project('Aegisub', ['c', 'cpp'], license: 'BSD-3-Clause', meson_version: '>=0.55.0', default_options: ['cpp_std=c++11', 'b_lto=true', 'buildtype=debugoptimized'], version: '3.2.2') cmake = import('cmake') if host_machine.system() == 'windows' sys_nasm = find_program('nasm', required: false) if not sys_nasm.found() nasm = subproject('nasm').get_variable('nasm') meson.override_find_program('nasm', nasm) endif endif if host_machine.system() == 'windows' version_sh = find_program('tools/version.ps1') else version_sh = find_program('tools/') endif version_inc = include_directories('.') version_h = custom_target('git_version.h', command: [version_sh, meson.current_build_dir(), meson.current_source_dir()], build_by_default: true, build_always_stale: true, # has internal check whether target file will be refreshed output: ['git_version.h']) if host_machine.system() == 'darwin' and get_option('build_osx_bundle') prefix = meson.current_build_dir() / '' / 'Contents' bindir = prefix / 'MacOS' datadir = prefix / 'SharedSupport' localedir = prefix / 'Resources' else prefix = get_option('prefix') bindir = prefix / get_option('bindir') datadir = prefix / get_option('datadir') localedir = prefix / get_option('localedir') endif docdir = prefix / 'doc' dataroot = datadir / 'aegisub' add_project_arguments('-DP_DATA="@0@"'.format(dataroot), language: 'cpp') if host_machine.system() == 'windows' add_project_arguments('-DNOMINMAX', '-D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0602', language: 'cpp') endif if get_option('debug') add_project_arguments('-D_DEBUG', language: 'cpp') endif conf = configuration_data() conf.set_quoted('P_DATA', dataroot) if get_option('credit') != '' conf.set_quoted('BUILD_CREDIT', get_option('credit')) endif conf.set('WITH_UPDATE_CHECKER', get_option('enable_update_checker')) deps = [] deps_inc = [] conf.set('WITH_FONTCONFIG', '0') if host_machine.system() == 'darwin' add_languages('objc', 'objcpp') add_project_arguments('-DGL_SILENCE_DEPRECATION', language: 'cpp') # meson does not currently support objcpp_std add_project_arguments('-std=c++11', language: 'objcpp') elif host_machine.system() != 'windows' conf.set('WITH_FONTCONFIG', '1') deps += dependency('fontconfig') endif cxx = meson.get_compiler('cpp') cc = meson.get_compiler('c') deps += cc.find_library('m', required: false) deps += cc.find_library('dl', required: false) if not cxx.check_header('iconv.h') iconv_sp = subproject('iconv') # this really needs to be replaced with a proper port deps += iconv_sp.get_variable('libiconv_dep') endif deps += dependency('libass', version: '>=0.9.7', fallback: ['libass', 'libass_dep']) boost_modules = ['chrono', 'filesystem', 'thread', 'locale', 'regex'] if not get_option('local_boost') boost_dep = dependency('boost', version: '>=1.50.0', modules: boost_modules + ['system'], required: false, static: get_option('default_library') == 'static') endif if get_option('local_boost') or not boost_dep.found() boost_dep = [] boost = subproject('boost') foreach module: boost_modules boost_dep += boost.get_variable('boost_' + module + '_dep') endforeach endif deps += boost_dep if host_machine.system() == 'windows' conf.set('BOOST_USE_WINDOWS_H', '1') endif deps += dependency('zlib') wx_dep = dependency('wxWidgets', version: '>=3.0.0', required: false, modules: ['std', 'stc', 'gl']) if wx_dep.found() deps += wx_dep else build_shared = 'ON' if get_option('default_library') == 'static' build_shared = 'OFF' endif wx = cmake.subproject('wxWidgets', cmake_options: ['-DwxBUILD_INSTALL=OFF', '-DwxBUILD_PRECOMP=OFF', # otherwise breaks project generation w/ meson '-DwxBUILD_SHARED=@0@'.format(build_shared), '-DwxBUILD_MONOLITHIC=ON']) # otherwise breaks project generation w/ meson deps += [ wx.dependency('wxmono'), wx.dependency('wxzlib'), wx.dependency('wxpng'), wx.dependency('wxexpat'), wx.dependency('wxregex'), wx.dependency('wxscintilla') ] if host_machine.system() == 'windows' if cc.has_header('rpc.h') deps += cc.find_library('rpcrt4', required: true) else error('Missing Windows SDK RPC Library (rpc.h / rpcrt4.lib)') endif if cc.has_header('commctrl.h') deps += cc.find_library('comctl32', required: true) else error('Missing Windows SDK