// Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Fredrik Mellbin // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. #include "ffvideosource.h" int VideoBase::InitPP(const char *PP, int PixelFormat, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize) { if (!strcmp(PP, "")) return 0; PPMode = pp_get_mode_by_name_and_quality(PP, PP_QUALITY_MAX); if (!PPMode) { _snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Invalid postprocesing settings"); return 1; } int Flags = GetCPUFlags(); switch (PixelFormat) { case PIX_FMT_YUV420P: Flags |= PP_FORMAT_420; break; case PIX_FMT_YUV422P: Flags |= PP_FORMAT_422; break; case PIX_FMT_YUV411P: Flags |= PP_FORMAT_411; break; case PIX_FMT_YUV444P: Flags |= PP_FORMAT_444; break; default: _snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Input format is not supported for postprocessing"); return 2; } PPContext = pp_get_context(VP.Width, VP.Height, Flags); if (!(PPFrame = avcodec_alloc_frame())) { _snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Failed to allocate temporary frame"); return 3; } if (avpicture_alloc((AVPicture *)PPFrame, PixelFormat, VP.Width, VP.Height) < 0) { _snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Failed to allocate picture"); return 4; } return 0; } AVFrameLite *VideoBase::OutputFrame(AVFrame *Frame) { if (PPContext) { pp_postprocess(const_cast(Frame->data), Frame->linesize, PPFrame->data, PPFrame->linesize, VP.Width, VP.Height, Frame->qscale_table, Frame->qstride, PPMode, PPContext, Frame->pict_type | (Frame->qscale_type ? PP_PICT_TYPE_QP2 : 0)); PPFrame->key_frame = Frame->key_frame; PPFrame->pict_type = Frame->pict_type; return reinterpret_cast(PPFrame); } else { return reinterpret_cast(Frame); } } VideoBase::VideoBase() { memset(&VP, 0, sizeof(VP)); PPContext = NULL; PPMode = NULL; LastFrameNum = -1; CurrentFrame = 0; CodecContext = NULL; DecodeFrame = avcodec_alloc_frame(); PPFrame = DecodeFrame; } VideoBase::~VideoBase() { if (PPMode) pp_free_mode(PPMode); if (PPContext) pp_free_context(PPContext); if (PPFrame != DecodeFrame) { avpicture_free((AVPicture *)PPFrame); av_free(PPFrame); } av_free(DecodeFrame); } AVFrame *GetFrameByTime(double Time, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize) { //Frames.ClosestFrameFromDTS(); //return GetFrame(, ErrorMsg, MsgSize); return NULL; } int FFVideoSource::GetTrackIndex(int &Index, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize) { if (Index < 0) { Index = -1; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < FormatContext->nb_streams; i++) if (FormatContext->streams[i]->codec->codec_type == CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO) { Index = i; break; } } if (Index < 0) { _snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "No video track found"); return 1; } if (Index >= (int)FormatContext->nb_streams) { _snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Invalid video track number"); return 2; } if (FormatContext->streams[Index]->codec->codec_type != CODEC_TYPE_VIDEO) { _snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Selected track is not video"); return 3; } return 0; } FFVideoSource::FFVideoSource(const char *SourceFile, int Track, FrameIndex *TrackIndices, const char *PP, int Threads, int SeekMode, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize) { FormatContext = NULL; AVCodec *Codec = NULL; this->SeekMode = SeekMode; if (av_open_input_file(&FormatContext, SourceFile, NULL, 0, NULL) != 0) { _snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Couldn't open '%s'", SourceFile); throw