; Copyright (c) 2007-2009, Niels Martin Hansen ; ; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: ; ; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, ; this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, ; this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation ; and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ; * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors ; may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software ; without specific prior written permission. ; ; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" ; AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE ; IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ; ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE ; LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR ; CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF ; SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS ; INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN ; CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ; ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE ; POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ; ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; AEGISUB ; ; Website: http://www.aegisub.org/ ; Contact: mailto:nielsm@indvikleren.dk ; [Setup] AppName=Aegisub AppVerName=Aegisub 2.1.7 AppPublisher=Aegisub Team AppPublisherURL=http://www.aegisub.org/ AppSupportURL=http://forum.aegisub.org/ DefaultDirName={pf}\Aegisub DefaultGroupName=Aegisub AllowNoIcons=true OutputDir=output OutputBaseFilename=aegisub-2.1.7-setup Compression=lzma/ultra64 SolidCompression=true MinVersion=0,5.0 ShowLanguageDialog=no LanguageDetectionMethod=none WizardImageFile=welcome.bmp WizardSmallImageFile=aegisub.bmp AppCopyright=© 2005-2009 The Aegisub Team PrivilegesRequired=poweruser DisableProgramGroupPage=true UsePreviousGroup=false AlwaysShowComponentsList=true AppVersion=2.1.7 AppID={{24BC8B57-716C-444F-B46B-A3349B9164C5} UninstallDisplayIcon={app}\aegisub32.exe [Languages] Name: english; MessagesFile: compiler:Default.isl [Files] ; Legacy uninstall data DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: dontcopy; Source: legacy_filelist.txt DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: dontcopy; Source: legacy_dirlist.txt DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: dontcopy; Source: legacy_locales.txt DestDir: {tmp}; Flags: dontcopy; Source: legacy_shortcutlist.txt ; redist DestDir: {tmp}; Source: src\vcredist_x86.exe; Flags: nocompression deleteafterinstall ; main DestDir: {app}; Source: src\aegisub32.exe; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: main DestDir: {app}; Source: src\aegisub32.pdb; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: main/pdb DestDir: {app}; Source: license.txt; Flags: ignoreversion; Tasks: ; Languages: ; Components: main DestDir: {app}; Source: src\libauto3_32.dll; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: main DestDir: {app}; Source: src\libauto3_32.pdb; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: main/pdb ; avisynth DestDir: {app}; Source: src\devil.dll; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: codec DestDir: {app}; Source: src\avisynth.dll; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: codec DestDir: {app}; Source: src\DirectShowSource.dll; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: codec ; ffmpegsource DestDir: {app}; Source: src\ffms2.dll; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: codec ; vsfilter DestDir: {app}\csri; Source: src\csri\VSFilter.dll; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: codec/vsfilter ; auto4 main DestDir: {app}\automation\include; Source: src\automation\include\utils.lua; Flags: ignoreversion overwritereadonly uninsremovereadonly; Components: auto/lua; Attribs: readonly DestDir: {app}\automation\include; Source: src\automation\include\utils-auto4.lua; Flags: ignoreversion overwritereadonly uninsremovereadonly; Components: auto/lua; Attribs: readonly DestDir: {app}\automation\include; Source: src\automation\include\unicode.lua; Flags: ignoreversion overwritereadonly uninsremovereadonly; Components: auto/lua; Attribs: readonly DestDir: {app}\automation\include; Source: src\automation\include\karaskel.lua; Flags: ignoreversion overwritereadonly uninsremovereadonly; Components: auto/lua; Attribs: readonly DestDir: {app}\automation\include; Source: src\automation\include\karaskel-auto4.lua; Flags: ignoreversion overwritereadonly uninsremovereadonly; Components: auto/lua; Attribs: readonly DestDir: {app}\automation\include; Source: src\automation\include\cleantags.lua; Flags: ignoreversion overwritereadonly uninsremovereadonly; Components: auto/lua; Attribs: readonly DestDir: {app}\automation\autoload; Source: src\automation\autoload\kara-templater.lua; Flags: ignoreversion overwritereadonly uninsremovereadonly; Components: auto/lua; Attribs: readonly ; auto4 samples DestDir: {app}\automation\demos; Source: src\automation\demos\future-windy-blur.lua; Flags: ignoreversion overwritereadonly uninsremovereadonly; Components: auto/lua/samples; Attribs: readonly DestDir: {app}\automation\autoload; Source: src\automation\autoload\macro-1-edgeblur.lua; Flags: ignoreversion overwritereadonly uninsremovereadonly; Components: auto/lua/samples; Attribs: readonly DestDir: {app}\automation\autoload; Source: src\automation\autoload\macro-2-mkfullwitdh.lua; Flags: ignoreversion overwritereadonly uninsremovereadonly; Components: auto/lua/samples; Attribs: readonly DestDir: {app}\automation\autoload; Source: src\automation\autoload\cleantags-autoload.lua; Flags: ignoreversion overwritereadonly uninsremovereadonly; Components: auto/lua/samples; Attribs: readonly ; auto3 DestDir: {app}\automation\include; Source: src\automation\include\utils.auto3; Flags: ignoreversion overwritereadonly uninsremovereadonly; Components: auto/auto3; Attribs: readonly DestDir: {app}\automation\include; Source: src\automation\include\karaskel.auto3; Flags: ignoreversion overwritereadonly uninsremovereadonly; Components: auto/auto3; Attribs: readonly DestDir: {app}\automation\include; Source: src\automation\include\karaskel-adv.auto3; Flags: ignoreversion overwritereadonly uninsremovereadonly; Components: auto/auto3; Attribs: readonly DestDir: {app}\automation\include; Source: src\automation\include\karaskel-adv.lua; Flags: ignoreversion overwritereadonly uninsremovereadonly; Components: auto/auto3; Attribs: readonly DestDir: {app}\automation\include; Source: src\automation\include\karaskel-base.lua; Flags: ignoreversion overwritereadonly uninsremovereadonly; Components: auto/auto3; Attribs: readonly DestDir: {app}\automation\include; Source: src\automation\include\karaskel-base.auto3; Flags: ignoreversion overwritereadonly uninsremovereadonly; Components: auto/auto3; Attribs: readonly DestDir: {app}\automation\auto3; Source: src\automation\auto3\line-per-syllable.auto3; Flags: ignoreversion overwritereadonly uninsremovereadonly; Components: auto/auto3; Attribs: readonly DestDir: {app}\automation\auto3; Source: src\automation\auto3\multi-template.auto3; Flags: ignoreversion overwritereadonly uninsremovereadonly; Components: auto/auto3; Attribs: readonly DestDir: {app}\automation\auto3; Source: src\automation\auto3\simple-k-replacer.auto3; Flags: ignoreversion overwritereadonly uninsremovereadonly; Components: auto/auto3; Attribs: readonly DestDir: {app}\automation\docs; Source: src\automation\docs\automation3.txt; Flags: ignoreversion overwritereadonly uninsremovereadonly; Components: auto/auto3; Attribs: readonly ; dictionaries Source: src\dictionaries\en_GB.aff; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: dic/en_GB Source: src\dictionaries\en_GB.dic; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: dic/en_GB Source: src\dictionaries\de_AT.dic; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion solidbreak; Components: dic/de_AT Source: src\dictionaries\de_DE.aff; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: dic/de_DE Source: src\dictionaries\de_DE.dic; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: dic/de_DE Source: src\dictionaries\en_US.aff; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: dic/en_US Source: src\dictionaries\en_US.dic; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: dic/en_US Source: src\dictionaries\es_ES.aff; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: dic/es_ES Source: src\dictionaries\es_ES.dic; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: dic/es_ES Source: src\dictionaries\fr_FR.aff; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: dic/fr_FR Source: src\dictionaries\fr_FR.dic; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: dic/fr_FR Source: src\dictionaries\it_IT.aff; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: dic/it_IT Source: src\dictionaries\it_IT.dic; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: dic/it_IT Source: src\dictionaries\nl_NL.aff; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: dic/nl_NL Source: src\dictionaries\nl_NL.dic; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: dic/nl_NL Source: src\dictionaries\pl_PL.aff; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: dic/pl_PL Source: src\dictionaries\pl_PL.dic; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: dic/pl_PL Source: src\dictionaries\pt_BR.aff; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: dic/pt_BR Source: src\dictionaries\pt_BR.dic; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: dic/pt_BR Source: src\dictionaries\pt_PT.aff; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: dic/pt_PT Source: src\dictionaries\pt_PT.dic; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: dic/pt_PT Source: src\dictionaries\sk_SK.aff; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: dic/sk_SK Source: src\dictionaries\sk_SK.dic; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: dic/sk_SK Source: src\dictionaries\sl_SI.aff; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: dic/sl_SI Source: src\dictionaries\sl_SI.dic; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: dic/sl_SI Source: src\dictionaries\sv_SE.aff; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: dic/sv_SE Source: src\dictionaries\sv_SE.dic; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: dic/sv_SE ; thesauri Source: src\dictionaries\th_de_DE.dat; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion solidbreak; Components: th/de_DE Source: src\dictionaries\th_de_DE.idx; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: th/de_DE Source: src\dictionaries\th_en_US.dat; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: th/en_US Source: src\dictionaries\th_en_US.idx; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: th/en_US Source: src\dictionaries\th_es_ES.dat; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: th/es_ES Source: src\dictionaries\th_es_ES.idx; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: th/es_ES Source: src\dictionaries\th_fr_FR.dat; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: th/fr_FR Source: src\dictionaries\th_fr_FR.idx; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: th/fr_FR Source: src\dictionaries\th_it_IT.dat; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: th/it_IT Source: src\dictionaries\th_it_IT.idx; DestDir: {app}\dictionaries; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: th/it_IT ; localization Source: ..\..\po\ca.mo; DestDir: {app}\locale\ca; DestName: aegisub.mo; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: i18n/ca Source: ..\..\po\wxstd-ca.mo; DestDir: {app}\locale\ca; DestName: wxstd.mo; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: i18n/ca Source: ..\..\po\pt_BR.mo; DestDir: {app}\locale\pt_BR; DestName: aegisub.mo; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: i18n/pt_BR Source: ..\..\po\wxstd-pt_BR.mo; DestDir: {app}\locale\pt_BR; DestName: wxstd.mo; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: i18n/pt_BR Source: ..\..\po\es.mo; DestDir: {app}\locale\es; DestName: aegisub.mo; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: i18n/es Source: ..