// Copyright (c) 2005-2010, Rodrigo Braz Monteiro // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors // may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software // without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Aegisub Project http://www.aegisub.org/ /// @file video_display.cpp /// @brief Control displaying a video frame obtained from the video context /// @ingroup video main_ui /// #include "video_display.h" #include "ass_file.h" #include "async_video_provider.h" #include "command/command.h" #include "compat.h" #include "format.h" #include "include/aegisub/context.h" #include "include/aegisub/hotkey.h" #include "include/aegisub/menu.h" #include "options.h" #include "project.h" #include "retina_helper.h" #include "spline_curve.h" #include "utils.h" #include "video_out_gl.h" #include "video_controller.h" #include "visual_tool.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef HAVE_OPENGL_GL_H #include #else #include #endif /// Attribute list for gl canvases; set the canvases to doublebuffered rgba with an 8 bit stencil buffer int attribList[] = { WX_GL_RGBA , WX_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, WX_GL_STENCIL_SIZE, 8, 0 }; /// An OpenGL error occurred while uploading or displaying a frame class OpenGlException final : public agi::Exception { public: OpenGlException(const char *func, int err) : agi::Exception(agi::format("%s failed with error code %d", func, err)) { } }; #define E(cmd) cmd; if (GLenum err = glGetError()) throw OpenGlException(#cmd, err) VideoDisplay::VideoDisplay(wxToolBar *toolbar, bool freeSize, wxComboBox *zoomBox, wxWindow *parent, agi::Context *c) : wxGLCanvas(parent, -1, attribList) , autohideTools(OPT_GET("Tool/Visual/Autohide")) , con(c) , windowZoomValue(OPT_GET("Video/Default Zoom")->GetInt() * .125 + .125) , videoZoomValue(1) , toolBar(toolbar) , zoomBox(zoomBox) , freeSize(freeSize) , retina_helper(agi::make_unique(this)) , scale_factor(retina_helper->GetScaleFactor()) , scale_factor_connection(retina_helper->AddScaleFactorListener([=](int new_scale_factor) { double new_zoom = windowZoomValue * new_scale_factor / scale_factor; scale_factor = new_scale_factor; SetWindowZoom(new_zoom); })) { zoomBox->SetValue(fmt_wx("%g%%", windowZoomValue * 100.)); zoomBox->Bind(wxEVT_COMBOBOX, &VideoDisplay::SetZoomFromBox, this); zoomBox->Bind(wxEVT_TEXT_ENTER, &VideoDisplay::SetZoomFromBoxText, this); con->videoController->Bind(EVT_FRAME_READY, &VideoDisplay::UploadFrameData, this); connections = agi::signal::make_vector({ con->project->AddVideoProviderListener(&VideoDisplay::UpdateSize, this), con->videoController->AddARChangeListener(&VideoDisplay::UpdateSize, this), }); Bind(wxEVT_PAINT, std::bind(&VideoDisplay::Render, this)); Bind(wxEVT_SIZE, &VideoDisplay::OnSizeEvent, this); Bind(wxEVT_CONTEXT_MENU, &VideoDisplay::OnContextMenu, this); Bind(wxEVT_ENTER_WINDOW, &VideoDisplay::OnMouseEvent, this); Bind(wxEVT_CHAR_HOOK, &VideoDisplay::OnKeyDown, this); Bind(wxEVT_LEAVE_WINDOW, &VideoDisplay::OnMouseLeave, this); Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_DCLICK, &VideoDisplay::OnMouseEvent, this); Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_DOWN, &VideoDisplay::OnMouseEvent, this); Bind(wxEVT_LEFT_UP, &VideoDisplay::OnMouseEvent, this); Bind(wxEVT_MIDDLE_DOWN, &VideoDisplay::OnMouseEvent, this); Bind(wxEVT_MIDDLE_UP, &VideoDisplay::OnMouseEvent, this); Bind(wxEVT_MOTION, &VideoDisplay::OnMouseEvent, this); Bind(wxEVT_MOUSEWHEEL, &VideoDisplay::OnMouseWheel, this); SetCursor(wxNullCursor); c->videoDisplay = this; con->videoController->JumpToFrame(con->videoController->GetFrameN()); SetLayoutDirection(wxLayout_LeftToRight); } VideoDisplay::~VideoDisplay () { Unload(); con->videoController->Unbind(EVT_FRAME_READY, &VideoDisplay::UploadFrameData, this); } bool VideoDisplay::InitContext() { if (!IsShownOnScreen()) return false; // If this