ErrorMsg; } if (av_find_stream_info(FormatContext) < 0) { _snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Couldn't find stream information"); throw ErrorMsg; } VideoTrack = Track; if (GetTrackIndex(VideoTrack, ErrorMsg, MsgSize)) throw ErrorMsg; Frames = (*TrackIndices)[VideoTrack]; if (Frames.size() == 0) { _snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Video track contains no frames"); throw ErrorMsg; } if (SeekMode >= 0 && av_seek_frame(FormatContext, VideoTrack, Frames[0].DTS, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD) < 0) { _snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Video track is unseekable"); throw ErrorMsg; } CodecContext = FormatContext->streams[VideoTrack]->codec; CodecContext->thread_count = Threads; Codec = avcodec_find_decoder(CodecContext->codec_id); if (Codec == NULL) { _snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Video codec not found"); throw ErrorMsg; } if (avcodec_open(CodecContext, Codec) < 0) { _snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Could not open video codec"); throw ErrorMsg; } // Always try to decode a frame to make sure all required parameters are known int64_t Dummy; if (DecodeNextFrame(DecodeFrame, &Dummy, ErrorMsg, MsgSize)) throw ErrorMsg; //VP.image_type = VideoInfo::IT_TFF; VP.Width = CodecContext->width; VP.Height = CodecContext->height; VP.FPSDenominator = FormatContext->streams[VideoTrack]->time_base.num; VP.FPSNumerator = FormatContext->streams[VideoTrack]->time_base.den; VP.NumFrames = Frames.size(); VP.PixelFormat = CodecContext->pix_fmt; if (VP.Width <= 0 || VP.Height <= 0) { _snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Codec returned zero size video"); throw ErrorMsg; } // sanity check framerate if (VP.FPSDenominator > VP.FPSNumerator || VP.FPSDenominator <= 0 || VP.FPSNumerator <= 0) { VP.FPSDenominator = 1; VP.FPSNumerator = 30; } InitPP(PP, CodecContext->pix_fmt, ErrorMsg, MsgSize); // Adjust framerate to match the duration of the first frame if (Frames.size() >= 2) { unsigned int DTSDiff = (unsigned int)FFMAX(Frames[1].DTS - Frames[0].DTS, 1); VP.FPSDenominator *= DTSDiff; } // Cannot "output" to PPFrame without doing all other initialization // This is the additional mess required for seekmode=-1 to work in a reasonable way OutputFrame(DecodeFrame); LastFrameNum = 0; // Set AR variables VP.SARNum = CodecContext->sample_aspect_ratio.num; VP.SARDen = CodecContext->sample_aspect_ratio.den; } FFVideoSource::~FFVideoSource() { if (VideoTrack >= 0) avcodec_close(CodecContext); av_close_input_file(FormatContext); } int FFVideoSource::DecodeNextFrame(AVFrame *AFrame, int64_t *AStartTime, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize) { AVPacket Packet; int FrameFinished = 0; *AStartTime = -1; while (av_read_frame(FormatContext, &Packet) >= 0) { if (Packet.stream_index == VideoTrack) { if (*AStartTime < 0) *AStartTime = Packet.dts; avcodec_decode_video(CodecContext, AFrame, &FrameFinished, Packet.data, Packet.size); } av_free_packet(&Packet); if (FrameFinished) goto Done; } // Flush the last frames if (CodecContext->has_b_frames) avcodec_decode_video(CodecContext, AFrame, &FrameFinished, NULL, 0); if (!FrameFinished) goto Error; // Ignore errors for now Error: Done: return 0; } AVFrameLite *FFVideoSource::GetFrame(int n, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize) { // PPFrame always holds frame LastFrameNum even if no PP is applied if (LastFrameNum == n) return reinterpret_cast(PPFrame); bool HasSeeked = false; if (SeekMode >= 0) { int ClosestKF = Frames.FindClosestKeyFrame(n); if (SeekMode == 0) { if (n < CurrentFrame) { av_seek_frame(FormatContext, VideoTrack, Frames[0].DTS, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD); avcodec_flush_buffers(CodecContext); CurrentFrame = 0; } } else { // 10 frames is used as a margin to prevent excessive seeking since the predicted best keyframe isn't always selected by avformat if (n < CurrentFrame || ClosestKF > CurrentFrame + 10 || (SeekMode == 3 && n > CurrentFrame + 10)) { av_seek_frame(FormatContext, VideoTrack, (SeekMode == 3) ? Frames[n].DTS : Frames[ClosestKF].DTS, AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD); avcodec_flush_buffers(CodecContext); HasSeeked = true; } } } else if (n < CurrentFrame) { _snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Non-linear access attempted"); return NULL; } do { int64_t StartTime; if (DecodeNextFrame(DecodeFrame, &StartTime, ErrorMsg, MsgSize)) return NULL; if (HasSeeked) { HasSeeked = false; // Is the seek destination time known? Does it belong to a frame? if (StartTime < 0 || (CurrentFrame = Frames.FrameFromDTS(StartTime)) < 0) { switch (SeekMode) { case 1: _snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Frame accurate seeking is not possible in this file"); return NULL; case 2: case 3: CurrentFrame = Frames.ClosestFrameFromDTS(StartTime); break; default: _snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Failed assertion"); return NULL; } } } CurrentFrame++; } while (CurrentFrame <= n); LastFrameNum = n; return OutputFrame(DecodeFrame); } int MatroskaVideoSource::GetTrackIndex(int &Index, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize) { if (Index < 0) { Index = -1; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mkv_GetNumTracks(MF); i++) if (mkv_GetTrackInfo(MF, i)->Type == TT_VIDEO) { Index = i; break; } } if (Index < 0) { _snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "No video track found"); return 1; } if (Index >= (int)mkv_GetNumTracks(MF)) { _snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Invalid video track number"); return 2; } if (mkv_GetTrackInfo(MF, Index)->Type != TT_VIDEO) { _snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Selected track is not video"); return 3; } return 0; } MatroskaVideoSource::MatroskaVideoSource(const char *SourceFile, int Track, FrameIndex *TrackIndices, const char *PP, int Threads, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize) { unsigned int TrackMask = ~0; AVCodec *Codec = NULL; TrackInfo *TI = NULL; CS = NULL; MC.ST.fp = fopen(SourceFile, "rb"); if (MC.ST.fp == NULL) { _snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Can't open '%s': %s", SourceFile, strerror(errno)); throw ErrorMsg; } setvbuf(MC.ST.fp, NULL, _IOFBF, CACHESIZE); MF = mkv_OpenEx(&MC.ST.base, 0, 0, ErrorMessage, sizeof(ErrorMessage)); if (MF == NULL) { fclose(MC.ST.fp); _snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Can't parse Matroska file: %s", ErrorMessage); throw ErrorMsg; } VideoTrack = Track; if (GetTrackIndex(VideoTrack, ErrorMsg, MsgSize)) throw ErrorMsg; Frames = (*TrackIndices)[VideoTrack]; if (Frames.size() == 0) { _snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Video track contains no frames"); throw ErrorMsg; } mkv_SetTrackMask(MF, ~(1 << VideoTrack)); TI = mkv_GetTrackInfo(MF, VideoTrack); if (TI->CompEnabled) { CS = cs_Create(MF, VideoTrack, ErrorMessage, sizeof(ErrorMessage)); if (CS == NULL) { _snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Can't create decompressor: %s", ErrorMessage); throw ErrorMsg; } } CodecContext = avcodec_alloc_context(); CodecContext->extradata = (uint8_t *)TI->CodecPrivate; CodecContext->extradata_size = TI->CodecPrivateSize; CodecContext->thread_count = Threads; Codec = avcodec_find_decoder(MatroskaToFFCodecID(TI)); if (Codec == NULL) { _snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Video codec not found"); throw ErrorMsg; } if (avcodec_open(CodecContext, Codec) < 0) { _snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Could not open video codec"); throw ErrorMsg; } // Always try to decode a frame to make sure all required parameters are known int64_t Dummy; if (DecodeNextFrame(DecodeFrame, &Dummy, ErrorMsg, MsgSize)) throw ErrorMsg; VP.Width = CodecContext->width; VP.Height = CodecContext->height;; VP.FPSDenominator = 1; VP.FPSNumerator = 30; VP.NumFrames = Frames.size(); VP.PixelFormat = CodecContext->pix_fmt; if (VP.Width <= 0 || VP.Height <= 0) { _snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Codec returned zero size video"); throw ErrorMsg; } InitPP(PP, CodecContext->pix_fmt, ErrorMsg, MsgSize); // Calculate the average framerate if (Frames.size() >= 2) { double DTSDiff = (double)(Frames.back().DTS - Frames.front().DTS); VP.FPSDenominator = (unsigned int)(DTSDiff * mkv_TruncFloat(TI->TimecodeScale) / (double)1000 / (double)(VP.NumFrames - 1) + 0.5); VP.FPSNumerator = 1000000; } // Output the already decoded frame so it isn't wasted OutputFrame(DecodeFrame); LastFrameNum = 0; // Set AR variables VP.SARNum = TI->AV.Video.DisplayWidth * TI->AV.Video.PixelHeight; VP.SARDen = TI->AV.Video.DisplayHeight * TI->AV.Video.PixelWidth; // Set crop variables VP.CropLeft = TI->AV.Video.CropL; VP.CropRight = TI->AV.Video.CropR; VP.CropTop = TI->AV.Video.CropT; VP.CropBottom = TI->AV.Video.CropB; } MatroskaVideoSource::~MatroskaVideoSource() { free(Buffer); mkv_Close(MF); fclose(MC.ST.fp); if (CodecContext) avcodec_close(CodecContext); av_free(CodecContext); } int MatroskaVideoSource::DecodeNextFrame(AVFrame *AFrame, int64_t *AFirstStartTime, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize) { int FrameFinished = 0; *AFirstStartTime = -1; uint64_t StartTime, EndTime, FilePos; unsigned int Track, FrameFlags, FrameSize; while (mkv_ReadFrame(MF, 0, &Track, &StartTime, &EndTime, &FilePos, &FrameSize, &FrameFlags) == 0) { if (*AFirstStartTime < 0) *AFirstStartTime = StartTime; if (ReadFrame(FilePos, FrameSize, CS, MC, ErrorMsg, MsgSize)) return 1; avcodec_decode_video(CodecContext, AFrame, &FrameFinished, MC.Buffer, FrameSize); if (FrameFinished) goto Done; } // Flush the last frames if (CodecContext->has_b_frames) avcodec_decode_video(CodecContext, AFrame, &FrameFinished, NULL, 0); if (!FrameFinished) goto Error; Error: Done: return 0; } AVFrameLite *MatroskaVideoSource::GetFrame(int n, char *ErrorMsg, unsigned MsgSize) { // PPFrame always holds frame LastFrameNum even if no PP is applied if (LastFrameNum == n) return reinterpret_cast(PPFrame); bool HasSeeked = false; if (n < CurrentFrame || Frames.FindClosestKeyFrame(n) > CurrentFrame) { mkv_Seek(MF, Frames[n].DTS, MKVF_SEEK_TO_PREV_KEYFRAME); avcodec_flush_buffers(CodecContext); HasSeeked = true; } do { int64_t StartTime; if (DecodeNextFrame(DecodeFrame, &StartTime, ErrorMsg, MsgSize)) return NULL; if (HasSeeked) { HasSeeked = false; if (StartTime < 0 || (CurrentFrame = Frames.FrameFromDTS(StartTime)) < 0) { _snprintf(ErrorMsg, MsgSize, "Frame accurate seeking is not possible in this file"); return NULL; } } CurrentFrame++; } while (CurrentFrame <= n); LastFrameNum = n; return OutputFrame(DecodeFrame); }