// Copyright (c) 2010, Amar Takhar // // Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any // purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above // copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES // WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR // ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES // WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN // ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF // OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. // // $Id$ /// @file hotkey.cpp /// @brief Hotkey handler /// @ingroup hotkey menu event window #include "../config.h" #ifndef LAGI_PRE #include #include #include #endif #ifdef _WIN32 #include #else #include #endif #include "libaegisub/hotkey.h" #include "libaegisub/access.h" #include "libaegisub/cajun/writer.h" #include "libaegisub/exception.h" #include "libaegisub/io.h" #include "libaegisub/json.h" #include "libaegisub/log.h" namespace agi { namespace hotkey { std::string Combo::Str() const { if (key_map.empty()) return ""; std::string str(key_map[0]); str.reserve(str.size() + (key_map.size() - 1) * 2); for (unsigned int i=1; i < key_map.size(); i++) { str.append("-" + key_map[i]); } return str; } std::string Combo::StrMenu() const { return Str(); } void Hotkey::ComboInsert(Combo const& combo) { str_map.insert(std::make_pair(combo.Str(), combo)); cmd_map.insert(std::make_pair(combo.CmdName(), combo)); } Hotkey::Hotkey(const std::string &file, const std::string &default_config) : config_file(file) { LOG_D("hotkey/init") << "Generating hotkeys."; json::Object object(agi::json_util::file(config_file, default_config)); for (json::Object::const_iterator index(object.begin()); index != object.end(); ++index) BuildHotkey(index->first, index->second); } void Hotkey::BuildHotkey(std::string const& context, const json::Object& object) { for (json::Object::const_iterator index(object.begin()); index != object.end(); ++index) { const json::Array& array = index->second; for (json::Array::const_iterator arr_index(array.begin()); arr_index != array.end(); ++arr_index) { const json::Array& arr_mod = (*arr_index)["modifiers"]; std::vector keys; keys.reserve(arr_mod.size() + 1); copy(arr_mod.begin(), arr_mod.end(), back_inserter(keys)); keys.push_back((*arr_index)["key"]); ComboInsert(Combo(context, index->first, keys)); } } } std::string Hotkey::Scan(const std::string &context, const std::string &str, bool always) const { std::string local, dfault; HotkeyMap::const_iterator index, end; for (std::tr1::tie(index, end) = str_map.equal_range(str); index != end; ++index) { std::string const& ctext = index->second.Context(); if (always && ctext == "Always") { LOG_D("agi/hotkey/found") << "Found: " << str << " Context (req/found): " << context << "/Always Command: " << index->second.CmdName(); return index->second.CmdName(); } if (ctext == "Default") dfault = index->second.CmdName(); else if (ctext == context) local = index->second.CmdName(); } if (!local.empty()) { LOG_D("agi/hotkey/found") << "Found: " << str << " Context: " << context << " Command: " << local; return local; } if (!dfault.empty()) { LOG_D("agi/hotkey/found") << "Found: " << str << " Context (req/found): " << context << "/Default Command: " << dfault; return dfault; } return ""; } std::vector Hotkey::GetHotkeys(const std::string &context, const std::string &command) const { std::vector ret; HotkeyMap::const_iterator it, end; for (std::tr1::tie(it, end) = cmd_map.equal_range(command); it != end; ++it) { std::string ctext = it->second.Context(); if (ctext == "Always" || ctext == "Default" || ctext == context) ret.push_back(it->second.StrMenu()); } sort(ret.begin(), ret.end()); ret.erase(unique(ret.begin(), ret.end()), ret.end()); return ret; } std::string Hotkey::GetHotkey(const std::string &context, const std::string &command) const { std::string ret; HotkeyMap::const_iterator it, end; for (std::tr1::tie(it, end) = cmd_map.equal_range(command); it != end; ++it) { std::string ctext = it->second.Context(); if (ctext == context) return it->second.StrMenu(); if (ctext == "Default") ret = it->second.StrMenu(); else if (ret.empty() && ctext == "Always") it->second.StrMenu(); } return ret; } void Hotkey::Flush() { json::Object root; for (HotkeyMap::iterator index = str_map.begin(); index != str_map.end(); ++index) { std::vector const& combo_map(index->second.Get()); json::Object hotkey; hotkey["key"] = combo_map.back(); json::Array& modifiers = hotkey["modifiers"]; copy(combo_map.begin(), combo_map.end() - 1, std::back_inserter(modifiers)); json::Array& combo_array = root[index->second.Context()][index->second.CmdName()]; combo_array.push_back(hotkey); } io::Save file(config_file); json::Writer::Write(root, file.Get()); } void Hotkey::SetHotkeyMap(HotkeyMap const& new_map) { cmd_map = new_map; str_map.clear(); for (HotkeyMap::iterator it = cmd_map.begin(); it != cmd_map.end(); ++it) str_map.insert(make_pair(it->second.Str(), it->second)); Flush(); HotkeysChanged(); } } // namespace toolbar } // namespace agi