens = true; // This is technically wrong for nested tags, but it doesn't // matter as \t doesn't have any arguments after the subtag(s) else if (cur_char == ')') in_parens = false; } // Beginning of a tag else if (prev_char == '\\') { new_style = STYLE_TAG; // \r and \fn are special as their argument is an // unparenthesized string if (cur_char == 'r') in_unparened_arg = true; else if (cur_char == 'f' && next_char == 'n') { eat_chars = 1; in_unparened_arg = true; } // For \p we need to check if it's entering or leaving draw mode // Luckily draw mode can't be set in the style, so no argument // always means leave draw mode else if (cur_char == 'p' && (next_char < 'a' || next_char > 'z')) { in_draw_mode = false; for (size_t idx = i + 1; idx < text.size(); ++idx) { char c = text[idx]; // I have no idea why one would use leading zeros for // the scale, but vsfilter allows it if (c >= '1' && c <= '9') in_draw_mode = true; else if (c != '0') break; } } // All tags start with letters or numbers else if (cur_char < '0' || (cur_char > '9' && cur_char < 'A') || (cur_char > 'Z' && cur_char < 'a') || cur_char > 'z') new_style = STYLE_ERROR; } else if ((in_parens && style != STYLE_TAG) || in_unparened_arg || (style == STYLE_TAG && ((cur_char < 'A' || cur_char > 'z') || (cur_char > 'Z' && cur_char < 'a')))) { new_style = STYLE_PARAMETER; } else if (style != STYLE_TAG && style != STYLE_PARAMETER && style != STYLE_ERROR) { new_style = STYLE_COMMENT; } } if (new_style != style) { SetStyling(range_len, style); style = new_style; range_len = 0; } ++range_len; } SetStyling(range_len, style); StyleSpellCheck(); } /// @brief Update call tip void SubsTextEditCtrl::UpdateCallTip(wxStyledTextEvent &) { UpdateStyle(); if (!OPT_GET("App/Call Tips")->GetBool()) return; // Get position and text const unsigned int pos = GetReverseUnicodePosition(GetCurrentPos()); wxString text = GetText(); // Find the start and end of current tag wxChar prevChar = 0; int depth = 0; int inDepth = 0; int tagStart = -1; int tagEnd = -1; for (unsigned int i=0;i= pos && depth == 0) { tagEnd = i-1; break; } continue; } // Outside if (depth == 0) { tagStart = -1; if (i == pos) break; continue; } // Inside overrides if (depth == 1) { // Inner depth if (tagStart != -1) { if (curChar == '(') inDepth++; else if (curChar == ')') inDepth--; } // Not inside parenthesis if (inDepth == 0) { if (prevChar == '\\') { // Found start if (i <= pos) tagStart = i; // Found end else { tagEnd = i-2; break; } } } } // Previous character prevChar = curChar; } // Calculate length int len; if (tagEnd != -1) len = tagEnd - tagStart + 1; else len = text.Length() - tagStart; // No tag available int textLen = text.Length(); unsigned int posInTag = pos - tagStart; if (tagStart+len > textLen || len <= 0 || tagStart < 0) { CallTipCancel(); return; } // Current tag wxString tag = text.Mid(tagStart,len); // Metrics in tag int tagCommas = 0; int tagParenthesis = 0; int parN = 0; int parPos = -1; bool gotName = false; wxString tagName = tag; for (unsigned int i=0;i 0) { cleanProto.Replace(";",""); semiProto = true; } // Prototype match wxString temp; if (semiProto) temp = tagName.Left(protoName.Length()); else temp = tagName; if (protoName == temp) { // Parameter count match if (proto[i].Freq(',') >= tagCommas) { // Found useProto = proto[i]; protoN = i; break; } } } // No matching prototype if (useProto.IsEmpty()) { CallTipCancel(); return; } // Parameter number for tags without "()," if (semiProto && parPos == 0 && posInTag >= protoName.Length()) parPos = 1; // Highlight start/end int highStart = useProto.Length(); int highEnd = -1; parN = 0; int delta = 0; for (unsigned int