\..\po\wxstd-es.mo; DestDir: {app}\locale\es; DestName: wxstd.mo; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: i18n/es Source: ..\..\po\hu.mo; DestDir: {app}\locale\hu; DestName: aegisub.mo; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: i18n/hu Source: ..\..\po\wxstd-hu.mo; DestDir: {app}\locale\hu; DestName: wxstd.mo; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: i18n/hu ; documentation Source: src\docs\*; DestDir: {app}\docs; Flags: ignoreversion recursesubdirs; Components: docs; Excludes: *svn ; ASSDraw3 Source: src\ASSDraw3.exe; DestDir: {app}; Flags: ignoreversion nocompression; Components: assdraw Source: src\ASSDraw3.chm; DestDir: {app}; Flags: ignoreversion; Components: assdraw [Icons] Name: {commonprograms}\Aegisub; Filename: {app}\aegisub32.exe; WorkingDir: {app}; IconIndex: 0; Components: main/icons; Comment: Create and edit subtitle files Name: {commonprograms}\ASSDraw3; Filename: {app}\ASSDraw3.exe; WorkingDir: {app}; IconIndex: 0; Components: main/icons; Flags: createonlyiffileexists; Comment: Create vector drawings for ASS-format subtitles Name: {userappdata}\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Aegisub; Filename: {app}\aegisub32.exe; WorkingDir: {app}; IconIndex: 0; Components: main/qcklnch; Comment: Create and edit subtitle files [Registry] ; Register in App Paths so the user can conveniently enter 'aegisub' in their Run box Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\aegisub32.exe"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: "{app}\aegisub32.exe"; Flags: uninsdeletekey Root: HKLM; Subkey: "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\aegisub.exe"; ValueType: string; ValueName: ""; ValueData: "{app}\aegisub32.exe"; Flags: uninsdeletekey [Run] Filename: {app}\aegisub32.exe; Description: {cm:LaunchProgram,Aegisub}; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent Filename: {tmp}\vcredist_x86.exe; StatusMsg: Installing runtime libraries...; Components: main/runtime; Parameters: "/q" [Components] ; Actual program Name: main; Description: Aegisub; Types: compact full custom; Languages: ; Flags: fixed Name: main/runtime; Description: Runtime libraries; Flags: fixed; Types: custom compact full; ExtraDiskSpaceRequired: 4630528 Name: main/pdb; Description: Debug database (helps diagnose crashes); Types: full Name: main/icons; Description: Programs menu icons; Types: custom compact full Name: main/qcklnch; Description: Quick launch icon; Types: custom compact full Name: codec; Description: Media formats support; Flags: fixed; Types: custom compact full Name: codec/vsfilter; Description: VSFilter 2.39 MPC-HC; Types: compact full custom; Flags: fixed ; Automation Name: auto; Description: Automation 4 scripting support; Types: compact full Name: auto/lua; Description: Lua; Types: compact full; Flags: checkablealone; Languages: Name: auto/lua/samples; Description: Lua sample scripts; Types: full Name: auto/auto3; Description: Automation 3 backwards compatibility; Types: full ; Docs and translations Name: docs; Description: Documentation files; Types: custom compact full Name: i18n; Description: Languages; Types: full custom compact; Flags: fixed Name: i18n/english; Description: English (built in); Flags: fixed; Types: compact full custom Name: i18n/pt_BR; Description: Brazilian Portuguese; Types: full Name: i18n/ca; Description: Catalan; Types: full Name: i18n/hu; Description: Hungarian; Types: full Name: i18n/es; Description: Spanish; Types: full ; Languages support Name: dic; Description: Spell checker; Types: full Name: dic/en_GB; Description: British English dictionary; Types: full Name: dic/en_US; Description: American English dictionary; Types: full Name: dic/nl_NL; Description: Dutch dictionary; Types: full Name: dic/fr_FR; Description: French dictionary; Types: full Name: dic/de_DE; Description: German dictionary; Types: full Name: dic/de_AT; Description: Austrian German dictionary; Types: full Name: dic/it_IT; Description: