// Copyright (c) 2005, Rodrigo Braz Monteiro // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors // may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software // without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // AEGISUB // // Website: http://aegisub.cellosoft.com // Contact: mailto:zeratul@cellosoft.com // //////////// // Includes #include #include #include "ass_file.h" #include "ass_dialogue.h" #include "ass_style.h" #include "ass_override.h" #include "ass_exporter.h" #include "vfr.h" #include "options.h" #include "text_file_reader.h" #include "text_file_writer.h" #include "version.h" ////////////////////// AssFile ////////////////////// /////////////////////// // AssFile constructor AssFile::AssFile () { AssOverrideTagProto::LoadProtos(); Clear(); } ////////////////////// // AssFile destructor AssFile::~AssFile() { Clear(); } ///////////////////// // Load generic subs void AssFile::Load (const wxString _filename,const wxString charset) { bool ok = true; try { // Try to open file std::ifstream file; file.open(_filename.mb_str(wxConvLocal)); if (!file.is_open()) { throw _T("Unable to open file \"") + _filename + _T("\". Check if it exists and if you have permissions to read it."); } file.close(); // Find file encoding wxString enc; if (charset.IsEmpty()) enc = TextFileReader::GetEncoding(_filename); else enc = charset; TextFileReader::EnsureValid(enc); // Get extension int i = 0; for (i=(int)_filename.size();--i>=0;) { if (_filename[i] == _T('.')) break; } wxString extension = _filename.substr(i+1); extension.Lower(); // Generic preparation Clear(); IsASS = false; // ASS if (extension == _T("ass")) { LoadASS(_filename,enc,false); } // SRT else if (extension == _T("srt")) { LoadSRT(_filename,enc); } // SSA else if (extension == _T("ssa")) { LoadASS(_filename,enc,true); } // TXT else if (extension == _T("txt")) { LoadTXT(_filename,enc); } // Couldn't find a type else { wxString error = _T("Unknown file type: "); error += extension; throw error; } } // String error catch (wchar_t *except) { wxMessageBox(except,_T("Error loading file"),wxICON_ERROR | wxOK); ok = false; } catch (wxString except) { wxMessageBox(except,_T("Error loading file"),wxICON_ERROR | wxOK); ok = false; } // Other error catch (...) { wxMessageBox(_T("Unknown error"),_T("Error loading file"),wxICON_ERROR | wxOK); ok = false; } // Verify loading if (ok) filename = _filename; else LoadDefault(); // Set general data loaded = true; // Add comments and set vars AddComment(_T("Script generated by Aegisub ") + wxString(VERSION_STRING)); AddComment(_T("http://www.aegisub.net")); SetScriptInfo(_T("ScriptType"),_T("v4.00+")); AddToRecent(_filename); } /////////////////////////// // Load Ass file from disk void AssFile::LoadASS (const wxString _filename,const wxString encoding,bool IsSSA) { using namespace std; // Reader TextFileReader file(_filename,encoding); // Parse file wxString curgroup; int lasttime = -1; while (file.HasMoreLines()) { // Reads line wxString wxbuffer = file.ReadLineFromFile(); // Convert v4 styles to v4+ styles if (wxbuffer.Lower() == _T("[v4 styles]")) { wxbuffer = _T("[V4+ Styles]"); } // Set group if (wxbuffer[0] == _T('[')) { curgroup = wxbuffer; } // Add line try { lasttime = AddLine(wxbuffer,curgroup,lasttime,IsSSA); } catch (wchar_t *err) { Clear(); throw wxString(_T("Error processing line: ")) + wxbuffer + _T(": ") + wxString(err); } catch (...) { Clear(); throw wxString(_T("Error processing line: ")) + wxbuffer; } } // Set ASS IsASS = !IsSSA; } //////////////////////////// // Loads SRT subs from disk void AssFile::LoadSRT (wxString _filename,wxString encoding) { using namespace std; // Reader TextFileReader