// Copyright (c) 2005-2010, Niels Martin Hansen // Copyright (c) 2005-2010, Rodrigo Braz Monteiro // Copyright (c) 2010, Amar Takhar // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors // may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software // without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Aegisub Project http://www.aegisub.org/ #include "command.h" #include "../ass_dialogue.h" #include "../audio_box.h" #include "../audio_controller.h" #include "../audio_karaoke.h" #include "../audio_timing.h" #include "../include/aegisub/audio_provider.h" #include "../include/aegisub/context.h" #include "../libresrc/libresrc.h" #include "../options.h" #include "../project.h" #include "../selection_controller.h" #include "../utils.h" #include "../video_controller.h" #include #include namespace { using cmd::Command; struct validate_audio_open : public Command { CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_VALIDATE) bool Validate(const agi::Context *c) override { return !!c->project->AudioProvider(); } }; struct audio_close final : public validate_audio_open { CMD_NAME("audio/close") CMD_ICON(close_audio_menu) STR_MENU("&Close Audio") STR_DISP("Close Audio") STR_HELP("Close the currently open audio file") void operator()(agi::Context *c) override { c->project->CloseAudio(); } }; struct audio_open final : public Command { CMD_NAME("audio/open") CMD_ICON(open_audio_menu) STR_MENU("&Open Audio File...") STR_DISP("Open Audio File") STR_HELP("Open an audio file") void operator()(agi::Context *c) override { wxString str = _("Audio Formats") + " (*.aac,*.ac3,*.ape,*.dts,*.flac,*.m4a,*.mka,*.mp3,*.mp4,*.ogg,*.w64,*.wav,*.wma)|*.aac;*.ac3;*.ape;*.dts;*.flac;*.m4a;*.mka;*.mp3;*.mp4;*.ogg;*.w64;*.wav;*.wma|" + _("Video Formats") + " (*.asf,*.avi,*.avs,*.d2v,*.m2ts,*.m4v,*.mkv,*.mov,*.mp4,*.mpeg,*.mpg,*.ogm,*.webm,*.wmv,*.ts)|*.asf;*.avi;*.avs;*.d2v;*.m2ts;*.m4v;*.mkv;*.mov;*.mp4;*.mpeg;*.mpg;*.ogm;*.webm;*.wmv;*.ts|" + _("All Files") + " (*.*)|*.*"; auto filename = OpenFileSelector(_("Open Audio File"), "Path/Last/Audio", "", "", str, c->parent); if (!filename.empty()) c->project->LoadAudio(filename); } }; struct audio_open_blank final : public Command { CMD_NAME("audio/open/blank") STR_MENU("Open 2h30 Blank Audio") STR_DISP("Open 2h30 Blank Audio") STR_HELP("Open a 150 minutes blank audio clip, for debugging") void operator()(agi::Context *c) override { c->project->LoadAudio("dummy-audio:silence?sr=44100&bd=16&ch=1&ln=396900000"); } }; struct audio_open_noise final : public Command { CMD_NAME("audio/open/noise") STR_MENU("Open 2h30 Noise Audio") STR_DISP("Open 2h30 Noise Audio") STR_HELP("Open a 150 minutes noise-filled audio clip, for debugging") void operator()(agi::Context *c) override { c->project->LoadAudio("dummy-audio:noise?sr=44100&bd=16&ch=1&ln=396900000"); } }; struct audio_open_video final : public Command { CMD_NAME("audio/open/video") CMD_ICON(open_audio_from_video_menu) STR_MENU("Open Audio from &Video") STR_DISP("Open Audio from Video") STR_HELP("Open the audio from the current video file") CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_VALIDATE) bool Validate(const agi::Context *c) override { return !c->project->VideoName().empty(); } void operator()(agi::Context *c) override { c->project->LoadAudio(c->project->VideoName()); } }; struct audio_view_spectrum final : public Command { CMD_NAME("audio/view/spectrum") STR_MENU("&Spectrum Display") STR_DISP("Spectrum Display") STR_HELP("Display audio as a frequency-power spectrograph") CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_RADIO) bool IsActive(const agi::Context *) override { return OPT_GET("Audio/Spectrum")->GetBool(); } void operator()(agi::Context *) override { OPT_SET("Audio/Spectrum")->SetBool(true); } }; struct audio_view_waveform final : public Command { CMD_NAME("audio/view/waveform") STR_MENU("&Waveform Display") STR_DISP("Waveform Display") STR_HELP("Display audio as a linear amplitude graph") CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_RADIO) bool IsActive(const agi::Context *) override { return !OPT_GET("Audio/Spectrum")->GetBool(); } void operator()(agi::Context *) override { OPT_SET("Audio/Spectrum")->SetBool(false); } }; class writer { agi::io::Save outfile; std::ostream& out; public: writer(agi::fs::path const& filename) : outfile(filename, true), out(outfile.Get()) { } template void write(const char(&str)[N]) { out.write(str, N - 1); } void write(std::vector const& data) { out.write(data.data(), data.size()); } template void write(Src v) { auto converted = static_cast(v); out.write(reinterpret_cast(&converted), sizeof(Dest)); } }; struct audio_save_clip final : public Command { CMD_NAME("audio/save/clip") STR_MENU("Create audio clip") STR_DISP("Create audio clip") STR_HELP("Save an audio clip of the selected line") CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_VALIDATE) bool Validate(const agi::Context *c) override { return c->project->AudioProvider() && !c->selectionController->GetSelectedSet().empty(); } void operator()(agi::Context *c) override { auto const& sel = c->selectionController->GetSelectedSet(); if (sel.empty()) return; auto filename = SaveFileSelector(_("Save audio clip"), "", "", "wav", "", c->parent); if (filename.empty()) return; AssTime start = INT_MAX, end = 0; for (auto line : sel) { start = std::min(start, line->Start); end = std::max(end, line->End); } auto provider = c->project->AudioProvider(); auto start_sample = (start * provider->GetSampleRate() + 999) / 1000; auto end_sample = (end * provider->GetSampleRate() + 999) / 1000; if (start_sample >= provider->GetNumSamples() || start_sample <= end_sample) return; size_t bytes_per_sample = provider->GetBytesPerSample() * provider->GetChannels(); size_t bufsize = (end_sample - start_sample) * bytes_per_sample; writer out{filename}; out.write("RIFF"); out.write(bufsize + 36); out.write("WAVEfmt "); out.write(16); // Size of chunk out.write(1); // compression format (PCM) out.write(provider->GetChannels()); out.write(provider->GetSampleRate()); out.write(provider->GetSampleRate() * provider->GetChannels() * provider->GetBytesPerSample()); out.write(provider->GetChannels() * provider->GetBytesPerSample()); out.write(provider->GetBytesPerSample() * 8); out.write("data"); out.write(bufsize); // samples per read size_t spr = 65536 / bytes_per_sample; std::vector buf(bufsize); for (int64_t i = start_sample; i < end_sample; i += spr) { buf.resize(std::min(spr, end_sample - i)); provider->GetAudio(&buf[0], i, buf.size()); out.write(buf); } } }; struct audio_play_current_selection final : public validate_audio_open { CMD_NAME("audio/play/current") STR_MENU("Play current audio selection") STR_DISP("Play current audio selection") STR_HELP("Play the current audio selection, ignoring changes made while playing") void operator()(agi::Context *c) override { c->videoController->Stop(); c->audioController->PlayRange(c->audioController->GetPrimaryPlaybackRange()); } }; struct audio_play_current_line final : public validate_audio_open { CMD_NAME("audio/play/line") CMD_ICON(button_playline) STR_MENU("Play current line") STR_DISP("Play current line") STR_HELP("Play the audio for the current line") void operator()(agi::Context *c) override { c->videoController->Stop(); AudioTimingController *tc = c->audioController->GetTimingController(); if (tc) c->audioController->PlayRange(tc->GetActiveLineRange()); } }; struct audio_play_selection final : public validate_audio_open { CMD_NAME("audio/play/selection") CMD_ICON(button_playsel) STR_MENU("Play audio selection") STR_DISP("Play audio selection") STR_HELP("Play audio until the end of the selection is reached") void operator()(agi::Context *c) override { c->videoController->Stop(); c->audioController->PlayPrimaryRange(); } }; struct audio_play_toggle final : public validate_audio_open { CMD_NAME("audio/play/toggle") STR_MENU("Play audio selection or stop") STR_DISP("Play audio selection or stop") STR_HELP("Play selection, or stop playback if it's already playing") void operator()(agi::Context *c) override { if (c->audioController->IsPlaying()) c->audioController->Stop(); else { c->videoController->Stop(); c->audioController->PlayPrimaryRange(); } } }; struct audio_stop final : public Command { CMD_NAME("audio/stop") CMD_ICON(button_stop) STR_MENU("Stop playing") STR_DISP("Stop playing") STR_HELP("Stop