--[[ Copyright (c) 2007, Niels Martin Hansen, Rodrigo Braz Monteiro All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of the Aegisub Group nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ]] -- Aegisub Automation 4 Lua karaoke skeleton -- Compatibility hatch if aegisub.lua_automation_version < 4 then include("karaskel.auto3") return end include("utils.lua") include("unicode.lua") -- Make sure karaskel table exists if not karaskel then karaskel = {} end -- Collect styles and metadata from the subs function karaskel.collect_head(subs) local meta = { res_x = 0, res_y = 0 } local styles = { n = 0 } for i = 1, #subs do local l = subs[i] if l.class == "style" then styles.n = styles.n + 1 styles[styles.n] = l styles[l.name] = l l.margin_v = l.margin_t elseif l.class == "info" then local k = l.key:lower() if k == "playresx" then meta.res_x = math.floor(l.value) elseif k == "playresy" then meta.res_y = math.floor(l.value) end end end -- Fix missing resolution data if meta.res_x == 0 and meta_res_y == 0 then meta.res_x = 384 meta.res_y = 288 elseif meta.res_x == 0 then -- This is braindead, but it's how TextSub does things... if meta.res_y == 1024 then meta.res_x = 1280 else meta.res_x = meta.res_y / 3 * 4 end elseif meta.res_y == 0 then -- As if 1280x960 didn't exist if meta.res_x == 1280 then meta.res_y = 1024 else meta.res_y = meta.res_x * 3 / 4 end end return meta, styles end -- Precalc some info on a line -- Modifies the line parameter function karaskel.preproc_line(subs, meta, styles, line) -- Assume line is class=dialogue local kara = aegisub.parse_karaoke_data(line) line.kara = { n = 0 } line.furi = { n = 0 } if styles[line.style] then line.styleref = styles[line.style] else aegisub.debug.out(2, "WARNING: Style not found: " .. line.style .. "\n") line.styleref = styles[1] end line.text_stripped = "" line.duration = line.end_time - line.start_time local curx = 0 local worksyl = { } for i = 0, #kara do local syl = kara[i] -- Spaces at the start and end of the syllable are best ignored local prespace, syltext, postspace = syl.text_stripped:match("^([ \t]*)(.-)([ \t]*)$") local prefix = syltext:sub(1,unicode.charwidth(syltext,1)) if prefix ~= "#" and prefix ~= "#" and i > 0 then line.kara[line.kara.n] = worksyl line.kara.n = line.kara.n + 1 worksyl = { } end -- Check if there is a chance of furigana if syltext:find("|") or syltext:find("|") then syltext = syltext:gsub("|", "|") local maintext, furitext = syl:match("^(.-)|(.-)$") syltext = maintext local furi = { } furi.syl = worksyl local prefix = furitext:sub(1,unicode.charwidth(furitext,1)) if prefix == "!" or prefix == "!" then furi.isbreak = true furi.spillback = false elseif prefix == "<" or prefix == "<" then furi.isbreak = true furi.spillback = true else furi.isbreak = false furi.spillback = false end if furi.isbreak then furitext = furitext:sub(unicode.charwidth(furitext,1)+1) end furi.start_time = syl.start_time furi.end_time = syl.end_time furi.duration = syl.duration furi.text = furitext line.furi.n = line.furi.n + 1 line.furi[line.furi.n] = furi end -- If this is the start of a highlight group, do regular processing if prefix ~= "#" and prefix ~= "#" then -- Update stripped line-text line.text_stripped = line.text_stripped .. syl.text_stripped -- Copy data from syl to worksyl worksyl.text = syl.text worksyl.duration = syl.duration worksyl.kdur = syl.duration / 10 worksyl.start_time = syl.start_time worksyl.end_time = syl.end_time worksyl.tag = syl.tag worksyl.line = line worksyl.style = line.styleref -- And add new data to worksyl worksyl.i = line.kara.n worksyl.text_stripped = syltext worksyl.width = aegisub.text_extents(line.styleref, syltext) curx = curx + aegisub.text_extents(line.styleref, prespace) worksyl.left = curx worksyl.center = curx + worksyl.width/2 worksyl.right = curx + worksyl.width curx = curx + worksyl.width + aegisub.text_extents(line.styleref, postspace) -- TODO: inlinefx here end -- And in either case, add highlight data local hl = { start_time = worksyl.start_time, end_time = worksyl.end_time, duration = worksyl.duration } worksyl.highlights = { n = 1, [1] = hl } end -- Add last syllable line.kara[line.kara.n] = worksyl -- Full line sizes line.width, line.height, line.descent, line.extlead = aegisub.text_extents(line.styleref, line.text_stripped) -- Effective margins line.margin_v = line.margin_t line.eff_margin_l = ((line.margin_l > 0) and line.margin_l) or line.styleref.margin_l line.eff_margin_r = ((line.margin_r > 0) and line.margin_r) or line.styleref.margin_r line.eff_margin_t = ((line.margin_t > 0) and line.margin_t) or line.styleref.margin_t line.eff_margin_b = ((line.margin_b > 0) and line.margin_b) or line.styleref.margin_b line.eff_margin_v = ((line.margin_v > 0) and line.margin_v) or line.styleref.margin_v -- And positioning if line.styleref.align == 1 or line.styleref.align == 4 or line.styleref.align == 7 then -- Left aligned line.left = line.eff_margin_l line.center = line.left + line.width / 2 line.right = line.left + line.width line.x = line.left elseif line.styleref.align == 2 or line.styleref.align == 5 or line.styleref.align == 8 then -- Centered line.left = (meta.res_x - line.eff_margin_l - line.eff_margin_r - line.width) / 2 + line.eff_margin_l line.center = line.left + line.width / 2 line.right = line.left + line.width line.x = line.center elseif line.styleref.align == 3 or line.styleref.align == 6 or line.styleref.align == 9 then -- Right aligned line.left = meta.res_x - line.eff_margin_r - line.width line.center = line.left + line.width / 2 line.right = line.left + line.width line.x = line.right end line.hcenter = line.center if line.styleref.align >=1 and line.styleref.align <= 3 then -- Bottom aligned line.bottom = meta.res_y - line.eff_margin_b line.middle = line.bottom - line.height / 2 line.top = line.bottom - line.height line.y = line.bottom elseif line.styleref.align >= 4 and line.styleref.align <= 6 then -- Mid aligned line.top = (meta.res_y - line.eff_margin_t - line.eff_margin_b) / 2 + line.eff_margin_t line.middle = line.top + line.height / 2 line.bottom = line.top + line.height line.y = line.middle elseif line.styleref.align >= 7 and line.styleref.align <= 9 then -- Top aligned line.top = line.eff_margin_t line.middle = line.top + line.height / 2 line.bottom = line.top + line.height line.y = line.top end line.vcenter = line.middle -- Generate furigana style local furistyle = table.copy(line.styleref) furistyle.fontsize = furistyle.fontsize / 2 furistyle.outline = furistyle.outline / 2 -- Layout furigana for i = 1, line.furi.n do end end