// Copyright (c) 2005-2010, Niels Martin Hansen // Copyright (c) 2005-2010, Rodrigo Braz Monteiro // Copyright (c) 2010, Amar Takhar // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors // may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software // without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // Aegisub Project http://www.aegisub.org/ /// @file video.cpp /// @brief video/ commands. /// @ingroup command /// #include "../config.h" #include "command.h" #include "../ass_dialogue.h" #include "../ass_time.h" #include "../compat.h" #include "../dialog_detached_video.h" #include "../dialog_dummy_video.h" #include "../dialog_jumpto.h" #include "../dialog_manager.h" #include "../dialog_video_details.h" #include "../frame_main.h" #include "../include/aegisub/context.h" #include "../main.h" #include "../options.h" #include "../selection_controller.h" #include "../utils.h" #include "../video_box.h" #include "../video_context.h" #include "../video_display.h" #include "../video_frame.h" #include "../video_slider.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace { using cmd::Command; /// @defgroup cmd-video Video commands. /// @{ struct validator_video_loaded : public Command { CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_VALIDATE) bool Validate(const agi::Context *c) { return c->videoController->IsLoaded(); } }; struct validator_video_attached : public Command { CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_VALIDATE) bool Validate(const agi::Context *c) { return c->videoController->IsLoaded() && !c->dialog->Get(); } }; /// Forces video to 2.35 aspect ratio. struct video_aspect_cinematic : public validator_video_loaded { CMD_NAME("video/aspect/cinematic") STR_MENU("&Cinematic (2.35)") STR_DISP("Cinematic (2.35)") STR_HELP("Forces video to 2.35 aspect ratio") CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_VALIDATE | COMMAND_RADIO) bool IsActive(const agi::Context *c) { return c->videoController->GetAspectRatioType() == AspectRatio::Cinematic; } void operator()(agi::Context *c) { c->videoController->Stop(); c->videoController->SetAspectRatio(AspectRatio::Cinematic); wxGetApp().frame->SetDisplayMode(1,-1); } }; /// Forces video to a custom aspect ratio. struct video_aspect_custom : public validator_video_loaded { CMD_NAME("video/aspect/custom") STR_MENU("C&ustom...") STR_DISP("Custom") STR_HELP("Forces video to a custom aspect ratio") CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_VALIDATE | COMMAND_RADIO) bool IsActive(const agi::Context *c) { return c->videoController->GetAspectRatioType() == AspectRatio::Custom; } void operator()(agi::Context *c) { c->videoController->Stop(); std::string value = from_wx(wxGetTextFromUser( _("Enter aspect ratio in either:\n decimal (e.g. 2.35)\n fractional (e.g. 16:9)\n specific resolution (e.g. 853x480)"), _("Enter aspect ratio"), std::to_wstring(c->videoController->GetAspectRatioValue()))); if (value.empty()) return; double numval = 0; if (agi::util::try_parse(value, &numval)) { //Nothing to see here, move along } else { std::vector chunks; split(chunks, value, boost::is_any_of(":/xX")); if (chunks.size() == 2) { double num, den; if (agi::util::try_parse(chunks[0], &num) && agi::util::try_parse(chunks[1], &den)) numval = num / den; } } if (numval < 0.5 || numval > 5.0) wxMessageBox(_("Invalid value! Aspect ratio must be between 0.5 and 5.0."),_("Invalid Aspect Ratio"),wxOK | wxICON_ERROR | wxCENTER); else { c->videoController->SetAspectRatio(numval); wxGetApp().frame->SetDisplayMode(1,-1); } } }; /// Leave video on original aspect ratio. struct video_aspect_default : public validator_video_loaded { CMD_NAME("video/aspect/default") STR_MENU("&Default") STR_DISP("Default") STR_HELP("Leave video on original aspect ratio") CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_VALIDATE | COMMAND_RADIO) bool IsActive(const agi::Context *c) { return c->videoController->GetAspectRatioType() == AspectRatio::Default; } void operator()(agi::Context *c) { c->videoController->Stop(); c->videoController->SetAspectRatio(AspectRatio::Default); wxGetApp().frame->SetDisplayMode(1,-1); } }; /// Forces video to 4:3 aspect ratio. struct video_aspect_full : public validator_video_loaded { CMD_NAME("video/aspect/full") STR_MENU("&Fullscreen (4:3)") STR_DISP("Fullscreen (4:3)") STR_HELP("Forces video to 4:3 aspect ratio") CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_VALIDATE | COMMAND_RADIO) bool