// Copyright (c) 2005-2007, Rodrigo Braz Monteiro // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors // may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software // without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE // POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // AEGISUB // // Website: http://aegisub.cellosoft.com // Contact: mailto:zeratul@cellosoft.com // //////////// // Includes #include "setup.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "utils.h" #include "video_display.h" #include "video_display_visual.h" #include "video_provider.h" #include "vfr.h" #include "ass_file.h" #include "ass_time.h" #include "ass_dialogue.h" #include "ass_style.h" #include "subs_grid.h" #include "vfw_wrap.h" #include "mkv_wrap.h" #include "options.h" #include "subs_edit_box.h" #include "audio_display.h" #include "main.h" #include "video_slider.h" #if USE_FEXTRACKER == 1 #include "../FexTrackerSource/FexTracker.h" #include "../FexTrackerSource/FexTrackingFeature.h" #include "../FexTrackerSource/FexMovement.h" #endif /////// // IDs enum { VIDEO_MENU_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD = 1230, VIDEO_MENU_COPY_COORDS, VIDEO_MENU_SAVE_SNAPSHOT, VIDEO_PLAY_TIMER }; /////////////// // Event table BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE(VideoDisplay, wxWindow) EVT_MOUSE_EVENTS(VideoDisplay::OnMouseEvent) EVT_KEY_DOWN(VideoDisplay::OnKey) EVT_LEAVE_WINDOW(VideoDisplay::OnMouseLeave) EVT_PAINT(VideoDisplay::OnPaint) EVT_TIMER(VIDEO_PLAY_TIMER,VideoDisplay::OnPlayTimer) EVT_MENU(VIDEO_MENU_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD,VideoDisplay::OnCopyToClipboard) EVT_MENU(VIDEO_MENU_SAVE_SNAPSHOT,VideoDisplay::OnSaveSnapshot) EVT_MENU(VIDEO_MENU_COPY_COORDS,VideoDisplay::OnCopyCoords) END_EVENT_TABLE() /////////////// // Constructor VideoDisplay::VideoDisplay(wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style, const wxString& name) : wxWindow (parent, id, pos, size, style, name) { audio = NULL; provider = NULL; curLine = NULL; ControlSlider = NULL; PositionDisplay = NULL; loaded = false; keyFramesLoaded = false; overKeyFramesLoaded = false; frame_n = 0; origSize = size; arType = 0; IsPlaying = false; threaded = Options.AsBool(_T("Threaded Video")); nextFrame = -1; zoomValue = 0.5; visual = new VideoDisplayVisual(this); } ////////////// // Destructor VideoDisplay::~VideoDisplay () { wxRemoveFile(tempfile); tempfile = _T(""); SetVideo(_T("")); delete visual; } void VideoDisplay::UpdateSize() { if (provider) { w = provider->GetWidth(); h = provider->GetHeight(); // Set the size for this control SetSizeHints(w,h,w,h); SetClientSize(w,h); int _w,_h; GetSize(&_w,&_h); SetSizeHints(_w,_h,_w,_h); } } ////////// // Resets void VideoDisplay::Reset() { w = origSize.GetX(); h = origSize.GetY(); SetClientSize(w,h); int _w,_h; GetSize(&_w,&_h); SetSizeHints(_w,_h,_w,_h); KeyFrames.Clear(); keyFramesLoaded = false; // Remove temporary audio provider if (audio && audio->temporary) { delete audio->provider; audio->provider = NULL; delete audio->player; audio->player = NULL; audio->temporary = false; } } /////////////////////// // Sets video filename void VideoDisplay::SetVideo(const wxString &filename) { // Unload video delete provider; provider = NULL; //if (VFR_Output.GetFrameRateType() == VFR) VFR_Output.Unload(); //VFR_Input.Unload(); videoName = _T(""); loaded = false; frame_n = 0; Reset(); // Load video if (!filename.IsEmpty()) { try { grid->CommitChanges(true); bool isVfr = false; double overFps = 0; FrameRate temp; // Unload timecodes //int unload = wxYES; //if (VFR_Output.IsLoaded()) unload = wxMessageBox(_("Do you want to unload timecodes, too?"),_("Unload timecodes?"),wxYES_NO | wxICON_QUESTION); //if (unload == wxYES) VFR_Output.Unload(); // Read extra data from file bool mkvOpen = MatroskaWrapper::wrapper.IsOpen(); wxString ext = filename.Right(4).Lower(); KeyFrames.Clear(); if (ext == _T(".mkv") || mkvOpen) { // Parse mkv if (!mkvOpen) MatroskaWrapper::wrapper.Open(filename); // Get keyframes KeyFrames = MatroskaWrapper::wrapper.GetKeyFrames(); keyFramesLoaded = true; // Ask to override timecodes int override = wxYES; if (VFR_Output.IsLoaded()) override = wxMessageBox(_("You already have timecodes loaded. Replace them with the timecodes from the Matroska file?"),_("Replace timecodes?"),wxYES_NO | wxICON_QUESTION); if (override == wxYES) { MatroskaWrapper::wrapper.SetToTimecodes(temp); isVfr = temp.GetFrameRateType() == VFR; if (isVfr) { overFps = temp.GetCommonFPS(); MatroskaWrapper::wrapper.SetToTimecodes(VFR_Input); MatroskaWrapper::wrapper.SetToTimecodes(VFR_Output); } } // Close mkv MatroskaWrapper::wrapper.Close(); } #ifdef __WINDOWS__ else if (ext == _T(".avi")) { KeyFrames = VFWWrapper::GetKeyFrames(filename); keyFramesLoaded = true; } #endif // Choose a provider provider = VideoProvider::GetProvider(filename,GetTempWorkFile(),overFps); if (isVfr) provider->OverrideFrameTimeList(temp.GetFrameTimeList()); provider->SetZoom(zoomValue); if (arType != 4) arValue = GetARFromType(arType); // 4 = custom provider->SetDAR(arValue); // Update size UpdateSize(); //Gather video parameters length = provider->GetFrameCount(); fps = provider->GetFPS(); if (!isVfr) { VFR_Input.SetCFR(fps); if (VFR_Output.GetFrameRateType() != VFR) VFR_Output.SetCFR(fps); } // Set range of slider ControlSlider->SetRange(0,length-1); ControlSlider->SetValue(0); videoName = filename; // Add to recent Options.AddToRecentList(filename,_T("Recent vid")); RefreshVideo(); UpdatePositionDisplay(); } catch (wxString &e) { wxMessageBox(e,_T("Error setting video"),wxICON_ERROR | wxOK); } } loaded = provider != NULL; } ///////////////////// // Refresh subtitles void VideoDisplay::RefreshSubtitles() { provider->RefreshSubtitles(); RefreshVideo(); } ///////////////// // OnPaint event void VideoDisplay::OnPaint(wxPaintEvent& event) { wxPaintDC dc(this); // Draw frame if (provider) dc.DrawBitmap(GetFrame(frame_n),0,0); } /////////////// // Mouse stuff void VideoDisplay::OnMouseEvent(wxMouseEvent& event) { // Disable when playing if (IsPlaying) return; if (event.Leaving()) { // OnMouseLeave isn't called as long as we have an OnMouseEvent // Just check for it and call it manually instead OnMouseLeave(event); event.Skip(true); return; } // Right click if (event.ButtonUp(wxMOUSE_BTN_RIGHT)) { wxMenu menu; menu.Append(VIDEO_MENU_SAVE_SNAPSHOT,_("Save PNG snapshot")); menu.Append(VIDEO_MENU_COPY_TO_CLIPBOARD,_("Copy image to Clipboard")); menu.Append(VIDEO_MENU_COPY_COORDS,_("Copy coordinates to Clipboard")); PopupMenu(&menu); return; } // Click? if (event.ButtonDown(wxMOUSE_BTN_ANY)) { SetFocus(); } // Send to visual visual->OnMouseEvent(event); } ///////////// // Key event void VideoDisplay::OnKey(wxKeyEvent &event) { visual->OnKeyEvent(event); } ////////////////////// // Mouse left display void VideoDisplay::OnMouseLeave(wxMouseEvent& event) { if (IsPlaying) return; bTrackerEditing = 0; RefreshVideo(); } /////////////////////////////////////// // Jumps to a frame and update display void VideoDisplay::JumpToFrame(int n) { // Loaded? if (!loaded) return; // Prevent intervention during playback if (IsPlaying && n != PlayNextFrame) return; // Set frame GetFrame(n); // Display RefreshVideo(); UpdatePositionDisplay(); // Update slider ControlSlider->SetValue(n); // Update grid if (!IsPlaying && Options.AsBool(_T("Highlight subs in frame"))) grid->Refresh(false); } //////////////////////////// // Jumps to a specific time void VideoDisplay::JumpToTime(int ms) { JumpToFrame(VFR_Output.GetFrameAtTime(ms)); } /////////////////// // Sets zoom level void VideoDisplay::SetZoom(double value) { zoomValue = value; if (provider) { provider->SetZoom(value); UpdateSize(); RefreshVideo(); GetParent()->Layout(); } } ////////////////////// // Sets zoom position void VideoDisplay::SetZoomPos(int value) { if (value < 0) value = 0; if (value > 15) value = 15; SetZoom(double(value+1)/8.0); if (zoomBox->GetSelection() != value) zoomBox->SetSelection(value); } ////////////////////////// // Calculate aspect ratio double VideoDisplay::GetARFromType(int type) { if (type == 0) return (double)provider->GetSourceWidth()/(double)provider->GetSourceHeight(); if (type == 1) return 4.0/3.0; if (type == 2) return 16.0/9.0; if (type == 3) return 2.35; return 1.0; //error } ///////////////////// // Sets aspect ratio void VideoDisplay::SetAspectRatio(int _type, double value) { if (provider) { // Get value if (_type != 4) value = GetARFromType(_type); if (value < 0.5) value = 0.5; if (value > 5.0) value = 5.0; // Set provider->SetDAR(value); arType = _type; arValue = value; UpdateSize(); RefreshVideo(); GetParent()->Layout(); } } //////////////////////////// // Updates position display void VideoDisplay::UpdatePositionDisplay() { // Update position display control if (!PositionDisplay) { throw _T("Position Display not set!"); } // Get time int time = VFR_Output.GetTimeAtFrame(frame_n,true,true); int temp = time; int h=0, m=0, s=0, ms=0; while (temp >= 3600000) { temp -= 3600000; h++; } while (temp >= 60000) { temp -= 60000; m++; } while (temp >= 1000) { temp -= 1000; s++; } ms = temp; // Position display update PositionDisplay->SetValue(wxString::Format(_T("%01i:%02i:%02i.%03i - %i"),h,m,s,ms,frame_n)); if (GetKeyFrames().Index(frame_n) != wxNOT_FOUND) { PositionDisplay->SetBackgroundColour(Options.AsColour(_T("Grid selection background"))); PositionDisplay->SetForegroundColour(Options.AsColour(_T("Grid selection foreground"))); } else { PositionDisplay->SetBackgroundColour(wxNullColour); PositionDisplay->SetForegroundColour(wxNullColour); } // Subs position display update UpdateSubsRelativeTime(); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Updates box with subs position relative to frame void VideoDisplay::UpdateSubsRelativeTime() { // Set variables wxString startSign; wxString endSign; int