include Aegisub class Object def deep_clone Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(self)) end end module Aegisub class ScriptCfg def initialize # constructor @opt = [] @x = 0 @y = 0 @labels = true @width = 1 # TODO @height = 1 end private def control(type, name, opt = {}) @opt << {:class => type, :name => name, :x => @x, :y => @y, :width => 1, :height => 1}.merge!(opt) end # some meta-programming :] def self.create_functions(*arr) arr.each do |a| class_eval(%Q[ def #{a.to_s}(name, text, opt = {}) if @labels; label text, opt; @x += 1; end control "#{a.to_s}", name, opt @y += 1 @x = 0 end ]) end end public create_functions *[:edit, :intedit, :floatedit, :textbox, :dropdown, :checkbox, :color, :coloralpha, :alpha ] def no_labels; @labels = false; end def label(text, opt = {}) control :label, text, opt.merge({:label => text}) end def header(text, opt = {}) label text, opt.merge!({:width => 2}) @y += 1 end def to_ary # conversion to array @opt end end # inserts lines with options into [Script Info] section def write_options(subs, opt, sep = "~~") subs.collect! do |l| if l[:class] == :info info = true value = opt.delete(l[:key]) l[:value] = value.instance_of?(Hash) ? value.to_a.flatten!.join(sep) : value.to_s if value l else if info r = [l] opt.each do |key, val| r << {:class => :info, :key => key, :value => value.instance_of?(Hash) ? value.to_a.flatten!.join(sep) : value.to_s, :section => "[Script Info]"} end info = false r else l end end end end # returns a hash with options from [Script Info] section def read_options(subs, name, sep = "~~") opt = {} subs.each { |l| opt[l[:key].to_sym] = l[:value] if l[:class] == :info } n_sym = name.to_sym if opt[n_sym] # parsing of script specific options a = opt[n_sym].split(sep) h = {} (a.size/2).times { |j| h[a[2*j].to_sym] = a[2*j+1] } opt[n_sym] = h end return opt end end