/* * Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Mike Matsnev. All Rights Reserved. * * $Id: CoParser.h,v 1.21 2008/03/29 15:41:28 mike Exp $ * */ #ifndef COPARSER_H #define COPARSER_H // Generic multimedia container parsers support // random access stream, this will be provided by // IMMContainer's client interface __declspec(uuid("8E192E9F-E536-4027-8D46-664CC7A102C5")) IMMStream; interface IMMStream : public IUnknown { // read count bytes starting at position STDMETHOD(Read)( unsigned long long position, void *buffer, unsigned int *count) = 0; // scan the file starting at position for the signature // signature can't have zero bytes STDMETHOD(Scan)( unsigned long long *position, unsigned int signature) = 0; }; interface __declspec(uuid("A237C873-C6AD-422E-90DB-7CB4627DCFD9")) IMMStreamOpen; interface IMMStreamOpen : public IUnknown { STDMETHOD(Open)(LPCWSTR name) = 0; }; interface __declspec(uuid("D8FF7213-6E09-4256-A2E5-5872C798B128")) IMMFrame; interface IMMFrame : public IMediaSample2 { // track number must be the same as returned by // IMMContainer->EnumTracks() iterator STDMETHOD_(unsigned, GetTrack)() = 0; STDMETHOD(SetTrack)(unsigned) = 0; STDMETHOD_(unsigned, GetPre)() = 0; STDMETHOD(SetPre)(unsigned) = 0; }; interface __declspec(uuid("B8324E2A-21A9-46A1-8922-70C55D06311A")) IMMErrorInfo; interface IMMErrorInfo : public IUnknown { STDMETHOD(LogError)(BSTR message) = 0; // message is owned by the caller STDMETHOD(LogWarning)(BSTR message) = 0; }; interface __declspec(uuid("C7120EDB-528C-4ebe-BB53-DA8E70E618EE")) IMemAlloc; interface IMemAlloc : public IUnknown { STDMETHOD(GetBuffer)(HANDLE hAbortEvt, DWORD size, IMMFrame **pS) = 0; }; // container itself should support IPropertyBag and return // at least Duration[UI8] (in ns) property // if a containter supports multiple segments in the same // physical file it should return SegmentTop[UI8] property // that return the offset of the first byte after this // segment's end interface __declspec(uuid("A369001B-F292-45f7-A942-84F9C8C0718A")) IMMContainer; interface IMMContainer : public IUnknown { STDMETHOD(Open)( IMMStream *stream, unsigned long long position, IMMErrorInfo *einfo, IMemAlloc *alloc) = 0; STDMETHOD(GetProgress)(unsigned long long *cur,unsigned long long *max) = 0; STDMETHOD(AbortOpen)() = 0; // pu->Next() returns objects supporting IPropertyBag interface STDMETHOD(EnumTracks)(IEnumUnknown **pu) = 0; // pu->Next() returns objects supporting IProperyBag and IEnumUnknown interfaces STDMETHOD(EnumEditions)(IEnumUnknown **pu) = 0; // pu->Next() returns objects supporting IProperyBag and IMMStream interfaces STDMETHOD(EnumAttachments)(IEnumUnknown **pu) = 0; // S_FALSE is end of stream, S_OK next valid frame returned, E_ABORT wait aborted STDMETHOD(ReadFrame)(HANDLE hAbortEvt, IMMFrame **frame) = 0; // seeking STDMETHOD(Seek)(unsigned long long timecode,unsigned flags) = 0; }; /* FIXME: duplicated in matroska parser enum { // Track type TT_VIDEO = 1, TT_AUDIO = 2, TT_SUBS = 17, TT_INTERLEAVED = 0x10001, }; */ enum { // Seek flags MMSF_PREV_KF = 1, MMSF_NEXT_KF = 2 }; /* Track properties [IPropertyBag from EnumTracks->Next()] Name Type Optional DefaultDuration UI8 Yes in ns Video.Interlaced BOOL Yes Video.DisplayWidth UI4 Yes Video.DisplayHeight UI4 Yes Video.PixelWidth UI4 No Video.PixelHeight UI4 No CodecID BSTR No Type UI4 No TT_* enumeration CodecPrivate ARRAY|UI1 Yes Audio.Channels UI4 No Audio.BitDepth UI4 Yes Audio.SamplingFreq UI4 No Audio.OutputSamplingFreq UI4 Yes Language BSTR Yes Name BSTR Yes FOURCC UI4 Yes */ #endif