Italian dictionary; Types: full Name: dic/pl_PL; Description: Polish dictionary; Types: full Name: dic/pt_PT; Description: Portuguese dictionary; Types: full Name: dic/pt_BR; Description: Brazilian Portuguese dictionary; Types: full Name: dic/sk_SK; Description: Slovak dictionary; Types: full Name: dic/sl_SI; Description: Slovenian dictionary; Types: full Name: dic/es_ES; Description: Spanish dictionary; Types: full Name: dic/sv_SE; Description: Swedish dictionary; Types: full Name: th; Description: Thesaurus; Types: full Name: th/en_US; Description: American English thesaurus; Types: full Name: th/fr_FR; Description: French thesaurus; Types: full Name: th/de_DE; Description: German thesaurus; Types: full Name: th/it_IT; Description: Italian thesaurus; Types: full Name: th/es_ES; Description: Spanish thesaurus; Types: full ; AssDraw Name: assdraw; Description: ai-chan's ASSDraw3 for ASS vector drawing; Types: full [Messages] ; Replacement for License page, no need to bother the user with legal mumbo-jumbo WelcomeLabel2=This will install Aegisub 2.1.7 on your computer.%n%nAegisub is covered by the GNU General Public License version 2. This means you may use the application for any purpose without charge, but that no warranties of any kind are given either.%n%nSee the Aegisub website for information on obtaining the source code. [Code] var HasLegacyVersion: Boolean; LegacyStartMenuFolder: string; LegacyInstallFolder: string; LegacyVersionNumber: string; function OldStartMenuFolder(Param: string): string; begin if HasLegacyVersion then Result := LegacyStartMenuFolder else Result := ExpandConstant('{group}'); end; function OldInstallFolder(Param: string): string; begin if HasLegacyVersion then Result := LegacyInstallFolder else Result := ExpandConstant('{app}'); end; function BoolToStr(x: Boolean): string; begin if x then Result := 'Yes' else Result := 'No'; end; function InitializeSetup: Boolean; begin HasLegacyVersion := RegValueExists(HKLM, 'SOFTWARE\Aegisub\info', 'InstVer'); Log(Format('Legacy version found: %s', [BoolToStr(HasLegacyVersion)])); LegacyStartMenuFolder := 'Aegisub'; if RegQueryStringValue(HKLM, 'SOFTWARE\Aegisub\info', 'StartMenuDir', LegacyStartMenuFolder) then LegacyStartMenuFolder := ExpandConstant('{userprograms}\') + LegacyStartMenuFolder; Log(Format('Legacy version Start menu folder: %s', [LegacyStartMenuFolder])); LegacyInstallFolder := ExpandConstant('{pf}\Aegisub'); RegQueryStringValue(HKLM, 'SOFTWARE\Aegisub\info', 'InstallDir', LegacyInstallFolder); Log(Format('Legacy version install folder: %s', [LegacyInstallFolder])); LegacyVersionNumber := '1.x'; RegQueryStringValue(HKLM, 'SOFTWARE\Aegisub\info', 'InstVer', LegacyVersionNumber); Result := True; if HasLegacyVersion then Result := SuppressibleMsgBox(Format('A previous installation of Aegisub %s has been detected and will be removed along with its configuration.'#13#10#13#10'Continue installing and remove old version?', [LegacyVersionNumber]), mbConfirmation, MB_YESNO, IDYES) = IDYES; end; procedure MigrateStyleCatalogs; var OldCatalogDir: string; NewCatalogDir: string; search: TFindRec; begin // Upgrade an 1.x style-catalog by moving it to {appdata} OldCatalogDir := OldInstallFolder('') + '\Catalog\'; Log('-- Migrate style catalogs --'); if DirExists(OldCatalogDir) then begin NewCatalogDir := ExpandConstant('{userappdata}\Aegisub\catalog\'); ForceDirectories(NewCatalogDir); Log('Old style catalog dir: ' + OldCatalogDir); Log('New catalog dir: ' + NewCatalogDir); if FindFirst(OldCatalogDir + '*', search) then try repeat Log('Found style catalog: ' + OldCatalogDir + search.Name); if FileCopy(OldCatalogDir+search.Name, NewCatalogDir+search.Name, True) then begin Log('Copied catalog to: ' + NewCatalogDir+search.Name); DeleteFile(OldCatalogDir+search.Name); end; until not FindNext(search); finally FindClose(search); Log('Done migrating styles'); end; RemoveDir(OldCatalogDir); end else Log('No existing style catalog collection found'); end; procedure UninstallLegacyVersion; var