Common Controls Library (commctrl.h / comctl32.lib)') endif endif endif deps += dependency('icu-uc', version: '>=') deps += dependency('icu-i18n', version: '>=') dep_avail = [] foreach dep: [ # audio, in order of precedence ['libpulse', '', 'PulseAudio', []], ['alsa', '', 'ALSA', []], ['portaudio-2.0', '', 'PortAudio', []], ['openal', '>=0.0.8', 'OpenAL', []], # video ['ffms2', '', 'FFMS2', ['ffms2', 'ffms2_dep']], # other ['fftw3', '', 'FFTW3', []], ['hunspell', '', 'Hunspell', []], # needs a proper port ['uchardet', '', 'uchardet', []], # needs a proper port ] dep_version = dep[1] != '' ? dep[1] : '>=0' # [provide] section is ignored if required is false; # must provided define fallback explicitly # (with meson 0.56 you can do allow_fallback: true): #d = dependency(dep[0], version: dep_version, # required: false, allow_fallback: true) if dep[3].length() > 0 d = dependency(dep[0], version: dep_version, fallback: dep[3]) else d = dependency(dep[0], version: dep_version, required: false) endif optname = dep[0].split('-')[0] if d.found() and not get_option(optname).disabled() deps += d conf.set('WITH_@0@'.format(dep[0].split('-')[0].to_upper()), '1') dep_avail += dep[2] elif get_option(optname).enabled() error('@0@ enabled but not found'.format(dep[2])) endif endforeach if host_machine.system() == 'windows' and not get_option('directsound').disabled() dsound_dep = cc.find_library('dsound', required: get_option('directsound')) winmm_dep = cc.find_library('winmm', required: get_option('directsound')) ole32_dep = cc.find_library('ole32', required: get_option('directsound')) have_dsound_h = cc.has_header('dsound.h') if not have_dsound_h and get_option('directsound').enabled() error('DirectSound enabled but dsound.h not found') endif dxguid_dep = cc.find_library('dxguid', required: true) if dsound_dep.found() and winmm_dep.found() and ole32_dep.found() and dxguid_dep.found() and have_dsound_h deps += [dsound_dep, winmm_dep, ole32_dep, dxguid_dep] conf.set('WITH_DIRECTSOUND', '1') dep_avail += 'DirectSound' endif endif if host_machine.system() == 'darwin' frameworks_dep = dependency('appleframeworks', modules : ['CoreText', 'CoreFoundation']) deps += frameworks_dep endif # TODO: OSS def_audio = get_option('default_audio_output') if def_audio != 'auto' if not dep_avail.contains(def_audio) error('Default audio output "@0@" selected but not available'.format(def_audio)) endif elif dep_avail.length() != 0 def_audio = dep_avail[0] else def_audio = '' endif conf_platform = configuration_data() conf_platform.set('DEFAULT_PLAYER_AUDIO', def_audio) luajit = dependency('luajit', version: '>=2.0.0', required: get_option('system_luajit')) if luajit.found() luajit_test ='''#include int main(void) { lua_State *L = luaL_newstate(); if (!L) return 1; // This is valid in lua 5.2, but a syntax error in 5.1 const char testprogram[] = "function foo() while true do break return end end"; return luaL_loadstring(L, testprogram) == LUA_ERRSYNTAX; }''', dependencies: luajit) if luajit_test.returncode() == 1 if get_option('system_luajit') error('System luajit found but not compiled in 5.2 mode') else message('System luajit found but not compiled in 5.2 mode; using built-in luajit') endif else deps += luajit endif else message('System luajit not found; using built-in luajit') endif if not deps.contains(luajit) luajit_sp = subproject('luajit') luajit_inc = luajit_sp.get_variable('incdir') deps += luajit_sp.get_variable('luajit_dep') else luajit_inc = include_directories(luajit.get_pkgconfig_variable('includedir')) endif subdir('subprojects/luabins/src') dep_gl = dependency('gl', required: false) if not dep_gl.found() if host_machine.system() == 'windows' dep_gl = cc.find_library('opengl32', required: false) else dep_gl = cc.find_library('GL', required: false) endif if not cc.has_header('GL/gl.h') dep_gl = dependency('', required: false) endif endif if host_machine.system() == 'darwin' conf.set('HAVE_OPENGL_GL_H', 1) endif if not dep_gl.found() error('OpenGL implementation not found') endif deps += dep_gl # TODO: csri acconf = configure_file(output: 'acconf.h', configuration: conf) subdir('automation') subdir('libaegisub') subdir('packages') subdir('po') subdir('src')