display is in a minimized detached dialog IsShownOnScreen will // return true, but the client size is guaranteed to be 0 if (GetClientSize() == wxSize(0, 0)) return false; if (!glContext) glContext = agi::make_unique(this); SetCurrent(*glContext); return true; } void VideoDisplay::UploadFrameData(FrameReadyEvent &evt) { pending_frame = evt.frame; Render(); } void VideoDisplay::Render() try { if (!con->project->VideoProvider() || !InitContext() || (!videoOut && !pending_frame)) return; if (!videoOut) videoOut = agi::make_unique(); if (!tool) cmd::call("video/tool/cross", con); try { if (pending_frame) { videoOut->UploadFrameData(*pending_frame); pending_frame.reset(); } } catch (const VideoOutInitException& err) { wxLogError( "Failed to initialize video display. Closing other running " "programs and updating your video card drivers may fix this.\n" "Error message reported: %s", err.GetMessage()); con->project->CloseVideo(); return; } catch (const VideoOutRenderException& err) { wxLogError( "Could not upload video frame to graphics card.\n" "Error message reported: %s", err.GetMessage()); return; } if (videoSize.GetWidth() == 0) videoSize.SetWidth(1); if (videoSize.GetHeight() == 0) videoSize.SetHeight(1); if (!viewport_height || !viewport_width) PositionVideo(); videoOut->Render(viewport_left, viewport_bottom, viewport_width, viewport_height); int client_w, client_h; GetClientSize(&client_w, &client_h); E(glViewport(0, 0, client_w, client_h)); E(glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION)); E(glLoadIdentity()); E(glOrtho(0.0f, client_w / scale_factor, client_h / scale_factor, 0.0f, -1000.0f, 1000.0f)); if (OPT_GET("Video/Overscan Mask")->GetBool()) { double ar = con->videoController->GetAspectRatioValue(); // Based on BBC's guidelines: http://www.bbc.co.uk/guidelines/dq/pdf/tv/tv_standards_london.pdf // 16:9 or wider if (ar > 1.75) { DrawOverscanMask(.1f, .05f); DrawOverscanMask(0.035f, 0.035f); } // Less wide than 16:9 (use 4:3 standard) else { DrawOverscanMask(.067f, .05f); DrawOverscanMask(0.033f, 0.035f); } } if ((mouse_pos || !autohideTools->GetBool()) && tool) tool->Draw(); SwapBuffers(); } catch (const agi::Exception &err) { wxLogError( "An error occurred trying to render the video frame on the screen.\n" "Error message reported: %s", err.GetMessage()); con->project->CloseVideo(); } void VideoDisplay::DrawOverscanMask(float horizontal_percent, float vertical_percent) const { Vector2D v(viewport_width, viewport_height); Vector2D size = Vector2D(horizontal_percent, vertical_percent) / 2 * v; // Clockwise from top-left Vector2D corners[] = { size, Vector2D(viewport_width - size.X(), size), v - size, Vector2D(size, viewport_height - size.Y()) }; // Shift to compensate for black bars Vector2D pos(viewport_left, viewport_top); for (auto& corner : corners) corner = corner + pos; int count = 0; std::vector points; for (size_t i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { size_t prev = (i + 3) % 4; size_t next = (i + 1) % 4; count += SplineCurve( (corners[prev] + corners[i] * 4) / 5, corners[i], corners[i], (corners[next] + corners[i] * 4) / 5) .GetPoints(points); } OpenGLWrapper gl; gl.SetFillColour(wxColor(30, 70, 200), .5f); gl.SetLineColour(*wxBLACK, 0, 1); std::vector vstart(1, 0); std::vector vcount(1, count); gl.DrawMultiPolygon(points, vstart, vcount, Vector2D(viewport_left, viewport_top), Vector2D(viewport_width, viewport_height), true); } void VideoDisplay::PositionVideo() { auto provider = con->project->VideoProvider(); if (!provider || !IsShownOnScreen()) return; int client_w, client_h; GetClientSize(&client_w, &client_h); viewport_left = 0; viewport_bottom = client_h * scale_factor - videoSize.GetHeight(); viewport_top = 0; viewport_width = videoSize.GetWidth(); viewport_height = videoSize.GetHeight(); if (freeSize) { int vidW = provider->GetWidth(); int vidH = provider->GetHeight(); AspectRatio