module Aegisub # parsing karaoke line # should work more or less like the lua version # input: dialogue line with karaoke tags # output: number of syllables in karaoke def parse_karaoke(line) return 0 if line[:class] != :dialogue return line[:karaoke].size if line[:karaoke].class == Array karaoke = [] time = 0 line[:text].scan(/(?:{.*?\\(K|k[fto]?)(\d+).*?}([^{]*))|({.*?})([^{]*)/) do |k| if $1 # karaoke tag ktag = $1 kdur = $2.to_i syl = syl[:start_time] = time if ktag == 'kt' time = kdur*10 syl[:duration] = 0 else time += kdur*10 syl[:duration] = kdur end syl[:end_time] = time syl[:tag] = ktag syl[:text] = $& syl[:text_stripped] = $3 karaoke << syl else # no karaoke - append to the last syllable tag = $4 text = $5 if not karaoke.empty? karaoke.last[:text] << tag << text karaoke.last[:text_stripped] << text if text and tag !~ /\\p\d/ # no drawings end end end line[:karaoke] = karaoke return karaoke.size end # replaces matched pattern in the line with an evaluated template # input: line, template (string), strip (bool), pattern (regexp or string) # output: line with karaoke effect def k_replace(line, template, strip, pattern = /\\(:?K|k[fo]?\d+)/) # default pattern = any karaoke tag return if parse_karaoke(line) == 0 res = "" t = template.gsub(/\$(start|end|dur|mid|text|i|kind)/, '_\1') _i = 0 line[:karaoke].each do |s| _start = s[:start_time] _end = s[:end_time] _dur = s[:duration] _mid = _start + _dur*5 _text = s[:text_stripped] _kind = s[:tag] ev = t.gsub(/(_(:?start|end|dur|mid|text|i|kind))/) { |m| eval($1).to_s } # evalute variables ev.gsub!(/\%([^%]+)\%/) { |m| eval($1).to_s } # evaluate expressions res << (strip ? "{" << ev << "}" << s[:text_stripped] : s[:text].gsub!(pattern, ev) ) _i += 1 end line[:text] = res end end