// Copyright (c) 2007, Rodrigo Braz Monteiro // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors // may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software // without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Aegisub Project http://www.aegisub.org/ // // $Id$ /// @file dialog_spellchecker.cpp /// @brief Spell checker dialogue box, not used /// @ingroup unused spelling /// #include "config.h" #ifndef AGI_PRE #include #endif #include "ass_dialogue.h" #include "ass_file.h" #include "compat.h" #include "dialog_spellchecker.h" #include "help_button.h" #include "libresrc/libresrc.h" #include "main.h" #include "include/aegisub/context.h" #include "include/aegisub/spellchecker.h" #include "selection_controller.h" #include "subs_edit_box.h" #include "subs_edit_ctrl.h" #include "subs_grid.h" #include "utils.h" /////// // IDs enum { /// DOCME BUTTON_REPLACE = 1720, /// DOCME BUTTON_IGNORE, /// DOCME BUTTON_REPLACE_ALL, /// DOCME BUTTON_IGNORE_ALL, /// DOCME BUTTON_ADD, /// DOCME LIST_SUGGESTIONS, /// DOCME LIST_LANGUAGES }; /// @brief Constructor /// @param parent /// @return /// DialogSpellChecker::DialogSpellChecker(agi::Context *context) : wxDialog(context->parent, -1, _("Spell Checker"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize) , context(context) { // Set icon SetIcon(BitmapToIcon(GETIMAGE(spellcheck_toolbutton_24))); // Get spell checker spellchecker = SpellCheckerFactory::GetSpellChecker(); if (!spellchecker) { wxMessageBox(_T("No spellchecker available."),_T("Error"),wxICON_ERROR); Destroy(); return; } // Get languages langCodes = spellchecker->GetLanguageList(); wxArrayString langNames; const wxLanguageInfo *info; for (size_t i=0;iDescription; else name = langCodes[i]; langNames.Add(name); } // Get current language wxString curLang = lagi_wxString(OPT_GET("Tool/Spell Checker/Language")->GetString()); int curLangPos = langCodes.Index(curLang); if (curLangPos == wxNOT_FOUND) { curLangPos = langCodes.Index(_T("en")); if (curLangPos == wxNOT_FOUND) { curLangPos = langCodes.Index(_T("en_US")); if (curLangPos == wxNOT_FOUND) { curLangPos = 0; } } } // Top sizer origWord = new wxTextCtrl(this,-1,_("original"),wxDefaultPosition,wxDefaultSize,wxTE_READONLY); replaceWord = new wxTextCtrl(this,-1,_("replace with")); wxFlexGridSizer *topSizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(2,2,5,5); topSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this,-1,_("Misspelled word:")),0,wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); topSizer->Add(origWord,1,wxEXPAND); topSizer->Add(new wxStaticText(this,-1,_("Replace with:")),0,wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); topSizer->Add(replaceWord,1,wxEXPAND); topSizer->AddGrowableCol(1,1); // List suggestList = new wxListBox(this,LIST_SUGGESTIONS,wxDefaultPosition,wxSize(300,150)); // Actions sizer wxSizer *actionsSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); actionsSizer->Add(new wxButton(this,BUTTON_REPLACE,_("Replace")),0,wxEXPAND | wxBOTTOM,5); actionsSizer->Add(new wxButton(this,BUTTON_REPLACE_ALL,_("Replace All")),0,wxEXPAND | wxBOTTOM,5); actionsSizer->Add(new wxButton(this,BUTTON_IGNORE,_("Ignore")),0,wxEXPAND | wxBOTTOM,5); actionsSizer->Add(new wxButton(this,BUTTON_IGNORE_ALL,_("Ignore