// Copyright (c) 2012, Thomas Goyne // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES // WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR // ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES // WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF // OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. // // Aegisub Project http://www.aegisub.org/ // // $Id$ /// @file dialog_fonts_collector.cpp /// @brief Font collector dialogue box /// @ingroup tools_ui font_collector /// #include "config.h" #include "dialog_fonts_collector.h" #include "font_file_lister.h" #include "font_file_lister_fontconfig.h" #include "font_file_lister_freetype.h" #include "ass_file.h" #include "compat.h" #include "help_button.h" #include "libresrc/libresrc.h" #include "main.h" #include "scintilla_text_ctrl.h" #include "selection_controller.h" #include "standard_paths.h" #include "utils.h" #include #ifndef AGI_PRE #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif enum FcMode { CheckFontsOnly = 0, CopyToFolder = 1, CopyToScriptFolder = 2, CopyToZip = 3 }; wxDEFINE_EVENT(EVT_ADD_TEXT, wxThreadEvent); wxDEFINE_EVENT(EVT_COLLECTION_DONE, wxThreadEvent); /// @class FontsCollectorThread /// @brief Worker thread for the font collector dialog class FontsCollectorThread : public wxThread { AssFile *subs; ///< Subtitle file to process wxString destination; ///< Path to write fonts to for modes 2 and 3 wxEvtHandler *collector; ///< Parent dialog FcMode oper; ///< Copying mode void Collect() { using namespace std::tr1::placeholders; FontCollectorStatusCallback callback(bind(&FontsCollectorThread::AppendText, this, _1, _2)); #ifdef WITH_FONTCONFIG FontConfigFontFileLister lister(callback); #elif defined(WITH_FREETYPE2) FreetypeFontFileLister lister(callback); #else AppendText(_("Aegisub was built without any font file listers enabled"), 2); struct DummyLister : public FontFileLister { std::vector GetFontPaths(wxString const&, int, bool, std::set const&) { return std::vector(); } } lister; #endif std::vector paths = FontCollector(callback, lister).GetFontPaths(subs->Line); if (paths.empty()) return; // Copy fonts switch (oper) { case CheckFontsOnly: return; case CopyToScriptFolder: case CopyToFolder: AppendText(_("Copying fonts to folder...\n")); break; case CopyToZip: AppendText(_("Copying fonts to archive...\n")); break; } // Open zip stream if saving to compressed archive agi::scoped_ptr out; agi::scoped_ptr zip; if (oper == CopyToZip) { out.reset(new wxFFileOutputStream(destination)); zip.reset(new wxZipOutputStream(*out)); } bool allOk = true; for (std::vector::iterator cur = paths.begin(); cur != paths.end(); ++cur) { int ret = 0; switch (oper) { case CopyToScriptFolder: case CopyToFolder: { wxString dest = destination + wxFileName(*cur).GetFullName(); if (wxFileName::FileExists(dest)) ret = 2; else ret = wxCopyFile(*cur, dest, true); } break; case CopyToZip: { wxFFileInputStream in(*cur); if (!in.IsOk()) ret = false; else { ret = zip->PutNextEntry(wxFileName(*cur).GetFullName()); zip->Write(in); } } default: break; } if (ret == 1) AppendText(wxString::Format(_("* Copied %s.\n"), *cur), 1); else if (ret == 2) AppendText(wxString::Format(_("* %s already exists on destination.\n"), wxFileName(*cur).GetFullName()), 3); else { AppendText(wxString::Format(_("* Failed to copy %s.