// Copyright (c) 2005-2010, Niels Martin Hansen // Copyright (c) 2005-2010, Rodrigo Braz Monteiro // Copyright (c) 2010, Amar Takhar // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors // may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software // without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Aegisub Project http://www.aegisub.org/ /// @file edit.cpp /// @brief edit/ commands. /// @ingroup command /// #include "../config.h" #include "command.h" #include "../ass_dialogue.h" #include "../ass_file.h" #include "../ass_karaoke.h" #include "../ass_style.h" #include "../compat.h" #include "../dialog_colorpicker.h" #include "../dialog_paste_over.h" #include "../dialog_search_replace.h" #include "../include/aegisub/context.h" #include "../initial_line_state.h" #include "../options.h" #include "../search_replace_engine.h" #include "../subs_controller.h" #include "../subs_edit_ctrl.h" #include "../subs_grid.h" #include "../text_selection_controller.h" #include "../utils.h" #include "../video_context.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { using namespace boost::adaptors; using cmd::Command; /// @defgroup cmd-edit Editing commands. /// @{ struct validate_sel_nonempty : public Command { CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_VALIDATE) bool Validate(const agi::Context *c) { return c->selectionController->GetSelectedSet().size() > 0; } }; struct validate_sel_multiple : public Command { CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_VALIDATE) bool Validate(const agi::Context *c) { return c->selectionController->GetSelectedSet().size() > 1; } }; template void paste_lines(agi::Context *c, bool paste_over, Paster&& paste_line) { std::string data = GetClipboard(); if (data.empty()) return; AssDialogue *first = nullptr; SubtitleSelection newsel; boost::char_separator sep("\r\n"); for (auto curdata : boost::tokenizer>(data, sep)) { boost::trim(curdata); AssDialogue *curdiag; try { // Try to interpret the line as an ASS line curdiag = new AssDialogue(curdata); } catch (...) { // Line didn't parse correctly, assume it's plain text that // should be pasted in the Text field only curdiag = new AssDialogue; curdiag->End = 0; curdiag->Text = curdata; } AssDialogue *inserted = paste_line(curdiag); if (!inserted) break; newsel.insert(inserted); if (!first) first = inserted; } if (first) { c->ass->Commit(_("paste"), paste_over ? AssFile::COMMIT_DIAG_FULL : AssFile::COMMIT_DIAG_ADDREM); if (!paste_over) c->selectionController->SetSelectionAndActive(newsel, first); } } AssDialogue *paste_over(wxWindow *parent, std::vector& pasteOverOptions, AssDialogue *new_line, AssDialogue *old_line) { if (pasteOverOptions.empty()) { if (DialogPasteOver(parent).ShowModal()) return nullptr; pasteOverOptions = OPT_GET("Tool/Paste Lines Over/Fields")->GetListBool(); } if (pasteOverOptions[0]) old_line->Layer = new_line->Layer; if (pasteOverOptions[1]) old_line->Start = new_line->Start; if (pasteOverOptions[2]) old_line->End = new_line->End; if (pasteOverOptions[3]) old_line->Style = new_line->Style; if (pasteOverOptions[4]) old_line->Actor = new_line->Actor; if (pasteOverOptions[5]) old_line->Margin[0] = new_line->Margin[0]; if (pasteOverOptions[6]) old_line->Margin[1] = new_line->Margin[1]; if (pasteOverOptions[7]) old_line->Margin[2] = new_line->Margin[2]; if (pasteOverOptions[8]) old_line->Effect = new_line->Effect; if (pasteOverOptions[9]) old_line->Text = new_line->Text; return old_line; } template T get_value(boost::ptr_vector const& blocks, int blockn, T initial, std::string const& tag_name, std::string alt = "") { for (auto ovr : blocks | sliced(0, blockn + 1) | reversed | agi::of_type()) { for (auto const& tag : ovr->Tags | reversed) { if (tag.Name == tag_name || tag.Name == alt) return tag.Params[0].Get(initial); } } return initial; } /// Get the block index in the text of the position int block_at_pos(std::string const& text, int pos) { int n = 0; int max = text.size() - 1; for (int i = 0; i <= pos && i <= max; ++i) { if (i > 0 && text[i] == '{') n++; if (text[i] == '}' && i != max && i != pos && i != pos -1 && (i+1 == max || text[i+1] != '{')) n++; } return n; } void set_tag(AssDialogue *line, boost::ptr_vector &blocks, std::string const& tag, std::string const& value, int &sel_start, int &sel_end, bool at_end = false) { if (blocks.empty()) blocks = line->ParseTags(); int start = at_end ? sel_end : sel_start; int blockn = block_at_pos(line->Text, start); AssDialogueBlockPlain *plain = 0; AssDialogueBlockOverride *ovr = 0; while (blockn >= 0) { AssDialogueBlock *block = &blocks[blockn]; if (dynamic_cast(block)) --blockn; else if (dynamic_cast(block)) { // Cursor is in a comment block, so try the previous block instead --blockn; start = line->Text.get().rfind('{', start); } else if ((plain = dynamic_cast(block))) break; else { ovr = dynamic_cast(block); assert(ovr); break; } } // If we didn't hit a suitable block for inserting the override just put // it at the beginning of the line if (blockn < 0) start = 0; std::string insert(tag + value); int shift = insert.size(); if (plain || blockn < 0) { line->Text = line->Text.get().substr(0, start) + "{" + insert + "}" + line->Text.get().substr(start); shift += 2; blocks = line->ParseTags(); } else if (ovr) { std::string alt; if (tag == "\\c") alt = "\\1c"; // Remove old of same bool found = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < ovr->Tags.size(); i++) { std::string const& name = ovr->Tags[i].Name; if (tag == name || alt == name) { shift -= ((std::string)ovr->Tags[i]).size(); if (found) { ovr->Tags.erase(ovr->Tags.begin() + i); i--; } else { ovr->Tags[i].Params[0].Set(value); found = true; } } } if (!found) ovr->AddTag(insert); line->UpdateText(blocks); } else assert(false); if (!at_end) { sel_start += shift; sel_end += shift; } } void commit_text(agi::Context const * const c, wxString const& desc, int sel_start = -1, int sel_end = -1, int *commit_id = 0) { SubtitleSelection const& sel = c->selectionController->GetSelectedSet(); std::string text = c->selectionController->GetActiveLine()->Text; for_each(sel.begin(), sel.end(), [&](AssDialogue *d) { d->Text = text; }); int new_commit_id = c->ass->Commit(desc, AssFile::COMMIT_DIAG_TEXT, commit_id ? *commit_id : -1, sel.size() == 1 ? *sel.begin() : 0); if (commit_id) *commit_id = new_commit_id; if (sel_start >= 0 && sel_end >= 0) c->textSelectionController->SetSelection(sel_start, sel_end); } void toggle_override_tag(const agi::Context *c, bool (AssStyle::*field), const char *tag, wxString const& undo_msg) { AssDialogue *const line = c->selectionController->GetActiveLine(); AssStyle const* const style = c->ass->GetStyle(line->Style); bool state = style ? style->*field : AssStyle().*field; boost::ptr_vector blocks(line->ParseTags()); int sel_start = c->textSelectionController->GetSelectionStart(); int sel_end = c->textSelectionController->GetSelectionEnd(); int blockn = block_at_pos(line->Text, sel_start); state = get_value(blocks, blockn, state, tag); set_tag(line, blocks, tag, state ? "0" : "1", sel_start, sel_end); if (sel_start != sel_end) set_tag(line, blocks, tag, state ? "1" : "0", sel_start, sel_end, true); commit_text(c, undo_msg, sel_start, sel_end); } void show_color_picker(const agi::Context *c, agi::Color (AssStyle::*field), const char *tag, const char *alt, const char *alpha) { AssDialogue *const line = c->selectionController->GetActiveLine(); AssStyle const* const style = c->ass->GetStyle(line->Style); agi::Color color = (style ? style->*field : AssStyle().