startOff,endOff; // Set start/end if (curLine) { int time = VFR_Output.GetTimeAtFrame(frame_n,true,true); startOff = time - curLine->Start.GetMS(); endOff = time - curLine->End.GetMS(); } // Fallback to zero else { startOff = 0; endOff = 0; } // Positive signs if (startOff > 0) startSign = _T("+"); if (endOff > 0) endSign = _T("+"); // Update line SubsPosition->SetValue(wxString::Format(_T("%s%ims; %s%ims"),startSign.c_str(),startOff,endSign.c_str(),endOff)); } ///////////////////// // Copy to clipboard void VideoDisplay::OnCopyToClipboard(wxCommandEvent &event) { if (wxTheClipboard->Open()) { wxTheClipboard->SetData(new wxBitmapDataObject(GetFrame(frame_n))); wxTheClipboard->Close(); } } ///////////////// // Save snapshot void VideoDisplay::OnSaveSnapshot(wxCommandEvent &event) { SaveSnapshot(); } void VideoDisplay::SaveSnapshot() { // Get folder wxString option = Options.AsText(_("Video Screenshot Path")); wxFileName videoFile(videoName); wxString basepath; if (option == _T("?video")) { basepath = videoFile.GetPath(); } else if (option == _T("?script")) { if (grid->ass->filename.IsEmpty()) basepath = videoFile.GetPath(); else { wxFileName file2(grid->ass->filename); basepath = file2.GetPath(); } } else basepath = DecodeRelativePath(option,((AegisubApp*)wxTheApp)->folderName); basepath += _T("/") + videoFile.GetName(); // Get full path int session_shot_count = 1; wxString path; while (1) { path = basepath + wxString::Format(_T("_%03i_%i.png"),session_shot_count,frame_n); ++session_shot_count; wxFileName tryPath(path); if (!tryPath.FileExists()) break; } // Save GetFrame(frame_n).ConvertToImage().SaveFile(path,wxBITMAP_TYPE_PNG); } ///////////////////// // Copy coordinates void VideoDisplay::OnCopyCoords(wxCommandEvent &event) { if (wxTheClipboard->Open()) { int sw,sh; GetScriptSize(sw,sh); int vx = (sw * visual->mouse_x + w/2) / w; int vy = (sh * visual->mouse_y + h/2) / h; wxTheClipboard->SetData(new wxTextDataObject(wxString::Format(_T("%i,%i"),vx,vy))); wxTheClipboard->Close(); } } ////////////////// // Refresh screen void VideoDisplay::RefreshVideo() { // Draw frame wxClientDC dc(this); dc.DrawBitmap(GetFrame(),0,0); // Draw the control points for FexTracker visual->DrawTrackingOverlay(dc); } ////////////////// // DrawVideoWithOverlay void VideoDisplay::DrawText( wxPoint Pos, wxString text ) { // Draw frame wxClientDC dc(this); dc.SetBrush(wxBrush(wxColour(128,128,128),wxSOLID)); dc.DrawRectangle( 0,0, provider->GetWidth(), provider->GetHeight() ); dc.SetTextForeground(wxColour(64,64,64)); dc.DrawText(text,Pos.x+1,Pos.y-1); dc.DrawText(text,Pos.x+1,Pos.y+1); dc.DrawText(text,Pos.x-1,Pos.y-1); dc.DrawText(text,Pos.x-1,Pos.y+1); dc.SetTextForeground(wxColour(255,255,255)); dc.DrawText(text,Pos.x,Pos.y); } //////////////////////// // Requests a new frame wxBitmap VideoDisplay::GetFrame(int n) { frame_n = n; return provider->GetFrame(n); RefreshVideo(); } //////////////////////////// // Get dimensions of script void VideoDisplay::GetScriptSize(int &sw,int &sh) { grid->ass->GetResolution(sw,sh); } //////// // Play void VideoDisplay::Play() { // Stop if already playing if (IsPlaying) { Stop(); return; } // Set variables IsPlaying = true; StartFrame = frame_n; EndFrame = -1; // Start playing audio