AC_PREREQ(2.57) ###################### # aegisub version info ###################### # MAKE SURE YOU UPDATE THE VERSION INFO BELOW WHEN YOU SET THIS TO '1' m4_define([aegisub_FINAL_RELEASE], [0]) m4_define([aegisub_version_major], [3]) m4_define([aegisub_version_minor], [0]) m4_define([aegisub_version_revision], [0]) m4_define([aegisub_version], [aegisub_version_major.aegisub_version_minor.aegisub_version_revision]) m4_define([aegisub_version_data], [aegisub_version_major.aegisub_version_minor]) ################### # Required packages ################### m4_define([curl_required_version], [7.18.2]) m4_define([ffms_required_version], [2.15]) m4_define([fftw_required_version], [3.3]) m4_define([fontconfig_required_version], [2.4]) m4_define([freetype_required_version], [9.7.0]) m4_define([libass_required_version], [0.9.7]) m4_define([lua_auto4_required_version], [5.1]) m4_define([pkgconfig_required_version], [0.20]) m4_define([portaudio_required_version], [19]) m4_define([pulseaudio_required_version], [0.5]) m4_define([wx_required_version], [2.9.2]) ####### # Setup ####### AC_INIT([Aegisub], [aegisub_version],, [aegisub]) : ${CFLAGS=""} : ${CXXFLAGS=""} AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([src/main.cpp]) AC_CONFIG_HEADER([acconf.h]) AC_GNU_SOURCE AC_CANONICAL_HOST ########################### # Check host architecture ########################### build_darwin="no" build_linux="no" build_bsd="no" build_default="no" case "$host" in *-*-darwin*) build_darwin="yes" ;; *-*-linux*) build_linux="yes" ;; *-*-*bsd*) build_bsd="yes" ICONV_CFLAGS="-I/usr/local/include" ICONV_LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/lib -liconv" ;; *) build_default="yes" ;; esac case "$host" in ppc-*-* | powerpc-*) arch_ppc="yes" arch_bundle="ppc" ;; i*86-*-*) arch_x86="yes" arch_bundle="intel" ;; x86_64-*-*) arch_x86="yes" arch_x86_64="yes" ;; *) ;; esac if test "$build_darwin" = "yes"; then if test "$arch_x86" = "yes"; then DARWIN_ARCH="intel" elif test "$arch_ppc" = "yes"; then DARWIN_ARCH="ppc" fi AC_SUBST(DARWIN_ARCH) fi # Used for universalchardet. AC_AGI_MDCPUCFG($host) AC_SUBST(build_bsd) AC_SUBST(build_linux) AC_SUBST(build_darwin) AC_SUBST(build_default) # Handle endianess. AC_C_BIGENDIAN( AC_DEFINE([HAVE_BIG_ENDIAN], [1], [Big Endian]), AC_DEFINE([HAVE_LITTLE_ENDIAN], [1], [Little Endian]), AC_DEFINE([HAVE_DYNAMIC_ENDIAN], [1], [Unknown endian]), AC_DEFINE([HAVE_UNIVERSAL_ENDIAN], [1], [Universal Endian (MAC Universal PPC/Intel Binaries, uses HAVE_DYNAMIC_ENDIAN)]) ) ######################## # Configurable variables ######################## # These cannot be set before AC_INIT() AEGISUB_VERSION_MAJOR=aegisub_version_major AEGISUB_VERSION_MINOR=aegisub_version_minor AEGISUB_VERSION=aegisub_version # Used for gettext. AEGISUB_VERSION_DATA=aegisub_version_data # Suffix used for data paths. AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(AEGISUB_VERSION_DATA, ["$AEGISUB_VERSION_DATA"], [Data path suffix.]) AC_SUBST(AEGISUB_VERSION_DATA) # Name of aegisub binary. AEGISUB_COMMAND="aegisub-$AEGISUB_VERSION_MAJOR.