*field); boost::ptr_vector blocks(line->ParseTags()); int sel_start = c->textSelectionController->GetSelectionStart(); int sel_end = c->textSelectionController->GetSelectionEnd(); int blockn = block_at_pos(line->Text, sel_start); int initial_sel_start = sel_start, initial_sel_end = sel_end; int a = get_value(blocks, blockn, (int)color.a, alpha, "\\alpha"); color = get_value(blocks, blockn, color, tag, alt); color.a = a; int commit_id = -1; bool ok = GetColorFromUser(c->parent, color, true, [&](agi::Color new_color) { set_tag(line, blocks, tag, new_color.GetAssOverrideFormatted(), sel_start, sel_end); if (new_color.a != color.a) { set_tag(line, blocks, alpha, str(boost::format("&H%02X&") % (int)new_color.a), sel_start, sel_end); color.a = new_color.a; } commit_text(c, _("set color"), sel_start, sel_end, &commit_id); }); commit_text(c, _("set color"), -1, -1, &commit_id); if (!ok) { c->subsController->Undo(); c->textSelectionController->SetSelection(initial_sel_start, initial_sel_end); } } struct edit_color_primary : public Command { CMD_NAME("edit/color/primary") STR_MENU("Primary Color...") STR_DISP("Primary Color") STR_HELP("Primary Color") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { show_color_picker(c, &AssStyle::primary, "\\c", "\\1c", "\\1a"); } }; struct edit_color_secondary : public Command { CMD_NAME("edit/color/secondary") STR_MENU("Secondary Color...") STR_DISP("Secondary Color") STR_HELP("Secondary Color") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { show_color_picker(c, &AssStyle::secondary, "\\2c", "", "\\2a"); } }; struct edit_color_outline : public Command { CMD_NAME("edit/color/outline") STR_MENU("Outline Color...") STR_DISP("Outline Color") STR_HELP("Outline Color") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { show_color_picker(c, &AssStyle::outline, "\\3c", "", "\\3a"); } }; struct edit_color_shadow : public Command { CMD_NAME("edit/color/shadow") STR_MENU("Shadow Color...") STR_DISP("Shadow Color") STR_HELP("Shadow Color") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { show_color_picker(c, &AssStyle::shadow, "\\4c", "", "\\4a"); } }; struct edit_style_bold : public Command { CMD_NAME("edit/style/bold") STR_MENU("Bold") STR_DISP("Bold") STR_HELP("Bold") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { toggle_override_tag(c, &AssStyle::bold, "\\b", _("toggle bold")); } }; struct edit_style_italic : public Command { CMD_NAME("edit/style/italic") STR_MENU("Italics") STR_DISP("Italics") STR_HELP("Italics") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { toggle_override_tag(c, &AssStyle::italic, "\\i", _("toggle italic")); } }; struct edit_style_underline : public Command { CMD_NAME("edit/style/underline") STR_MENU("Underline") STR_DISP("Underline") STR_HELP("Underline") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { toggle_override_tag(c, &AssStyle::underline, "\\u", _("toggle underline")); } }; struct edit_style_strikeout : public Command { CMD_NAME("edit/style/strikeout") STR_MENU("Strikeout") STR_DISP("Strikeout") STR_HELP("Strikeout") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { toggle_override_tag(c, &AssStyle::strikeout, "\\s", _("toggle strikeout")); } }; struct edit_font : public Command { CMD_NAME("edit/font") STR_MENU("Font Face...") STR_DISP("Font Face") STR_HELP("Font Face") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { AssDialogue *const line = c->selectionController->GetActiveLine(); boost::ptr_vector blocks(line->ParseTags()); const int blockn = block_at_pos(line->Text, c->textSelectionController->GetInsertionPoint()); const