#!/usr/bin/env python import re import sys import os import shutil import stat is_bad_lib = re.compile(r'(/usr/local|/opt)').match is_sys_lib = re.compile(r'(/usr|/System)').match otool_libname_extract = re.compile(r'\s+(/.*?)[\(\s:]').search goodlist = [] link_map = {} def otool(cmdline): pipe = os.popen("otool " + cmdline, 'r') output = pipe.readlines() pipe.close() return output def collectlibs(lib, masterlist, targetdir): global goodlist, link_map liblist = otool("-L '" + lib + "'") locallist = [] for l in liblist: lr = otool_libname_extract(l) if not lr: continue l = lr.group(1) if is_bad_lib(l): sys.exit("Linking with library in blacklisted location: " + l) if not is_sys_lib(l) and not l in masterlist: locallist.append(l) print "found %s:" % l check = l link_list = [] while check: if os.path.isfile(check) and not os.path.islink(check): os.system("cp '%s' '%s'" % (check, targetdir)) print " FILE %s ... copied to target" % check if link_list: for link in link_list: link_map[link] = os.path.basename(check) break if os.path.islink(check): print " LINK %s" % check link_list.append(os.path.basename(check)) check = os.path.dirname(check) + "/" + os.readlink(check) elif not l in goodlist and not l in masterlist: goodlist.append(l) masterlist.extend(locallist) for l in locallist: collectlibs(l, masterlist, targetdir) exit; binname = sys.argv[1] targetdir = os.path.dirname(binname) print "Searching for libraries in ", binname, "..." libs = [binname] collectlibs(sys.argv[1], libs, targetdir) print print "System libraries used..." goodlist.sort() for l in goodlist: print l print print "Fixing library install names..." in_tool_cmdline = "install_name_tool " for lib in libs: libbase = os.path.basename(lib) if libbase in link_map: libbase = link_map[libbase] in_tool_cmdline = in_tool_cmdline + ("-change '%s' '@executable_path/%s' " % (lib, libbase)) for lib in libs: libbase = os.path.basename(lib) if libbase in link_map: libbase = link_map[libbase] print "%s -> @executable_path/%s (REMAPPED)" % (lib, libbase) else: print "%s -> @executable_path/%s" % (lib, libbase) os.system("%s -id '@executable_path/%s' '%s/%s'" % (in_tool_cmdline, libbase, targetdir, libbase)) sys.stdout.flush() print print "All done!"