// Copyright (c) 2005-2007, Rodrigo Braz Monteiro, Hajo Krabbenhöft // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors // may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software // without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // AEGISUB // // Website: http://aegisub.cellosoft.com // Contact: mailto:zeratul@cellosoft.com // ////////////////////////////// HERE BE DRAGONS ////////////////////////////// /////////// // Headers #include "setup.h" #if USE_FEXTRACKER == 1 #include "video_display_fextracker.h" #include "../FexTrackerSource/FexTracker.h" #include "../FexTrackerSource/FexTrackingFeature.h" #include "../FexTrackerSource/FexMovement.h" #include "dialog_progress.h" #include "dialog_fextracker.h" #include "ass_dialogue.h" #include "video_box.h" #include "video_context.h" #include "video_display.h" #include "subs_grid.h" #include "subs_edit_box.h" #include "vfr.h" #include "main.h" #include "frame_main.h" #include "video_provider.h" #include "ass_file.h" /////////////// // Event table BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(VideoDisplayFexTracker,wxEvtHandler) EVT_MENU(Video_Track_Points, VideoDisplayFexTracker::OnVideoTrackPoints) EVT_MENU(Video_Track_Point_Add, VideoDisplayFexTracker::OnVideoTrackPointAdd) EVT_MENU(Video_Track_Point_Del, VideoDisplayFexTracker::OnVideoTrackPointDel) EVT_MENU(Video_Track_Movement, VideoDisplayFexTracker::OnVideoTrackMovement) EVT_MENU(Video_Track_Movement_MoveAll, VideoDisplayFexTracker::OnVideoTrackMovementMoveAll) EVT_MENU(Video_Track_Movement_MoveOne, VideoDisplayFexTracker::OnVideoTrackMovementMoveOne) EVT_MENU(Video_Track_Movement_MoveBefore, VideoDisplayFexTracker::OnVideoTrackMovementMoveBefore) EVT_MENU(Video_Track_Movement_MoveAfter, VideoDisplayFexTracker::OnVideoTrackMovementMoveAfter) EVT_MENU(Video_Track_Split_Line, VideoDisplayFexTracker::OnVideoTrackSplitLine) EVT_MENU(Video_Track_Link_File, VideoDisplayFexTracker::OnVideoTrackLinkFile) EVT_MENU(Video_Track_Movement_Empty, VideoDisplayFexTracker::OnVideoTrackMovementEmpty) END_EVENT_TABLE() /////////////// // Constructor VideoDisplayFexTracker::VideoDisplayFexTracker(VideoDisplay *par) { parent = par; } /////////////// // Mouse event void VideoDisplayFexTracker::OnMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent &event) { // Variables int frame_n = VideoContext::Get()->GetFrameN(); int dw,dh; parent->GetClientSize(&dw,&dh); int x = event.GetX(); int y = event.GetY(); int mx = x * VideoContext::Get()->GetWidth() / dw; int my = y * VideoContext::Get()->GetHeight() / dh; // Click if (event.ButtonDown(wxMOUSE_BTN_LEFT)) { MouseDownX = mx; MouseDownY = my; bTrackerEditing = 1; } if (event.ButtonUp(wxMOUSE_BTN_LEFT)) bTrackerEditing = 0; // Do tracker influence if needed if( bTrackerEditing ) { AssDialogue *curline = VideoContext::Get()->grid->GetDialogue(VideoContext::Get()->grid->editBox->linen); int StartFrame, EndFrame, localframe; // Visible? if (curline && (StartFrame = VFR_Output.GetFrameAtTime(curline->Start.GetMS(),true)) <= frame_n && (EndFrame = VFR_Output.GetFrameAtTime(curline->End.GetMS(),false)) >= frame_n ) { localframe = frame_n - StartFrame; if (TrackerEdit!=0 && curline->Tracker && localframe < curline->Tracker->GetFrame()) curline->Tracker->InfluenceFeatures (localframe, float(mx), float(my), TrackerEdit); if (MovementEdit!=0 && curline->Movement && localframe < curline->Movement->Frames.size()) { // Set start/end int movMode = MovementEdit; int start = 0; int end = localframe+1; if (movMode == 2 || movMode == 4) start = localframe; if (movMode == 1 || movMode == 4) end = curline->Movement->Frames.size(); // Apply for (int i=0;iMovement->Frames.size();i++) { curline->Movement->Frames[i].Pos.x += float(mx-MouseDownX); curline->Movement->Frames[i].Pos.y += float(my-MouseDownY); } } MouseDownX = mx; MouseDownY = my; } } } ///////////////////////// // Draw tracking overlay void VideoDisplayFexTracker::Render() { int frame_n = VideoContext::Get()->GetFrameN(); // Get line AssDialogue *curline = VideoContext::Get()->grid->GetDialogue(VideoContext::Get()->grid->editBox->linen); if (!curline) return; int StartFrame = VFR_Output.GetFrameAtTime(curline->Start.GetMS(),true); int EndFrame = VFR_Output.GetFrameAtTime(curline->End.GetMS(),false); if (frame_nEndFrame) return; int localframe = frame_n - StartFrame; if (curline->Tracker) { if (curline->Tracker->GetFrame() <= localframe) return; // Draw ticks for (int i=0;iTracker->GetCount();i++) { FexTrackingFeature* f = (*curline->Tracker)[i]; if (f->StartTime > localframe) continue; int llf = localframe - f->StartTime; if (f->Pos.size() <= llf) continue; vec2 pt = f->Pos[llf]; SetLineColour(wxColour(255*(1-f->Influence),255*f->Influence,0),1); DrawLine (pt.x-2, pt.y, pt.x, pt.y); DrawLine (pt.x, pt.y-2, pt.x, pt.y); DrawLine (pt.x+1, pt.y, pt.x+3, pt.y); DrawLine (pt.x, pt.y+1, pt.x, pt.y+3); } } if (curline->Movement) { if (curline->Movement->Frames.size() <= localframe) return; FexMovementFrame f = curline->Movement->Frames.lVal[localframe]; f.Scale.x *= 30; f.Scale.y *= 30; FexMovementFrame f3 = f; SetLineColour(wxColour(0,0,255),1); int nBack = 8; while (--localframe>0 && nBack-- >0) { FexMovementFrame f2 = curline->Movement->Frames.lVal[localframe]; DrawLine (f2.Pos.x, f2.Pos.y, f3.Pos.x, f3.Pos.y); f3 = f2; } SetLineColour(wxColour(200,0,0),2); DrawLine (f.Pos.x-f.Scale.x, f.Pos.y, f.Pos.x+f.Scale.x+1, f.Pos.y); DrawLine (f.Pos.x, f.Pos.y-f.Scale.y, f.Pos.x, f.Pos.y+f.Scale.y+1); f3 = f; SetLineColour(wxColour(0,255,0),1); int nFront = 8; localframe = frame_n - StartFrame; while( ++localframeMovement->Frames.size() && nFront-- >0 ) { FexMovementFrame f2 = curline->Movement->Frames.lVal[localframe]; DrawLine (f2.Pos.x, f2.Pos.y, f3.Pos.x, f3.Pos.y); f3 = f2; } } } /////////////////// // Track current line void VideoDisplayFexTracker::OnVideoTrackPoints(wxCommandEvent &event) { VideoContext::Get()->Stop(); // Get line FrameMain *frame = AegisubApp::Get()->frame; AssDialogue *curline = frame->SubsBox->GetDialogue(frame->EditBox->linen); if (!curline) return; FexTrackerConfig config; DialogFexTracker configDlg (frame, &config); configDlg.ShowModal(); if (!config.FeatureNumber) return; // Get Video VideoProvider *movie = VideoProviderFactory::GetProvider(VideoContext::Get()->videoName); // Create Tracker if( curline->Tracker ) delete curline->Tracker; curline->Tracker = new FexTracker( movie->GetWidth(), movie->GetHeight(), config.FeatureNumber ); curline->Tracker->minFeatures = config.FeatureNumber; curline->Tracker->Cfg = config; // Start progress volatile bool canceled = false; DialogProgress *progress = new DialogProgress(frame,_("FexTracker"),&canceled,_("Tracking points"),0,1); progress->Show(); // Allocate temp image float* FloatImg = new float[ movie->GetWidth()*movie->GetHeight() ]; int StartFrame = VFR_Output.GetFrameAtTime(curline->Start.GetMS(),true); int EndFrame = VFR_Output.GetFrameAtTime(curline->End.GetMS(),false); for( int Frame = StartFrame; Frame <= EndFrame; Frame ++ ) { progress->SetProgress( Frame-StartFrame, EndFrame-StartFrame ); if( canceled ) break; movie->GetFloatFrame( FloatImg, Frame ); curline->Tracker->ProcessImage( FloatImg ); } delete FloatImg; delete movie; // Clean up progress if (!canceled) progress->Destroy(); else { delete curline->Tracker; curline->Tracker = 0; } VideoContext::Get()->Refresh(true,false); } /////////////////// // Track current line void VideoDisplayFexTracker::OnVideoTrackMovement(wxCommandEvent &event) { VideoContext::Get()->Stop(); // Get line FrameMain *frame = AegisubApp::Get()->frame; AssDialogue *curline = frame->SubsBox->GetDialogue(frame->EditBox->linen); if (!curline) return; if( !curline->Tracker ) return; // Create Movement if( curline->Movement ) DeleteMovement( curline->Movement ); curline->Movement = curline->Tracker->GetMovement(); VideoContext::Get()->Refresh(true,false); } /////////////////// // split current line void VideoDisplayFexTracker::OnVideoTrackSplitLine(wxCommandEvent &event) { VideoContext::Get()->Stop(); // Get line