#!/bin/sh PKG_DIR=${1}.app SKEL_DIR="packages/osx_bundle" AEGISUB_VERSION_DATA="${2}" SRCDIR=`pwd` if ! test -d packages/osx_bundle; then echo echo "Make sure you're in the toplevel source directory" exit 1; fi if test -d ${PKG_DIR}; then echo "**** USING OLD ${PKG_DIR} ****" fi echo echo "---- Directory Structure ----" mkdir -v ${PKG_DIR} mkdir -v ${PKG_DIR}/Contents mkdir -v ${PKG_DIR}/Contents/MacOS mkdir -v ${PKG_DIR}/Contents/Resources mkdir -v ${PKG_DIR}/Contents/Resources/etc mkdir -v ${PKG_DIR}/Contents/Resources/etc/fonts mkdir -v ${PKG_DIR}/Contents/Resources/etc/fonts/conf.d mkdir -v ${PKG_DIR}/Contents/SharedSupport mkdir -v ${PKG_DIR}/Contents/SharedSupport/dictionaries echo echo "---- Copying Skel Files ----" find ${SKEL_DIR} -type f -not -regex ".*.svn.*" cp ${SKEL_DIR}/Contents/Resources/*.icns ${PKG_DIR}/Contents/Resources cp ${SKEL_DIR}/Contents/Resources/etc/fonts/fonts.* ${PKG_DIR}/Contents/Resources/etc/fonts cp ${SKEL_DIR}/Contents/Resources/etc/fonts/conf.d/*.conf ${PKG_DIR}/Contents/Resources/etc/fonts/conf.d cat ${SKEL_DIR}/Contents/Info.plist |sed -f scripts/osx-bundle.sed > ${PKG_DIR}/Contents/Info.plist echo echo "---- Copying automation/ files ----" cd automation make install \ aegisubdatadir=../${PKG_DIR}/Contents/SharedSupport \ aegisubdocdir=../${PKG_DIR}/Contents/SharedSupport/doc cd ${SRCDIR} echo echo "---- Copying locale files ----" # Let Aqua know that aegisub supports english. English strings are # internal so we don't need an aegisub.mo file. mkdir -v ${PKG_DIR}/Contents/Resources/en.lproj for i in `cat po/LINGUAS`; do if test -f "po/${i}.gmo"; then mkdir -v ${PKG_DIR}/Contents/Resources/${i}.lproj; cp -v po/${i}.gmo ${PKG_DIR}/Contents/Resources/${i}.lproj/aegisub.mo; else echo "${i}.gmo not found!" fi done echo echo "---- Binaries ----" cp -v aegisub/.libs/aegisub-${AEGISUB_VERSION_DATA} ${PKG_DIR}/Contents/MacOS/aegisub echo echo "---- Libraries ----" python scripts/osx-fix-libs.py "${PKG_DIR}/Contents/MacOS/Aegisub" echo echo "Done Creating ${PKG_DIR}"