\n"), *cur), 2); allOk = false; } } if (allOk) AppendText(_("Done. All fonts copied."), 1); else AppendText(_("Done. Some fonts could not be copied."), 2); } /// @brief Tell the dialog to add text to the textbox /// @param text Text to add /// @param colour 0: neutral; 1: success; 2: error void AppendText(wxString text, int colour=0) { wxThreadEvent event(EVT_ADD_TEXT); event.SetPayload(std::make_pair(colour, text)); collector->AddPendingEvent(event); } /// Do the font collection wxThread::ExitCode Entry() { Collect(); collector->AddPendingEvent(wxThreadEvent(EVT_COLLECTION_DONE)); return 0; } public: FontsCollectorThread(AssFile *subs, wxString destination, FcMode oper, wxEvtHandler *collector) : wxThread(wxTHREAD_DETACHED) , subs(subs) , destination(destination) , collector(collector) , oper(oper) { Create(); Run(); } }; DialogFontsCollector::DialogFontsCollector(wxWindow *parent, AssFile *ass) : wxDialog(parent, -1, _("Fonts Collector")) , subs(ass) { SetIcon(BitmapToIcon(GETIMAGE(font_collector_button_24))); wxString modes[] = { _("Check fonts for availability"), _("Copy fonts to folder"), _("Copy fonts to subtitle file's folder"), _("Copy fonts to zipped archive") }; collection_mode = new wxRadioBox(this, -1, "Action", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 4, modes, 1); collection_mode->SetSelection(mid(0, OPT_GET("Tool/Fonts Collector/Action")->GetInt(), 3)); if (!ass->filename) collection_mode->Enable(2, false); wxStaticBoxSizer *destination_box = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, this, _("Destination")); dest_label = new wxStaticText(destination_box->GetStaticBox(), -1, " "); dest_ctrl = new wxTextCtrl(destination_box->GetStaticBox(), -1, StandardPaths::DecodePath(lagi_wxString(OPT_GET("Path/Fonts Collector Destination")->GetString()))); dest_browse_button = new wxButton(destination_box->GetStaticBox(), -1, _("&Browse...")); wxSizer *dest_browse_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL); dest_browse_sizer->Add(dest_ctrl, wxSizerFlags(1).Border(wxRIGHT)); dest_browse_sizer->Add(dest_browse_button, wxSizerFlags()); destination_box->Add(dest_label, wxSizerFlags().Border(wxBOTTOM)); destination_box->Add(dest_browse_sizer, wxSizerFlags().Expand()); wxStaticBoxSizer *log_box = new wxStaticBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL, this, _("Log")); collection_log = new ScintillaTextCtrl(log_box->GetStaticBox(), -1, "", wxDefaultPosition, wxSize(600, 300)); collection_log->SetWrapMode(wxSTC_WRAP_WORD); collection_log->SetMarginWidth(1, 0); collection_log->SetReadOnly(true); collection_log->StyleSetForeground(1, wxColour(0, 200, 0)); collection_log->StyleSetForeground(2, wxColour(200, 0, 0)); collection_log->StyleSetForeground(3, wxColour(200, 100, 0)); log_box->Add(collection_log, wxSizerFlags().Border()); wxStdDialogButtonSizer *button_sizer = CreateStdDialogButtonSizer(wxOK | wxCANCEL | wxHELP); start_btn = button_sizer->GetAffirmativeButton(); close_btn = button_sizer->GetCancelButton(); start_btn->SetLabel(_("&Start!")); start_btn->SetDefault(); wxSizer *main_sizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); main_sizer->Add(collection_mode, wxSizerFlags().Expand().Border()); main_sizer->Add(destination_box, wxSizerFlags().Expand().Border(wxALL & ~wxTOP)); main_sizer->Add(log_box, wxSizerFlags().Border(wxALL & ~wxTOP)); main_sizer->Add(button_sizer, wxSizerFlags().Right().Border(wxALL & ~wxTOP)); SetSizerAndFit(main_sizer); CenterOnParent(); // Update the browse button and label wxCommandEvent evt; OnRadio(evt); start_btn->Bind(wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, &DialogFontsCollector::OnStart, this); dest_browse_button->Bind(wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, &DialogFontsCollector::OnBrowse, this); collection_mode->Bind(wxEVT_COMMAND_RADIOBOX_SELECTED, &DialogFontsCollector::OnRadio, this); button_sizer->GetHelpButton()->Bind(wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, std::tr1::bind(&HelpButton::OpenPage, "Fonts Collector")); Bind(EVT_ADD_TEXT, &DialogFontsCollector::OnAddText, this); Bind(EVT_COLLECTION_DONE, &DialogFontsCollector::OnCollectionComplete, this); } void