IsActive(const agi::Context *c) { return c->videoController->GetAspectRatioType() == AspectRatio::Fullscreen; } void operator()(agi::Context *c) { c->videoController->Stop(); c->videoController->SetAspectRatio(AspectRatio::Fullscreen); wxGetApp().frame->SetDisplayMode(1,-1); } }; /// Forces video to 16:9 aspect ratio. struct video_aspect_wide : public validator_video_loaded { CMD_NAME("video/aspect/wide") STR_MENU("&Widescreen (16:9)") STR_DISP("Widescreen (16:9)") STR_HELP("Forces video to 16:9 aspect ratio") CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_VALIDATE | COMMAND_RADIO) bool IsActive(const agi::Context *c) { return c->videoController->GetAspectRatioType() == AspectRatio::Widescreen; } void operator()(agi::Context *c) { c->videoController->Stop(); c->videoController->SetAspectRatio(AspectRatio::Widescreen); wxGetApp().frame->SetDisplayMode(1,-1); } }; /// Closes the currently open video file. struct video_close : public validator_video_loaded { CMD_NAME("video/close") STR_MENU("&Close Video") STR_DISP("Close Video") STR_HELP("Closes the currently open video file") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { c->videoController->SetVideo(""); } }; /// Copy the current coordinates of the mouse over the video to the clipboard. struct video_copy_coordinates : public validator_video_loaded { CMD_NAME("video/copy_coordinates") STR_MENU("Copy coordinates to Clipboard") STR_DISP("Copy coordinates to Clipboard") STR_HELP("Copy the current coordinates of the mouse over the video to the clipboard") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { SetClipboard(c->videoDisplay->GetMousePosition().Str()); } }; /// Detach video, displaying it in a separate Window. struct video_detach : public validator_video_loaded { CMD_NAME("video/detach") STR_MENU("&Detach Video") STR_DISP("Detach Video") STR_HELP("Detach video, displaying it in a separate Window") CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_VALIDATE | COMMAND_TOGGLE) bool IsActive(const agi::Context *c) { return !!c->dialog->Get(); } void operator()(agi::Context *c) { if (DialogDetachedVideo *d = c->dialog->Get()) d->Close(); else c->dialog->Show(c); } }; /// Shows video details. struct video_details : public validator_video_loaded { CMD_NAME("video/details") STR_MENU("Show &Video Details") STR_DISP("Show Video Details") STR_HELP("Shows video details") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { c->videoController->Stop(); DialogVideoDetails(c).ShowModal(); } }; /// Toggle focus between the video slider and other things struct video_focus_seek : public validator_video_loaded { CMD_NAME("video/focus_seek") STR_MENU("Toggle video slider focus") STR_DISP("Toggle video slider focus") STR_HELP("Toggle focus between the video slider and other things") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { wxWindow *curFocus = wxWindow::FindFocus(); if (curFocus == c->videoSlider) { if (c->previousFocus) c->previousFocus->SetFocus(); } else { c->previousFocus = curFocus; c->videoSlider->SetFocus(); } } }; /// Copy the current video frame to the clipboard, with subtitles struct video_frame_copy : public validator_video_loaded { CMD_NAME("video/frame/copy") STR_MENU("Copy image to Clipboard") STR_DISP("Copy image to Clipboard") STR_HELP("Copy the currently displayed frame to the clipboard") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { SetClipboard(wxBitmap(c->videoController->GetFrame(c->videoController->GetFrameN())->GetImage(), 24)); } }; /// Copy the current video frame to the clipboard, without subtitles struct video_frame_copy_raw : public validator_video_loaded { CMD_NAME("video/frame/copy/raw") STR_MENU("Copy image to Clipboard (no subtitles)") STR_DISP("Copy image to Clipboard (no subtitles)") STR_HELP("Copy the currently displayed frame to the clipboard, without the subtitles") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { SetClipboard(wxBitmap(c->videoController->GetFrame(c->videoController->GetFrameN(), true)->GetImage(), 24)); } }; /// Seek to the next frame. struct video_frame_next : public validator_video_loaded { CMD_NAME("video/frame/next") STR_MENU("Next Frame") STR_DISP("Next Frame") STR_HELP("Seek to the next frame") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { c->videoController->NextFrame(); } }; /// Seek to the next subtitle boundary. struct video_frame_next_boundary : public validator_video_loaded { CMD_NAME("video/frame/next/boundary") STR_MENU("Next