file(_filename,encoding); // Default LoadDefault(false); IsASS = false; // Parse file int linen = 1; int fileLine = 0; int mode = 0; long templ; AssDialogue *line = NULL; while (file.HasMoreLines()) { // Reads line wxString curline = file.ReadLineFromFile(); fileLine++; switch (mode) { case 0: // Checks if there is anything to read if (curline.IsEmpty()) continue; // Check if it's a line number if (!curline.IsNumber()) { Clear(); throw wxString::Format(_T("Parse error on entry %i at line %i (expecting line number). Possible malformed file."),linen,fileLine); } // Read line number curline.ToLong(&templ); if (templ != linen) { linen = templ; } line = new AssDialogue(); mode = 1; break; case 1: // Read timestamps if (curline.substr(13,3) != _T("-->")) { Clear(); throw wxString::Format(_T("Parse error on entry %i at line %i (expecting timestamps). Possible malformed file."),linen,fileLine); } line->Start.ParseSRT(curline.substr(0,12)); line->End.ParseSRT(curline.substr(17,12)); mode = 2; break; case 2: // Checks if it's done if (curline.IsEmpty()) { mode = 0; linen++; line->group = _T("[Events]"); line->Style = _T("Default"); line->Comment = false; line->UpdateData(); line->ParseSRTTags(); line->StartMS = line->Start.GetMS(); Line.push_back(line); break; } // Append text if (line->Text != _T("")) line->Text += _T("\\N"); line->Text += curline; break; } } } //////////////////////////// // Loads TXT subs from disk void AssFile::LoadTXT (wxString _filename,wxString encoding) { using namespace std; // Reader TextFileReader file(_filename,encoding,false); // Default LoadDefault(false); IsASS = false; // Data wxString actor; wxString separator = Options.AsText(_T("Text actor separator")); wxString comment = Options.AsText(_T("Text comment starter")); bool isComment = false; // Parse file AssDialogue *line = NULL; while (file.HasMoreLines()) { // Reads line wxString value = file.ReadLineFromFile(); // Read comment data isComment = false; if (comment != _T("") && value.Left(comment.Length()) == comment) { isComment = true; value = value.Mid(comment.Length()); } // Read actor data if (!isComment && separator != _T("")) { if (value[0] != _T(' ') && value[0] != _T('\t')) { size_t pos = value.Find(separator); if (pos != -1) { actor = value.Left(pos); actor.Trim(false); actor.Trim(true); value = value.Mid(pos+1); value.Trim(false); } } } // Trim spaces at start value.Trim(false); // Sets line up line = new AssDialogue(); line->group = _T("[Events]"); line->Style = _T("Default"); if (isComment) line->Actor = _T(""); else line->Actor = actor; if (value.IsEmpty()) { line->Actor = _T(""); isComment = true; } line->Comment = isComment; line->Text = value; line->StartMS = 0; line->Start.SetMS(0); line->End.SetMS(0); line->UpdateData(); //line->ParseASSTags(); // Adds line Line.push_back(line); } } ///////////////////////////// // Chooses format to save in void AssFile::Save(wxString _filename,bool setfilename,bool addToRecent,const wxString encoding) { // Finds last dot int i = 0; for (i=(int)_filename.size();--i>=0;) { if (_filename[i] == '.') break; } wxString extension = _filename.substr(i+1); extension.Lower(); // ASS if (extension == _T("ass")) { SaveASS(_filename,setfilename,encoding); if (addToRecent) AddToRecent(_filename); return; } // SSA if (extension == _T("ssa")) { AssFile SSA(*this); SSA.SaveSSA(_filename,encoding); if (addToRecent) AddToRecent(_filename); return; } // SRT if (extension == _T("srt")) { AssFile SRT(*this); SRT.SaveSRT(_filename,encoding); if (addToRecent) AddToRecent(_filename); return; } // Unknown throw _T("Unknown file type"); } //////////////////////////////////////////// // Exports file with proper transformations void AssFile::Export(wxString _filename) { AssExporter exporter(this); exporter.AddAutoFilters(); exporter.Export(_filename,_T("UTF-8")); } ///////////////////// // Saves ASS to disk void AssFile::SaveASS (wxString _filename,bool setfilename,const wxString encoding) { // Open file TextFileWriter file(_filename,encoding); // Write lines using std::list; for (list::iterator cur=Line.begin();cur!