i=0;iCheckWord(curWord)) { StartUnicodeStyling(s,32); SetUnicodeStyling(s,e-s,32); } } // It seems like wxStyledTextCtrl wants you to finish styling at the end of the text. // I don't really understand why, it's not documented anywhere I can find, but this fixes bug #595. StartUnicodeStyling(text.Length(), 0); SetUnicodeStyling(text.Length(), 0, 0); } void SubsTextEditCtrl::SetTextTo(wxString text) { SetEvtHandlerEnabled(false); Freeze(); int from=0,to=0; GetSelection(&from,&to); SetText(text); UpdateStyle(); // Restore selection SetSelectionU(GetReverseUnicodePosition(from), GetReverseUnicodePosition(to)); SetEvtHandlerEnabled(true); Thaw(); } void SubsTextEditCtrl::Paste() { wxString data; if (wxTheClipboard->Open()) { if (wxTheClipboard->IsSupported(wxDF_TEXT)) { wxTextDataObject rawdata; wxTheClipboard->GetData(rawdata); data = rawdata.GetText(); } wxTheClipboard->Close(); } data.Replace("\r\n", "\\N"); data.Replace("\n", "\\N"); data.Replace("\r", "\\N"); int from = GetReverseUnicodePosition(GetSelectionStart()); int to = GetReverseUnicodePosition(GetSelectionEnd()); wxString old = GetText(); SetText(old.Left(from) + data + old.Mid(to)); int sel_start = GetUnicodePosition(from + data.size()); SetSelectionStart(sel_start); SetSelectionEnd(sel_start); UpdateStyle(); } void SubsTextEditCtrl::OnContextMenu(wxContextMenuEvent &event) { if (!grid->GetActiveLine()) return; wxPoint pos = event.GetPosition(); int activePos; if (pos == wxDefaultPosition) { activePos = GetCurrentPos(); } else { activePos = PositionFromPoint(ScreenToClient(pos)); } wxMenu menu; activePos = GetReverseUnicodePosition(activePos); currentWord = GetWordAtPosition(activePos); currentWordPos = activePos; if (spellchecker.get() && currentWord.Length()) { bool rightSpelling = spellchecker->CheckWord(currentWord); sugs.Clear(); sugs = spellchecker->GetSuggestions(currentWord); int nSugs = sugs.Count(); if (!rightSpelling) { if (!nSugs) { menu.Append(EDIT_MENU_SUGGESTION,_("No correction suggestions"))->Enable(false); } for (int i=0;iEnable(spellchecker->CanAddWord(currentWord)); } // Spelled right else { if (!nSugs) { menu.Append(EDIT_MENU_SUGGESTION,_("No spell checker suggestions"))->Enable(false); } else { // Build list wxMenu *subMenu = new wxMenu(); for (int i=0;iAppend(EDIT_MENU_SUGGESTIONS+i,sugs[i]); menu.Append(-1,wxString::Format(_("Spell checker suggestions for \"%s\""),currentWord), subMenu); } } wxArrayString langs = spellchecker->GetLanguageList(); wxString curLang = lagi_wxString(OPT_GET("Tool/Spell Checker/Language")->GetString()); // Languages wxMenu *languageMenu = new wxMenu(); wxMenuItem *cur; wxString name; const wxLanguageInfo *info; // Insert "Disable" cur = languageMenu->AppendCheckItem(EDIT_MENU_DIC_LANGS,_("Disable")); if (curLang.IsEmpty()) cur->Check(); // Each language found for (unsigned int i=0;iDescription; else name = langs[i]; cur = languageMenu->AppendCheckItem(EDIT_MENU_DIC_LANGS+i+1,name); if (langs[i] == curLang) cur->Check(); } // Append language list menu.Append(-1,_("Spell checker language"), languageMenu); menu.AppendSeparator(); } // Thesaurus if (thesaurus.get() && currentWord.Length()) { // Get results std::vector result; thesaurus->Lookup(currentWord,&result); // Compile list thesSugs.clear(); thesSugs.reserve(result.size() * 5); for (size_t i = 0; i < result.size(); ++i) { for (size_t j = 0; j < result[i].second.size(); ++j) { thesSugs.push_back(result[i].second[j]); } } if (result.size()) { // Create thesaurus menu wxMenu *thesMenu = new wxMenu(); // Build menu int curThesEntry = 0; for (size_t i=0;iAppend(EDIT_MENU_THESAURUS_SUGS+curThesEntry,lagi_wxString(result[i].first)); curThesEntry++; } // Multiple, create submenu else { // Insert entries wxMenu *subMenu = new wxMenu(); for (size_t j=0;jAppend(EDIT_MENU_THESAURUS_SUGS+curThesEntry,lagi_wxString(result[i].second[j])); curThesEntry++; } // Insert submenu thesMenu->Append(-1, lagi_wxString(result[i].first), subMenu); } } // Thesaurus menu wxString thes_suggestion_text(_("Thesaurus suggestions for \"%s\"")); thes_suggestion_text.Replace("%s", currentWord); menu.Append(-1,thes_suggestion_text,thesMenu); } if (!result.size()) menu.Append(EDIT_MENU_THESAURUS,_("No thesaurus suggestions"))->Enable(false); wxArrayString langs = thesaurus->GetLanguageList(); // This probably should be cached... wxString curLang = lagi_wxString(OPT_GET("Tool/Thesaurus/Language")->GetString()); // Languages wxMenu *languageMenu = new wxMenu(); wxMenuItem *cur; wxString name; const wxLanguageInfo *info; // Insert "Disable" cur = languageMenu->AppendCheckItem(EDIT_MENU_THES_LANGS,_("Disable")); if (curLang.IsEmpty()) cur->Check(); // Each language found for (unsigned int i=0;iDescription; else name = langs[i]; cur = languageMenu->AppendCheckItem(EDIT_MENU_THES_LANGS+i+1,name); if (langs[i] == curLang) cur->Check(); } // Append language list menu.Append(-1, _("Thesaurus language"), languageMenu); menu.AppendSeparator(); } // Standard actions menu.Append(EDIT_MENU_CUT,_("Cu&t"))->Enable(GetSelectionStart()-GetSelectionEnd() != 0); menu.Append(EDIT_MENU_COPY,_("&Copy"))->Enable(GetSelectionStart()-GetSelectionEnd() != 0); menu.Append(EDIT_MENU_PASTE,_("&Paste"))->Enable(CanPaste()); menu.AppendSeparator(); menu.Append(EDIT_MENU_SELECT_ALL,_("Select &All")); // Split menu.AppendSeparator(); menu.Append(EDIT_MENU_SPLIT_PRESERVE,_("Split at cursor (preserve times)")); menu.Append(EDIT_MENU_SPLIT_ESTIMATE,_("Split at cursor (estimate times)")); PopupMenu(&menu); } void SubsTextEditCtrl::OnSplitLinePreserve (wxCommandEvent &) { int from,to; GetSelection(&from, &to); from = GetReverseUnicodePosition(from); grid->SplitLine(grid->GetActiveLine(),from,0); } void SubsTextEditCtrl::OnSplitLineEstimate (wxCommandEvent &) { int from,to; GetSelection(&from, &to); from = GetReverseUnicodePosition(from); grid->SplitLine(grid->GetActiveLine(),from,1); } void SubsTextEditCtrl::OnAddToDictionary(wxCommandEvent &) { if (spellchecker.get()) spellchecker->AddWord(currentWord); UpdateStyle(); SetFocus(); } void SubsTextEditCtrl::OnUseSuggestion(wxCommandEvent &event) { wxString suggestion; int sugIdx = event.GetId() - EDIT_MENU_THESAURUS_SUGS; if (sugIdx >= 0) { suggestion = lagi_wxString(thesSugs[sugIdx]); } else { suggestion = sugs[event.GetId() - EDIT_MENU_SUGGESTIONS]; } // Stripe suggestion of parenthesis int pos = suggestion.Find("("); if (pos != wxNOT_FOUND) { suggestion = suggestion.Left(pos-1); } // Get boundaries of text being replaced int start,end; GetBoundsOfWordAtPosition(currentWordPos,start,end); wxString text = GetText(); SetText(text.Left(std::max(0,start)) + suggestion + text.Mid(end+1)); // Set selection SetSelectionU(start,start+suggestion.Length()); SetFocus(); } void SubsTextEditCtrl::OnSetDicLanguage(wxCommandEvent &event) { wxArrayString langs = spellchecker->GetLanguageList(); // Set dictionary int index = event.GetId() - EDIT_MENU_DIC_LANGS - 1; if (index >= 0) { spellchecker->SetLanguage(langs[index]); OPT_SET("Tool/Spell Checker/Language")->SetString(STD_STR(langs[index])); } UpdateStyle(); } void SubsTextEditCtrl::OnSetThesLanguage(wxCommandEvent &event) { wxArrayString langs = thesaurus->GetLanguageList(); // Set language int index = event.GetId() - EDIT_MENU_THES_LANGS - 1; wxString lang; if (index >= 0) lang = langs[index]; OPT_SET("Tool/Thesaurus/Language")->SetString(STD_STR(lang)); UpdateStyle(); }