ifneq (yes, $(INCLUDING_CHILD_MAKEFILES)) COMMANDS := all install clean distclean test depclean osx-bundle osx-dmg test-automation test-libaegisub .PHONY: $(COMMANDS) .DEFAULT_GOAL := all # Would be nice to move this somewhere else (Makefile.inc?) ifeq (yes, $(BUILD_DARWIN)) CFLAGS += -mmacosx-version-min=10.8 -gfull CXXFLAGS += -mmacosx-version-min=10.8 -gfull LDFLAGS += -mmacosx-version-min=10.8 -Wl,-dead_strip -pagezero_size 10000 -image_base 100000000 LIB_SHARED_LINK = $(LIB_SHARED_LINK_OSX) endif LIB_TARGETS := $(addprefix $(TOP)lib/,$(LIB:%=lib%.a)) # Handle per-target flags in the form foo_CFLAGS := -w by mapping them to all # of the objects a target depends on. This has potentially dumb results if # multiple targets use a single object file, so don't do that. define set_target_flags OBJ += $($1_OBJ) $($1_OBJ): CPPFLAGS := $(CPPFLAGS) $($1_CPPFLAGS) $($1_OBJ): CXXFLAGS := $(CXXFLAGS) $($1_CXXFLAGS) $($1_OBJ): OBJCXXFLAGS := $(CXXFLAGS) $($1_CXXFLAGS) ifeq (yes, $(PRECOMPILED_HEADER)) ifdef $1_PCH CLEANFILES += $($1_PCH).gch $($1_OBJ): CXXFLAGS += -include $($1_PCH) $(PCHFLAGS) $($1_OBJ): $($1_PCH).gch $($1_PCH).gch: $($1_PCH) $($1_PCH).gch: CPPFLAGS := $(CPPFLAGS) $($1_CPPFLAGS) $($1_PCH).gch: CXXFLAGS := $(CXXFLAGS) $($1_CXXFLAGS) else $($1_OBJ): CXXFLAGS += -include acconf.h endif else $($1_OBJ): CXXFLAGS += -include acconf.h endif endef $(foreach target,$(LIB),$(eval $(call set_target_flags,$(target),$(TOP)lib/lib$(target).a))) $(foreach target,$(PROGRAM),$(eval $(call set_target_flags,$(notdir $(target)),$(target)))) # Create the build and install targets for programs # Not done with a pattern rule since the pattern would be just %: and doing that # leads to make trying to use gcc to make any nonexistent targets rather than # erroring define create_program_targets ifdef $1_INSTALLNAME install: $(DESTDIR)$(P_BINDIR)/$($1_INSTALLNAME) $(DESTDIR)$(P_BINDIR)/$($1_INSTALLNAME): $(dir $2)$($1_INSTALLNAME) @$(BIN_MKDIR) -p $(DESTDIR)$(P_BINDIR) @$(BIN_INSTALL) $(dir $2)$($1_INSTALLNAME) $(DESTDIR)$(P_BINDIR)/$($1_INSTALLNAME) $(dir $2)$($1_INSTALLNAME): $($1_OBJ) $(BIN_CXX) -o $(dir $2)$($1_INSTALLNAME) $(LDFLAGS) $($1_OBJ) $(LIBS) $($1_LIBS) all: $(dir $2)$($1_INSTALLNAME) else $2: $($1_OBJ) $(BIN_CXX) -o $2 $(LDFLAGS) $($1_OBJ) $(LIBS) $($1_LIBS) all: $2 endif $(eval CLEANFILES += $(filter-out %/,$2 $(dir $2)$($1_INSTALLNAME))) endef $(foreach target,$(PROGRAM),$(eval $(call create_program_targets,$(notdir $(target)),$(target)))) # The dependency files which will be automatically generated by gcc. # The filter is due to that libraries also appear in OBJ DEP := $(filter %.d,$(OBJ:%.o=%.d)) # If the goal is a relative path to a file, convert it to an absolute path ifneq ($(filter-out $(COMMANDS),$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) ABSGOAL := $(abspath $(MAKECMDGOALS)) ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),$(ABSGOAL)) $(MAKECMDGOALS): $(ABSGOAL) ; endif endif # Primary build targets all: $(LIB_TARGETS) clean: $(BIN_RM) -f $(OBJ) $(CLEANFILES) $(LIB_TARGETS) distclean: clean $(BIN_RM) -rf $(DISTCLEANFILES) $(DEP) depclean: clean $(BIN_RM) -rf $(DEP) install: # The actual build rules .SUFFIXES: CXX_CMD = $(CXX_ENV) $(BIN_CXX) $(CFLAGS_DEP) $(CPPFLAGS) CC_CMD = $(CXX_ENV) $(BIN_CC) $(CFLAGS_DEP) $(CPPFLAGS) POST_FLAGS = $($@_FLAGS) -c -o $@ $< %.o: %.c ; $(CC_CMD) $(CFLAGS) $(POST_FLAGS) %.o: %.cpp ; $(CXX_CMD) $(CXXFLAGS) $(POST_FLAGS) %.o: %.cxx ; $(CXX_CMD) $(CXXFLAGS) $(POST_FLAGS) %.o: %.cc ; $(CXX_CMD) $(CXXFLAGS) $(POST_FLAGS) %.o: %.mm ; $(CXX_CMD) $(OBJCXXFLAGS) $(POST_FLAGS) %.o: %.m ; $(CC_CMD) $(CFLAGS) -fmodules $(POST_FLAGS) %.gch: % @$(BIN_RM) -f $@ $(CXX_ENV) $(BIN_CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -x c++-header $< .SECONDEXPANSION: # Libraries contain all object files they depend on (but they may depend on other files) # Not using libtool on OS X because it has an unsilenceable warning about a # compatibility issue with BSD 4.3 (wtf) lib%.a: $$($$(*F)_OBJ) @$(BIN_MKDIR_P) $(dir $@) $(BIN_AR) cru $@ $(filter %.o,$^) $(BIN_RANLIB) $@ -include $(DEP) endif