FrameMain *frame = AegisubApp::Get()->frame; AssDialogue *curline = frame->SubsBox->GetDialogue(frame->EditBox->linen); if (!curline) return; if( !curline->Movement ) return; // Create split lines int StartFrame = VFR_Output.GetFrameAtTime(curline->Start.GetMS(),true); int EndFrame = VFR_Output.GetFrameAtTime(curline->End.GetMS(),false); AssFile *subs = AssFile::top; int ResXValue,ResYValue; swscanf( subs->GetScriptInfo(_T("PlayResX")), _T("%d"), &ResXValue ); swscanf( subs->GetScriptInfo(_T("PlayResY")), _T("%d"), &ResYValue ); int SrcXValue = VideoContext::Get()->GetWidth(); int SrcYValue = VideoContext::Get()->GetHeight(); float sx = float(ResXValue)/float(SrcXValue); float sy = float(ResYValue)/float(SrcYValue); for( int Frame = StartFrame; Frame < EndFrame; Frame ++ ) { int localframe = Frame - StartFrame; while( curline->Movement->Frames.size() <= localframe ) localframe--; FexMovementFrame f = curline->Movement->Frames[localframe]; // f.Pos.x /= videoDisplay->GetW AssDialogue *cur = new AssDialogue( curline->GetEntryData() ); cur->Start.SetMS(VFR_Output.GetTimeAtFrame(Frame,true)); cur->End.SetMS(VFR_Output.GetTimeAtFrame(Frame,false)); cur->Text = wxString::Format( _T("{\\pos(%.0f,%.0f)\\fscx%.2f\\fscy%.2f}"), f.Pos.x*sx, f.Pos.y*sy, f.Scale.x*100, f.Scale.y*100 ) + cur->Text; cur->UpdateData(); frame->SubsBox->InsertLine(cur,frame->EditBox->linen + Frame - StartFrame,true,false); } // Remove Movement DeleteMovement( curline->Movement ); curline->Movement = 0; // Remove Tracker delete curline->Tracker; curline->Tracker = 0; // Remove this line frame->SubsBox->DeleteLines(frame->SubsBox->GetRangeArray(frame->EditBox->linen, frame->EditBox->linen)); VideoContext::Get()->Refresh(true,false); } /////////////////// // generate empty movement void VideoDisplayFexTracker::OnVideoTrackMovementEmpty(wxCommandEvent &event) { // Get line FrameMain *frame = AegisubApp::Get()->frame; AssDialogue *curline = frame->SubsBox->GetDialogue(frame->EditBox->linen); if (!curline) return; if( curline->Movement ) DeleteMovement( curline->Movement ); curline->Movement = CreateMovement(); // Create split lines int StartFrame = VFR_Output.GetFrameAtTime(curline->Start.GetMS(),true); int EndFrame = VFR_Output.GetFrameAtTime(curline->End.GetMS(),false); FexMovementFrame f; memset( &f, 0x00, sizeof(f) ); f.Scale.x = f.Scale.y = 1; for( int i=StartFrame;iMovement->Frames.Add( f ); } /////////////////// // link line to move file void VideoDisplayFexTracker::OnVideoTrackLinkFile(wxCommandEvent &event) { VideoContext::Get()->Stop(); // Get line FrameMain *frame = AegisubApp::Get()->frame; AssDialogue *curline = frame->SubsBox->GetDialogue(frame->EditBox->linen); if (!curline) return; wxString link = wxGetTextFromUser(_("Link name:"), _("Link line to movement file"), curline->Movement?curline->Movement->FileName:_T(""), frame); if( link.empty() ) curline->Effect = _T(""); else curline->Effect = _T("FexMovement:")+link; curline->UpdateData(); if( !curline->Effect.empty() && curline->Movement ) SaveMovement( curline->Movement, curline->Effect.AfterFirst(':').c_str() ); } ////////////////////// // Increase Influence void VideoDisplayFexTracker::OnVideoTrackPointAdd(wxCommandEvent &event) { TrackerEdit = 1; bTrackerEditing = 0; } ////////////////////// // Decrease Influence void VideoDisplayFexTracker::OnVideoTrackPointDel(wxCommandEvent &event) { TrackerEdit = -1; bTrackerEditing = 0; } //////////// // Move All void VideoDisplayFexTracker::OnVideoTrackMovementMoveAll(wxCommandEvent &event) { MovementEdit = 1; bTrackerEditing = 0; } //////////// // Move One void VideoDisplayFexTracker::OnVideoTrackMovementMoveOne(wxCommandEvent &event) { MovementEdit = 2; bTrackerEditing = 0; } /////////////// // Move Before void VideoDisplayFexTracker::OnVideoTrackMovementMoveBefore(wxCommandEvent &event) { MovementEdit = 3; bTrackerEditing = 0; } ////////////// // Move After void VideoDisplayFexTracker::OnVideoTrackMovementMoveAfter(wxCommandEvent &event) { MovementEdit = 4; bTrackerEditing = 0; } #endif