// Copyright (c) 2008, 2010, Niels Martin Hansen // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors // may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software // without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Aegisub Project http://www.aegisub.org/ // // $Id$ /// @file audio_player_dsound2.cpp /// @brief New DirectSound-based audio output /// @ingroup audio_output /// /////////// // Headers #include "config.h" #ifdef WITH_DIRECTSOUND #ifndef AGI_PRE #include #endif #include #include #include #include "audio_controller.h" #include "audio_player_dsound2.h" #include "include/aegisub/audio_provider.h" #include "frame_main.h" #include "main.h" #include "utils.h" /// @brief RAII support class to init and de-init the COM library struct COMInitialization { /// Flag set if an inited COM library is managed bool inited; /// @brief Constructor, sets inited false COMInitialization() { inited = false; } /// @brief Destructor, de-inits COM if it is inited ~COMInitialization() { if (inited) CoUninitialize(); } /// @brief Initialise the COM library as single-threaded apartment if isn't already inited by us void Init() { if (!inited) { if (FAILED(CoInitialize(NULL))) throw std::exception(); inited = true; } } }; /// @class COMObjectRetainer /// @brief Simple auto_ptr-like class for COM objects template struct COMObjectRetainer { /// Managed object T *obj; /// @brief Constructor for null object COMObjectRetainer() { obj = 0; } /// @brief Constructor to take object immediately /// @param _obj Object to manage COMObjectRetainer(T *_obj) { obj = _obj; } /// @brief Destructor, releases object if there is one ~COMObjectRetainer() { if (obj) obj->Release(); } /// @brief Dereference the managed object /// @return The managed object T * operator -> () { return obj; } }; /// @brief RAII wrapper around Win32 HANDLE type struct Win32KernelHandle { /// HANDLE value being managed HANDLE handle; /// @brief Create with a managed handle /// @param handle Win32 handle to manage Win32KernelHandle(HANDLE handle = 0) : handle(handle) { } /// @brief Destructor, closes the managed handle ~Win32KernelHandle() { if (handle) CloseHandle(handle); } /// @brief Returns the managed handle operator HANDLE () const { return handle; } }; /// @class DirectSoundPlayer2Thread /// @brief Playback thread class for DirectSoundPlayer2 /// /// Not based on wxThread, but uses Win32 threads directly class DirectSoundPlayer2Thread { static unsigned int __stdcall ThreadProc(void *parameter); void Run(); DWORD FillAndUnlockBuffers(void *buf1, DWORD buf1sz, void *buf2, DWORD buf2sz, int64_t &input_frame, IDirectSoundBuffer8 *bfr); void CheckError(); /// Win32 handle to the thread Win32KernelHandle thread_handle; /// Event object, world to thread, set to start playback Win32KernelHandle event_start_playback; /// Event object, world to thread, set to stop playback Win32KernelHandle event_stop_playback; /// Event object, world to thread, set if playback end time was updated Win32KernelHandle event_update_end_time; /// Event object, world to thread, set if the volume was changed Win32KernelHandle event_set_volume; /// Event object, world to thread, set if the thread should end as soon as possible Win32KernelHandle event_kill_self; /// Event object, thread to world, set when the thread has entered its main loop Win32KernelHandle thread_running; /// Event object, thread to world, set when playback is ongoing Win32KernelHandle is_playing; /// Event object, thread to world, set if an error state has occurred (implies thread is dying) Win32KernelHandle error_happened; /// Statically allocated