You can put MSBuild property files in this folder to override the default build configuration for Aegisub's build system. There is one configuration you almost guaranteed will want to override, this is for the location of wxWidgets. Here is an example of a property file that specifies a wxWidgets location: -------------- mywx.props -------------- G:\Dev\wxWidgets-2.9\install-vc10 $(WxBasePath)\lib32 $(WxBasePath)\lib64 $(WxBasePath)\include ---------------------------------------- You should not check files placed in this folder into source control. Files must be named *.props to be used. Other properties of interest: Ft2IncludePath - Path to Freetype2 include files Ft2LibraryPath - Path to Freetype2 lib files Ft2LibraryName - Name of Freetype2 library to link These may be useful to override in some cases, but the defaults should be fine for most: AegisubOutputBase - Base directory for output files from compilation, defaults to solution file location AegisubBinaryDir - Where executables are placed, derived from AegisubOutputBase by default AegisubLibraryDir - Where lib files are placed, derived from AegisubOutputBase by default AegisubObjectDir - Where intermediary files are placed, derived from AegisubOutputBase by default