// Copyright (c) 2006, Fredrik Mellbin // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors // may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software // without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Aegisub Project http://www.aegisub.org/ /// @file video_provider_avs.cpp /// @brief Avisynth-based video provider /// @ingroup video_input /// #ifdef WITH_AVISYNTH #include "include/aegisub/video_provider.h" #include "options.h" #include "video_frame.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef _WIN32 #include #endif #define VideoFrame AVSVideoFrame #include "avisynth.h" #undef VideoFrame #include "avisynth_wrap.h" namespace { class AvisynthVideoProvider: public VideoProvider { AviSynthWrapper avs; std::string decoder_name; agi::vfr::Framerate fps; std::vector keyframes; std::string warning; std::string colorspace; PClip RGB32Video; VideoInfo vi; AVSValue Open(agi::fs::path const& filename); public: AvisynthVideoProvider(agi::fs::path const& filename, std::string const& colormatrix); std::shared_ptr GetFrame(int n); int GetFrameCount() const override { return vi.num_frames; } agi::vfr::Framerate GetFPS() const override { return fps; } int GetWidth() const override { return vi.width; } int GetHeight() const override { return vi.height; } double GetDAR() const override { return 0; } std::vector GetKeyFrames() const override { return keyframes; } std::string GetWarning() const override { return warning; } std::string GetDecoderName() const override { return decoder_name; } std::string GetColorSpace() const override { return colorspace; } }; AvisynthVideoProvider::AvisynthVideoProvider(agi::fs::path const& filename, std::string const& colormatrix) { agi::acs::CheckFileRead(filename); std::lock_guard lock(avs.GetMutex()); #ifdef _WIN32 if (agi::fs::HasExtension(filename, "avi")) { // Try to read the keyframes before actually opening the file as trying // to open the file while it's already open can cause problems with // badly written VFW decoders AVIFileInit(); PAVIFILE pfile; long hr = AVIFileOpen(&pfile, filename.c_str(), OF_SHARE_DENY_WRITE, 0); if (hr) { warning = "Unable to open AVI file for reading keyframes:\n"; switch (hr) { case AVIERR_BADFORMAT: warning += "The file is corrupted, incomplete or has an otherwise bad format."; break; case AVIERR_MEMORY: warning += "The file could not be opened because of insufficient memory."; break; case AVIERR_FILEREAD: warning += "An error occurred reading the file. There might be a problem with the storage media."; break; case AVIERR_FILEOPEN: warning += "The file could not be opened. It might be in use by another application, or you do not have permission to access it."; break; case REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG: warning += "There is no handler installed for the file extension. This might indicate a fundamental problem in your Video for Windows installation, and can be caused by extremely stripped Windows installations."; break; default: warning += "Unknown error."; break; } goto file_exit; } PAVISTREAM ppavi; if (hr = AVIFileGetStream(pfile, &ppavi, streamtypeVIDEO, 0)) { warning = "Unable to open AVI video stream for reading keyframes:\n"; switch (hr) { case AVIERR_NODATA: warning += "The file does not contain a usable video stream."; break; case AVIERR_MEMORY: warning += "Not enough memory."; break; default: warning += "Unknown error."; break; } goto file_release; } AVISTREAMINFO avis; if (FAILED(AVIStreamInfo(ppavi,&avis,sizeof(avis)))) { warning = "Unable to read keyframes from AVI file:\nCould not get stream information."; goto stream_release; } for (size_t i = 0; i < avis.dwLength; i++) { if (AVIStreamIsKeyFrame(ppavi, i)) keyframes.push_back(i); } // If every frame is a keyframe then just discard the keyframe data as it's useless if (keyframes.size() == (size_t)avis.dwLength) keyframes.clear(); // Clean up stream_release: AVIStreamRelease(ppavi); file_release: AVIFileRelease(pfile); file_exit: AVIFileExit(); } #endif try { auto script = Open(filename); // Check if video was loaded properly if (!script.IsClip() || !script.AsClip()->GetVideoInfo().HasVideo()) throw VideoNotSupported("No usable video found"); vi = script.AsClip()->GetVideoInfo(); if (!vi.IsRGB()) { /// @todo maybe read ColorMatrix hints for d2v files? AVSValue args[2] = { script, "Rec601" }; bool force_bt601 = OPT_GET("Video/Force BT.601")->GetBool() || colormatrix == "TV.601"; bool bt709 = vi.width > 1024 || vi.height >= 600; if (bt709 && (!force_bt601 || colormatrix == "TV.709")) { args[1] = "Rec709"; colorspace = "TV.709"; } else colorspace = "TV.601"; const char *argnames[2] = { 0, "matrix" }; script = avs.GetEnv()->Invoke("ConvertToRGB32", AVSValue(args, 2), argnames); } else colorspace = "None"; RGB32Video = avs.GetEnv()->Invoke("Cache", script).AsClip(); vi = RGB32Video->GetVideoInfo(); fps = (double)vi.fps_numerator / vi.fps_denominator; } catch (AvisynthError const& err) { throw VideoOpenError("Avisynth error: " + std::string(err.msg)); } } AVSValue AvisynthVideoProvider::Open(agi::fs::path const& filename) { IScriptEnvironment *env = avs.GetEnv(); char *videoFilename = env->SaveString(agi::fs::ShortName(filename).c_str()); // Avisynth file, just import it if (agi::fs::HasExtension(filename, "avs")) { LOG_I("avisynth/video") << "Opening .avs file with Import"; decoder_name = "Avisynth/Import"; return env->Invoke("Import", videoFilename); } // Open avi file with AviSource if (agi::fs::HasExtension(filename, "avi")) { LOG_I("avisynth/video") << "Opening .avi file with AviSource"; try { const char *argnames[2] = { 0, "audio" }; AVSValue args[2] = { videoFilename, false }; decoder_name = "Avisynth/AviSource"; return env->Invoke("AviSource", AVSValue(args,2), argnames); } // On Failure, fallback to DSS catch (AvisynthError &err) { LOG_E("avisynth/video") << err.msg; LOG_I("avisynth/video") << "Failed to open .avi file with AviSource, trying DirectShowSource"; } } // Open d2v with mpeg2dec3 if (agi::fs::HasExtension(filename, "d2v") && env->FunctionExists("Mpeg2Dec3_Mpeg2Source")) { LOG_I("avisynth/video") << "Opening .d2v file with Mpeg2Dec3_Mpeg2Source"; auto script = env->Invoke("Mpeg2Dec3_Mpeg2Source", videoFilename); decoder_name = "Avisynth/Mpeg2Dec3_Mpeg2Source"; //if avisynth is 2.5.7 beta 2 or newer old mpeg2decs will crash without this if (env->FunctionExists("SetPlanarLegacyAlignment")) { AVSValue args[2] = { script, true }; script = env->Invoke("SetPlanarLegacyAlignment", AVSValue(args,2)); } return script; } // If that fails, try opening it with DGDecode if (agi::fs::HasExtension(filename, "d2v") && env->FunctionExists("DGDecode_Mpeg2Source")) { LOG_I("avisynth/video") << "Opening .d2v file with DGDecode_Mpeg2Source"; decoder_name = "DGDecode_Mpeg2Source"; return env->Invoke("Avisynth/Mpeg2Source", videoFilename); //note that DGDecode will also have issues like if the version is too // ancient but no sane person would use that anyway } if (agi::fs::HasExtension(filename, "d2v") && env->FunctionExists("Mpeg2Source")) { LOG_I("avisynth/video") << "Opening .d2v file with other Mpeg2Source"; AVSValue script = env->Invoke("Mpeg2Source", videoFilename); decoder_name = "Avisynth/Mpeg2Source"; //if avisynth is 2.5.7 beta 2 or newer old mpeg2decs will crash without this if (env->FunctionExists("SetPlanarLegacyAlignment")) script = env->Invoke("SetPlanarLegacyAlignment", script); return script; } // Try loading DirectShowSource2 if (!env->FunctionExists("dss2")) { auto dss2path(config::path->Decode("?data/avss.dll")); if (agi::fs::FileExists(dss2path)) env->Invoke("LoadPlugin", env->SaveString(agi::fs::ShortName(dss2path).c_str())); } // If DSS2 loaded properly, try using it if (env->FunctionExists("dss2")) { LOG_I("avisynth/video") << "Opening file with DSS2"; decoder_name = "Avisynth/DSS2"; return env->Invoke("DSS2", videoFilename); } // Try DirectShowSource // Load DirectShowSource.dll from app dir if it exists auto dsspath(config::path->Decode("?data/DirectShowSource.dll")); if (agi::fs::FileExists(dsspath)) env->Invoke("LoadPlugin", env->SaveString(agi::fs::ShortName(dsspath).c_str())); // Then try using DSS if (env->FunctionExists("DirectShowSource")) { const char *argnames[3] = { 0, "video", "audio" }; AVSValue args[3] = { videoFilename, true, false }; decoder_name = "Avisynth/DirectShowSource"; warning = "Warning! The file is being opened using Avisynth's DirectShowSource, which has unreliable seeking. Frame numbers might not match the real number. PROCEED AT YOUR OWN RISK!"; LOG_I("avisynth/video") << "Opening file with DirectShowSource"; return env->Invoke("DirectShowSource", AVSValue(args,3), argnames); } // Failed to find a suitable function LOG_E("avisynth/video") << "DSS function not found"; throw VideoNotSupported("No function suitable for opening the video found"); } std::shared_ptr AvisynthVideoProvider::GetFrame(int n) { std::lock_guard lock(avs.GetMutex()); auto frame = RGB32Video->GetFrame(n, avs.GetEnv()); return std::make_shared(frame->GetReadPtr(), frame->GetRowSize() / 4, frame->GetHeight(), frame->GetPitch(), true); } } namespace agi { class BackgroundRunner; } std::unique_ptr CreateAvisynthVideoProvider(agi::fs::path const& path, std::string const& colormatrix, agi::BackgroundRunner *) { return agi::make_unique(path, colormatrix); } #endif // HAVE_AVISYNTH