$AEGISUB_VERSION_MINOR" AC_SUBST(AEGISUB_COMMAND) # Handle location of desktop files: AC_ARG_WITH(desktop-dir, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-desktop-dir=PATH],[desktop file locations [PREFIX/share/applications]])) P_DESKTOP=${with_desktop_dir:-$datarootdir/applications} AC_SUBST(P_DESKTOP) # Handle location of icons: AC_ARG_WITH(icon-dir, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-icon-dir=PATH],[icon locations [PREFIX/share/icons]])) P_ICON=${with_icon_dir:-$datarootdir/icons} AC_SUBST(P_ICON) # Install prefix # If a user doesn't supply --prefix then it is set to NONE so we # set it to $ac_default_prefix if it hasn't been supplied. if test "$prefix" = "NONE"; then prefix="$ac_default_prefix" fi # Install prefix used by wxStandardPaths::SetInstallPrefix. AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([INSTALL_PREFIX], ["$prefix"], [Default install prefix, or --prefix.]) # Build credit AC_ARG_WITH(build-credit, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-build-credit=NAME],[Build credit shown in the program title.]), [use_build_credit="yes"]) AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether BUILD_CREDIT has been set]) if test "$use_build_credit" = "yes"; then if test "$with_build_credit" = "yes" || test -z "$with_build_credit"; then AC_MSG_FAILURE([You must set a value eg --with-build-credit=]) else AC_MSG_RESULT([yes ($with_build_credit)]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([BUILD_CREDIT], ["$with_build_credit"], [Build credit supplied in application title using --with-build-credit=]) fi else AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fi #################### # Check for programs #################### CHECK_GNU_MAKE AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_CXX AC_LANG(C++) AM_PROG_CC_C_O # This is reported to be required on Ubuntu, I haven't had time to check. define([AC_LIBTOOL_LANG_F77_CONFIG], [:]) AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_PROG_RANLIB PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG([pkgconfig_required_version]) ################# # Developers only ################# AM_MAINTAINER_MODE # XXX: This needs to be fixed to handle mixed revisions properly # There is probably a better way to handle it as well... AC_MSG_CHECKING([for svn version]) if test -d "$srcdir/.svn"; then SVN_REVISION=`svnversion $srcdir | sed "s/\(^@<:@0-9@:>@*\).*/\1/"` `echo $SVN_REVISION > $srcdir/svn_revision` AC_MSG_RESULT([$SVN_REVISION from "svnversion $srcdir"]) elif test -f "$srcdir/svn_revision"; then SVN_REVISION=`cat $srcdir/svn_revision` AC_MSG_RESULT([$SVN_REVISION from "$srcdir/svn_revision"]) else AC_MSG_RESULT([not found]) AC_MSG_FAILURE([unable to get SVN Revision from $srcdir/svn_revision or 'svnversion $srcdir']) fi # This is required in order for the config file to work correctly. AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([BUILD_SVN_REVISION], [$SVN_REVISION], [SVN Revision number, used for config.dat and version.cpp]) # Release information. if test "aegisub_FINAL_RELEASE" = "1"; then AC_DEFINE([FINAL_RELEASE], [aegisub_FINAL_RELEASE], [This is only set to 1 for a RELEASE VERSION.]) BUNDLE_STRING="Aegisub" DMG_STRING="Aegisub-${PACKAGE_VERSION}-${arch_bundle}" else PACKAGE_STRING="${PACKAGE_STRING}-dev-r${SVN_REVISION}" PACKAGE_VERSION="${PACKAGE_VERSION}-dev-r${SVN_REVISION}" VERSION="${VERSION}-dev-r${SVN_REVISION}" BUNDLE_STRING="Aegisub-${PACKAGE_VERSION}" DMG_STRING="Aegisub-${PACKAGE_VERSION}-${arch_bundle}" fi # Used in version.cpp AC_MSG_CHECKING([for build date]) BUILD_DATE=`date "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M %Z"` AC_MSG_RESULT($BUILD_DATE) AC_SUBST(SVN_REVISION) AC_SUBST(BUILD_DATE) AC_SUBST(BUNDLE_STRING) AC_SUBST(DMG_STRING) ################################################### # Check for pthreads and setup variables / compiler ################################################### ACX_PTHREAD([], [AC_MSG_FAILURE([You