page: TOutputProgressWizardPage; file_list: TStringList; dir_list: TStringList; shortcut_list: TStringList; locale_list: TStringList; itemsdone, totalitems, i: Integer; curname: string; begin // Uninstall Aegisub 1.x Log('-- Uninstall legacy version --'); page := CreateOutputProgressPage('Uninstalling old version', Format('Your old installation of Aegisub %s is being removed', [LegacyVersionNumber])); try page.SetText('Preparing list of files', ''); page.Show; Log('Load file lists'); ExtractTemporaryFile('legacy_shortcutlist.txt'); ExtractTemporaryFile('legacy_filelist.txt'); ExtractTemporaryFile('legacy_locales.txt'); ExtractTemporaryFile('legacy_dirlist.txt'); shortcut_list := TStringList.Create; shortcut_list.LoadFromFile(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\legacy_shortcutlist.txt')); file_list := TStringList.Create; file_list.LoadFromFile(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\legacy_filelist.txt')); locale_list := TStringList.Create; locale_list.LoadFromFile(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\legacy_locales.txt')); dir_list := TStringList.Create; dir_list.LoadFromFile(ExpandConstant('{tmp}\legacy_dirlist.txt')); itemsdone := 0; totalitems := file_list.Count + dir_list.Count + shortcut_list.Count + locale_list.Count + 3; // Two extra for the registry keys and one for Start menu folder for i := 0 to shortcut_list.Count-1 do begin curname := LegacyStartMenuFolder + '\' + shortcut_list.Strings[i]; page.SetText('Removing shortcuts', curname); page.SetProgress(itemsdone, totalitems); Log('Remove shortcut: ' + curname); if not DeleteFile(curname) then Log('* Deletion failed'); itemsdone := itemsdone + 1; end; page.SetText('Removing Start menu folder', LegacyStartMenuFolder); page.SetProgress(itemsdone, totalitems); Log('Remove directory: ' + LegacyStartMenuFolder); if not RemoveDir(LegacyStartMenuFolder) then Log('* Directory deletion failed'); itemsdone := itemsdone + 1; for i := 0 to file_list.Count-1 do begin curname := LegacyInstallFolder + '\' + file_list.Strings[i]; page.SetText('Removing files', curname); page.SetProgress(itemsdone, totalitems); Log('Remove file: ' + curname); if not DeleteFile(curname) then Log('* Deletion failed'); itemsdone := itemsdone + 1; end; for i := 0 to locale_list.Count-1 do begin curname := LegacyInstallFolder + '\' + locale_list.Strings[i]; page.SetText('Removing locales', curname); page.SetProgress(itemsdone, totalitems); Log('Remove locale: ' + curname); if not DelTree(curname, True, True, True) then Log('* Tree deletion failed'); itemsdone := itemsdone + 1; end; for i := 0 to dir_list.Count-1 do begin curname := LegacyInstallFolder + '\' + dir_list.Strings[i]; page.SetText('Removing folders', curname); page.SetProgress(itemsdone, totalitems); Log('Remove directory: ' + curname); if not RemoveDir(curname) then Log('* Directory deletion failed'); itemsdone := itemsdone + 1; end; page.SetText('Removing registry entries', 'Installation data'); page.SetProgress(itemsdone, totalitems); curname := 'SOFTWARE\Aegisub'; Log('Remove reg key: HKLM\' + curname); if not RegDeleteKeyIncludingSubkeys(HKLM, curname) then Log('* Failed recursively deleting key'); page.SetText('Removing registry entries', 'Uninstaller entry'); page.SetProgress(itemsdone+1, totalitems); curname := 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Aegisub ' + LegacyVersionNumber; Log('Remove reg key: HKLM\' + curname); if not RegDeleteKeyIncludingSubkeys(HKLM, curname) then Log('* Failed recursively deleting key'); page.SetText('Uninstallation complete', ''); page.SetProgress(totalitems, totalitems); finally shortcut_list.Free; file_list.Free; locale_list.Free; dir_list.Free; page.Hide; end; end; procedure CleanUpOldVersion; begin Log('-- Cleaning up from old version --'); end; procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep); begin if CurStep = ssInstall then begin if HasLegacyVersion then begin MigrateStyleCatalogs; UninstallLegacyVersion; end else begin CleanUpOldVersion; end; end; end;