-- This script is given to the public domain. -- You can use and modify the effect freely, also without credit, although I would appreciate some. include("karaskel.lua") script_name = "Future Windy Blur" script_description = "Highlights blown away by the winds of change." script_author = "jfs" script_version = "1.2" function new_windy_blur(subs) aegisub.progress.task("Getting header data...") local meta, styles = karaskel.collect_head(subs) aegisub.progress.task("Applying effect...") local i, ai, maxi, maxai = 1, 1, #subs, #subs while i <= maxi do aegisub.progress.task(string.format("Applying effect (%d/%d)...", ai, maxai)) aegisub.progress.set((ai-1)/maxai*100) local l = subs[i] if l.class == "dialogue" and not l.comment then karaskel.preproc_line(subs, meta, styles, l) do_fx(subs, meta, l) maxi = maxi - 1 subs.delete(i) else i = i + 1 end ai = ai + 1 end aegisub.progress.task("Finished!") aegisub.progress.set(100) end function do_fx(subs, meta, line) local l = table.copy(line) l.text = string.format("{\pos(%d,%d)\\1c%s\\1a&HFF&\\3a&HFF&\\t(0,200,\\1a&H00&\\3a&H00&)\\t(%d,%d,\\1a&HFF&\\3a&HFF&)}%s", meta.res_x/2, line.styleref.margin_t, line.styleref.color2, line.duration+200, line.duration+400, line.text_stripped) l.start_time = l.start_time - 200 l.end_time = l.end_time + 200 l.layer = 1 subs.append(l) for i = 1, line.kara.n do local syl = line.kara[i] if syl.duration > 0 then local l = table.copy(line) l.start_time = line.start_time + syl.start_time if syl.duration < 750 then l.end_time = l.start_time + 1500 else l.end_time = l.start_time + syl.duration * 1.5 end l.layer = 2 local temp = string.format("{\\be1\\move(%d,%d,%%d,%%d)\\1a&Hd0\\bord0\\shad0\\t(0.6,\\1a&HFF&)}%s", line.left+syl.center, line.styleref.margin_t, syl.text_stripped) for j = -8, 8 do l.text = string.format(temp, line.left+syl.center+math.cos(math.rad(j*4))*30, line.styleref.margin_t+math.sin(math.rad(j*4))*30) subs.append(l) end end end end aegisub.register_filter("Future Windy Blur", "", 2000, new_windy_blur)