must have working pthreads.])]) CC="$PTHREAD_CC"; AC_AGI_COMPILE([pthread_rwlock_*], [pthread_rwlock], [$PTHREAD_CFLAGS], [$PTHREAD_LIBS],[ #include #define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 int main(void) { pthread_rwlock_t l; pthread_rwlock_init(&l, NULL); pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&l); return 0; }]) if test "$agi_cv_with_pthread_rwlock" = "yes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_RWLOCK,1,[define if the compiler implements pthread_rwlock_*]) fi ###################### # Check compiler flags ###################### AC_ARG_ENABLE(compiler-flags, [ --disable-compiler-flags Disable *all* additional compiler flags. [no]]) if test "$enable_compiler_flags" != "no"; then AC_C_FLAG([-Wall]) AC_C_FLAG([-Wextra],[AC_C_FLAG([-W])]) AC_C_FLAG([-Wno-unused-parameter]) AC_C_FLAG([-std=gnu99]) AC_C_FLAG([-pipe]) AC_CXX_FLAG([-Wall]) AC_CXX_FLAG([-Wextra],[AC_CXX_FLAG([-W])]) AC_CXX_FLAG([-Wno-unused-parameter]) AC_CXX_FLAG([-Wno-long-long]) AC_CXX_FLAG([-fno-strict-aliasing]) AC_CXX_FLAG([-pipe]) # -O* messes with debugging. if test "$enable_debug" = "yes"; then opt_flag="-O0" else opt_flag="-O2" fi AC_C_FLAG([$opt_flag]) AC_CXX_FLAG([$opt_flag]) fi ###################################### # Check Headers / Features / Libraries ###################################### AC_HEADER_STDC AC_HEADER_STDBOOL AC_C_CONST AC_C_INLINE AC_C_VOLATILE AC_CHECK_LIB([m], [main]) AC_AGI_COMPILE([pragma once], [pragma_once], [], [],[ #pragma once int main(void) {} ]) if test "$agi_cv_pragma_once" = "no"; then AC_MSG_FAILURE([Aegisub requires #pragma once to work correctly.]) fi AC_CHECK_HEADER([wchar.h],,[AC_MSG_FAILURE([aegisub requires wide character support])]) AC_CHECK_HEADERS([sys/time.h]) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF([time_t]) ############################## # Program Support and Features ############################## ########################## # X ########################## AC_PATH_XTRA if test "$no_x" = "yes" && test "$build_darwin" != "yes"; then AC_MSG_FAILURE([You must have a working copy of X installed.]) fi ######### ## OpenGL ######### AX_CHECK_GL if test "$no_gl" = "yes"; then AC_MSG_FAILURE([Aegisub requires GL support.]) fi AC_SUBST(GL_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(GL_LIBS) ####### ## cURL ####### PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBCURL, libcurl >= curl_required_version,, [AC_MSG_FAILURE([aegisub requires >= cURL curl_required_version])]) AC_AGI_COMPILE([cURL], [curl], [$LIBCURL_CFLAGS], [$LIBCURL_LIBS],[ #include int main(void) { CURL *handle = curl_easy_init(); }]) if test "$agi_cv_with_curl" = "no"; then AC_MSG_FAILURE([Please install a working cURL library.]) fi ########### ## Freetype ########### PKG_CHECK_MODULES(FREETYPE, freetype2 >= freetype_required_version, AC_DEFINE(WITH_FREETYPE2, 1, [Enable FreeType 2 support.]), [AC_MSG_FAILURE([Aegisub requires >= FreeType2 freetype_required_version])]) ############# ## Fontconfig ############# PKG_CHECK_MODULES(FONTCONFIG, fontconfig >= fontconfig_required_version, [AC_DEFINE(WITH_FONTCONFIG, 1, [Enable FontConfig support.])], [AC_MSG_FAILURE([Aegisub requires fontconfig >= fontconfig_required_version])]) ######## ## iconv ######## AC_ARG_VAR([ICONV_CFLAGS], [CFLAGS to use for iconv []]) AC_ARG_VAR([ICONV_LDFLAGS], [LDFLAGS to use for iconv [-liconv]]) if test -z "$ICONV_LDFLAGS"; then OLD_LIBS="$LIBS" LIBS="" AC_SEARCH_LIBS([iconv_open], [iconv]) ICONV_LDFLAGS="$LIBS" LIBS="$OLD_LIBS" fi