Boundary") STR_DISP("Next Boundary") STR_HELP("Seek to the next subtitle boundary") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { AssDialogue *active_line = c->selectionController->GetActiveLine(); if (!active_line) return; int target = c->videoController->FrameAtTime(active_line->Start, agi::vfr::START); if (target > c->videoController->GetFrameN()) { c->videoController->JumpToFrame(target); return; } target = c->videoController->FrameAtTime(active_line->End, agi::vfr::END); if (target > c->videoController->GetFrameN()) { c->videoController->JumpToFrame(target); return; } c->selectionController->NextLine(); AssDialogue *new_line = c->selectionController->GetActiveLine(); if (new_line != active_line) c->videoController->JumpToTime(new_line->Start); } }; /// Seek to the next keyframe. struct video_frame_next_keyframe : public validator_video_loaded { CMD_NAME("video/frame/next/keyframe") STR_MENU("Next Keyframe") STR_DISP("Next Keyframe") STR_HELP("Seek to the next keyframe") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { std::vector const& kf = c->videoController->GetKeyFrames(); std::vector::const_iterator pos = lower_bound(kf.begin(), kf.end(), c->videoController->GetFrameN() + 1); c->videoController->JumpToFrame(pos == kf.end() ? c->videoController->GetLength() - 1 : *pos); } }; /// Fast jump forward struct video_frame_next_large : public validator_video_loaded { CMD_NAME("video/frame/next/large") STR_MENU("Fast jump forward") STR_DISP("Fast jump forward") STR_HELP("Fast jump forward") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { c->videoController->JumpToFrame( c->videoController->GetFrameN() + OPT_GET("Video/Slider/Fast Jump Step")->GetInt()); } }; /// Seek to the previous frame. struct video_frame_prev : public validator_video_loaded { CMD_NAME("video/frame/prev") STR_MENU("Previous Frame") STR_DISP("Previous Frame") STR_HELP("Seek to the previous frame") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { c->videoController->PrevFrame(); } }; /// Seek to the previous subtitle boundary. struct video_frame_prev_boundary : public validator_video_loaded { CMD_NAME("video/frame/prev/boundary") STR_MENU("Previous Boundary") STR_DISP("Previous Boundary") STR_HELP("Seek to the previous subtitle boundary") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { AssDialogue *active_line = c->selectionController->GetActiveLine(); if (!active_line) return; int target = c->videoController->FrameAtTime(active_line->End, agi::vfr::END); if (target < c->videoController->GetFrameN()) { c->videoController->JumpToFrame(target); return; } target = c->videoController->FrameAtTime(active_line->Start, agi::vfr::START); if (target < c->videoController->GetFrameN()) { c->videoController->JumpToFrame(target); return; } c->selectionController->PrevLine(); AssDialogue *new_line = c->selectionController->GetActiveLine(); if (new_line != active_line) c->videoController->JumpToTime(new_line->End, agi::vfr::END); } }; /// Seek to the previous keyframe. struct video_frame_prev_keyframe : public validator_video_loaded { CMD_NAME("video/frame/prev/keyframe") STR_MENU("Previous Keyframe") STR_DISP("Previous Keyframe") STR_HELP("Seek to the previous keyframe") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { std::vector const& kf = c->videoController->GetKeyFrames(); if (kf.empty()) { c->videoController->JumpToFrame(0); return; } std::vector::const_iterator pos = lower_bound(kf.begin(), kf.end(), c->videoController->GetFrameN()); if (pos != kf.begin()) --pos; c->videoController->JumpToFrame(*pos); } }; /// Fast jump backwards struct video_frame_prev_large : public validator_video_loaded { CMD_NAME("video/frame/prev/large") STR_MENU("Fast jump backwards") STR_DISP("Fast jump backwards") STR_HELP("Fast jump backwards") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { c->videoController->JumpToFrame( c->videoController->GetFrameN() - OPT_GET("Video/Slider/Fast Jump Step")->GetInt()); } }; static void save_snapshot(agi::Context *c, bool raw) { static const agi::OptionValue* ssPath = OPT_GET("Path/Screenshot"); std::string option = ssPath->GetString(); agi::fs::path basepath; // Is it a path specifier and not an actual fixed path? if (option[0] == '?') { // If dummy video is loaded, we can't save to the video location if (boost::starts_with(option, "?video") && boost::starts_with(c->videoController->GetVideoName().string(), "?dummy")) { // So try the script