=Line.end();cur++) { file.WriteLineToFile((*cur)->data); } // Done if (setfilename) { Modified = false; filename = _filename; IsASS = true; } } ///////////////////// // Saves SSA to disk void AssFile::SaveSSA (wxString _filename,const wxString encoding) { // Open file TextFileWriter file(_filename,encoding); // Convert to SSA ConvertToSSA(); // Write lines using std::list; for (list::iterator cur=Line.begin();cur!=Line.end();cur++) { file.WriteLineToFile((*cur)->GetSSAText()); } } ////////////////// // Convert to SSA void AssFile::ConvertToSSA () { } //////////////////// // Save SRT to disk // ---------------- // Note that this function will convert the whole AssFile to SRT // void AssFile::SaveSRT (wxString _filename,const wxString encoding) { // Open file TextFileWriter file(_filename,encoding); // Convert to SRT ConvertToSRT(); // Write lines int i=1; using std::list; for (list::iterator cur=Line.begin();cur!=Line.end();cur++) { AssDialogue *current = AssEntry::GetAsDialogue(*cur); if (current) { // Get line if (current->Comment) throw _T("Unexpected line type (comment)"); // Write line file.WriteLineToFile(wxString::Format(_T("%i"),i)); file.WriteLineToFile(current->Start.GetSRTFormated() + _T(" --> ") + current->End.GetSRTFormated()); file.WriteLineToFile(current->Text); file.WriteLineToFile(_T("")); i++; } else throw _T("Unexpected line type"); } } /////////////////////// // Convert line to SRT void AssFile::DialogueToSRT(AssDialogue *current,std::list::iterator prev) { using std::list; AssDialogue *previous; if (prev != Line.end()) previous = AssEntry::GetAsDialogue(*prev); else previous = NULL; // Strip ASS tags current->ConvertTagsToSRT(); // Join equal lines if (previous != NULL) { if (previous->Text == current->Text) { if (abs(current->Start.GetMS() - previous->End.GetMS()) < 20) { current->Start = (current->Start < previous->Start ? current->Start : previous->Start); current->End = (current->End > previous->End ? current->End : previous->End); delete *prev; Line.erase(prev); } } } // Fix line breaks size_t cur = 0; while ((cur = current->Text.find(_T("\\n"),cur)) != wxString::npos) { current->Text.replace(cur,2,_T("\r\n")); } cur = 0; while ((cur = current->Text.find(_T("\\N"),cur)) != wxString::npos) { current->Text.replace(cur,2,_T("\r\n")); } cur = 0; while ((cur = current->Text.find(_T("\r\n\r\n"),cur)) != wxString::npos) { current->Text.replace(cur,2,_T("\r\n")); cur = 0; } } ////////////////////////////// // Converts whole file to SRT void AssFile::ConvertToSRT () { using std::list; list::iterator next; list::iterator prev = Line.end(); // Sort lines Line.sort(LessByPointedToValue()); // Process lines bool notfirst = false; for (list::iterator cur=Line.begin();cur!=Line.end();cur=next) { next = cur; next++; // Dialogue line (not comment) AssDialogue *current = AssEntry::GetAsDialogue(*cur); if (current && !current->Comment) { DialogueToSRT(current,prev); notfirst = true; prev = cur; } // Other line, delete it else { delete *cur; Line.erase(cur); } } } /////////////////////// // Appends line to Ass int AssFile::AddLine (wxString data,wxString group,int lasttime,bool &IsSSA) { AssEntry *entry = NULL; // Dialogue if (group == _T("[Events]")) { if ((data.Left(9) == _T("Dialogue:") || data.Left(8) == _T("Comment:"))) { AssDialogue *diag = new AssDialogue(data,IsSSA); lasttime = diag->Start.GetMS(); //diag->ParseASSTags(); entry = diag; entry->StartMS = lasttime; entry->group = group; } if (data.Left(7) == _T("Format:")) { entry = new AssEntry(_T("Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text")); entry->StartMS = lasttime; entry->group = group; } } // Style else if (group == _T("[V4+ Styles]")) { if (data.Left(6) == _T("Style:")) { AssStyle *style = new AssStyle(data,IsSSA); entry = style; entry->StartMS = lasttime; entry->group = group; } if (data.Left(7) == _T("Format:")) { entry = new AssEntry(_T("Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding")); entry->StartMS = lasttime; entry->group = group; } } // Comment in script info else if (group == _T("[Script Info]")) { if (data.Left(1) == _T(";")) { // Skip stupid comments added by other programs // Of course, we add our own in place... return lasttime; } if (data.Left(11) == _T("ScriptType:")) { wxString version = data.Mid(11); version.Trim(true); version.Trim(false); version.MakeLower(); bool trueSSA; if (version == _T("v4.00")) trueSSA = true; else if (version == _T("v4.00+")) trueSSA = false; else throw _T("Unknown file version"); if (trueSSA != IsSSA) { wxLogMessage(_T("Warning: File has the wrong extension.")); IsSSA = trueSSA; } } entry = new AssEntry(data); entry->StartMS = lasttime; entry->group = group; } // Common entry if (entry == NULL) { entry = new AssEntry(data); entry->StartMS = lasttime; entry->group = group; } Line.push_back(entry); return lasttime; } ////////////////////////////// // Clears contents of assfile void AssFile::Clear () { for (std::list::iterator cur=Line.begin();cur != Line.end();cur++) { if (*cur) delete *cur; } Line.clear(); IsASS = false; loaded = false; filename = _T(""); Modified = false; } ////////////////////// // Loads default subs void AssFile::LoadDefault (bool defline) { // Clear first Clear(); // Write headers AssStyle defstyle; bool IsSSA = false; AddLine(_T("[Script Info]"),_T("[Script Info]"),-1,IsSSA); AddLine(_T("Title: Default Aegisub file"),_T("[Script Info]"),-1,IsSSA); AddLine(_T("ScriptType: v4.00+"),_T("[Script Info]"),-1,IsSSA); AddLine(_T("PlayResX: 640"),_T("[Script Info]"),-1,IsSSA); AddLine(_T("PlayResY: 480"),_T("[Script Info]"),-1,IsSSA); AddLine(_T(""),_T("[Script Info]"),-1,IsSSA); AddLine(_T("[V4+ Styles]"),_T("[V4+ Styles]"),-1,IsSSA); AddLine(_T("Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding"),_T("[V4+ Styles]"),-1,IsSSA); AddLine(defstyle.data,_T("[V4+ Styles]"),-1,IsSSA); AddLine(_T(""),_T("[V4+ Styles]"),-1,IsSSA); AddLine(_T("[Events]"),_T("[Events]"),-1,IsSSA); AddLine(_T("Format: Layer, Start, End, Style, Name, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Effect, Text"),_T("[Events]"),-1,IsSSA); if (defline) { AssDialogue def; AddLine(def.data,_T("[Events]"),0,IsSSA); } loaded = true; IsASS = true; } //////////////////// // Copy constructor AssFile::AssFile (AssFile &from) { using std::list; // Copy standard variables filename = from.filename; IsASS = from.IsASS; loaded = from.loaded; Modified = from.Modified; bool IsSSA = false; // Copy lines int lasttime = -1; for (list::iterator cur=from.Line.begin();cur!=from.Line.end();cur++) { lasttime = AddLine((*cur)->data,(*cur)->group,lasttime,IsSSA); } // Add comments AddComment(_T("Script generated by Aegisub")); AddComment(_T("http://www.aegisub.net")); } ////////////////////// // Insert a new style void AssFile::InsertStyle (AssStyle *style) { // Variables using std::list; AssEntry *curEntry; list::iterator lastStyle = Line.end(); list::iterator cur; int lasttime; wxString lastGroup; // Look for insert position for (cur=Line.begin();cur!