error message text describing reason for error_happened being set const wxChar *error_message; /// Playback volume, 1.0 is "unchanged" double volume; /// Audio frame to start playback at int64_t start_frame; /// Audio frame to end playback at int64_t end_frame; /// Desired length in milliseconds to write ahead of the playback cursor int wanted_latency; /// Multiplier for WantedLatency to get total buffer length int buffer_length; /// System millisecond timestamp of last playback start, used to calculate playback position DWORD last_playback_restart; /// Audio provider to take sample data from AudioProvider *provider; public: DirectSoundPlayer2Thread(AudioProvider *provider, int WantedLatency, int BufferLength); ~DirectSoundPlayer2Thread(); void Play(int64_t start, int64_t count); void Stop(); void SetEndFrame(int64_t new_end_frame); void SetVolume(double new_volume); bool IsPlaying(); int64_t GetStartFrame(); int64_t GetCurrentFrame(); int64_t GetEndFrame(); double GetVolume(); bool IsDead(); }; /// @brief Win32 thread entry point /// @param parameter Pointer to our thread object /// @return Thread return value, always 0 here /// unsigned int __stdcall DirectSoundPlayer2Thread::ThreadProc(void *parameter) { static_cast(parameter)->Run(); return 0; } /// @brief Thread entry point void DirectSoundPlayer2Thread::Run() { /// Macro used to set error_message, error_happened and end the thread #define REPORT_ERROR(msg) { error_message = _T("DirectSoundPlayer2Thread: ") _T(msg); SetEvent(error_happened); return; } COMInitialization COM_library; try { COM_library.Init(); } catch (std::exception e) REPORT_ERROR("Could not initialise COM") // Create DirectSound object COMObjectRetainer ds; if (FAILED(DirectSoundCreate8(&DSDEVID_DefaultPlayback, &ds.obj, NULL))) REPORT_ERROR("Cound not create DirectSound object") // Ensure we can get interesting wave formats (unless we have PRIORITY we can only use a standard 8 bit format) ds->SetCooperativeLevel((HWND)static_cast(wxApp::GetInstance())->frame->GetHandle(), DSSCL_PRIORITY); // Describe the wave format WAVEFORMATEX waveFormat; waveFormat.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; waveFormat.nSamplesPerSec = provider->GetSampleRate(); waveFormat.nChannels = provider->GetChannels(); waveFormat.wBitsPerSample = provider->GetBytesPerSample() * 8; waveFormat.nBlockAlign = waveFormat.nChannels * waveFormat.wBitsPerSample / 8; waveFormat.nAvgBytesPerSec = waveFormat.nSamplesPerSec * waveFormat.nBlockAlign; waveFormat.cbSize = sizeof(waveFormat); // And the buffer itself int aim = waveFormat.nAvgBytesPerSec * (wanted_latency*buffer_length)/1000; int min = DSBSIZE_MIN; int max = DSBSIZE_MAX; DWORD bufSize = MIN(MAX(min,aim),max); // size of entier playback buffer DSBUFFERDESC desc; desc.dwSize = sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC); desc.dwFlags = DSBCAPS_GETCURRENTPOSITION2 | DSBCAPS_GLOBALFOCUS; desc.dwBufferBytes = bufSize; desc.dwReserved = 0; desc.lpwfxFormat = &waveFormat; desc.guid3DAlgorithm = GUID_NULL; // And then create the buffer IDirectSoundBuffer *bfr7 = 0; if FAILED(ds->CreateSoundBuffer(&desc, &bfr7, 0)) REPORT_ERROR("Could not create buffer") // But it's an old version interface we get, query it for the DSound8 interface COMObjectRetainer bfr; if (FAILED(bfr7->QueryInterface(IID_IDirectSoundBuffer8, (LPVOID*)&bfr.obj))) REPORT_ERROR("Buffer doesn't support version 8 interface") bfr7->Release(); bfr7 = 0; //wx Log Debug(_T("DirectSoundPlayer2: Created buffer of %d bytes, supposed to be %d milliseconds or %d frames"), bufSize, WANTED_LATENCY*BUFFER_LENGTH, bufSize/provider->GetBytesPerSample()); // Now