// Copyright (c) 2010, Thomas Goyne // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES // WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR // ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES // WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF // OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. /// @file vfr.cpp /// @brief Framerate handling of all sorts /// @ingroup libaegisub video_input #include "libaegisub/vfr.h" #include "libaegisub/charset.h" #include "libaegisub/io.h" #include "libaegisub/line_iterator.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { static const int64_t default_denominator = 1000000000; using agi::line_iterator; using namespace agi::vfr; /// @brief Verify that timecodes monotonically increase /// @param timecodes List of timecodes to check void validate_timecodes(std::vector const& timecodes) { if (timecodes.size() <= 1) throw TooFewTimecodes("Must have at least two timecodes to do anything useful"); if (!is_sorted(timecodes.begin(), timecodes.end())) throw UnorderedTimecodes("Timecodes are out of order"); } /// @brief Shift timecodes so that frame 0 starts at time 0 /// @param timecodes List of timecodes to normalize void normalize_timecodes(std::vector &timecodes) { if (int front = timecodes.front()) boost::for_each(timecodes, [=](int &tc) { tc -= front; }); } // A "start,end,fps" line in a v1 timecode file struct TimecodeRange { int start; int end; double fps; bool operator<(TimecodeRange const& cmp) const { return start < cmp.start; } }; /// @brief Parse a single line of a v1 timecode file /// @param str Line to parse /// @return The line in TimecodeRange form, or TimecodeRange() if it's a comment TimecodeRange v1_parse_line(std::string const& str) { if (str.empty() || str[0] == '#') return TimecodeRange(); boost::interprocess::ibufferstream ss(str.data(), str.size()); TimecodeRange range; char comma1 = 0, comma2 = 0; ss >> range.start >> comma1 >> range.end >> comma2 >> range.fps; if (ss.fail() || comma1 != ',' || comma2 != ',' || !ss.eof()) throw MalformedLine(str); if (range.start < 0 || range.end < 0) throw UnorderedTimecodes("Cannot specify frame rate for negative frames."); if (range.end < range.start) throw UnorderedTimecodes("End frame must be greater than or equal to start frame"); if (range.fps <= 0.) throw BadFPS("FPS must be greater than zero"); if (range.fps > 1000.) // This is our limitation, not mkvmerge's // mkvmerge uses nanoseconds internally throw BadFPS("FPS must be at most 1000"); return range; } /// @brief Parse a v1 timecode file /// @param file Iterator of lines in the file /// @param line Header of file with assumed fps /// @param[out] timecodes Vector filled with frame start times /// @param[out] last Unrounded time of the last frame /// @return Assumed fps times one million int64_t v1_parse(line_iterator file, std::string line, std::vector &timecodes, int64_t &last) { double fps = atof(line.substr(7).c_str()); if (fps <= 0.) throw BadFPS("Assumed FPS must be greater than zero"); if (fps > 1000.) throw BadFPS("Assumed FPS must not be greater than 1000"); std::vector ranges; for (auto const& line : file) { auto range = v1_parse_line(line); if (range.fps != 0) ranges.push_back(range); } std::sort(begin(ranges), end(ranges)); timecodes.reserve(ranges.back().end + 2); double time = 0.; int frame = 0; for (auto const& range : ranges) { if (frame > range.start) { // mkvmerge allows overlapping timecode ranges, but does completely // broken things with them throw UnorderedTimecodes("Override ranges must not overlap"); } for (; frame < range.start; ++frame) { timecodes.push_back(int(time + .5)); time += 1000. / fps; } for (; frame <= range.end; ++frame) { timecodes.push_back(int(time + .5)); time += 1000. / range.fps; } } timecodes.push_back(int(time + .5)); last = int64_t(time * fps * default_denominator); return int64_t(fps * default_denominator); } } namespace agi { namespace vfr { Framerate::Framerate(double fps) : denominator(default_denominator) , numerator(int64_t(fps * denominator)) { if (fps < 0.) throw BadFPS("FPS must be greater than zero"); if (fps > 1000.) throw BadFPS("FPS must not be greater than 1000"); timecodes.push_back(0); } Framerate::Framerate(int64_t numerator, int64_t denominator, bool drop) : denominator(denominator) , numerator(numerator) , drop(drop && numerator % denominator != 0) { if (numerator <= 0 || denominator <= 0) throw BadFPS("Numerator and denominator must both be greater than zero"); if (numerator / denominator > 1000) throw BadFPS("FPS must not be greater than 1000"); timecodes.push_back(0); } void Framerate::SetFromTimecodes() { validate_timecodes(timecodes); normalize_timecodes(timecodes); denominator = default_denominator; numerator = (timecodes.size() - 1) * denominator * 1000 / timecodes.back(); last = (timecodes.size() - 1) * denominator * 1000; } Framerate::Framerate(std::vector timecodes) : timecodes(std::move(timecodes)) { SetFromTimecodes(); } Framerate::Framerate(std::initializer_list