=Line.end();cur++) { curEntry = *cur; if (curEntry->Type == ENTRY_STYLE || (lastGroup == _T("[V4+ Styles]") && curEntry->data.substr(0,7) == _T("Format:"))) { lastStyle = cur; } lasttime = curEntry->StartMS; lastGroup = curEntry->group; } // No styles found, add them if (lastStyle == Line.end()) { // Add space curEntry = new AssEntry(_T("")); curEntry->group = lastGroup; curEntry->StartMS = lasttime; Line.push_back(curEntry); // Add header curEntry = new AssEntry(_T("[V4+ Styles]")); curEntry->group = _T("[V4+ Styles]"); curEntry->StartMS = lasttime; Line.push_back(curEntry); // Add format line curEntry = new AssEntry(_T("Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, OutlineColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, Underline, StrikeOut, ScaleX, ScaleY, Spacing, Angle, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, Encoding")); curEntry->group = _T("[V4+ Styles]"); curEntry->StartMS = lasttime; Line.push_back(curEntry); // Add style style->group = _T("[V4+ Styles]"); style->StartMS = lasttime; Line.push_back(style); } // Add to end of list else { lastStyle++; style->group = (*lastStyle)->group; style->StartMS = lasttime; Line.insert(lastStyle,style); } } //////////////////// // Gets script info wxString AssFile::GetScriptInfo(const wxString _key) { // Prepare wxString key = _key;; key.Lower(); key += _T(":"); std::list::iterator cur; bool GotIn = false; // Look for it for (cur=Line.begin();cur!=Line.end();cur++) { if ((*cur)->group == _T("[Script Info]")) { GotIn = true; wxString curText = (*cur)->data; curText.Lower(); // Found if (curText.Left(key.length()) == key) { wxString result = curText.Mid(key.length()); result.Trim(false); result.Trim(true); return result; } } else if (GotIn) break; } // Couldn't find return _T(""); } ////////////////////////// // Get script info as int int AssFile::GetScriptInfoAsInt(const wxString key) { long temp = 0; try { GetScriptInfo(key).ToLong(&temp); } catch (...) { temp = 0; } return temp; } ////////////////////////// // Set a script info line void AssFile::SetScriptInfo(const wxString _key,const wxString value) { // Prepare wxString key = _key;; key.Lower(); key += _T(":"); std::list::iterator cur; std::list::iterator prev; bool GotIn = false; // Look for it for (cur=Line.begin();cur!=Line.end();cur++) { if ((*cur)->group == _T("[Script Info]")) { GotIn = true; wxString curText = (*cur)->data; curText.Lower(); // Found if (curText.Left(key.length()) == key) { // Set value if (value != _T("")) { wxString result = _key; result += _T(": "); result += value; (*cur)->data = result; } // Remove key else { Line.erase(cur); return; } return; } if (!(*cur)->data.empty()) prev = cur; } // Add else if (GotIn) { if (value != _T("")) { wxString result = _key; result += _T(": "); result += value; AssEntry *entry = new AssEntry(result); entry->group = (*prev)->group; entry->StartMS = (*prev)->StartMS; Line.insert(++prev,entry); } return; } } } /////////////////////////////////// // Adds a comment to [Script Info] void AssFile::AddComment(const wxString _comment) { wxString comment = _T("; "); comment += _comment; std::list::iterator cur; int step = 0; // Find insert position for (cur=Line.begin();cur!=Line.end();cur++) { // Start of group if (step == 0 && (*cur)->group == _T("[Script Info]")) step = 1; // First line after a ; else if (step == 1 && (*cur)->data.Left(1) != _T(";")) { AssEntry *prev = *cur; AssEntry *comm = new AssEntry(comment); comm->group = prev->group; comm->StartMS = prev->StartMS; Line.insert(cur,comm); break; } } } ////////////////////// // Get list of styles wxArrayString AssFile::GetStyles() { wxArrayString styles; AssStyle *curstyle; for (entryIter cur=Line.begin();cur!