DialogFontsCollector::OnStart(wxCommandEvent &) { collection_log->SetReadOnly(false); collection_log->ClearAll(); collection_log->SetReadOnly(true); wxString dest; int action = collection_mode->GetSelection(); OPT_SET("Tool/Fonts Collector/Action")->SetInt(action); if (action != CheckFontsOnly) { if (action == CopyToScriptFolder) dest = "?script/"; else dest = dest_ctrl->GetValue(); dest = StandardPaths::DecodePath(dest); wxFileName folder = dest; if (action != CopyToZip) { if (dest.Last() != '/' && dest.Last() != '\\') { dest += wxFileName::GetPathSeparator(); folder = dest; } if (folder.FileExists()) wxMessageBox(_("Invalid destination."), _("Error"), wxICON_EXCLAMATION | wxOK); if (!folder.DirExists()) folder.Mkdir(0777, wxPATH_MKDIR_FULL); if (!folder.DirExists()) { wxMessageBox(_("Could not create destination folder."), _("Error"), wxICON_EXCLAMATION | wxOK); return; } } else if (folder.IsDir() || folder.GetName().empty()) { wxMessageBox(_("Invalid path for .zip file."), _("Error"), wxICON_EXCLAMATION | wxOK); return; } } if (action != CheckFontsOnly) OPT_SET("Path/Fonts Collector Destination")->SetString(STD_STR(dest)); // Disable the UI while it runs as we don't support canceling EnableCloseButton(false); start_btn->Enable(false); dest_browse_button->Enable(false); dest_ctrl->Enable(false); close_btn->Enable(false); collection_mode->Enable(false); dest_label->Enable(false); new FontsCollectorThread(subs, dest, static_cast(action), GetEventHandler()); } void DialogFontsCollector::OnBrowse(wxCommandEvent &) { wxString dest; if (collection_mode->GetSelection() == CopyToZip) { dest = wxFileSelector( _("Select archive file name"), dest_ctrl->GetValue(), wxFileName(dest_ctrl->GetValue()).GetFullName(), ".zip", _("Zip Archives (*.zip)|*.zip"), wxFD_SAVE|wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT); } else dest = wxDirSelector(_("Select folder to save fonts on"), dest_ctrl->GetValue(), 0); if (!dest.empty()) dest_ctrl->SetValue(dest); } void DialogFontsCollector::OnRadio(wxCommandEvent &) { int value = collection_mode->GetSelection(); wxString dst = dest_ctrl->GetValue(); if (value == CheckFontsOnly || value == CopyToScriptFolder) { dest_ctrl->Enable(false); dest_browse_button->Enable(false); dest_label->Enable(false); dest_label->SetLabel(_("N/A")); } else { dest_ctrl->Enable(true); dest_browse_button->Enable(true); dest_label->Enable(true); if (value == CopyToFolder) { dest_label->SetLabel(_("Choose the folder where the fonts will be collected to. It will be created if it doesn't exist.")); // Remove filename from browse box if (dst.Right(4) == ".zip") dest_ctrl->SetValue(wxFileName(dst).GetPath()); } else { dest_label->SetLabel(_("Enter the name of the destination zip file to collect the fonts to. If a folder is entered, a default name will be used.")); // Add filename to browse box if (!dst.EndsWith(".zip")) { wxFileName fn(dst + "//"); fn.SetFullName("fonts.zip"); dest_ctrl->SetValue(fn.GetFullPath()); } } } } void DialogFontsCollector::OnAddText(wxThreadEvent &event) { std::pair str = event.GetPayload >(); collection_log->SetReadOnly(false); int pos = collection_log->GetReverseUnicodePosition(collection_log->GetLength()); collection_log->AppendText(str.second); if (str.first) { collection_log->StartUnicodeStyling(pos, 31); collection_log->SetUnicodeStyling(pos, str.second.size(), str.first); } collection_log->GotoPos(pos); collection_log->SetReadOnly(true); } void DialogFontsCollector::OnCollectionComplete(wxThreadEvent &) { EnableCloseButton(true); start_btn->Enable(); close_btn->Enable(); collection_mode->Enable(); if (!subs->filename) collection_mode->Enable(2, false); wxCommandEvent evt; OnRadio(evt); }