AssStyle *style = c->ass->GetStyle(line->Style); const AssStyle default_style; if (!style) style = &default_style; int sel_start = c->textSelectionController->GetSelectionStart(); int sel_end = c->textSelectionController->GetSelectionEnd(); const wxFont startfont( get_value(blocks, blockn, (int)style->fontsize, "\\fs"), wxFONTFAMILY_DEFAULT, get_value(blocks, blockn, style->italic, "\\i") ? wxFONTSTYLE_ITALIC : wxFONTSTYLE_NORMAL, get_value(blocks, blockn, style->bold, "\\b") ? wxFONTWEIGHT_BOLD : wxFONTWEIGHT_NORMAL, get_value(blocks, blockn, style->underline, "\\u"), to_wx(get_value(blocks, blockn, style->font, "\\fn"))); const wxFont font = wxGetFontFromUser(c->parent, startfont); if (!font.Ok() || font == startfont) return; if (font.GetFaceName() != startfont.GetFaceName()) set_tag(line, blocks, "\\fn", from_wx(font.GetFaceName()), sel_start, sel_end); if (font.GetPointSize() != startfont.GetPointSize()) set_tag(line, blocks, "\\fs", std::to_string(font.GetPointSize()), sel_start, sel_end); if (font.GetWeight() != startfont.GetWeight()) set_tag(line, blocks, "\\b", std::to_string(font.GetWeight() == wxFONTWEIGHT_BOLD), sel_start, sel_end); if (font.GetStyle() != startfont.GetStyle()) set_tag(line, blocks, "\\i", std::to_string(font.GetStyle() == wxFONTSTYLE_ITALIC), sel_start, sel_end); if (font.GetUnderlined() != startfont.GetUnderlined()) set_tag(line, blocks, "\\i", std::to_string(font.GetUnderlined()), sel_start, sel_end); commit_text(c, _("set font"), sel_start, sel_end); } }; /// Find and replace words in subtitles. struct edit_find_replace : public Command { CMD_NAME("edit/find_replace") STR_MENU("Find and R&eplace...") STR_DISP("Find and Replace") STR_HELP("Find and replace words in subtitles") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { c->videoController->Stop(); DialogSearchReplace::Show(c, true); } }; static std::string get_entry_data(AssDialogue *d) { return d->GetEntryData(); } static void copy_lines(agi::Context *c) { SubtitleSelection sel = c->selectionController->GetSelectedSet(); SetClipboard(join(c->ass->Line | agi::of_type() | filtered([&](AssDialogue *d) { return sel.count(d); }) | transformed(get_entry_data), "\r\n")); } static void delete_lines(agi::Context *c, wxString const& commit_message) { AssDialogue *active = c->selectionController->GetActiveLine(); SubtitleSelection sel = c->selectionController->GetSelectedSet(); // Find a line near the active line not being deleted to make the new active line AssDialogue *new_active = 0; bool hit_active = false; for (auto diag : c->ass->Line | agi::of_type()) { if (diag == active) { hit_active = true; if (new_active) break; } if (!sel.count(diag)) { new_active = diag; if (hit_active) break; } } // Delete selected lines c->ass->Line.remove_and_dispose_if([&sel](AssEntry const& e) { return sel.count(const_cast(static_cast(&e))); }, [](AssEntry *e) { delete e; }); // If we didn't get a new active line then we just deleted all the dialogue // lines, so make a new one if (!new_active) { new_active = new AssDialogue; c->ass->InsertLine(new_active); } c->ass->Commit(commit_message, AssFile::COMMIT_DIAG_ADDREM); sel.clear(); sel.insert(new_active); c->selectionController->SetSelectionAndActive(sel, new_active); } /// Copy subtitles. struct edit_line_copy : public validate_sel_nonempty { CMD_NAME("edit/line/copy") STR_MENU("&Copy Lines") STR_DISP("Copy Lines") STR_HELP("Copy subtitles") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { // Ideally we'd let the control's keydown handler run and only deal // with the events not processed by it, but that doesn't seem to be // possible with how wx implements key event handling - the native // platform processing