// Copyright (c) 2006, Rodrigo Braz Monteiro // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors // may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software // without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // AEGISUB // // Website: http://aegisub.cellosoft.com // Contact: mailto:zeratul@cellosoft.com // //////////// // Includes #include "subs_grid.h" #include "ass_file.h" #include "ass_dialogue.h" #include "ass_style.h" #include "video_display.h" #include "vfr.h" #include "subs_edit_box.h" #include "options.h" #include "frame_main.h" #include "hotkeys.h" #include #include #include #include /////////////// // Event table BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(SubtitlesGrid, BaseGrid) EVT_KEY_DOWN(SubtitlesGrid::OnKeyDown) EVT_MENU(MENU_SWAP,SubtitlesGrid::OnSwap) EVT_MENU(MENU_DUPLICATE,SubtitlesGrid::OnDuplicate) EVT_MENU(MENU_DUPLICATE_NEXT_FRAME,SubtitlesGrid::OnDuplicateNextFrame) EVT_MENU(MENU_JOIN_CONCAT,SubtitlesGrid::OnJoinConcat) EVT_MENU(MENU_JOIN_REPLACE,SubtitlesGrid::OnJoinReplace) EVT_MENU(MENU_ADJOIN,SubtitlesGrid::OnAdjoin) EVT_MENU(MENU_ADJOIN2,SubtitlesGrid::OnAdjoin2) EVT_MENU(MENU_INSERT_BEFORE,SubtitlesGrid::OnInsertBefore) EVT_MENU(MENU_INSERT_AFTER,SubtitlesGrid::OnInsertAfter) EVT_MENU(MENU_INSERT_BEFORE_VIDEO,SubtitlesGrid::OnInsertBeforeVideo) EVT_MENU(MENU_INSERT_AFTER_VIDEO,SubtitlesGrid::OnInsertAfterVideo) EVT_MENU(MENU_COPY,SubtitlesGrid::OnCopyLines) EVT_MENU(MENU_PASTE,SubtitlesGrid::OnPasteLines) EVT_MENU(MENU_CUT,SubtitlesGrid::OnCutLines) EVT_MENU(MENU_DELETE,SubtitlesGrid::OnDeleteLines) EVT_MENU(MENU_SET_START_TO_VIDEO,SubtitlesGrid::OnSetStartToVideo) EVT_MENU(MENU_SET_END_TO_VIDEO,SubtitlesGrid::OnSetEndToVideo) EVT_MENU(MENU_SET_VIDEO_TO_START,SubtitlesGrid::OnSetVideoToStart) EVT_MENU(MENU_SET_VIDEO_TO_END,SubtitlesGrid::OnSetVideoToEnd) EVT_MENU(MENU_JOIN_AS_KARAOKE,SubtitlesGrid::OnJoinAsKaraoke) EVT_MENU(MENU_1_12_2_RECOMBINE,SubtitlesGrid::On1122Recombine) EVT_MENU(MENU_12_2_RECOMBINE,SubtitlesGrid::On122Recombine) EVT_MENU(MENU_1_12_RECOMBINE,SubtitlesGrid::On112Recombine) EVT_ERASE_BACKGROUND(SubtitlesGrid::OnEraseBackground) END_EVENT_TABLE() /////////////// // Constructor SubtitlesGrid::SubtitlesGrid(FrameMain* parentFr, wxWindow *parent, wxWindowID id, VideoDisplay *_video, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name) : BaseGrid(parent,id,pos,size,style,name) { // Vars changingCol = false; byFrame = false; ass = NULL; video = _video; editBox = NULL; parentFrame = parentFr; // Font size int fontSize = Options.AsInt(_T("Grid font size")); wxFont font; font.SetPointSize(fontSize); wxClientDC dc(this); dc.SetFont(font); int w,h; dc.GetTextExtent(_T("#TWFfgGhH"), &w, &h, NULL, NULL, &font); RowHeight = h+4; } ////////////// // Destructor SubtitlesGrid::~SubtitlesGrid() { wxRemoveFile(tempfile); tempfile = _T(""); } ////////////// // Popup menu void SubtitlesGrid::OnPopupMenu() { // Get selections bool continuous; wxArrayInt selections = GetSelection(&continuous); int sels = selections.Count(); // Show menu if at least one is selected if (sels > 0) { wxMenu menu; bool state; // Insert state = (sels == 1); menu.Append(MENU_INSERT_BEFORE,_("&Insert (before)"),_T("Inserts a line before current"))->Enable(state); menu.Append(MENU_INSERT_AFTER,_("Insert (after)"),_T("Inserts a line after current"))->Enable(state); state = (sels == 1 && video && video->loaded); menu.Append(MENU_INSERT_BEFORE_VIDEO,_("Insert