audio->Play(VFR_Output.GetTimeAtFrame(StartFrame),-1); // Start timer StartTime = clock(); PlayTime = StartTime; Playback.SetOwner(this,VIDEO_PLAY_TIMER); Playback.Start(1); } ///////////// // Play line void VideoDisplay::PlayLine() { // Get line AssDialogue *curline = grid->GetDialogue(grid->editBox->linen); if (!curline) return; // Start playing audio audio->Play(curline->Start.GetMS(),curline->End.GetMS()); // Set variables IsPlaying = true; StartFrame = VFR_Output.GetFrameAtTime(curline->Start.GetMS(),true); EndFrame = VFR_Output.GetFrameAtTime(curline->End.GetMS(),false); // Jump to start PlayNextFrame = StartFrame; JumpToFrame(StartFrame); // Set other variables StartTime = clock(); PlayTime = StartTime; // Start timer Playback.SetOwner(this,VIDEO_PLAY_TIMER); Playback.Start(1); } //////// // Stop void VideoDisplay::Stop() { if (IsPlaying) { Playback.Stop(); IsPlaying = false; audio->Stop(); } } ////////////// // Play timer void VideoDisplay::OnPlayTimer(wxTimerEvent &event) { // Get time difference clock_t cur = clock(); int dif = (clock() - StartTime)*1000/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; if (!dif) return; PlayTime = cur; // Find next frame int startMs = VFR_Output.GetTimeAtFrame(StartFrame); int nextFrame = frame_n; for (int i=0;i<10;i++) { if (nextFrame >= length) break; if (dif < VFR_Output.GetTimeAtFrame(nextFrame) - startMs) { break; } nextFrame++; } // Same frame if (nextFrame == frame_n) return; // End if (nextFrame >= length || (EndFrame != -1 && nextFrame > EndFrame)) { Stop(); return; } // Next frame is before or over 2 frames ahead, so force audio resync if (nextFrame < frame_n || nextFrame > frame_n + 2) audio->player->SetCurrentPosition(audio->GetSampleAtMS(VFR_Output.GetTimeAtFrame(nextFrame))); // Jump to next frame PlayNextFrame = nextFrame; JumpToFrame(nextFrame); // Sync audio if (nextFrame % 10 == 0) { __int64 audPos = audio->GetSampleAtMS(VFR_Output.GetTimeAtFrame(nextFrame)); __int64 curPos = audio->player->GetCurrentPosition(); int delta = int(audPos-curPos); if (delta < 0) delta = -delta; int maxDelta = audio->provider->GetSampleRate(); if (delta > maxDelta) audio->player->SetCurrentPosition(audPos); } } ////////////////////////////// // Get name of temp work file wxString VideoDisplay::GetTempWorkFile () { if (tempfile.IsEmpty()) { tempfile = wxFileName::CreateTempFileName(_T("aegisub")); wxRemoveFile(tempfile); tempfile += _T(".ass"); } return tempfile; } ///////////////// // Get keyframes wxArrayInt VideoDisplay::GetKeyFrames() { if (OverKeyFramesLoaded()) return overKeyFrames; return KeyFrames; } ///////////////// // Set keyframes void VideoDisplay::SetKeyFrames(wxArrayInt frames) { KeyFrames = frames; } ///////////////////////// // Set keyframe override void VideoDisplay::SetOverKeyFrames(wxArrayInt frames) { overKeyFrames = frames; overKeyFramesLoaded = true; } /////////////////// // Close keyframes void VideoDisplay::CloseOverKeyFrames() { overKeyFrames.Clear(); overKeyFramesLoaded = false; } ////////////////////////////////////////// // Check if override keyframes are loaded bool VideoDisplay::OverKeyFramesLoaded() { return overKeyFramesLoaded; } ///////////////////////////////// // Check if keyframes are loaded bool VideoDisplay::KeyFramesLoaded() { return overKeyFramesLoaded || keyFramesLoaded; }