timecodes) : timecodes(timecodes) { SetFromTimecodes(); } void Framerate::swap(Framerate &right) throw() { using std::swap; swap(numerator, right.numerator); swap(denominator, right.denominator); swap(last, right.last); swap(timecodes, right.timecodes); } Framerate::Framerate(fs::path const& filename) : denominator(default_denominator) { auto file = agi::io::Open(filename); auto encoding = agi::charset::Detect(filename); auto line = *line_iterator(*file, encoding); if (line == "# timecode format v2") { copy(line_iterator(*file, encoding), line_iterator(), back_inserter(timecodes)); SetFromTimecodes(); return; } if (line == "# timecode format v1" || line.substr(0, 7) == "Assume ") { if (line[0] == '#') line = *line_iterator(*file, encoding); numerator = v1_parse(line_iterator(*file, encoding), line, timecodes, last); return; } throw UnknownFormat(line); } void Framerate::Save(fs::path const& filename, int length) const { agi::io::Save file(filename); auto &out = file.Get(); out << "# timecode format v2\n"; boost::copy(timecodes, std::ostream_iterator(out, "\n")); for (int written = (int)timecodes.size(); written < length; ++written) out << TimeAtFrame(written) << std::endl; } int Framerate::FrameAtTime(int ms, Time type) const { // With X ms per frame, this should return 0 for: // EXACT: [0, X - 1] // START: [1 - X , 0] // END: [1, X] // There are two properties we take advantage of here: // 1. START and END's ranges are adjacent, meaning doing the calculations // for END and adding one gives us START // 2. END is EXACT plus one ms, meaning we can subtract one ms to get EXACT // Combining these allows us to easily calculate START and END in terms of // EXACT if (type == START) return FrameAtTime(ms - 1) + 1; if (type == END) return FrameAtTime(ms - 1); if (ms < 0) return int((ms * numerator / denominator - 999) / 1000); if (ms > timecodes.back()) return int((ms * numerator - last + denominator - 1) / denominator / 1000) + (int)timecodes.size() - 1; return (int)distance(lower_bound(timecodes.rbegin(), timecodes.rend(), ms, std::greater()), timecodes.rend()) - 1; } int Framerate::TimeAtFrame(int frame, Time type) const { if (type == START) { int prev = TimeAtFrame(frame - 1); int cur = TimeAtFrame(frame); // + 1 as these need to round up for the case of two frames 1 ms apart return prev + (cur - prev + 1) / 2; } if (type == END) { int cur = TimeAtFrame(frame); int next = TimeAtFrame(frame + 1); return cur + (next - cur + 1) / 2; } if (frame < 0) return (int)(frame * denominator * 1000 / numerator); if (frame >= (signed)timecodes.size()) { int64_t frames_past_end = frame - (int)timecodes.size() + 1; return int((frames_past_end * 1000 * denominator + last + numerator / 2) / numerator); } return timecodes[frame]; } void Framerate::SmpteAtFrame(int frame, int *h, int *m, int *s, int *f) const { frame = std::max(frame, 0); int ifps = (int)ceil(FPS()); if (drop && denominator == 1001 && numerator % 30000 == 0) { // NTSC skips the first two frames of every minute except for multiples // of ten. For multiples of NTSC, simply multiplying the number of // frames skips seems like the most sensible option. const int drop_factor = int(numerator / 30000); const int one_minute = 60 * 30 * drop_factor - drop_factor * 2; const int ten_minutes = 60 * 10 * 30 * drop_factor - drop_factor * 18; const int ten_minute_groups = frame / ten_minutes; const int last_ten_minutes = frame % ten_minutes; frame += ten_minute_groups * 18 * drop_factor; frame += (last_ten_minutes - 2 * drop_factor) / one_minute * 2 * drop_factor; } // Non-integral frame rates other than NTSC aren't supported by SMPTE // timecodes, but the user has asked for it so just give something that // resembles a valid timecode which is no more than half a frame off // wallclock time else if (drop && ifps != FPS()) { frame = int(frame / FPS() * ifps + 0.5); } *h = frame / (ifps * 60 * 60); *m = (frame / (ifps * 60)) % 60; *s = (frame / ifps) % 60; *f = frame % ifps; } void Framerate::SmpteAtTime(int ms, int *h, int *m, int *s, int *f) const { SmpteAtFrame(FrameAtTime(ms), h, m, s, f); } int Framerate::FrameAtSmpte(int h, int m, int s, int f) const { int ifps = (int)ceil(FPS()); if (drop && denominator == 1001 && numerator % 30000 == 0) { const int drop_factor = int(numerator / 30000); const int one_minute = 60 * 30 * drop_factor - drop_factor * 2; const int ten_minutes = 60 * 10 * 30 * drop_factor - drop_factor * 18; const int ten_m = m / 10; m = m % 10; // The specified frame doesn't actually exist so skip forward to the // next frame that does if (m != 0 && s == 0 && f < 2 * drop_factor) f = 2 * drop_factor; return h * ten_minutes * 6 + ten_m * ten_minutes + m * one_minute + s * ifps + f; } else if (drop && ifps != FPS()) { int frame = (h * 60 * 60 + m * 60 + s) * ifps + f; return int((double)frame / ifps * FPS() + 0.5); } return (h * 60 * 60 + m * 60 + s) * ifps + f; } int Framerate::TimeAtSmpte(int h, int m, int s, int f) const { return TimeAtFrame(FrameAtSmpte(h, m, s, f)); } } }