at video time (before)"),_T("Inserts a line after current, starting at video time"))->Enable(state); menu.Append(MENU_INSERT_AFTER_VIDEO,_("Insert at video time (after)"),_T("Inserts a line after current, starting at video time"))->Enable(state); menu.AppendSeparator(); // Video/time sync state = (video && video->loaded); menu.Append(MENU_SET_VIDEO_TO_START,_("Jump video to start"),_T("Sets current video time to start time"))->Enable(state); menu.Append(MENU_SET_VIDEO_TO_END,_("Jump video to end"),_T("Sets current video time to end time"))->Enable(state); menu.Append(MENU_SET_START_TO_VIDEO,_("Set start to video"),_T("Sets start times to current video time"))->Enable(state); menu.Append(MENU_SET_END_TO_VIDEO,_("Set end to video"),_T("Sets end times to current video time"))->Enable(state); menu.AppendSeparator(); // Duplicate selection menu.Append(MENU_DUPLICATE,_("&Duplicate"),_T("Duplicate the selected lines"))->Enable(continuous); menu.Append(MENU_DUPLICATE_NEXT_FRAME,_("&Duplicate and shift by 1 frame"),_T("Duplicate lines and shift by one frame"))->Enable(continuous && VFR_Output.loaded); // Swaps selection state = (sels == 2); menu.Append(MENU_SWAP,_("&Swap"),_T("Swaps the two selected lines"))->Enable(state); // Join selection state = (sels >= 2 && continuous); menu.Append(MENU_JOIN_CONCAT,_("&Join (concatenate)"),_T("Joins selected lines in a single one, concatenating text together"))->Enable(state); menu.Append(MENU_JOIN_REPLACE,_("Join (keep first)"),_T("Joins selected lines in a single one, keeping text of first and discarding remaining"))->Enable(state); menu.Append(MENU_JOIN_AS_KARAOKE,_("Join (as Karaoke)"),_T(""))->Enable(state); // Adjoin selection menu.Append(MENU_ADJOIN,_("&Make times continuous (change start)"),_T("Changes times of subs so start times begin on previous's end time"))->Enable(state); menu.Append(MENU_ADJOIN2,_("&Make times continuous (change end)"),_T("Changes times of subs so end times begin on next's start time"))->Enable(state); menu.AppendSeparator(); // Recombine selection state = (sels == 2 && continuous); menu.Append(MENU_1_12_RECOMBINE,_("Recombine (1, 1+2) into (1, 2)"),_T("Recombine subtitles when first one is actually first plus second"))->Enable(state); menu.Append(MENU_12_2_RECOMBINE,_("Recombine (1+2, 2) into (1, 2)"),_T("Recombine subtitles when second one is actually first plus second"))->Enable(state); state = (sels == 3 && continuous); menu.Append(MENU_1_12_2_RECOMBINE,_("Recombine (1, 1+2, 2) into (1, 2)"),_T("Recombine subtitles when middle one is actually first plus second"))->Enable(state); menu.AppendSeparator(); // Copy/cut/paste menu.Append(MENU_COPY,_("&Copy"),_T("Copies selected lines to clipboard")); menu.Append(MENU_CUT,_("C&ut"),_T("Cuts selected lines to clipboard")); menu.Append(MENU_PASTE,_("&Paste"),_T("Paste lines from clipboard")); menu.AppendSeparator(); // Delete menu.Append(MENU_DELETE,_("Delete"),_T("Delete currently selected lines")); PopupMenu(&menu); } } /////////////////////////// // Process keyboard events void SubtitlesGrid::OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent &event) { // Get key Hotkeys.SetPressed(event.GetKeyCode(),event.m_controlDown,event.m_altDown,event.m_shiftDown); // Get selection bool continuous = false; wxArrayInt sels = GetSelection(&continuous); int n_found = sels.Count(); int n = 0; int n2 = 0; int nrows = GetRows(); if (n_found > 0) { n = sels[0]; n2 = sels[n_found-1]; } if (n_found == 