we're ready to roll! SetEvent(thread_running); bool running = true; HANDLE events_to_wait[] = { event_start_playback, event_stop_playback, event_update_end_time, event_set_volume, event_kill_self }; int64_t next_input_frame = 0; DWORD buffer_offset = 0; bool playback_should_be_running = false; int current_latency = wanted_latency; const DWORD wanted_latency_bytes = wanted_latency*waveFormat.nSamplesPerSec*provider->GetBytesPerSample()/1000; while (running) { DWORD wait_result = WaitForMultipleObjects(sizeof(events_to_wait)/sizeof(HANDLE), events_to_wait, FALSE, current_latency); switch (wait_result) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0+0: { // Start or restart playback bfr->Stop(); ResetEvent(is_playing); next_input_frame = start_frame; DWORD buf_size; // size of buffer locked for filling void *buf; buffer_offset = 0; if (FAILED(bfr->SetCurrentPosition(0))) REPORT_ERROR("Could not reset playback buffer cursor before filling first buffer.") HRESULT res = bfr->Lock(buffer_offset, 0, &buf, &buf_size, 0, 0, DSBLOCK_ENTIREBUFFER); if (FAILED(res)) { if (res == DSERR_BUFFERLOST) { // Try to regain the buffer if (FAILED(bfr->Restore()) || FAILED(bfr->Lock(buffer_offset, 0, &buf, &buf_size, 0, 0, DSBLOCK_ENTIREBUFFER))) { REPORT_ERROR("Lost buffer and could not restore it.") } } else { REPORT_ERROR("Could not lock buffer for playback.") } } // Clear the buffer in case we can't fill it completely memset(buf, 0, buf_size); DWORD bytes_filled = FillAndUnlockBuffers(buf, buf_size, 0, 0, next_input_frame, bfr.obj); buffer_offset += bytes_filled; if (buffer_offset >= bufSize) buffer_offset -= bufSize; if (FAILED(bfr->SetCurrentPosition(0))) REPORT_ERROR("Could not reset playback buffer cursor before playback.") if (bytes_filled < wanted_latency_bytes) { // Very short playback length, do without streaming playback current_latency = (bytes_filled*1000) / (waveFormat.nSamplesPerSec*provider->GetBytesPerSample()); if (FAILED(bfr->Play(0, 0, 0))) REPORT_ERROR("Could not start single-buffer playback.") } else { // We filled the entire buffer so there's reason to do streaming playback current_latency = wanted_latency; if (FAILED(bfr->Play(0, 0, DSBPLAY_LOOPING))) REPORT_ERROR("Could not start looping playback.") } SetEvent(is_playing); playback_should_be_running = true; break; } case WAIT_OBJECT_0+1: { // Stop playing bfr->Stop(); ResetEvent(is_playing); playback_should_be_running = false; break; } case WAIT_OBJECT_0+2: { // Set end frame if (end_frame <= next_input_frame) { bfr->Stop(); ResetEvent(is_playing); playback_should_be_running = false; } else { // If the user is dragging the start or end point in the audio display // the set end frame events might come in faster than the timeouts happen // and then new data never get filled into the buffer. See bug #915. goto do_fill_buffer; } break; } case WAIT_OBJECT_0+3: { // Change volume // We aren't thread safe right now, filling the buffers grabs volume directly // from the field set by the controlling thread, but it shouldn't be a major // problem if race conditions do occur, just some momentary distortion. goto do_fill_buffer; } case WAIT_OBJECT_0+4: { // Perform suicide bfr->Stop(); ResetEvent(is_playing); playback_should_be_running = false; running = false; break; } case WAIT_TIMEOUT: do_fill_buffer: { // Time to fill more into buffer if (!playback_should_be_running) break; DWORD status; if (FAILED(bfr->GetStatus(&status))) REPORT_ERROR("Could not get playback buffer status") if (!