audio and video playback") CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_VALIDATE) bool Validate(const agi::Context *c) override { return c->audioController->IsPlaying(); } void operator()(agi::Context *c) override { c->audioController->Stop(); c->videoController->Stop(); } }; struct audio_play_before final : public validate_audio_open { CMD_NAME("audio/play/selection/before") CMD_ICON(button_playfivehbefore) STR_MENU("Play 500 ms before selection") STR_DISP("Play 500 ms before selection") STR_HELP("Play 500 ms before selection") void operator()(agi::Context *c) override { c->videoController->Stop(); int begin = c->audioController->GetPrimaryPlaybackRange().begin(); c->audioController->PlayRange(TimeRange(begin - 500, begin)); } }; struct audio_play_after final : public validate_audio_open { CMD_NAME("audio/play/selection/after") CMD_ICON(button_playfivehafter) STR_MENU("Play 500 ms after selection") STR_DISP("Play 500 ms after selection") STR_HELP("Play 500 ms after selection") void operator()(agi::Context *c) override { c->videoController->Stop(); int end = c->audioController->GetPrimaryPlaybackRange().end(); c->audioController->PlayRange(TimeRange(end, end + 500)); } }; struct audio_play_end final : public validate_audio_open { CMD_NAME("audio/play/selection/end") CMD_ICON(button_playlastfiveh) STR_MENU("Play last 500 ms of selection") STR_DISP("Play last 500 ms of selection") STR_HELP("Play last 500 ms of selection") void operator()(agi::Context *c) override { c->videoController->Stop(); TimeRange times(c->audioController->GetPrimaryPlaybackRange()); c->audioController->PlayToEndOfPrimary(times.end() - std::min(500, times.length())); } }; struct audio_play_begin final : public validate_audio_open { CMD_NAME("audio/play/selection/begin") CMD_ICON(button_playfirstfiveh) STR_MENU("Play first 500 ms of selection") STR_DISP("Play first 500 ms of selection") STR_HELP("Play first 500 ms of selection") void operator()(agi::Context *c) override { c->videoController->Stop(); TimeRange times(c->audioController->GetPrimaryPlaybackRange()); c->audioController->PlayRange(TimeRange( times.begin(), times.begin() + std::min(500, times.length()))); } }; struct audio_play_to_end final : public validate_audio_open { CMD_NAME("audio/play/to_end") CMD_ICON(button_playtoend) STR_MENU("Play from selection start to end of file") STR_DISP("Play from selection start to end of file") STR_HELP("Play from selection start to end of file") void operator()(agi::Context *c) override { c->videoController->Stop(); c->audioController->PlayToEnd(c->audioController->GetPrimaryPlaybackRange().begin()); } }; struct audio_commit final : public validate_audio_open { CMD_NAME("audio/commit") CMD_ICON(button_audio_commit) STR_MENU("Commit") STR_DISP("Commit") STR_HELP("Commit any pending audio timing changes") void operator()(agi::Context *c) override { AudioTimingController *tc = c->audioController->GetTimingController(); if (tc) { tc->Commit(); if(OPT_GET("Audio/Next Line on Commit")->GetBool()) tc->Next(AudioTimingController::LINE); } } }; struct audio_commit_default final : public validate_audio_open { CMD_NAME("audio/commit/default") STR_MENU("Commit and use default timing for next line") STR_DISP("Commit and use default timing for next line") STR_HELP("Commit any pending audio timing changes and reset the next line's times to the default") void operator()(agi::Context *c) override { AudioTimingController *tc = c->audioController->GetTimingController(); if (tc) { tc->Commit(); tc->Next(AudioTimingController::LINE_RESET_DEFAULT); } } }; struct audio_commit_next final : public validate_audio_open { CMD_NAME("audio/commit/next") STR_MENU("Commit and move to next line") STR_DISP("Commit and move to next line") STR_HELP("Commit any pending audio timing changes and move to the next line") void operator()(agi::Context *c) override { AudioTimingController *tc = c->audioController->GetTimingController(); if (tc) { tc->Commit(); tc->Next(AudioTimingController::LINE); } } }; struct audio_commit_stay final : public validate_audio_open { CMD_NAME("audio/commit/stay") STR_MENU("Commit and stay on current line") STR_DISP("Commit and stay on current