1) { // Move down if (Hotkeys.IsPressed(_T("Grid move row down"))) { if (n < nrows-1) { SwapLines(n,n+1); SelectRow(n+1); editBox->SetToLine(n+1); } return; } // Move up if (Hotkeys.IsPressed(_T("Grid move row up"))) { if (n > 0) { SwapLines(n-1,n); SelectRow(n-1); editBox->SetToLine(n-1); } return; } } if (n_found >= 1) { // Copy if (Hotkeys.IsPressed(_T("Copy"))) { wxCommandEvent dummy; OnCopyLines(dummy); return; } // Cut if (Hotkeys.IsPressed(_T("Cut"))) { wxCommandEvent dummy; OnCutLines(dummy); return; } // Paste if (Hotkeys.IsPressed(_T("Paste"))) { wxCommandEvent dummy; OnPasteLines(dummy); return; } // Delete if (Hotkeys.IsPressed(_T("Grid delete rows"))) { DeleteLines(-1,-1,true); return; } if (continuous) { // Duplicate if (Hotkeys.IsPressed(_T("Grid duplicate rows"))) { DuplicateLines(n,n2,false); return; } // Duplicate and shift if (VFR_Output.loaded) { if (Hotkeys.IsPressed(_T("Grid duplicate and shift one frame"))) { DuplicateLines(n,n2,true); return; } } } } event.Skip(); } /////////////////////// // Duplicate selection void SubtitlesGrid::OnDuplicate (wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(&event)) { int n1 = -1; int n2 = -1; bool gotfirst = false; int nrows = GetRows(); for (int i=0;iStart.SetMS(0); def->End = GetDialogue(n)->Start; } else { def->Start = GetDialogue(n-1)->End; def->End = GetDialogue(n)->Start; } if (def->End.GetMS() < def->Start.GetMS()) def->End.SetMS(def->Start.GetMS()+5000); def->Style = GetDialogue(n)->Style; // Insert it InsertLine(def,n,false); } ///////////////////// // Call insert after void SubtitlesGrid::OnInsertAfter (wxCommandEvent &event) { // Find line int n; int nrows = GetRows(); for (int i=0;iStart = GetDialogue(n)->End; def->End = GetDialogue(n)->End; def->End.SetMS(def->End.GetMS()+5000); } else { def->Start = GetDialogue(n)->End; def->End = GetDialogue(n+1)->Start; } if (def->End.GetMS() < def->Start.GetMS()) def->End.SetMS(def->Start.GetMS()+5000); def->Style = GetDialogue(n)->Style; // Insert it InsertLine(def,n,true); } ///////////////////////////////// // Call insert before with video void SubtitlesGrid::OnInsertBeforeVideo (wxCommandEvent &event) { // Find line int n; int nrows = GetRows(); for (int i=0;iframe_n,true); def->Start.SetMS(video_ms); def->End.SetMS(video_ms+5000); def->Style = GetDialogue(n)->Style; // Insert it InsertLine(def,n,false); } //////////////////////////////// // Call insert after with video void SubtitlesGrid::OnInsertAfterVideo (wxCommandEvent &event) { // Find line int n; int nrows = GetRows(); for (int i=0;iframe_n,true); def->Start.SetMS(video_ms); def->End.SetMS(video_ms+5000); def->Style = GetDialogue(n)->Style; // Insert it InsertLine(def,n,true); } /////////////////////////////// // Copy selection to clipboard void SubtitlesGrid::OnCopyLines (wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(&event)) { CopyLines(); } /////////////////////////////// // Cuts selection to clipboard void SubtitlesGrid::OnCutLines (wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(&event)) { CopyLines(); DeleteLines(-1,-1,true); } //////////////////////// // Paste from clipboard void SubtitlesGrid::OnPasteLines (wxCommandEvent &WXUNUSED(&event)) { int n; int nrows = GetRows(); for (int i=0;iframe_n,true); // Update selection wxArrayInt sel = GetSelection(); AssDialogue *cur; int modified =0; for (size_t i=0;iStart.SetMS(ms); cur->UpdateData(); SetRowToLine(sel[i],cur); } } // Commit if (modified) { ass->FlagAsModified(); CommitChanges(); editBox->Update(); } } //////////////////////// // Set end to video pos void SubtitlesGrid::OnSetEndToVideo(wxCommandEvent &event) { // Check if it's OK to do it if (!VFR_Output.loaded) return; // Get new time int ms = VFR_Output.CorrectTimeAtFrame(video->frame_n,false); // Update selection wxArrayInt sel = GetSelection(); AssDialogue *cur; int modified = 0; for (size_t i=0;iEnd.SetMS(ms); cur->UpdateData(); modified++; SetRowToLine(sel[i],cur); } } // Commit if (modified) { ass->FlagAsModified(); CommitChanges(); editBox->Update(); } } ////////////////////////// // Set video pos to start void SubtitlesGrid::OnSetVideoToStart(wxCommandEvent &event) { wxArrayInt sel = GetSelection(); if (sel.Count() == 0) return; AssDialogue *cur = GetDialogue(sel[0]); if (cur) video->JumpToFrame(VFR_Output.CorrectFrameAtTime(cur->Start.GetMS(),true)); } //////////////////////// // Set video pos to end void SubtitlesGrid::OnSetVideoToEnd(wxCommandEvent &event) { wxArrayInt sel = GetSelection(); if (sel.Count() == 0) return; AssDialogue *cur = GetDialogue(sel[0]); //if (cur) video->JumpToTime(cur->End.GetMS()); if (cur) video->JumpToFrame(VFR_Output.CorrectFrameAtTime(cur->End.GetMS(),false)); } ///////////////////// // 1,1+2,2 Recombine void SubtitlesGrid::On1122Recombine(wxCommandEvent &event) { // Get selection bool cont; wxArrayInt sel = GetSelection(&cont); if (sel.Count() != 3 || !cont) throw _T("Invalid number of selections"); int n = sel[0]; // Update AssDialogue *n1,*n2,*n3; n1 = GetDialogue(n); n2 = GetDialogue(n+1); n3 = GetDialogue(n+2); n1->End = n2->End; n3->Start = n2->Start; n1->UpdateData(); n3->UpdateData(); // Delete middle DeleteLines(n+1,n+1,false); } /////////////////// // 1+2,2 Recombine void SubtitlesGrid::On122Recombine(wxCommandEvent &event) { // Get selection bool cont; wxArrayInt sel = GetSelection(&cont); if (sel.Count() != 2 || !cont) throw _T("Invalid number of selections"); int n = sel[0]; // Update AssDialogue *n1,*n2; n1 = GetDialogue(n); n2 = GetDialogue(n+1); n1->Text.Trim(true).Trim(false); n2->Text.Trim(true).Trim(false); // Check if n2 is a suffix of n1 if (n1->Text.Right(n2->Text.Length()) == n2->Text) { n1->Text = n1->Text.SubString(0, n1->Text.Length() - n2->Text.Length() - 1).Trim(true).Trim(false); while (n1->Text.Left(2) == _T("\\N") || n1->Text.Left(2) == _T("\\n")) n1->Text = n1->Text.Mid(2); while (n1->Text.Right(2) == _T("\\N") || n1->Text.Right(2) == _T("\\n")) n1->Text = n1->Text.Mid(0,n1->Text.Length()-2); n2->Start = n1->Start; n1->ParseASSTags(); n1->UpdateData(); n2->UpdateData(); // Commit SetRowToLine(n,n1); SetRowToLine(n+1,n2); ass->FlagAsModified(); CommitChanges(); } else { parentFrame->StatusTimeout(_T("Unable to recombine: Second line is not a suffix of first one.")); } } /////////////////// // 1,1+2 Recombine void SubtitlesGrid::On112Recombine(wxCommandEvent &event) { // Get selection bool cont; wxArrayInt sel = GetSelection(&cont); if (sel.Count() != 2 || !cont) throw _T("Invalid number of selections"); int n = sel[0]; // Update AssDialogue *n1,*n2; n1 = GetDialogue(n); n2 = GetDialogue(n+1); n1->Text.Trim(true).Trim(false); n2->Text.Trim(true).Trim(false); // Check if n1 is a prefix of n2 and recombine if (n2->Text.Left(n1->Text.Length()) == n1->Text) { n2->Text = n2->Text.Mid(n1->Text.Length()).Trim(true).Trim(false); while (n2->Text.Left(2) == _T("\\N") || n2->Text.Left(2) == _T("\\n")) n2->Text = n2->Text.Mid(2); while (n2->Text.Right(2) == _T("\\N") || n2->Text.Right(2) == _T("\\n")) n2->Text = n2->Text.Mid(0,n2->Text.Length()-2); n1->End = n2->End; n2->ParseASSTags(); n1->UpdateData(); n2->UpdateData(); // Commit SetRowToLine(n,n1); SetRowToLine(n+1,n2); ass->FlagAsModified(); CommitChanges(); } else { parentFrame->StatusTimeout(_T("Unable to recombine: First line is not a prefix of second one.")); } } ////////////////////////////////////// // Clears grid and sets it to default void SubtitlesGrid::LoadDefault (AssFile *_ass) { if (_ass) { ass = _ass; } ass->LoadDefault(); LoadFromAss(NULL,false,true); } /////////////// // Clears grid void SubtitlesGrid::Clear () { //if (GetNumberRows() > 0) DeleteRows(0,GetNumberRows()); diagMap.clear(); selMap.clear(); yPos = 0; AdjustScrollbar(); } ///////////////////////////////////// // Read data from ASS file structure void SubtitlesGrid::LoadFromAss (AssFile *_ass,bool keepSelection,bool dontModify) { // Store selected rows std::vector srows; if (keepSelection) { int nrows = GetRows(); for (int i=0;iLine.begin();cur != ass->Line.end();cur++) { curdiag = AssEntry::GetAsDialogue(*cur); if (curdiag) { //AppendRows(1); SetRowToLine(n,curdiag); diagMap.push_back(cur); selMap.push_back(false); n++; } } ready = true; // Restore selection if (keepSelection) { for (size_t i=0;iFlagAsModified(); } CommitChanges(); // Set edit box if (editBox) { int nrows = GetRows(); int firstsel = -1; for (int i=0;iUpdateGlobals(); if (_ass) editBox->SetToLine(firstsel); } } ///////////////////////////////////////// // Sets one line to a line from the subs void SubtitlesGrid::SetRowToLine(int n,AssDialogue *line) { Refresh(false); } ////////////////// // Sets row color void SubtitlesGrid::SetRowColour(int n,AssDialogue *line) { Refresh(false); } ////////////////////// // Update row colours void SubtitlesGrid::UpdateRowColours() { Refresh(false); } /////////////////// // Swaps two lines void SubtitlesGrid::SwapLines(int n1,int n2) { // Check bounds and get iterators int rows = GetRows(); if (n1 < 0 || n2 < 0 || n1 >= rows || n2 >= rows) return; entryIter src1 = diagMap.at(n1); entryIter src2 = diagMap.at(n2); // Swaps iter_swap(src1,src2); // Update display SetRowToLine(n1,AssEntry::GetAsDialogue(*src1)); SetRowToLine(n2,AssEntry::GetAsDialogue(*src2)); // Update mapping diagMap[n1] = src1; diagMap[n2] = src2; ass->FlagAsModified(); CommitChanges(); } ///////////////// // Insert a line void SubtitlesGrid::InsertLine(AssDialogue *line,int n,bool after,bool update) { // Check bounds and get iterators entryIter pos = diagMap.at(n); // Insert if (after) { n++; pos++; } line->UpdateData(); entryIter newIter = ass->Line.insert(pos,line); //InsertRows(n); //SetRowToLine(n,line); diagMap.insert(diagMap.begin() + n,newIter); selMap.insert(selMap.begin() + n,false); // Update if (update) { ass->FlagAsModified(); CommitChanges(); } } /////////////////////////// // Copy lines to clipboard void SubtitlesGrid::CopyLines() { // Prepare text wxString data = _T(""); AssDialogue *cur; int nrows = GetRows(); bool first = true; for (int i=0;idata; } } // Send to clipboard if (wxTheClipboard->Open()) { wxTheClipboard->SetData(new wxTextDataObject(data)); wxTheClipboard->Close(); } } ////////////////////////////// // Paste lines from clipboard void SubtitlesGrid::PasteLines(int n) { // Prepare text wxString data = _T(""); // Read from clipboard if (wxTheClipboard->Open()) { if (wxTheClipboard->IsSupported(wxDF_TEXT)) { wxTextDataObject