(status & DSBSTATUS_LOOPING)) { // Not looping playback... // hopefully we only triggered timeout after being done with the buffer bfr->Stop(); ResetEvent(is_playing); playback_should_be_running = false; break; } DWORD play_cursor; if (FAILED(bfr->GetCurrentPosition(&play_cursor, 0))) REPORT_ERROR("Could not get play cursor position for filling buffer.") int bytes_needed = (int)play_cursor - (int)buffer_offset; if (bytes_needed < 0) bytes_needed += (int)bufSize; // Requesting zero buffer makes Windows cry, and zero buffer seemed to be // a common request on Windows 7. (Maybe related to the new timer coalescing?) // We'll probably get non-zero bytes requested on the next iteration. if (bytes_needed == 0) break; DWORD buf1sz, buf2sz; void *buf1, *buf2; assert(bytes_needed > 0); assert(buffer_offset < bufSize); assert((DWORD)bytes_needed <= bufSize); HRESULT res = bfr->Lock(buffer_offset, bytes_needed, &buf1, &buf1sz, &buf2, &buf2sz, 0); switch (res) { case DSERR_BUFFERLOST: // Try to regain the buffer // When the buffer was lost the entire contents was lost too, so we have to start over if (SUCCEEDED(bfr->Restore()) && SUCCEEDED(bfr->Lock(0, bufSize, &buf1, &buf1sz, &buf2, &buf2sz, 0)) && SUCCEEDED(bfr->Play(0, 0, DSBPLAY_LOOPING))) { LOG_D("audio/player/dsound") << "Lost and restored buffer"; break; } REPORT_ERROR("Lost buffer and could not restore it.") case DSERR_INVALIDPARAM: REPORT_ERROR("Invalid parameters to IDirectSoundBuffer8::Lock().") case DSERR_INVALIDCALL: REPORT_ERROR("Invalid call to IDirectSoundBuffer8::Lock().") case DSERR_PRIOLEVELNEEDED: REPORT_ERROR("Incorrect priority level set on DirectSoundBuffer8 object.") default: if (FAILED(res)) REPORT_ERROR("Could not lock audio buffer, unknown error.") break; } DWORD bytes_filled = FillAndUnlockBuffers(buf1, buf1sz, buf2, buf2sz, next_input_frame, bfr.obj); buffer_offset += bytes_filled; if (buffer_offset >= bufSize) buffer_offset -= bufSize; if (bytes_filled < 1024) { // Arbitrary low number, we filled in very little so better get back to filling in the rest with silence // really fast... set latency to zero in this case. current_latency = 0; } else if (bytes_filled < wanted_latency_bytes) { // Didn't fill as much as we wanted to, let's get back to filling sooner than normal current_latency = (bytes_filled*1000) / (waveFormat.nSamplesPerSec*provider->GetBytesPerSample()); } else { // Plenty filled in, do regular latency current_latency = wanted_latency; } break; } default: REPORT_ERROR("Something bad happened while waiting on events in playback loop, either the wait failed or an event object was abandoned.") break; } } #undef REPORT_ERROR } /// @brief Fill audio data into a locked buffer-pair and unlock the buffers /// @param buf1 First buffer in pair /// @param buf1sz Byte-size of first buffer in pair /// @param buf2 Second buffer in pair, or null /// @param buf2sz Byte-size of second buffer in pair /// @param input_frame First audio frame to fill into buffers /// @param bfr DirectSound buffer object owning the buffer pair /// @return Number of bytes written /// DWORD DirectSoundPlayer2Thread::FillAndUnlockBuffers(void *buf1, DWORD buf1sz, void *buf2, DWORD buf2sz, int64_t &input_frame, IDirectSoundBuffer8 *bfr) { // Assume buffers have been locked and are ready to be filled DWORD bytes_per_frame = provider->GetChannels() * provider->GetBytesPerSample(); DWORD buf1szf = buf1sz / bytes_per_frame; DWORD buf2szf = buf2sz / bytes_per_frame; if (input_frame >= end_frame) { // Silence if (buf1) memset(buf1, 0, buf1sz); if (buf2) memset(buf2, 0, buf2sz); input_frame += buf1szf + buf2szf; bfr->Unlock(buf1, buf1sz, buf2, buf2sz); // should be checking for success return buf1sz + buf2sz; } if (buf1 && buf1sz) { if (buf1szf + input_frame > end_frame) { buf1szf = end_frame - input_frame; buf1sz = buf1szf * bytes_per_frame; buf2szf = 0; buf2sz = 0; } provider->GetAudioWithVolume(buf1, input_frame, buf1szf, volume); input_frame += buf1szf; } if (buf2 && buf2sz) { if (buf2szf + input_frame > end_frame) { buf2szf = end_frame - input_frame; buf2sz = buf2szf * bytes_per_frame; } provider->GetAudioWithVolume(buf2, input_frame, buf2szf, volume); input_frame += buf2szf; } bfr->Unlock(buf1, buf1sz, buf2, buf2sz); // bad? should check for success return buf1sz + buf2sz; } /// @brief Check for error state and throw exception if one occurred void DirectSoundPlayer2Thread::CheckError() { try { switch (WaitForSingleObject(error_happened, 0)) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: throw error_message; case WAIT_ABANDONED: throw _T("The DirectShowPlayer2Thread error signal event was abandoned, somehow. This should not happen."); case WAIT_FAILED: throw _T("Failed checking state of DirectShowPlayer2Thread error signal event."); case WAIT_TIMEOUT: default: return; } } catch (...) { ResetEvent(is_playing); ResetEvent(thread_running); throw; } } /// @brief Constructor, creates and starts playback thread /// @param provider Audio provider to take sample data from /// @param _WantedLatency Desired length in milliseconds to write ahead of the playback cursor /// @param _BufferLength Multiplier for WantedLatency to get total buffer length DirectSoundPlayer2Thread::DirectSoundPlayer2Thread(AudioProvider *provider, int _WantedLatency, int _BufferLength) : event_start_playback (CreateEvent(0, FALSE, FALSE, 0)) , event_stop_playback (CreateEvent(0, FALSE, FALSE, 0)) , event_update_end_time (CreateEvent(0, FALSE, FALSE, 0)) , event_set_volume (CreateEvent(0, FALSE, FALSE, 0)) , event_kill_self (CreateEvent(0, FALSE, FALSE, 0)) , thread_running (CreateEvent(0, TRUE, FALSE, 0)) , is_playing (CreateEvent(0, TRUE, FALSE, 0)) , error_happened (CreateEvent(0, FALSE, FALSE, 0)) { error_message = 0; volume = 1.0; start_frame = 0; end_frame = 0; wanted_latency = _WantedLatency; buffer_length = _BufferLength; this->provider = provider; thread_handle.handle = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex(0, 0, ThreadProc, this, 0, 0); if (!thread_handle) throw _T("Failed creating playback thread in DirectSoundPlayer2. This is bad."); HANDLE running_or_error[] = { thread_running, error_happened }; switch (WaitForMultipleObjects(2, running_or_error, FALSE, INFINITE)) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: // running, all good return; case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: // error happened, we fail throw error_message; default: throw _T("Failed wait for thread start or thread error in DirectSoundPlayer2. This is bad."); } } /// @brief Destructor, waits for thread to have died DirectSoundPlayer2Thread::~DirectSoundPlayer2Thread() { SetEvent(event_kill_self); WaitForSingleObject(thread_handle, INFINITE); } /// @brief Start audio playback /// @param start Audio frame to start playback at /// @param count Number of audio frames to play void DirectSoundPlayer2Thread::Play(int64_t start, int64_t count) { CheckError(); start_frame = start; end_frame = start+count; SetEvent(event_start_playback); last_playback_restart = GetTickCount(); } /// @brief Stop audio playback void DirectSoundPlayer2Thread::Stop() { CheckError(); SetEvent(event_stop_playback); } /// @brief Change audio playback end point /// @param new_end_frame New last audio frame to play /// /// Playback stops instantly if new_end_frame is before the current