all")),0,wxEXPAND | wxBOTTOM,5); actionsSizer->Add(addButton = new wxButton(this,BUTTON_ADD,_("Add to dictionary")),0,wxEXPAND | wxBOTTOM,5); actionsSizer->Add(new HelpButton(this,_T("Spell Checker")),0,wxEXPAND | wxBOTTOM,0); actionsSizer->AddStretchSpacer(1); // Bottom sizer language = new wxComboBox(this,LIST_LANGUAGES,_T(""),wxDefaultPosition,wxDefaultSize,langNames,wxCB_DROPDOWN | wxCB_READONLY); language->SetSelection(curLangPos); wxFlexGridSizer *botSizer = new wxFlexGridSizer(2,2,5,5); botSizer->Add(suggestList,1,wxEXPAND); botSizer->Add(actionsSizer,1,wxEXPAND); botSizer->Add(language,0,wxEXPAND); botSizer->Add(new wxButton(this,wxID_CANCEL),0,wxEXPAND); botSizer->AddGrowableCol(0,1); botSizer->AddGrowableRow(0,1); //SetEscapeId(wxID_CLOSE); // Main sizer wxSizer *mainSizer = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL); mainSizer->Add(topSizer,0,wxEXPAND | wxALL,5); mainSizer->Add(botSizer,1,wxEXPAND | wxLEFT | wxRIGHT | wxBOTTOM,5); SetSizer(mainSizer); mainSizer->SetSizeHints(this); CenterOnParent(); // Go to first match and show if (GetFirstMatch()) ShowModal(); } /// @brief Destructor /// DialogSpellChecker::~DialogSpellChecker() { if (spellchecker) delete spellchecker; } /// @brief Find next match /// @param startLine /// @param startPos /// @return /// bool DialogSpellChecker::FindNext(int startLine,int startPos) { // Set start if (startLine != -1) lastLine = startLine; if (startPos != -1) lastPos = 0; // Get grid SubtitlesGrid *grid = context->SubsGrid; int rows = grid->GetRows(); // Loop through lines for (int i=lastLine;iGetDialogue(curLine); // Find list of words in it IntPairVector results; GetWordBoundaries(diag->Text,results); // Look for spelling mistakes for (size_t j=0;jText.Mid(s,e-s); // Check if it's on auto ignore if (autoIgnore.Index(word) != wxNOT_FOUND) continue; // Mistake if (!spellchecker->CheckWord(word)) { // Set word wordStart = s; wordEnd = e; lastLine = i; lastPos = e; // Auto replace? if (autoReplace.find(word) != autoReplace.end()) { // lol mad h4x replaceWord->SetValue(autoReplace[word]); Replace(); goto startFindNextOuterLoop; } // Proceed normally SetWord(word); return true; } } // Go to next lastPos = 0; } // None found return false; } /// @brief Set word /// @param word /// void DialogSpellChecker::SetWord(wxString word) { // Get list of suggestions wxArrayString sugs = spellchecker->GetSuggestions(word); // Set fields origWord->SetValue(word); replaceWord->SetValue((sugs.Count()>0)? sugs[0] : word); // Set suggestions list suggestList->Clear(); for (size_t i=0;iAppend(sugs[i]); // Show word on the main program interface SubtitlesGrid *grid = context->SubsGrid; int line = lastLine % grid->GetRows(); grid->SelectRow(line,false); grid->MakeCellVisible(line,0); grid->SetActiveLine(grid->GetDialogue(line)); grid->editBox->TextEdit->SetSelectionU(wordStart,wordEnd); grid->EndBatch(); addButton->Enable(spellchecker->CanAddWord(word)); } /////////////// // Event table BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(DialogSpellChecker,wxDialog) EVT_BUTTON(wxID_CANCEL,DialogSpellChecker::OnClose) EVT_BUTTON(BUTTON_REPLACE,DialogSpellChecker::OnReplace) EVT_BUTTON(BUTTON_REPLACE_ALL,DialogSpellChecker::OnReplaceAll) EVT_BUTTON(BUTTON_IGNORE,DialogSpellChecker::OnIgnore) EVT_BUTTON(BUTTON_IGNORE_ALL,DialogSpellChecker::OnIgnoreAll) EVT_BUTTON(BUTTON_ADD,DialogSpellChecker::OnAdd) EVT_COMBOBOX(LIST_LANGUAGES,DialogSpellChecker::OnChangeLanguage) EVT_LISTBOX(LIST_SUGGESTIONS,DialogSpellChecker::OnChangeSuggestion) EVT_LISTBOX_DCLICK(LIST_SUGGESTIONS,DialogSpellChecker::OnTakeSuggestion) END_EVENT_TABLE() /// @brief Close /// @param event /// void DialogSpellChecker::OnClose(wxCommandEvent &event) { Destroy(); } /// @brief Replace /// @param event /// void DialogSpellChecker::OnReplace(wxCommandEvent &event) { Replace(); FindOrDie(); } /// @brief Replace all errors /// @param event /// void DialogSpellChecker::OnReplaceAll(wxCommandEvent &event) { // Add word to autoreplace list autoReplace[origWord->GetValue()] = replaceWord->GetValue(); // Replace Replace(); FindOrDie(); } /// @brief Ignore this error /// @param event /// void DialogSpellChecker::OnIgnore(wxCommandEvent &event) { // Next FindOrDie(); } /// @brief Ignore all errors /// @param event /// void DialogSpellChecker::OnIgnoreAll(wxCommandEvent &event) { // Add word to autoignore list autoIgnore.Add(origWord->GetValue()); // Next FindOrDie(); } /// @brief Add to dictionary /// @param event /// void DialogSpellChecker::OnAdd(wxCommandEvent &event) { spellchecker->AddWord(origWord->GetValue()); FindOrDie(); } /// @brief Goes to next... if it can't find one, close /// @return /// bool DialogSpellChecker::FindOrDie() { if (!FindNext()) { wxMessageBox(_("Aegisub has finished checking spelling of this script."),_("Spell checking complete.")); Destroy(); return false; } return true; } /// @brief Replace /// void DialogSpellChecker::Replace() { // Get dialog SubtitlesGrid *grid = context->SubsGrid; AssDialogue *diag = grid->GetDialogue(lastLine % grid->GetRows()); // Replace diag->Text = diag->Text.Left(wordStart) + replaceWord->GetValue() + diag->Text.Mid(wordEnd); lastPos = wordStart + replaceWord->GetValue().Length(); // Commit grid->ass->Commit(_("Spell check replace"), AssFile::COMMIT_TEXT); } /// @brief Change language /// @param event /// void DialogSpellChecker::OnChangeLanguage(wxCommandEvent &event) { // Change language code wxString code = langCodes[language->GetSelection()]; spellchecker->SetLanguage(code); OPT_SET("Tool/Spell Checker/Language")->SetString(STD_STR(code)); // Go back to first match GetFirstMatch(); } /// @brief Change suggestion /// @param event /// void DialogSpellChecker::OnChangeSuggestion(wxCommandEvent &event) { replaceWord->SetValue(suggestList->GetStringSelection()); } /// @brief Suggestion box double clicked /// @param event /// void DialogSpellChecker::OnTakeSuggestion(wxCommandEvent &event) { // First line should be unnecessary due to event above, but you never know... replaceWord->SetValue(suggestList->GetStringSelection()); Replace(); FindOrDie(); } /// @brief First match /// bool DialogSpellChecker::GetFirstMatch() { // Get selection SubtitlesGrid *grid = context->SubsGrid; wxArrayInt sel = grid->GetSelection(); firstLine = (sel.Count()>0) ? sel[0] : 0; bool hasTypos = FindNext(firstLine,0); // File is already OK if (!hasTypos) { wxMessageBox(_("Aegisub has found no spelling mistakes in this script."),_("Spell checking complete.")); Destroy(); return false; } // OK return true; }