rawdata; wxTheClipboard->GetData(rawdata); data = rawdata.GetText(); } wxTheClipboard->Close(); } // Check if it actually got anything if (!data.empty()) { int inserted = 0; wxStringTokenizer token (data,_T("\r\n"),wxTOKEN_STRTOK); while (token.HasMoreTokens()) { wxString curdata = token.GetNextToken(); curdata.Trim(true); curdata.Trim(false); try { AssDialogue *curdiag = new AssDialogue(curdata); //AssDialogue *curdiag = new AssDialogue; //curdiag->data = curdata; //curdiag->Parse(); //curdiag->UpdateData(); //InsertLine(curdiag,n,true,false); InsertLine(curdiag,n+inserted,false,false); inserted++; } catch (...) { } } if (inserted > 0) { // Commit ass->FlagAsModified(); CommitChanges(); // Set selection SelectRow(n); for (int i=n+1;iSetToLine(n+1); } } } ///////////////////////// // Delete selected lines void SubtitlesGrid::DeleteLines(int n1,int n2,bool sel) { // Check if it's wiping file int deleted = 0; // Range if (!sel) { // Deallocate lines for (int i=n1;i<=n2;i++) { delete GetDialogue(i); } // Remove from AssFile if (n1 != n2) ass->Line.erase(diagMap.at(n1),++diagMap.at(n2)); else ass->Line.erase(diagMap.at(n1)); deleted = n2-n1+1; } // Selection else { int nlines = GetRows(); for (int i=0;iLine.erase(diagMap.at(i)); deleted++; } } } // Add default line if file was wiped if (GetRows() == deleted) { AssDialogue *def = new AssDialogue; ass->Line.push_back(def); } // Update LoadFromAss(); } //////////////////////// // Joins selected lines void SubtitlesGrid::JoinLines(int n1,int n2,bool concat) { // Initialize int min_ms = 0x0FFFFFFF; int max_ms = -1; wxString finalText = _T(""); // Collect data AssDialogue *cur; int start,end; bool gotfirst = false; for (int i=n1;i<=n2;i++) { cur = GetDialogue(i); start = cur->Start.GetMS(); end = cur->End.GetMS(); if (start < min_ms) min_ms = start; if (end > max_ms) max_ms = end; if (concat || !gotfirst) { if (gotfirst) finalText += _T("\\N"); gotfirst = true; finalText += cur->Text; } } // Apply settings to first line cur = GetDialogue(n1); cur->Start.SetMS(min_ms); cur->End.SetMS(max_ms); cur->Text = finalText; cur->UpdateData(); // Delete remaining lines (this will auto commit) DeleteLines(n1+1,n2,false); // Select new line editBox->SetToLine(n1); SelectRow(n1); } ////////////////////////// // Adjoins selected lines void SubtitlesGrid::AdjoinLines(int n1,int n2,bool setStart) { // Set start if (setStart) { AssDialogue *prev = GetDialogue(n1); AssDialogue *cur; for (int i=n1+1;i<=n2;i++) { cur = GetDialogue(i); if (!cur) return; cur->Start = prev->End; cur->UpdateData(); SetRowToLine(i,cur); prev = cur; } } // Set end else { AssDialogue *next; AssDialogue *cur = GetDialogue(n1); for (int i=n1;iEnd = next->Start; cur->UpdateData(); SetRowToLine(i,cur); cur = next; } } // Commit AssFile::top->FlagAsModified(); CommitChanges(); } /////////////////////////////////// // Joins selected lines as karaoke void SubtitlesGrid::JoinAsKaraoke(int n1,int n2) { // Initialize wxString finalText = _T(""); // Collect data AssDialogue *cur; int start,end; int firststart; int lastend = -1; int len1,len2; for (int i=n1;i<=n2;i++) { cur = GetDialogue(i); // Get times start = cur->Start.GetMS(); end = cur->End.GetMS(); // Get len if (lastend == -1) { lastend = start; firststart = start; } len1 = (start - lastend) / 10; len2 = (end - lastend) / 10; // Create text if (len1 != 0) finalText += _T("{\\k") + wxString::Format(_T("%i"),len1) + _T("}"); finalText += _T("{\\k") + wxString::Format(_T("%i"),len2) + _T("}") + cur->Text; lastend = end; } // Apply settings to first line cur = GetDialogue(n1); cur->Start.SetMS(firststart); cur->End.SetMS(lastend); cur->Text = finalText; cur->UpdateData(); // Delete remaining lines (this will auto commit) DeleteLines(n1+1,n2,false); // Select new line editBox->SetToLine(n1); SelectRow(n1); } /////////////////// // Duplicate lines void SubtitlesGrid::DuplicateLines(int n1,int n2,bool nextFrame) { AssDialogue *cur; bool update = false; int step=0; for (int i=n1;i<=n2;i++) { // Create if (i == n2) update = true; //cur = new AssDialogue(GetDialogue(i+step)->data); cur = new AssDialogue(GetDialogue(i)->data); // Shift to next frame if (nextFrame) { int posFrame = VFR_Output.CorrectFrameAtTime(cur->End.GetMS(),false) + 1; cur->Start.SetMS(VFR_Output.CorrectTimeAtFrame(posFrame,true)); cur->End.SetMS(VFR_Output.CorrectTimeAtFrame(posFrame,false)); cur->UpdateData(); } // Insert //InsertLine(cur,n1+step,false,update); InsertLine(cur,n2+step,true,update); step++; } // Select new lines SelectRow(n1+step,false); for (int i=n1+1;i<=n2;i++) { SelectRow(i+step,true); } editBox->SetToLine(n1+step); } /////////////////////// // Shifts line by time // ------------------- // Where type = // 0: Start + End // 1: Start // 2: End // void SubtitlesGrid::ShiftLineByTime(int n,int len,int type) { AssDialogue *cur = GetDialogue(n); // Start if (type != 2) cur->Start.SetMS(cur->Start.GetMS() + len); // End if (type != 1) cur->End.SetMS(cur->End.GetMS() + len); // Update data cur->UpdateData(); } //////////////////////// // Shifts line by frame // ------------------- // Where type = // 0: Start + End // 1: Start // 2: End // void SubtitlesGrid::ShiftLineByFrames(int n,int len,int type) { AssDialogue *cur = GetDialogue(n); // Start if (type != 2) cur->Start.SetMS(VFR_Output.CorrectTimeAtFrame(len + VFR_Output.CorrectFrameAtTime(cur->Start.GetMS(),true),true)); // End if (type != 1) cur->End.SetMS(VFR_Output.CorrectTimeAtFrame(len + VFR_Output.CorrectFrameAtTime(cur->End.GetMS(),false),false)); // Update data cur->UpdateData(); } ////////////// // Split line void SubtitlesGrid::SplitLine(int n,int pos,int mode) { // Split AssDialogue *n1,*n2; n1 = GetDialogue(n); n2 = new AssDialogue(n1->data); InsertLine(n2,n,true,false); // Modify text wxString orig = n1->Text; n1->Text = orig.Left(pos); n2->Text = orig.Mid(pos); n1->ParseASSTags(); n2->ParseASSTags(); // Modify time if (mode == 1) { double splitPos = double(pos)/orig.Length(); int splitTime = (n1->End.GetMS() - n1->Start.GetMS())*splitPos + n1->Start.GetMS(); n1->End.SetMS(splitTime); n2->Start.SetMS(splitTime); } // Update data n1->UpdateData(); n2->UpdateData(); SetRowToLine(n,n1); SetRowToLine(n+1,n2); // Update editbox and audio editBox->SetToLine(n); // Commit ass->FlagAsModified(); CommitChanges(); } ////////////////// // Commit changes // -------------- // This will save the work .ass and make avisynth refresh it void SubtitlesGrid::CommitChanges(bool force) { if (video->loaded || force) { // Check if it's playing bool playing = false; if (video->IsPlaying) { playing = true; video->Stop(); } // Export wxString workfile = GetTempWorkFile(); ass->Export(workfile); if (video->loaded) video->RefreshSubtitles(); // Resume play if (playing) video->Play(); } parentFrame->UpdateTitle(); } /////////////////////////// // Gets first selected row int SubtitlesGrid::GetFirstSelRow() { int nrows = GetRows(); for (int i=0;i