playback position void DirectSoundPlayer2Thread::SetEndFrame(int64_t new_end_frame) { CheckError(); end_frame = new_end_frame; SetEvent(event_update_end_time); } /// @brief Change audio playback volume /// @param new_volume New playback amplification factor, 1.0 is "unchanged" void DirectSoundPlayer2Thread::SetVolume(double new_volume) { CheckError(); volume = new_volume; SetEvent(event_set_volume); } /// @brief Tell whether audio playback is active /// @return True if audio is being played back, false if it is not bool DirectSoundPlayer2Thread::IsPlaying() { CheckError(); switch (WaitForSingleObject(is_playing, 0)) { case WAIT_ABANDONED: throw _T("The DirectShowPlayer2Thread playback state event was abandoned, somehow. This should not happen."); case WAIT_FAILED: throw _T("Failed checking state of DirectShowPlayer2Thread playback state event."); case WAIT_OBJECT_0: return true; case WAIT_TIMEOUT: default: return false; } } /// @brief Get first audio frame in current playback range /// @return Audio frame index int64_t DirectSoundPlayer2Thread::GetStartFrame() { CheckError(); return start_frame; } /// @brief Get approximate current audio frame being heard by the user /// @return Audio frame index /// /// Returns 0 if not playing int64_t DirectSoundPlayer2Thread::GetCurrentFrame() { CheckError(); if (!IsPlaying()) return 0; DWORD milliseconds_elapsed = GetTickCount() - last_playback_restart; return start_frame + milliseconds_elapsed * provider->GetSampleRate() / 1000; } /// @brief Get audio playback end point /// @return Audio frame index int64_t DirectSoundPlayer2Thread::GetEndFrame() { CheckError(); return end_frame; } /// @brief Get current playback volume /// @return Audio amplification factor double DirectSoundPlayer2Thread::GetVolume() { CheckError(); return volume; } /// @brief Tell whether playback thread has died /// @return True if thread is no longer running bool DirectSoundPlayer2Thread::IsDead() { switch (WaitForSingleObject(thread_running, 0)) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: return false; default: return true; } } /// @brief Constructor DirectSoundPlayer2::DirectSoundPlayer2() { thread = 0; // The buffer will hold BufferLength times WantedLatency milliseconds of audio WantedLatency = OPT_GET("Player/Audio/DirectSound/Buffer Latency")->GetInt(); BufferLength = OPT_GET("Player/Audio/DirectSound/Buffer Length")->GetInt(); // sanity checking if (WantedLatency <= 0) WantedLatency = 100; if (BufferLength <= 0) BufferLength = 5; } /// @brief Destructor DirectSoundPlayer2::~DirectSoundPlayer2() { CloseStream(); } /// @brief Tell whether playback thread is alive /// @return True if there is a playback thread and it's ready bool DirectSoundPlayer2::IsThreadAlive() { if (!thread) return false; if (thread->IsDead()) { delete thread; thread = 0; return false; } return true; } /// @brief Prepare for playback /// /// This means creating the playback thread void DirectSoundPlayer2::OpenStream() { if (IsThreadAlive()) return; try { thread = new DirectSoundPlayer2Thread(GetProvider(), WantedLatency, BufferLength); } catch (const wxChar *msg) { LOG_E("audio/player/dsound") << msg; wxLogError(msg); thread = 0; } } /// @brief Shutdown playback void DirectSoundPlayer2::CloseStream() { if (!IsThreadAlive()) return; try { delete thread; } catch (const wxChar *msg) { LOG_E("audio/player/dsound") << msg; wxLogError(msg); } thread = 0; } /// @brief Change audio provider used /// @param provider New audio provider to use /// /// Will re-create the playback thread if the provider changed and playback was open void DirectSoundPlayer2::SetProvider(AudioProvider *provider) { try { if (IsThreadAlive() && provider != GetProvider()) { delete thread; thread = new DirectSoundPlayer2Thread(provider, WantedLatency, BufferLength); } AudioPlayer::SetProvider(provider); } catch (const wxChar *msg) { LOG_E("audio/player/dsound") << msg; wxLogError(msg); } } /// @brief Start playback /// @param start First audio frame to play /// @param count Number of audio frames to play void DirectSoundPlayer2::Play(int64_t start,int64_t count) { try { OpenStream(); thread->Play(start, count); if (displayTimer && !displayTimer->IsRunning()) displayTimer->Start(15); } catch (const wxChar *msg) { LOG_E("audio/player/dsound") << msg; wxLogError(msg); } } /// @brief Stop audio playback /// @param timerToo Whether to also stop the playback update timer /// void DirectSoundPlayer2::Stop(bool timerToo) { try { if (IsThreadAlive()) thread->Stop(); if (timerToo && displayTimer) { displayTimer->Stop(); } } catch (const wxChar *msg) { LOG_E("audio/player/dsound") << msg; wxLogError(msg); } } /// @brief Tell whether playback is active /// @return True if audio is playing back bool DirectSoundPlayer2::IsPlaying() { try { if (!IsThreadAlive()) return false; return thread->IsPlaying(); } catch (const wxChar *msg) { LOG_E("audio/player/dsound") << msg; wxLogError(msg); return false; } } /// @brief Get first audio frame in playback range /// @return Audio frame index /// /// Returns 0 if playback is stopped or there is no playback thread int64_t DirectSoundPlayer2::GetStartPosition() { try { if (!IsThreadAlive()) return 0; return thread->GetStartFrame(); } catch (const wxChar *msg) { LOG_E("audio/player/dsound") << msg; wxLogError(msg); return 0; } } /// @brief Get playback end position /// @return Audio frame index /// /// Returns 0 if playback is stopped or there is no playback thread int64_t DirectSoundPlayer2::GetEndPosition() { try { if (!IsThreadAlive()) return 0; return thread->GetEndFrame(); } catch (const wxChar *msg) { LOG_E("audio/player/dsound") << msg; wxLogError(msg); return 0; } } /// @brief Get approximate playback position /// @return Index of audio frame user is currently hearing /// /// Returns 0 if playback is stopped or there is no playback thread int64_t DirectSoundPlayer2::GetCurrentPosition() { try { if (!IsThreadAlive()) return 0; return thread->GetCurrentFrame(); } catch (const wxChar *msg) { LOG_E("audio/player/dsound") << msg; wxLogError(msg); return 0; } } /// @brief Change playback end position /// @param pos New end position void DirectSoundPlayer2::SetEndPosition(int64_t pos) { try { if (IsThreadAlive()) thread->SetEndFrame(pos); } catch (const wxChar *msg) { LOG_E("audio/player/dsound") << msg; wxLogError(msg); } } /// @brief Seek playback to new position /// @param pos New position to seek to /// /// This is done by simply restarting playback void DirectSoundPlayer2::SetCurrentPosition(int64_t pos) { try { if (IsThreadAlive()) thread->Play(pos, thread->GetEndFrame()-pos); } catch (const wxChar *msg) { LOG_E("audio/player/dsound") << msg; wxLogError(msg); } } /// @brief Change playback volume /// @param vol Amplification factor void DirectSoundPlayer2::SetVolume(double vol) { try { if (IsThreadAlive()) thread->SetVolume(vol); } catch (const wxChar *msg) { LOG_E("audio/player/dsound") << msg; wxLogError(msg); } } /// @brief Get playback volume /// @return Amplification factor double DirectSoundPlayer2::GetVolume() { try { if (!IsThreadAlive()) return 0; return thread->GetVolume(); } catch (const wxChar *msg) { LOG_E("audio/player/dsound") << msg; wxLogError(msg); return 0; } } #endif // WITH_DIRECTSOUND