is evoked only if the wx event is unprocessed, // and there's no way to do something if the native platform code leaves // it unprocessed if (wxTextEntryBase *ctrl = dynamic_cast(c->parent->FindFocus())) ctrl->Copy(); else { copy_lines(c); } } }; /// Cut subtitles. struct edit_line_cut: public validate_sel_nonempty { CMD_NAME("edit/line/cut") STR_MENU("Cu&t Lines") STR_DISP("Cut Lines") STR_HELP("Cut subtitles") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { if (wxTextEntryBase *ctrl = dynamic_cast(c->parent->FindFocus())) ctrl->Cut(); else { copy_lines(c); delete_lines(c, _("cut lines")); } } }; /// Delete currently selected lines. struct edit_line_delete : public validate_sel_nonempty { CMD_NAME("edit/line/delete") STR_MENU("De&lete Lines") STR_DISP("Delete Lines") STR_HELP("Delete currently selected lines") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { delete_lines(c, _("delete lines")); } }; struct in_selection : public std::unary_function { SubtitleSelectionController::Selection const& sel; in_selection(SubtitleSelectionController::Selection const& sel) : sel(sel) { } bool operator()(AssEntry const& e) const { const AssDialogue *d = dynamic_cast(&e); return d && sel.count(const_cast(d)); } }; static void duplicate_lines(agi::Context *c, bool shift) { in_selection sel(c->selectionController->GetSelectedSet()); SubtitleSelectionController::Selection new_sel; AssDialogue *new_active = 0; entryIter start = c->ass->Line.begin(); entryIter end = c->ass->Line.end(); while (start != end) { // Find the first line in the selection start = find_if(start, end, sel); if (start == end) break; // And the last line in this contiguous selection entryIter insert_pos = find_if_not(start, end, sel); entryIter last = std::prev(insert_pos); // Duplicate each of the selected lines, inserting them in a block // after the selected block do { AssDialogue *new_diag = new AssDialogue(*static_cast(&*start)); c->ass->Line.insert(insert_pos, *new_diag); new_sel.insert(new_diag); if (!new_active) new_active = new_diag; if (shift) { int pos = c->videoController->FrameAtTime(new_diag->End, agi::vfr::END) + 1; new_diag->Start = c->videoController->TimeAtFrame(pos, agi::vfr::START); new_diag->End = c->videoController->TimeAtFrame(pos, agi::vfr::END); } } while (start++ != last); // Skip over the lines we just made start = insert_pos; } if (new_sel.empty()) return; c->ass->Commit(_("duplicate lines"), AssFile::COMMIT_DIAG_ADDREM); c->selectionController->SetSelectionAndActive(new_sel, new_active); } /// Duplicate the selected lines. struct edit_line_duplicate : public validate_sel_nonempty { CMD_NAME("edit/line/duplicate") STR_MENU("&Duplicate Lines") STR_DISP("Duplicate Lines") STR_HELP("Duplicate the selected lines") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { duplicate_lines(c, false); } }; /// Duplicate lines and shift by one frame. struct edit_line_duplicate_shift : public Command { CMD_NAME("edit/line/duplicate/shift") STR_MENU("D&uplicate and Shift by 1 Frame") STR_DISP("Duplicate and Shift by 1 Frame") STR_HELP("Duplicate lines and shift by one frame") CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_VALIDATE) bool Validate(const agi::Context *c) { return !c->selectionController->GetSelectedSet().empty() && c->videoController->IsLoaded(); } void operator()(agi::Context *c) { duplicate_lines(c, true); } }; static void combine_lines(agi::Context *c, void (*combiner)(AssDialogue *, AssDialogue *), wxString const& message) { SubtitleSelection sel = c->selectionController->GetSelectedSet(); AssDialogue *first = 0; for (entryIter it = c->ass->Line.begin(); it != c->ass->Line.end(); ) { AssDialogue *diag = dynamic_cast(&*it++); if (!diag || !sel.count(diag)) continue; if (!first) { first = diag; continue; } combiner(first, diag); first->End = std::max(first->End, diag->End); delete diag; } sel.clear(); sel.insert(first); c->selectionController->SetSelectionAndActive(sel, first); c->ass->Commit(message, AssFile::COMMIT_DIAG_ADDREM | AssFile::COMMIT_DIAG_FULL); } static void combine_karaoke(AssDialogue *first, AssDialogue *second) { first->Text = first->Text.get() + "{\\k" + std::to_string((second->Start - first->End) / 10) + "}" + second->Text.get(); } static void combine_concat(AssDialogue *first, AssDialogue *second) { first->Text = first->Text.get() + " " + second->Text.get(); } static void combine_drop(AssDialogue *, AssDialogue *) { } /// Joins selected lines in a single one, as karaoke. struct edit_line_join_as_karaoke : public validate_sel_multiple { CMD_NAME("edit/line/join/as_karaoke") STR_MENU("As &Karaoke") STR_DISP("As Karaoke") STR_HELP("Joins selected lines in a single one, as karaoke") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { combine_lines(c, combine_karaoke, _("join as karaoke")); } }; /// Joins selected lines in a single one, concatenating text together. struct edit_line_join_concatenate : public validate_sel_multiple { CMD_NAME("edit/line/join/concatenate") STR_MENU("&Concatenate") STR_DISP("Concatenate") STR_HELP("Joins selected lines in a single one, concatenating text together") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { combine_lines(c, combine_concat, _("join lines")); } }; /// Joins selected lines in a single one, keeping text of first and discarding remaining. struct edit_line_join_keep_first : public validate_sel_multiple { CMD_NAME("edit/line/join/keep_first") STR_MENU("Keep &First") STR_DISP("Keep First") STR_HELP("Joins selected lines in a single one, keeping text of first and discarding remaining") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { combine_lines(c, combine_drop, _("join lines")); } }; /// Paste subtitles. struct edit_line_paste : public Command { CMD_NAME("edit/line/paste") STR_MENU("&Paste Lines") STR_DISP("Paste Lines") STR_HELP("Paste subtitles") CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_VALIDATE) bool Validate(const agi::Context *) { bool can_paste = false; if (wxTheClipboard->Open()) { can_paste = wxTheClipboard->IsSupported(wxDF_TEXT); wxTheClipboard->Close(); } return can_paste; } void operator()(agi::Context *c) { if (wxTextEntryBase *ctrl = dynamic_cast(c->parent->FindFocus())) ctrl->Paste(); else { auto pos = c->ass->Line.iterator_to(*c->selectionController->GetActiveLine()); paste_lines(c, false, [=](AssDialogue *new_line) -> AssDialogue * { c->ass->Line.insert(pos, *new_line); return new_line; }); } } }; /// Paste subtitles over others. struct edit_line_paste_over : public Command { CMD_NAME("edit/line/paste/over") STR_MENU("Paste Lines &Over...") STR_DISP("Paste Lines Over") STR_HELP("Paste subtitles over others") CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_VALIDATE) bool Validate(const agi::Context *c) { bool can_paste = !c->selectionController->GetSelectedSet().empty(); if (can_paste && wxTheClipboard->Open()) { can_paste = wxTheClipboard->IsSupported(wxDF_TEXT); wxTheClipboard->Close(); } return can_paste; } void operator()(agi::Context *c) { auto const& sel = c->selectionController->GetSelectedSet(); std::vector pasteOverOptions; // Only one line selected, so paste over downwards from the active line if (sel.size() < 2) { auto pos = c->ass->Line.iterator_to(*c->selectionController->GetActiveLine()); paste_lines(c, true, [&](AssDialogue *new_line) -> AssDialogue * { std::unique_ptr deleter(new_line); if (pos == c->ass->Line.end()) return nullptr; AssDialogue *ret = paste_over(c->parent, pasteOverOptions, new_line, static_cast(&*pos)); if (ret) pos = find_if(next(pos), c->ass->Line.end(), cast()); return ret; }); } else { // Multiple lines selected, so paste over the selection // Sort the selection by grid order std::vector sorted_selection; sorted_selection.reserve(sel.size()); for (auto& line : c->ass->Line) { if (sel.count(static_cast(&line))) sorted_selection.push_back(static_cast(&line)); } auto pos = begin(sorted_selection); paste_lines(c, true, [&](AssDialogue *new_line) -> AssDialogue * { std::unique_ptr deleter(new_line); if (pos == end(sorted_selection)) return nullptr; AssDialogue *ret = paste_over(c->parent, pasteOverOptions, new_line, *pos); if (ret) ++pos; return ret; }); } } }; /// Recombine subtitles when they have been split and merged. struct edit_line_recombine : public validate_sel_multiple { CMD_NAME("edit/line/recombine") STR_MENU("Recom&bine Lines") STR_DISP("Recombine Lines") STR_HELP("Recombine subtitles when they have been split and merged") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { c->subsGrid->RecombineLines(); } }; /// Uses karaoke timing to split line into multiple smaller lines. struct edit_line_split_by_karaoke : public validate_sel_nonempty { CMD_NAME("edit/line/split/by_karaoke") STR_MENU("Split Lines (by karaoke)") STR_DISP("Split Lines (by karaoke)") STR_HELP("Uses karaoke timing to split line into multiple smaller lines") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { AssKaraoke::SplitLines(c->selectionController->GetSelectedSet(), c); } }; void split_lines(agi::Context *c, bool estimate) { int pos = c->textSelectionController->GetSelectionStart(); AssDialogue *n1 = c->selectionController->GetActiveLine(); AssDialogue *n2 = new AssDialogue(*n1); c->ass->Line.insert(++c->ass->Line.iterator_to(*n1), *n2); std::string orig = n1->Text; n1->Text = boost::trim_right_copy(orig.substr(0, pos)); n2->Text = boost::trim_left_copy(orig.substr(pos)); if (estimate && orig.size()) { double splitPos = double(pos) / orig.size(); n2->Start = n1->End = (int)((n1->End - n1->Start) * splitPos) + n1->Start; } c->ass->Commit(_("split"), AssFile::COMMIT_DIAG_ADDREM | (estimate ? AssFile::COMMIT_DIAG_FULL : AssFile::COMMIT_DIAG_TEXT)); } struct edit_line_split_estimate : public validate_sel_nonempty { CMD_NAME("edit/line/split/estimate") STR_MENU("Split at cursor (estimate times)") STR_DISP("Split at cursor (estimate times)") STR_HELP("Split the current line at the cursor, dividing the original line's duration between the new ones") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { split_lines(c, true); } }; struct edit_line_split_preserve : public validate_sel_nonempty { CMD_NAME("edit/line/split/preserve") STR_MENU("Split at cursor (preserve times)") STR_DISP("Split at cursor (preserve times)") STR_HELP("Split the current line at the cursor, setting both lines to the original line's times") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { split_lines(c, false); } }; /// Redoes last action. struct edit_redo : public Command { CMD_NAME("edit/redo") STR_HELP("Redoes last action") CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_VALIDATE | COMMAND_DYNAMIC_NAME) wxString StrMenu(const agi::Context *c) const { return c->subsController->IsRedoStackEmpty() ? _("Nothing to &redo") : wxString::Format(_("&Redo %s"), c->subsController->GetRedoDescription()); } wxString StrDisplay(const agi::Context *c) const { return c->subsController->IsRedoStackEmpty() ? _("Nothing to redo") : wxString::Format(_("Redo %s"), c->subsController->GetRedoDescription()); } bool Validate(const agi::Context *c) { return !c->subsController->IsRedoStackEmpty(); } void operator()(agi::Context *c) { c->subsController->Redo(); } }; /// Undoes last action. struct edit_undo : public Command { CMD_NAME("edit/undo") STR_HELP("Undoes last action") CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_VALIDATE | COMMAND_DYNAMIC_NAME) wxString StrMenu(const agi::Context *c) const { return c->subsController->IsUndoStackEmpty() ? _("Nothing to &undo") : wxString::Format(_("&Undo %s"), c->subsController->GetUndoDescription()); } wxString StrDisplay(const agi::Context *c) const { return c->subsController->IsUndoStackEmpty() ? _("Nothing to undo") : wxString::Format(_("Undo %s"), c->subsController->GetUndoDescription()); } bool Validate(const agi::Context *c) { return !c->subsController->IsUndoStackEmpty(); } void operator()(agi::Context *c) { c->subsController->Undo(); } }; struct edit_revert : public Command { CMD_NAME("edit/revert") STR_DISP("Revert") STR_MENU("Revert") STR_HELP("Revert the active line to its initial state") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { AssDialogue *line = c->selectionController->GetActiveLine(); line->Text = c->initialLineState->GetInitialText(); c->ass->Commit(_("revert line"), AssFile::COMMIT_DIAG_TEXT, -1, line); } }; struct edit_clear : public Command { CMD_NAME("edit/clear") STR_DISP("Clear") STR_MENU("Clear") STR_HELP("Clear the current line's text") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { AssDialogue *line = c->selectionController->GetActiveLine(); line->Text = ""; c->ass->Commit(_("clear line"), AssFile::COMMIT_DIAG_TEXT, -1, line); } }; std::string get_text(AssDialogueBlock &d) { return d.GetText(); } struct edit_clear_text : public Command { CMD_NAME("edit/clear/text") STR_DISP("Clear Text") STR_MENU("Clear Text") STR_HELP("Clear the current line's text, leaving override tags") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { AssDialogue *line = c->selectionController->GetActiveLine(); boost::ptr_vector blocks(line->ParseTags()); line->Text = join(blocks | filtered([](AssDialogueBlock const& b) { return b.GetType() != BLOCK_PLAIN; }) | transformed(get_text), ""); c->ass->Commit(_("clear line"), AssFile::COMMIT_DIAG_TEXT, -1, line); } }; struct edit_insert_original : public Command { CMD_NAME("edit/insert_original") STR_DISP("Insert Original") STR_MENU("Insert Original") STR_HELP("Insert the original line text at the cursor") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { AssDialogue *line = c->selectionController->GetActiveLine(); int sel_start = c->textSelectionController->GetSelectionStart(); int sel_end = c->textSelectionController->GetSelectionEnd(); line->Text = line->Text.get().substr(0, sel_start) + c->initialLineState->GetInitialText() + line->Text.get().substr(sel_end); c->ass->Commit(_("insert original"), AssFile::COMMIT_DIAG_TEXT, -1, line); } }; } /// @} namespace cmd { void init_edit() { reg(new edit_color_primary); reg(new edit_color_secondary); reg(new edit_color_outline); reg(new edit_color_shadow); reg(new edit_font); reg(new edit_find_replace); reg(new edit_line_copy); reg(new edit_line_cut); reg(new edit_line_delete); reg(new edit_line_duplicate); reg(new edit_line_duplicate_shift); reg(new edit_line_join_as_karaoke); reg(new edit_line_join_concatenate); reg(new edit_line_join_keep_first); reg(new edit_line_paste); reg(new edit_line_paste_over); reg(new edit_line_recombine); reg(new edit_line_split_by_karaoke); reg(new edit_line_split_estimate); reg(new edit_line_split_preserve); reg(new edit_style_bold); reg(new edit_style_italic); reg(new edit_style_underline); reg(new edit_style_strikeout); reg(new edit_redo); reg(new edit_undo); reg(new edit_revert); reg(new edit_insert_original); reg(new edit_clear); reg(new edit_clear_text); } }