AC_AGI_COMPILE([iconv], [iconv], [$ICONV_CFLAGS], [$ICONV_LDFLAGS],[ #include int main(void) { iconv_t ic; ic = iconv_open ("UTF-8", "UTF-8"); if (!ic) return 1; return 0; } ]) AC_SUBST(ICONV_LDFLAGS) AC_SUBST(ICONV_CFLAGS) if test "$agi_cv_with_iconv" = "no" ; then AC_MSG_FAILURE([Please install a working iconv library.]) fi AC_AGI_COMPILE([iconv (const)], [iconv_const], [$ICONV_CFLAGS], [$ICONV_LDFLAGS],[ #include int main(void) { iconv_t cd = iconv_open("UTF-16", "UTF-8"); const char *in = "in"; char *out = new char(); size_t res, inbytesleft, outbytesleft; res = iconv(cd, &in, &inbytesleft, &out, &outbytesleft); return 0; } ]) if test "$agi_cv_with_iconv_const" = "yes"; then AC_DEFINE(AGI_ICONV_CONST, 1, [Enable if iconv expects the in argument to be const]) fi ############### # Audio Players ############### ####### ## ALSA ####### AC_ARG_WITH(alsa, AS_HELP_STRING([--without-alsa], [build without ALSA audio provider [auto]])) AC_ARG_VAR([ALSA_CFLAGS], [CFLAGS to use for ALSA []]) AC_ARG_VAR([ALSA_LDFLAGS], [LDFLAGS to use for ALSA [-lasound -lrt]]) ALSA_LDFLAGS=${ALSA_LDFLAGS:--lasound -lrt} if test "$with_alsa" == "no"; then alsa_disabled="(disabled)" else AC_CHECK_LIB([asound], [snd_pcm_open], [with_alsa="yes"], [with_alsa="no"], $ALSA_LDFLAGS) fi if test "$with_alsa" != "no"; then AC_DEFINE(WITH_ALSA, 1, [Enable ALSA Support]) found_audio_player="yes" fi AC_SUBST(ALSA_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(ALSA_LDFLAGS) AC_SUBST(with_alsa) ############ ## PortAudio ############ AC_ARG_WITH(portaudio, AS_HELP_STRING([--without-portaudio], [build without PortAudio v19 audio provider [auto]])) if test "$with_portaudio" == "no"; then portaudio_disabled="(disabled)" else PKG_CHECK_MODULES(PORTAUDIO, portaudio-2.0 >= portaudio_required_version, [with_portaudio="yes"], [with_portaudio="no"]) fi if test "$with_portaudio" = "yes"; then AC_DEFINE(WITH_PORTAUDIO, 1, [Enable PortAudio v19 support]) found_audio_player="yes" fi AC_SUBST(with_portaudio) ############# ## PulseAudio ############# AC_ARG_WITH(pulseaudio, AS_HELP_STRING([--without-pulseaudio], [build without PulseAudio audio provider [auto]])) if test "$with_pulseaudio" == "no"; then pulseaudio_disabled="(disabled)" else PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBPULSE, libpulse >= pulseaudio_required_version, [with_pulseaudio="yes"], [with_pulseaudio="no"]) fi if test "$with_pulseaudio" = "yes"; then AC_DEFINE(WITH_PULSEAUDIO, 1, [Enable PulseAudio support]) found_audio_player="yes" fi AC_SUBST(with_pulseaudio) ######### ## OpenAL ######### AC_ARG_WITH(openal, AS_HELP_STRING([--without-openal], [build without OpenAL audio provider [auto]])) if test "$build_darwin" = "yes"; then OPENAL_LIBS="-framework OpenAL" OPENAL_CFLAGS="" AC_SUBST(OPENAL_LIBS) AC_SUBST(OPENAL_CFLAGS) with_openal="yes" elif test "$with_openal" == "no"; then openal_disabled="(disabled)" else PKG_CHECK_MODULES(OPENAL, openal >= 0.0.8, [with_openal=yes], [with_openal=no]) fi if test "$with_openal" != "no"; then AC_AGI_COMPILE([OpenAL], [openal], [$OPENAL_CFLAGS], [$OPENAL_LIBS],[ #if defined(__APPLE__) #include #include #else #include #include #endif int main(void) { ALCdevice *device = alcOpenDevice(0); if (!device) return 1; ALCcontext *context = alcCreateContext(device, 0); if (!context) return 1; return 0; } ]) fi if test "$agi_cv_with_openal" = "no" && test "$with_openal" = "yes"; then AC_MSG_WARN([OpenAL detected, but it doesn't