line") STR_HELP("Commit any pending audio timing changes and stay on the current line") void operator()(agi::Context *c) override { AudioTimingController *tc = c->audioController->GetTimingController(); if (tc) tc->Commit(); } }; struct audio_go_to final : public validate_audio_open { CMD_NAME("audio/go_to") CMD_ICON(button_audio_goto) STR_MENU("Go to selection") STR_DISP("Go to selection") STR_HELP("Scroll the audio display to center on the current audio selection") void operator()(agi::Context *c) override { c->audioBox->ScrollToActiveLine(); } }; struct audio_scroll_left final : public validate_audio_open { CMD_NAME("audio/scroll/left") STR_MENU("Scroll left") STR_DISP("Scroll left") STR_HELP("Scroll the audio display left") void operator()(agi::Context *c) override { c->audioBox->ScrollAudioBy(-128); } }; struct audio_scroll_right final : public validate_audio_open { CMD_NAME("audio/scroll/right") STR_MENU("Scroll right") STR_DISP("Scroll right") STR_HELP("Scroll the audio display right") void operator()(agi::Context *c) override { c->audioBox->ScrollAudioBy(128); } }; static inline void toggle(const char *opt) { OPT_SET(opt)->SetBool(!OPT_GET(opt)->GetBool()); } struct audio_autoscroll final : public Command { CMD_NAME("audio/opt/autoscroll") CMD_ICON(toggle_audio_autoscroll) STR_MENU("Auto scroll audio display to selected line") STR_DISP("Auto scroll audio display to selected line") STR_HELP("Auto scroll audio display to selected line") CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_TOGGLE) bool IsActive(const agi::Context *) override { return OPT_GET("Audio/Auto/Scroll")->GetBool(); } void operator()(agi::Context *) override { toggle("Audio/Auto/Scroll"); } }; struct audio_autocommit final : public Command { CMD_NAME("audio/opt/autocommit") CMD_ICON(toggle_audio_autocommit) STR_MENU("Automatically commit all changes") STR_DISP("Automatically commit all changes") STR_HELP("Automatically commit all changes") CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_TOGGLE) bool IsActive(const agi::Context *) override { return OPT_GET("Audio/Auto/Commit")->GetBool(); } void operator()(agi::Context *) override { toggle("Audio/Auto/Commit"); } }; struct audio_autonext final : public Command { CMD_NAME("audio/opt/autonext") CMD_ICON(toggle_audio_nextcommit) STR_MENU("Auto go to next line on commit") STR_DISP("Auto go to next line on commit") STR_HELP("Automatically go to next line on commit") CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_TOGGLE) bool IsActive(const agi::Context *) override { return OPT_GET("Audio/Next Line on Commit")->GetBool(); } void operator()(agi::Context *) override { toggle("Audio/Next Line on Commit"); } }; struct audio_toggle_spectrum final : public Command { CMD_NAME("audio/opt/spectrum") CMD_ICON(toggle_audio_spectrum) STR_MENU("Spectrum analyzer mode") STR_DISP("Spectrum analyzer mode") STR_HELP("Spectrum analyzer mode") CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_TOGGLE) bool IsActive(const agi::Context *) override { return OPT_GET("Audio/Spectrum")->GetBool(); } void operator()(agi::Context *) override { toggle("Audio/Spectrum"); } }; struct audio_vertical_link final : public Command { CMD_NAME("audio/opt/vertical_link") CMD_ICON(toggle_audio_link) STR_MENU("Link vertical zoom and volume sliders") STR_DISP("Link vertical zoom and volume sliders") STR_HELP("Link vertical zoom and volume sliders") CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_TOGGLE) bool IsActive(const agi::Context *) override { return OPT_GET("Audio/Link")->GetBool(); } void operator()(agi::Context *) override { toggle("Audio/Link"); } }; struct audio_karaoke final : public Command { CMD_NAME("audio/karaoke") CMD_ICON(kara_mode) STR_MENU("Toggle karaoke mode") STR_DISP("Toggle karaoke mode") STR_HELP("Toggle karaoke mode") CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_TOGGLE) bool IsActive(const agi::Context *c) override { return c->karaoke->IsEnabled(); } void operator()(agi::Context *c) override { c->karaoke->SetEnabled(!c->karaoke->IsEnabled()); } }; } namespace cmd { void init_audio() { reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); reg(agi::make_unique()); } }