location instead option = "?script"; } // Find out where the ?specifier points to basepath = config::path->Decode(option); // If where ever that is isn't defined, we can't save there if ((basepath == "\\") || (basepath == "/")) { // So save to the current user's home dir instead basepath = wxGetHomeDir(); } } // Actual fixed (possibly relative) path, decode it else basepath = config::path->MakeAbsolute(option, "?user/"); basepath /= c->videoController->GetVideoName().stem(); // Get full path int session_shot_count = 1; std::string path; do { path = str(boost::format("%s_%03d_%d.png") % basepath % session_shot_count++ % c->videoController->GetFrameN()); } while (agi::fs::FileExists(path)); c->videoController->GetFrame(c->videoController->GetFrameN(), raw)->GetImage().SaveFile(to_wx(path), wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); } /// Save the current video frame, with subtitles (if any) struct video_frame_save : public validator_video_loaded { CMD_NAME("video/frame/save") STR_MENU("Save PNG snapshot") STR_DISP("Save PNG snapshot") STR_HELP("Save the currently displayed frame to a PNG file in the video's directory") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { save_snapshot(c, false); } }; /// Save the current video frame, without subtitles struct video_frame_save_raw : public validator_video_loaded { CMD_NAME("video/frame/save/raw") STR_MENU("Save PNG snapshot (no subtitles)") STR_DISP("Save PNG snapshot (no subtitles)") STR_HELP("Save the currently displayed frame without the subtitles to a PNG file in the video's directory") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { save_snapshot(c, true); } }; /// Jump to frame or time. struct video_jump : public validator_video_loaded { CMD_NAME("video/jump") STR_MENU("&Jump to...") STR_DISP("Jump to") STR_HELP("Jump to frame or time") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { c->videoController->Stop(); if (c->videoController->IsLoaded()) { DialogJumpTo(c).ShowModal(); c->videoSlider->SetFocus(); } } }; /// Jumps the video to the end frame of current subtitle. struct video_jump_end : public validator_video_loaded { CMD_NAME("video/jump/end") STR_MENU("Jump Video to &End") STR_DISP("Jump Video to End") STR_HELP("Jumps the video to the end frame of current subtitle") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { if (AssDialogue *active_line = c->selectionController->GetActiveLine()) { c->videoController->JumpToTime(active_line->End, agi::vfr::END); } } }; /// Jumps the video to the start frame of current subtitle. struct video_jump_start : public validator_video_loaded { CMD_NAME("video/jump/start") STR_MENU("Jump Video to &Start") STR_DISP("Jump Video to Start") STR_HELP("Jumps the video to the start frame of current subtitle") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { if (AssDialogue *active_line = c->selectionController->GetActiveLine()) c->videoController->JumpToTime(active_line->Start); } }; /// Opens a video file. struct video_open : public Command { CMD_NAME("video/open") STR_MENU("&Open Video...") STR_DISP("Open Video") STR_HELP("Opens a video file") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { auto str = _("Video Formats") + " (*.asf,*.avi,*.avs,*.d2v,*.m2ts,*.m4v,*.mkv,*.mov,*.mp4,*.mpeg,*.mpg,*.ogm,*.webm,*.wmv,*.ts,*.y4m,*.yuv)|*.asf;*.avi;*.avs;*.d2v;*.m2ts;*.m4v;*.mkv;*.mov;*.mp4;*.mpeg;*.mpg;*.ogm;*.webm;*.wmv;*.ts;*.y4m;*.yuv|" + _("All Files") + " (*.*)|*.*"; auto filename = OpenFileSelector(_("Open video file"), "Path/Last/Video", "", "", str, c->parent); if (!filename.empty()) c->videoController->SetVideo(filename); } }; /// Opens a video clip with solid colour. struct video_open_dummy : public Command { CMD_NAME("video/open/dummy") STR_MENU("&Use Dummy Video...") STR_DISP("Use Dummy Video") STR_HELP("Opens a video clip with solid color") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { std::string fn = DialogDummyVideo::CreateDummyVideo(c->parent); if (!fn.empty()) c->videoController->SetVideo(fn); } }; /// Toggle autoscrolling video when the active line changes struct video_opt_autoscroll : public Command { CMD_NAME("video/opt/autoscroll") STR_MENU("Toggle autoscroll of video") STR_DISP("Toggle autoscroll of video") STR_HELP("Toggle autoscroll of video") CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_TOGGLE) bool IsActive(const agi::Context *) { return OPT_GET("Video/Subtitle Sync")->GetBool(); } void operator()(agi::Context *) { OPT_SET("Video/Subtitle Sync")->SetBool(!OPT_GET("Video/Subtitle Sync")->GetBool()); } }; /// Play video. struct video_play : public validator_video_loaded { CMD_NAME("video/play") STR_MENU("Play") STR_DISP("Play") STR_HELP("Play video starting on this position") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { c->videoController->Play(); } }; /// Play video for the active line. struct video_play_line : public validator_video_loaded { CMD_NAME("video/play/line") STR_MENU("Play line") STR_DISP("Play line") STR_HELP("Play current line") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { c->videoController->PlayLine(); } }; /// Show a mask over the video. struct video_show_overscan : public validator_video_loaded { CMD_NAME("video/show_overscan") STR_MENU("Show &Overscan Mask") STR_DISP("Show Overscan Mask") STR_HELP("Show a mask over the video, indicating areas that might get cropped off by overscan on televisions") CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_VALIDATE | COMMAND_TOGGLE) bool IsActive(const agi::Context *) { return OPT_GET("Video/Overscan Mask")->GetBool(); } void operator()(agi::Context *c) { OPT_SET("Video/Overscan Mask")->SetBool(!OPT_GET("Video/Overscan Mask")->GetBool()); c->videoDisplay->Render(); } }; /// Set zoom to 100%. class video_zoom_100: public validator_video_attached { public: CMD_NAME("video/zoom/100") STR_MENU("&100%") STR_DISP("100%") STR_HELP("Set zoom to 100%") CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_VALIDATE | COMMAND_RADIO) bool IsActive(const agi::Context *c) { return c->videoDisplay->GetZoom() == 1.; } void operator()(agi::Context *c) { c->videoController->Stop(); c->videoDisplay->SetZoom(1.); } }; /// Stop video playback class video_stop: public validator_video_loaded { public: CMD_NAME("video/stop") STR_MENU("Stop video") STR_DISP("Stop video") STR_HELP("Stop video playback") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { c->videoController->Stop(); } }; /// Set zoom to 200%. class video_zoom_200: public validator_video_attached { public: CMD_NAME("video/zoom/200") STR_MENU("&200%") STR_DISP("200%") STR_HELP("Set zoom to 200%") CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_VALIDATE | COMMAND_RADIO) bool IsActive(const agi::Context *c) { return c->videoDisplay->GetZoom() == 2.; } void operator()(agi::Context *c) { c->videoController->Stop(); c->videoDisplay->SetZoom(2.); } }; /// Set zoom to 50%. class video_zoom_50: public validator_video_attached { public: CMD_NAME("video/zoom/50") STR_MENU("&50%") STR_DISP("50%") STR_HELP("Set zoom to 50%") CMD_TYPE(COMMAND_VALIDATE | COMMAND_RADIO) bool IsActive(const agi::Context *c) { return c->videoDisplay->GetZoom() == .5; } void operator()(agi::Context *c) { c->videoController->Stop(); c->videoDisplay->SetZoom(.5); } }; /// Zoom video in. struct video_zoom_in : public validator_video_attached { CMD_NAME("video/zoom/in") STR_MENU("Zoom In") STR_DISP("Zoom In") STR_HELP("Zoom video in") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { c->videoDisplay->SetZoom(c->videoDisplay->GetZoom() + .125); } }; /// Zoom video out. struct video_zoom_out : public validator_video_attached { CMD_NAME("video/zoom/out") STR_MENU("Zoom Out") STR_DISP("Zoom Out") STR_HELP("Zoom video out") void operator()(agi::Context *c) { c->videoDisplay->SetZoom(c->videoDisplay->GetZoom() - .125); } }; } /// @} namespace cmd { void init_video() { reg(new video_aspect_cinematic); reg(new video_aspect_custom); reg(new video_aspect_default); reg(new video_aspect_full); reg(new video_aspect_wide); reg(new video_close); reg(new video_copy_coordinates); reg(new video_detach); reg(new video_details); reg(new video_focus_seek); reg(new video_frame_copy); reg(new video_frame_copy_raw); reg(new video_frame_next); reg(new video_frame_next_boundary); reg(new video_frame_next_keyframe); reg(new video_frame_next_large); reg(new video_frame_prev); reg(new video_frame_prev_boundary); reg(new video_frame_prev_keyframe); reg(new video_frame_prev_large); reg(new video_frame_save); reg(new video_frame_save_raw); reg(new video_jump); reg(new video_jump_end); reg(new video_jump_start); reg(new video_open); reg(new video_open_dummy); reg(new video_opt_autoscroll); reg(new video_play); reg(new video_play_line); reg(new video_show_overscan); reg(new video_stop); reg(new video_zoom_100); reg(new video_zoom_200); reg(new video_zoom_50); reg(new video_zoom_in); reg(new video_zoom_out); } }