work...]) with_openal="no" fi if test "$agi_cv_with_openal" = "yes" && test "$with_openal" = "yes"; then found_audio_player="yes" AC_DEFINE(WITH_OPENAL, 1, [Enable OpenAL support]) fi AC_SUBST(with_openal) ###### ## OSS ###### AC_ARG_WITH(oss, AS_HELP_STRING([--without-oss], [build without OSS audio provider [auto]])) if test "$with_oss" == "no"; then oss_disabled="(disabled)" else if test -f "/etc/oss.conf"; then . /etc/oss.conf CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I${OSSLIBDIR}/include/sys" fi AC_CHECK_HEADERS([soundcard.h sys/soundcard.h], [with_oss="yes"], [with_oss="no"]) # XXX: maybe check if OSS works fi if test "$with_oss" != "no"; then found_audio_player="yes" AC_DEFINE(WITH_OSS, 1, [Enable OSS support]) fi AC_SUBST(with_oss) ################### # FFTW ################### AC_ARG_WITH(fftw, AS_HELP_STRING([--without-fftw], [build without fftw support [auto]])) if test "$with_fftw" == "no"; then fftw_disabled="(disabled)" else PKG_CHECK_MODULES(FFTW3, fftw3 >= fftw_required_version, [with_fftw="yes"], [with_fftw="no"]) fi if test "$with_fftw" != "no"; then AC_DEFINE(WITH_FFTW, 1, [Enable fftw support]) fi AC_SUBST(with_fftw) ######################### # Video / Audio Providers ######################### AC_ARG_WITH(ffms, AS_HELP_STRING([--without-ffms], [build without ffms2 A/V provider [auto]])) if test "$with_ffms" == "no"; then ffms_disabled="(disabled)" else PKG_CHECK_MODULES(FFMS, ffms2 >= ffms_required_version, [with_ffms="yes"], [with_ffms="no"]) fi if test "$with_ffms" != "no"; then AC_DEFINE(WITH_FFMPEGSOURCE, 1, [Enable FFMS2 support]) fi AC_SUBST(with_ffms) ################### # Subtitle Provider ################### AC_ARG_WITH(libass, AS_HELP_STRING([--without-libass], [build without libass support [auto]])) if test "$with_libass" == "no"; then libass_disabled="(disabled)" else PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBASS, libass >= libass_required_version, [with_libass="yes"], [with_libass="no"]) fi if test "$with_libass" != "no"; then AC_DEFINE(WITH_LIBASS, 1, [Enable libass support]) fi AC_SUBST(with_libass) ########### ## Hunspell ########### AC_ARG_WITH(hunspell, AS_HELP_STRING([--without-hunspell], [build without hunspell support [auto]])) if test "$with_hunspell" == "no"; then hunspell_disabled="(disabled)" else PKG_CHECK_MODULES(HUNSPELL, hunspell >= 1.2.0, [with_hunspell="yes"], [with_hunspell="no"]) fi if test "$with_hunspell" = "yes"; then AC_DEFINE(WITH_HUNSPELL, 1, [Enable Hunspell support.]) fi AC_SUBST(with_hunspell) ############ # Automation ############ AC_ARG_WITH(lua, AS_HELP_STRING([--without-lua], [build without lua 5.1 (auto4)])) AC_ARG_VAR([LUA_CFLAGS], [CFLAGS to use for LUA 5.1 [autodetect]]) AC_ARG_VAR([LUA_LDFLAGS], [LDFLAGS to use for LUA 5.1 [autodetect]]) AC_ARG_VAR([LUA_LIBDIR], [Location of LUA 5.1 library. [none]]) if test -z "$LUA_CFLAGS"; then AGI_FIND_HEADER([LUA], [lua.hpp], [/usr/include/lua5.1 /usr/include/lua51 /usr/local/include/lua51 /usr/local/include/lua5.1 /usr/include /usr/local/include]) fi if test -z "$LUA_LDFLAGS"; then AGI_FIND_LIB([LUA], [lua51 lua-5.1 lua5.1 lua], [$LUA_LIBDIR]) fi aegisub_save_LIBS="$LIBS" LIBS="$LUA_LDFLAGS" if test "$with_lua" == "no"; then lua_disabled="(disabled)" else AC_AGI_COMPILE([Lua 5.1 (auto4)], [lua], [$LUA_CFLAGS], [],[ #include int main () { lua_State *L = luaL_newstate(); lua_pushstring(L, "test"); int res = lua_objlen(L, -1) == 4; lua_close(L); return !res; }]) fi LIBS="$aegisub_save_LIBS" if test "$agi_cv_with_lua" = "yes"; then