--[[ Copyright (c) 2005, Niels Martin Hansen All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ]] -- Aegisub Automation include file -- The purpose of this include file is to provide a default skeleton for Automation scripts, -- where you, as a scripter, can just override the functions you need to override. -- The following functions can be overridden: -- do_syllable - called for each syllable in a line -- do_line_decide - called to decide whether to process a line or not -- do_line_start - called at the beginning of each line -- do_line_end - called at the end of each line -- do_line - Process an entire line -- By default, these functions are all assigned to the following default functions -- Your functions should obviously use the same parameter lists etc. -- Note that if you override do_line, none of the other functions will be called! -- All the functions mentioned here are, however, wrapped in some code that pre-calculates some -- extra data for the lines and syllables. -- The following fields are added to lines: -- i - The index of the line in the file, 0 being the first -- width - Rendered width of the line in pixels (using the line style, overrides are not taken into account) -- height - Rendered height of the line in pixels (note that rotation isn't taken into account either) -- ascent - Height of the ascenders, in pixels (notice that this looks like the output of text_extents?) -- extlead - External leading of the font, in pixels (well, it is!) -- centerleft - Pixel position of the left edge of the line, when horisontally centered on screen -- centerright - Pixel pisition of the right edge of the line, when horisontally centered on screen -- duration - Duration of the line in miliseconds -- styleref - The actual style table for the style this line has -- The following fields are added to syllables: -- i - The index of the syllable in the line, 0 being the first (and usually empty) one -- width, height, ascent, extlead - Same as for lines -- left - Left pixel position of the syllable, relative to the start of the line -- center - Center pixel position of the syllable, also relative to the start of the line -- right - Right pixel position of the syllable, relative again -- start_time - Start time of the syllable, in miliseconds, relative to the start of the line -- end_time - End time of the syllable, similar to start_time -- Since utils.lua is always useful, include it here include("utils.lua") -- This one is used aegisub.output_warning = aegisub.output_debug -- Set the variable show_debug_output to non-nil non-false before including karaskel.lua, to get debug output if not show_debug_output then aegisub.output_debug = function() end end -- Return a replacement text for a syllable function default_do_syllable(meta, styles, config, line, syl) aegisub.output_debug("default_do_syllable") return syl.text end -- Decide whether or not to process a line function default_do_line_decide(meta, styles, config, line) aegisub.output_debug("default_do_line_decide") return line.kind == "dialogue" end -- Return a text to prefix the line function default_do_line_start(meta, styles, config, line) aegisub.output_debug("default_do_line_start") return "" end -- Return a text to suffix the line function default_do_line_end(meta, styles, config, line) aegisub.output_debug("default_do_line_end") return "" end -- Process an entire line (which has pre-calculated extra data in it already) -- Return a table of replacement lines function default_do_line(meta, styles, config, line) aegisub.output_debug("default_do_line") -- Check if the line should be processed at all if not do_line_decide(meta, styles, config, line) then return {n=0} end aegisub.output_debug("default_do_line:2") -- Create a new local var for the line replacement text, set it to line prefix -- This is to make sure the actual line text isn't replaced before the line has been completely processed local newtext = do_line_start(meta, styles, config, line) aegisub.output_debug("default_do_line:3") -- Loop over the syllables for i = 0, line.karaoke.n-1 do aegisub.output_debug("default_do_line:4:"..i) -- Append the replacement for each syllable onto the line newtext = newtext .. do_syllable(meta, styles, config, line, line.karaoke[i]) end aegisub.output_debug("default_do_line:5") -- Append line suffix newtext = newtext .. do_line_end(meta, styles, config, line) aegisub.output_debug("default_do_line:6") -- Now replace the line text line.text = newtext -- And return a table with one entry return {n=1; [1]=line} end -- Now assign all the default functions to the names that are actually called do_syllable = default_do_syllable do_line_decide = default_do_line_decide do_line_start = default_do_line_start do_line_end = default_do_line_end do_line = default_do_line precalc_start_progress = 0 precalc_end_progress = 50 function precalc_syllable_data(meta, styles, lines) aegisub.output_debug("precalc_syllable_data") aegisub.set_status("Preparing syllable-data") for i = 0, lines.n-1 do aegisub.output_debug("precalc_syllable_data:2:"..i) aegisub.report_progress(precalc_start_progress + i/lines.n*(precalc_end_progress-precalc_start_progress)) local line, style = lines[i] -- Index number of the line line.i = i -- Linked list-style access line.prev = lines[i-1] line.next = lines[i+1] aegisub.output_debug("precalc_syllable_data:3:") if line.kind == "dialogue" or line.kind == "comment" then aegisub.output_debug("precalc_syllable_data:4:") local style = styles[line.style] if not style then -- ok, so the named style does not exist... well there MUST be at least ONE style -- pick the first one style = styles[0] aegisub.output_warning(string.format("WARNING! You have a line using a style named \"%s\", but that style does not exist! Using the first defined style (\"%s\") instead.", line.style, style.name)) end -- Line dimensions line.width, line.height, line.ascent, line.extlead = aegisub.text_extents(style, line.text_stripped) aegisub.output_debug("precalc_syllable_data:5:") -- Line position line.centerleft = math.floor((meta.res_x - line.width) / 2) line.centerright = meta.res_x - line.centerleft -- Line duration, in miliseconds line.duration = (line.end_time - line.start_time) * 10 -- Style reference line.styleref = style aegisub.output_debug("precalc_syllable_data:6:") -- Process the syllables local curx, curtime = 0, 0 for j = 0, line.karaoke.n-1 do aegisub.output_debug("precalc_syllable_data:7::"..j) local syl = line.karaoke[j] -- Syllable index syl.i = j -- Syllable dimensions syl.width, syl.height, syl.ascent, syl.extlead = aegisub.text_extents(style, syl.text_stripped) aegisub.output_debug("precalc_syllable_data:8::") -- Syllable positioning syl.left = curx syl.center = math.floor(curx + syl.width/2) syl.right = curx + syl.width curx = syl.right -- Start and end times in miliseconds syl.start_time = curtime syl.end_time = curtime + syl.duration*10 curtime = syl.end_time end end end end -- Everything else is done in the process_lines function function skel_process_lines(meta, styles, lines, config) aegisub.output_debug("skel_process_lines") -- Do a little pre-calculation for each line and syllable precalc_syllable_data(meta, styles, lines) aegisub.output_debug("skel_process_lines:2") -- A var for the new output local result = {n=0} aegisub.set_status("Running main-processing") -- Now do the usual processing for i = 0, lines.n-1 do aegisub.output_debug("skel_process_lines:3:"..i) aegisub.report_progress(50+i/lines.n*50) if do_line_decide(meta, styles, config, lines[i]) then aegisub.output_debug("skel_process_lines:4:..i") -- Get replacement lines repl = do_line(meta, styles, config, lines[i]) -- Append to result table for j = 1, repl.n do table.insert(result, repl[j]) end end end -- Done, return the stuff return result end process_lines = skel_process_lines