arType = con->videoController->GetAspectRatioType(); double displayAr = double(client_w) / client_h; double videoAr = arType == AspectRatio::Default ? double(vidW) / vidH : con->videoController->GetAspectRatioValue(); // Window is wider than video, blackbox left/right if (displayAr - videoAr > 0.01) { int delta = client_w - videoAr * client_h; viewport_left = delta / 2; } // Video is wider than window, blackbox top/bottom else if (videoAr - displayAr > 0.01) { int delta = client_h - client_w / videoAr; viewport_top += delta / 2; viewport_bottom += delta / 2; viewport_height -= delta; viewport_width = viewport_height * videoAr; } } viewport_left += pan_x; viewport_top += pan_y; viewport_bottom -= pan_y; if (tool) { tool->SetClientSize(client_w * scale_factor, client_h * scale_factor); tool->SetDisplayArea(viewport_left / scale_factor, viewport_top / scale_factor, viewport_width / scale_factor, viewport_height / scale_factor); } Render(); } void VideoDisplay::UpdateSize() { auto provider = con->project->VideoProvider(); if (!provider || !IsShownOnScreen()) return; videoSize.Set(provider->GetWidth(), provider->GetHeight()); videoSize *= videoZoomValue * windowZoomValue; wxEventBlocker blocker(this); if (freeSize) { wxWindow *top = GetParent(); while (!top->IsTopLevel()) top = top->GetParent(); wxSize oldClientSize = GetClientSize(); double csAr = (double)oldClientSize.GetWidth() / (double)oldClientSize.GetHeight(); wxSize newClientSize = wxSize(std::lround(provider->GetHeight() * csAr), provider->GetHeight()) * windowZoomValue / scale_factor; wxSize oldSize = top->GetSize(); top->SetSize(oldSize + (newClientSize - oldClientSize)); SetClientSize(oldClientSize + (top->GetSize() - oldSize)); } else { wxSize newSize = wxSize(provider->GetWidth(), provider->GetHeight()) * windowZoomValue / scale_factor; SetMinClientSize(newSize); SetMaxClientSize(newSize); GetGrandParent()->Layout(); } PositionVideo(); } void VideoDisplay::OnSizeEvent(wxSizeEvent &event) { if (freeSize) { /* If the video is not moved */ if (videoZoomValue == 1.0f && pan_x == 0 && pan_y == 0) videoSize = GetClientSize() * scale_factor; /* If the video is moving, we only need to update the size in this case */ else if (videoSize.GetWidth() == 0 && videoSize.GetHeight() == 0) videoSize = GetClientSize() * videoZoomValue * scale_factor; windowZoomValue = double(GetClientSize().GetHeight()) / con->project->VideoProvider()->GetHeight(); zoomBox->ChangeValue(fmt_wx("%g%%", windowZoomValue * 100.)); con->ass->Properties.video_zoom = windowZoomValue; UpdateSize(); } else { PositionVideo(); } } void VideoDisplay::OnMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent& event) { if (event.ButtonDown()) SetFocus(); last_mouse_pos = mouse_pos = event.GetPosition(); ///if video pan bool videoPan = OPT_GET("Video/Video Pan")->GetBool(); if (videoPan){ if (event.GetButton() == wxMOUSE_BTN_MIDDLE) { if ((panning = event.ButtonDown())) pan_last_pos = event.GetPosition(); } if (panning && event.Dragging()) { pan_x += event.GetX() - pan_last_pos.X(); pan_y += event.GetY() - pan_last_pos.Y(); pan_last_pos = event.GetPosition(); PositionVideo(); } } else if ((pan_x != 0 || pan_y != 0) && !videoPan) { pan_x = pan_y = 0; PositionVideo(); } /// if (tool) tool->OnMouseEvent(event); } void VideoDisplay::OnMouseLeave(wxMouseEvent& event) { mouse_pos = Vector2D(); if (tool) tool->OnMouseEvent(event); } void VideoDisplay::OnMouseWheel(wxMouseEvent& event) { bool videoPan = OPT_GET("Video/Video Pan")->GetBool(); if (int wheel = event.GetWheelRotation()) { if (ForwardMouseWheelEvent(this, event)) { if (!videoPan || (event.ControlDown() != OPT_GET("Video/Default to UI Zoom")->GetBool())) { SetWindowZoom(windowZoomValue + .125 * (wheel / event.GetWheelDelta())); } else { SetVideoZoom(wheel / event.GetWheelDelta()); } } } } void VideoDisplay::OnContextMenu(wxContextMenuEvent&) { if (!context_menu) context_menu = menu::GetMenu("video_context", con); SetCursor(wxNullCursor); menu::OpenPopupMenu(context_menu.get(), this); } void VideoDisplay::OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent &event) { hotkey::check("Video", con, event); } void VideoDisplay::ResetPan() { pan_x = pan_y = 0; videoZoomValue = 1; UpdateSize(); PositionVideo(); } void VideoDisplay::SetWindowZoom(double value) { if (value == 0) return; value = std::max(value, .125); pan_x *= value / windowZoomValue; pan_y *= value / windowZoomValue; windowZoomValue = value; size_t selIndex = windowZoomValue / .125 - 1; if (selIndex < zoomBox->GetCount()) zoomBox->SetSelection(selIndex); zoomBox->ChangeValue(fmt_wx("%g%%", windowZoomValue * 100.)); con->ass->Properties.video_zoom = windowZoomValue; UpdateSize(); } void VideoDisplay::SetVideoZoom(int step) { if (step == 0) return; double newVideoZoom = videoZoomValue + (.125 * step) * videoZoomValue; if (newVideoZoom < 0.125 || newVideoZoom > 10.0) return; // With the current blackbox algorithm in PositionVideo(), viewport_{width,height} could go negative. Stop that here wxSize cs = GetClientSize(); wxSize videoNewSize = videoSize * (newVideoZoom / videoZoomValue); float windowAR = (float)cs.GetWidth() / cs.GetHeight(); float videoAR = (float)videoNewSize.GetWidth() / videoNewSize.GetHeight(); if (windowAR < videoAR) { int delta = cs.GetHeight() - cs.GetWidth() / videoAR; if (videoNewSize.GetHeight() - delta < 0) return; } // Mouse coordinates, relative to the video, at the current zoom level Vector2D mp = GetMousePosition() * videoZoomValue * windowZoomValue; // The video size will change by this many pixels int pixelChangeW = std::lround(videoSize.GetWidth() * (newVideoZoom / videoZoomValue - 1.0)); int pixelChangeH = std::lround(videoSize.GetHeight() * (newVideoZoom / videoZoomValue - 1.0)); pan_x -= pixelChangeW * (mp.X() / videoSize.GetWidth()); pan_y -= pixelChangeH * (mp.Y() / videoSize.GetHeight()); videoZoomValue = newVideoZoom; UpdateSize(); } void VideoDisplay::SetZoomFromBox(wxCommandEvent &) { int sel = zoomBox->GetSelection(); if (sel != wxNOT_FOUND) { windowZoomValue = (sel + 1) * .125; con->ass->Properties.video_zoom = windowZoomValue; UpdateSize(); } } void VideoDisplay::SetZoomFromBoxText(wxCommandEvent &) { wxString strValue = zoomBox->GetValue(); if (strValue.EndsWith("%")) strValue.RemoveLast(); double value; if (strValue.ToDouble(&value)) SetWindowZoom(value / 100.); } void VideoDisplay::SetTool(std::unique_ptr new_tool) { // Set the tool first to prevent repeated initialization from VideoDisplay::Render tool = std::move(new_tool); // Hide the tool bar first to eliminate unecessary size changes toolBar->Show(false); toolBar->ClearTools(); tool->SetToolbar(toolBar); // Update size as the new typesetting tool may have changed the subtoolbar size if (!freeSize) UpdateSize(); else { // UpdateSize fits the window to the video, which we don't want to do GetGrandParent()->Layout(); tool->SetDisplayArea(viewport_left / scale_factor, viewport_top / scale_factor, viewport_width / scale_factor, viewport_height / scale_factor); } } bool VideoDisplay::SetVectorClipTool(VisualToolVectorClipMode vcliptoolmode) const { if (ToolIsType(typeid(VisualToolVectorClip))) { static_cast(tool.get())->SetMode(vcliptoolmode); return true; } else { return false; } } bool VideoDisplay::ToolIsType(std::type_info const& type) const { return tool && typeid(*tool) == type; } bool VideoDisplay::ToolIsVectorClipTool(VisualToolVectorClipMode vcliptoolmode) const { return ToolIsType(typeid(VisualToolVectorClip)) && static_cast(tool.get()); } Vector2D VideoDisplay::GetMousePosition() const { return last_mouse_pos ? tool->ToScriptCoords(last_mouse_pos) : last_mouse_pos; } void VideoDisplay::Unload() { if (glContext) { SetCurrent(*glContext); } videoOut.reset(); tool.reset(); glContext.reset(); pending_frame.reset(); }