with_auto4_lua="yes" AC_DEFINE(WITH_AUTO4_LUA, 1, [Enable Automation (auto4), requires lua]) else with_auto4_lua="no" fi AC_SUBST(with_auto4_lua) AC_SUBST(LUA_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(LUA_LDFLAGS) ################ # Widget support ################ WX_CONFIG_OPTIONS WX_STANDARD_OPTIONS([debug]) WX_DEBUG=$DEBUG WX_UNICODE=$UNICODE WX_CONFIG_CHECK([wx_required_version],,,[std,gl,stc],[$WXCONFIG_FLAGS]) if test "$have_wxconfig" = "no"; then AC_MSG_FAILURE([wxWidgets detection failed, please set --with-wx* or add the libraries to your LDFLAGS, CXX/CFLAGS.]) fi AC_ARG_ENABLE(slow-wx-checks, AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-slow-wx-checks],[Disable slow-running checks for wx components.])) if test "$enable_slow_wx_checks" != "no"; then AC_AGI_LINK([wxWidgets OpenGL support], [wxopengl], [wx/glcanvas.h], [$GL_CFLAGS $WX_CFLAGS], [$GL_LIBS $WX_LIBS],[ #include int main(void) { wxGLCanvas *canvas; wxGLContext *context; return 0; } ]) AC_AGI_LINK([wxWidgets StyledTextCtrl support], [wxstc], [wx/stc/stc.h], [$WX_CFLAGS], [$WX_LIBS],[ #include int main(void) { wxStyledTextCtrl *canvas; return 0; } ]) fi if test "$with_agi_cv_wxopengl" = "no"; then AC_MSG_FAILURE([wxWidgets OpenGL support missing]) fi if test "$with_agi_cv_wxstc" = "no"; then AC_MSG_FAILURE([wxWidgets StyledTextCtrl support missing]) fi ############################ # Precompiled Header Support # Only works with gcc! ############################ AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use precompiled headers]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(gcc-prec, AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-gcc-prec],[disable GCC precompiled headers])) if test "$enable_gcc_prec" != "no"; then enable_gcc_prec="yes" AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) else AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fi AC_SUBST(enable_gcc_prec) ###################################################### # Debugging support # This is added last so it doesn't slow down configure # If you want it earlier add it to your CXXFLAGS. ###################################################### AC_ARG_VAR([DEBUG_FLAGS], [Debug flag to use with --enable-debug [-g]]) AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to turn on debugging]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(debug, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-debug],[enable debugging [no]])) if test "$enable_debug" = "yes"; then DEBUG_FLAGS=${DEBUG_FLAGS:--g} AC_MSG_RESULT([yes ($DEBUG_FLAGS)]) msg_debug="($DEBUG_FLAGS)" # This turns on some internal (to aegisub) debugging features. # A debug version of wxWidgets is required. if $WX_CONFIG_PATH --debug; then AC_CXX_FLAG([-D_DEBUG]) fi else DEBUG_FLAGS="" enable_debug="no" AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fi AC_SUBST(DEBUG_FLAGS) if test "$enable_debug" = "yes"; then PACKAGE_DEBUG="-debug" fi AC_SUBST(PACKAGE_DEBUG) AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to use exception handling in debug mode]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(debug-exceptions, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-debug-exceptions],[enable exception handling in debug mode [no]])) if test "$enable_debug_exceptions" = "yes"; then AC_DEFINE(WITH_EXCEPTIONS, 1, [Enable exception handling in debug mode. (--enable-debug) This is always enabled when debug mode is off.]) AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) else AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fi ########### # Profiling ########### AC_ARG_VAR([PROFILE_FLAGS], [Profile flag(s) to use with --enable-profile [-pg]]) AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to turn on profiling]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(profile, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-profile],[enable profiling [no]])) if test "$enable_profile" = "yes"; then PROFILE_FLAGS=${PROFILE_FLAGS:--pg} AC_MSG_RESULT([yes ($PROFILE_FLAGS)]) CFLAGS="$PROFILE_FLAGS $CFLAGS" else enable_profile="no" AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fi ###### # gcov ###### AC_ARG_VAR([GCOV_CFLAGS], [gcov cflag(s) to use with --enable-gcov [-ftest-coverage -fprofile-arcs]]) AC_ARG_VAR([GCOV_LDFLAGS], [gcov ldflag(s) to use with --enable-gcov [-lgcov]]) AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to turn on gcov]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(gcov, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-gcov],[enable gcov [no]])) if test "$enable_gcov" = "yes"; then GCOV_CFLAGS=${GCOV_CLFAGS:--fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage} GCOV_LDFLAGS=${GCOV_LDFLAGS:--lgcov} AC_MSG_RESULT([yes ($GCOV_FLAGS)]) CFLAGS="$CFLAGS $GCOV_CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS $GCOV_LDFLAGS" else enable_gcov="no" AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fi ################ # Electric Fence ################ AC_ARG_VAR([EFENCE_LDFLAGS], [Electric Fence ldflag(s) to use with --enable-profile [-lefence]]) AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to turn on Electric Fence]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(efence, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-efence],[enable Electric Fence [no]])) if test "$enable_efence" = "yes"; then EFENCE_LDFLAGS=${EFENCE_LDFLAGS:--lefence} AC_MSG_RESULT([yes ($EFENCE_LDFLAGS)]) else enable_efence="no" AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fi AC_SUBST(EFENCE_LDFLAGS) ########## # ccmalloc ########## AC_ARG_VAR([CCMALLOC_LIBS], [ccmalloc libs(s) to use with --enable-ccmalloc [$prefix/lib/ccmalloc-c++.o]]) AC_ARG_VAR([CCMALLOC_LDFLAGS], [ccmalloc ldflag(s) to use with --enable-ccmalloc [-lccmalloc]]) AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to turn on ccmalloc]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(ccmalloc, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-ccmalloc],[enable ccmalloc [no]])) if test "$enable_ccmalloc" = "yes"; then CCMALLOC_LIBS=${CCMALLOC_LIBS:-$prefix/lib/ccmalloc-c++.o} CCMALLOC_LDFLAGS=${CCMALLOC_LDFLAGS:--lccmalloc} AC_MSG_RESULT([yes ($CCMALLOC_LIBS $CCMALLOC_LDFLAGS)]) else enable_ccmalloc="no" AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fi AC_SUBST(CCMALLOC_LDFLAGS) AC_SUBST(CCMALLOC_LIBS) if test "$enable_efence" = "yes" && test "$enable_ccmalloc" = "yes"; then AC_MSG_FAILURE([Please enable Electric Fence _or_ ccmalloc otherwise strange things will happen.]) fi ######## # ccache ######## AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to enable ccache]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(ccache, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-ccache],[enable ccache [no]])) if test "$enable_ccache" = "yes"; then AC_MSG_RESULT([yes]) else enable_ccache="no" AC_MSG_RESULT([no]) fi AC_SUBST(enable_ccache) ############################## # Internationalisation support ############################## AM_GNU_GETTEXT([external]) if test "$build_darwin" = "yes"; then GETTEXT_PACKAGE="aegisub" else GETTEXT_PACKAGE="aegisub${AEGISUB_VERSION_MAJOR}${AEGISUB_VERSION_MINOR}" fi AC_SUBST(GETTEXT_PACKAGE) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "$GETTEXT_PACKAGE", [The basename for our gettext translation domains.]) #################################################################### # Default settings for Providers/Players # * This is done at the end to preserve sanity rather than littering # it above. #################################################################### AC_ARG_WITH(player-audio, AS_HELP_STRING([--with-player-audio=(alsa|openal|portaudio|pulseaudio)], [Default Audio Player [Linux/ALSA, Darwin/OpenAL, 1:*/OSS, 2:*/PortAudio]])) # Default audio player. if ! test -z "$with_player_audio"; then default_player_audio="$with_player_audio" else if test "$build_linux" = "yes" && test "$with_alsa" = "yes"; then default_player_audio="alsa" elif test "$build_darwin" = "yes" && test "$with_openal" = "yes"; then default_player_audio="openal" elif test "$with_portaudio" = "yes"; then default_player_audio="portaudio" elif test "$with_oss" = "yes"; then default_player_audio="oss" elif test "$with_pulseaudio" = "yes"; then default_player_audio="pulseaudio" fi fi AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED([DEFAULT_PLAYER_AUDIO], ["$default_player_audio"], [Default audio player.]) # Set some friendly strings if some of the above aren't detected. default_player_audio=${default_player_audio:-NONE} ############### # Misc settings ############### AC_SUBST(found_audio_player) # Files that need substitution. AC_CONFIG_FILES([ desktop/aegisub.desktop tools/osx-bundle.sed ]) AC_OUTPUT if test -z "$found_audio_player"; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([ *********************************************************************** * No supported audio player interface was found on your system. * If you want audio support in Aegisub you need to install one of * these libraries: * - PulseAudio * * * - ALSA (Linux only) * * * - PortAudio (version 19 only) * * *********************************************************************** ]) fi if test "$with_ffms" != "yes"; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([ *********************************************************************** * No supported video/audio reader interface was found on your system. * You will not be able to open any video or audio files in Aegisub * unless you install a supported video/audio provider. * You will however still be able to open "dummy" video, ie. a blank, * virtual video clip with subtitles overlaid. * Currently we only support one video/audio provider on non-Windows * systems: * - FFMS2 * * *********************************************************************** ]) fi AC_MSG_RESULT([ Configure settings Install prefix: $prefix SVN Revision: $SVN_REVISION Debug $enable_debug $msg_debug CFLAGS $CFLAGS CXXFLAGS $CXXFLAGS CPPFLAGS $CPPFLAGS LDFLAGS $LDFLAGS Default Settings Audio Player: $default_player_audio Scripting Engines auto4 Lua: $with_auto4_lua $lua51_disabled Audio Players ALSA: $with_alsa $alsa_disabled OpenAL: $with_openal $openal_disabled OSS: $with_oss $oss_disabled PortAudio: $with_portaudio $portaudio_disabled PulseAudio: $with_pulseaudio $pulseaudio_disabled A/V Providers FFMS2: $with_ffms $ffms_disabled Subtitle Providers: libass $with_libass $libass_disabled Misc Packages Hunspell: $with_hunspell $hunspell_disabled FFTW3: $with_fftw $fftw_disabled ]);