=Line.end();cur++) { curstyle = AssEntry::GetAsStyle(*cur); if (curstyle) { styles.Add(curstyle->name); } if (!curstyle && (*cur)->data.Left(5) == _T("Style")) { wxLogMessage(_T("Style ignored: ") + (*cur)->data); curstyle = AssEntry::GetAsStyle(*cur); } } if (styles.GetCount() == 0) styles.Add(_T("Default")); return styles; } /////////////////////////////// // Gets style of specific name AssStyle *AssFile::GetStyle(wxString name) { AssStyle *curstyle; for (entryIter cur=Line.begin();cur!=Line.end();cur++) { curstyle = AssEntry::GetAsStyle(*cur); if (curstyle) { if (curstyle->name == name) return curstyle; } } return NULL; } //////////////////////////////////// // Adds file name to list of recent void AssFile::AddToRecent(wxString file) { Options.AddToRecentList(file,_T("Recent sub")); } //////////////////////////////////////////// // Compress/decompress for storage on stack void AssFile::CompressForStack(bool compress) { AssDialogue *diag; for (entryIter cur=Line.begin();cur!=Line.end();cur++) { diag = AssEntry::GetAsDialogue(*cur); if (diag) { if (compress) { diag->data.Clear(); diag->ClearBlocks(); } else diag->UpdateData(); } } } ////////////////////////////// // Checks if file is modified bool AssFile::IsModified() { return Modified; } ///////////////////////// // Flag file as modified void AssFile::FlagAsModified() { // Clear redo if (!RedoStack.empty()) { //StackPush(); //UndoStack.push_back(new AssFile(*UndoStack.back())); for (std::list::iterator cur=RedoStack.begin();cur!=RedoStack.end();cur++) { delete *cur; } RedoStack.clear(); } Modified = true; StackPush(); } ////////////// // Stack push void AssFile::StackPush() { // Places copy on stack AssFile *curcopy = new AssFile(*top); curcopy->CompressForStack(true); UndoStack.push_back(curcopy); StackModified = true; // Cap depth int n = 0; for (std::list::iterator cur=UndoStack.begin();cur!=UndoStack.end();cur++) { n++; } int depth = Options.AsInt(_T("Undo levels")); while (n > depth) { delete UndoStack.front(); UndoStack.pop_front(); n--; } } ///////////// // Stack pop void AssFile::StackPop() { bool addcopy = false; if (StackModified) { UndoStack.pop_back(); StackModified = false; addcopy = true; } if (!UndoStack.empty()) { //delete top; top->CompressForStack(true); RedoStack.push_back(top); top = UndoStack.back(); top->CompressForStack(false); UndoStack.pop_back(); Popping = true; } if (addcopy) { StackPush(); } } ////////////// // Stack redo void AssFile::StackRedo() { bool addcopy = false; if (StackModified) { UndoStack.pop_back(); StackModified = false; addcopy = true; } if (!RedoStack.empty()) { top->CompressForStack(true); UndoStack.push_back(top); top = RedoStack.back(); top->CompressForStack(false); RedoStack.pop_back(); Popping = true; //StackModified = false; } if (addcopy) { StackPush(); } } /////////////// // Stack clear void AssFile::StackClear() { // Clear undo for (std::list::iterator cur=UndoStack.begin();cur!=UndoStack.end();cur++) { delete *cur; } UndoStack.clear(); // Clear redo for (std::list::iterator cur=RedoStack.begin();cur!=RedoStack.end();cur++) { delete *cur; } RedoStack.clear(); Popping = false; } /////////////// // Stack reset void AssFile::StackReset() { StackClear(); delete top; top = new AssFile; StackModified = false; } ////////////////////////////////// // Returns if undo stack is empty bool AssFile::IsUndoStackEmpty() { if (StackModified) return (UndoStack.size() <= 1); else return UndoStack.empty(); } ////////////////////////////////// // Returns if redo stack is empty bool AssFile::IsRedoStackEmpty() { return RedoStack.empty(); } ////////// // Global AssFile *AssFile::top; std::list AssFile::UndoStack; std::list AssFile::RedoStack; bool AssFile::Popping; bool AssFile::StackModified;